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Prologue: Goodbye


*note: for increased sadness, listen to Goodbye above at the second half of this*

The day the world ended for Jia Leung started off just like any other day for her and her crew, the Tiderunner Pirates.

She sat on a barrel, legs swinging back and forth as on the deck, the first mate sparred with his adoptive daughter and protege, the girls Jia saw as her sisters—Maia Kyrov and Alyss Darroway. Maia duelled with her father with a wooden sword, while Alyss was quicksilver with her duel knives, and yet despite two opponents and Alyss' knives, Misha Kyrov fought with ease, the sword in his hand like an extension of his body as he easily fended off Maia and Alyss, a smile on his face as blocked and parried their blows. Sweat gleamed on his forehead, but it was the only sign of him tiring—and even then, it was nothing compared to the sweat slicking Maia's and Alyss' skin, their tied-back hair not able to keep the strands escaping and framing their heads like halos, their heavy breathing. But still they fought, and it was like a dance to young Jia how her sister-figures and father-figure sparred, feet flying across the worn wood of the deck, weapons flashing in the warm sunlight. And though the crew was supposed to make sure the Hurricane kept sailing, most had stopped to watch the fight.

It ended how Jia expected it would—Misha catching Alyss in her weak leg with the flat of his sword and then placing it against Maia's throat. All three panted before Misha lowered his sword, a smile full of pride on his face.

"You fought well," he said as he sheathed his sword. "A minute longer and you might have defeated me."

"You went easy on us, old man!" Alyss accused, but she was smiling as was Maia, beaming at the compliment her adoptive father had given her.

"When have I ever gone easy on you two? That defeats the purpose of training you," Misha argued, grinning as he stuck his hand out. Alyss took it as Maia lowered her sword, eyes sparkling as she asked, "Did I really nearly beat you, Da?"

"Yes, my little barnacle. You nearly did," Misha said, pulling Maia in a side-hug as she shrieked, "Don't call me that!", but she was still smiling, the wind lifting the ends of her curls held back by her bandanna.

Jia grinned as she hopped off the barrel, running up to Maia and Alyss and yelling, "You were amazing! You were like stab-stab and you were like swoosh-stab and you were so fast!"

She mimed the gestures and movements as best as she could, which was a clumsy attempt, yet Misha still laughed good-naturedly and ruffled Jia's hair, making flyaways stick up in her own dark halo.

"Glad to have an audience. Now, I think the captain wanted you to check the rigging. Right, Jia?" Misha asked, a brow arched.

Jia pouted. "Do I have to?"

"Yes, sunbeam. Now go or Kaida will have you swabbing the decks for a month," Misha warned.

Jia wrinkled her nose—she hated swabbing the deck! Especially when she couldn't exchange it with Koda or Izumi. She wasn't going to swab the decks for a month!

"Okay, okay!" Jia exclaimed as she ran to the rigging. There, she saw one of the riggers, Jack, chuckling as it made his grey moustache twitch.

"Misha got ye scamperin' over 'ere, monkey?" Jack asked, his thick accent a pleasant rumble in Jia's ears.

"Yes!" Jia said, before lowering her voice conspiratorially to say, "He threatened me with Kaida having me swab the decks."

Jack shook his head, a smile threatening to break out on his face. "We can't 'ave that, can we? Go 'head monkey—be right behind ye."

Jia smiled, taking Jack's place as she inspected the fittings first, checking for any fraying strands on the ropes or rust on the metal, then alongside Jack making sure the turnbuckles were all straight and the toggles were tight on the rope. Around her, Jia could hear the noise of the crew—kids her age and younger running about either at play or doing their chores, deckhands maintaining and operating all the equipment, other riggers like Jack checking the rigging across the ship, crew members handling the sails up on the spar, maintaining the cannons and keeping watch either on deck or in the crow's nest. Below decks, Jia knew there would be crew maintaining the cannonballs and weapons and food and water supplies, Hiro getting to work on dinner, or catching some sleep if they'd been on night shift. It mixed with the noise of the ocean and its waves slapping against the hull of the Hurricane and the breeze blowing across Jia's face and kissing it with salt.

It was chaos. It was noisy. It was home.

And Jia wouldn't trade it for anything.

When the rigging was checked, Jia's eyes strayed to the mast—to the crow's nest on top. Turning to Jack, she clasped her hands and pleaded, "Jack, can I please go into the crow's nest?"

Jack crossed his arms. "Kaida got any other chores for ye, monkey?"

"No!" Jia lied, before admitting, "Yes. But I can please go up? I'll be really quick! Please?"

Jack stared at her, before his resolve broke under her puppy eyes. "Sure, monkey. but ye know Kaida's gonna kill ye if ye don't finish yer chores!"

"Thank you, thank you, Jack!" Jia exclaimed as she got to climbing the rigging. "I promise I'll be down soon!"

"Stay safe up there, monkey! Wind's good right now, but be careful!" Jack warned as Jia climbed up the swaying ropes of the rigging.

"I will!" Jia shouted back as she ascended the rigging, her braid whipping behind her as the wind whistled in her ears. The smell of the ocean was in Jia's nose and she breathed it in as she climbed higher and higher until she reached the crow's nest. Climbing in, Jia felt it sway underneath her as she leaned against the railing, seeing the glittering expanse of the East Blue, the cerulean waves dancing underneath the sunlight as it stretched as far as Jia could see, sea and sky blurring together on the horizon, no sign of land in sight or disturbing it.

Jia smiled as she breathed in the smell of salt and sea, enjoying the warm sunlight caressing her face and feeling the salt-speckled wood under her palms, a laugh bubbling in her throat.

She loved this.

"Like the view?"

Jia jolted, before she turned and grinned.

"Taran!" she cried at seeing her best friend. "You're up here too!"

"Yeah. Along with Mai," Taran Singh answered, jabbing his thumb at the lanky crew member, who waved at them before peering out through the telescope. "What are you doing up here?"

"I wanted to be up here!" Jia answered as she flung her arms out and leaned against the railing.

Taran grinned, though caution was in it. "Hey, be careful, Jia!"

"I am, I am!" Jia argued.

"Yeah, but you can't swim!"

"I'm not gonna fall into the sea up here!" Jia exclaimed with a laugh.

Taran looked at her. "Still wanna make sure you're safe."

Jia's grin slipped before coming back onto her face as she moved to Taran and poked his chest. "Then good thing I have you to catch me!"

"Always," Taran said, smiling at her, strands of his hair flying about his face.

Jia looked at Taran, before she grinned. "Race ya to the deck?"

"You're on!" Taran yelled.

Jia's grin widened as she moved to the rigging, scampering down as Taran shouted, "Hey! That's cheating!"

"Nuh-uh!" Jia shouted back as she heard the rigging creak and sway as Taran climbed down, the two friends climbing down the rigging as quickly as they could to the deck. When Jia's feet touched the solid wood of the deck, she gave a smug grin to Taran as he glared at her.

"You cheated," he accused.

Jia stuck out her tongue. "Nuh-uh. You're just a sore loser!"

Taran glowered at her, before he lunged for her. Jia shrieked and darted away as Taran chased her across the deck, racing past Bodi and Gia sitting on the ropes as Bodi asked, "Ta-Ta! What you doing?"

"Chasing a cheater!" Taran shouted as Jia screeched, "No I'm not!"

But it was too late as Bodi and Gia abandoned the ropes and gave chase, the younger kids cackling like Message Gulls as they and Taran chased Jia across the deck, weaving between the crew as Koda Akello cackled and shouted, "Go Jia! You got this! Leave his ass in the dust!"

"Koda you traitor!" Taran yelled back at his best friend as Jia grinned and made herself run faster, darting for the door that lead belowdecks...

... Only to have Bodi tackle her before Taran and Gia followed suit, sending them all crashing to the deck in shrieks and giggles.

"Beat ya!" Taran jeered.

"No fair! You had help!" Jia cried from under the dog-pile, Bodi and Gia giggling on top of her as she squirmed. "Gerroff! You're heavy!"

They listened, Taran helping her up as he grinned. Jia tried to glare at him, but her smile undid it.

"Wanna go sit on Monty?" Jia asked, referring to the wolf figurehead, and her favourite spot on the entire ship aside from the crow's nest, being at the wheel and the captain's cabin.

Before Taran could answer, a voice cut in.

"Jia! Taran! Are you two slacking off on your chores?"

The two whipped around to see the captain of their ship, the dreaded pirate Captain Kaida Waverly—and beloved captain of their ship. Her face was stern as her blonde hair whipped underneath her captain's hat, but her eyes were twinkling.

"No!" Taran and Jia denied at once.

Kaida smirked, like she knew they were lying, before jerking her head to the wheel. "Taran, come here and help me steer. Jia, go and do your chores. I think one of them included helping Umi mend the nets?"

Jia grimaced, which Kaida caught as she added, "Then, you can look at my charts after."

Jia's eyes widened, and a grin replaced it. "Really?"

"Yes, but only if you do your chores. And that includes mending the nets, helping with the washing and feeding the chickens and Gigi. Okay?" Kaida said, giving Jia a firm look.

Jia nodded, so enthusiastically it was a wonder her head didn't fall off. "Yes, yes!"

Then she was running to where Umi was mending the nets alongside Maia's brother, Jaden, Alyss and Wynter. Jaden looked up, a crooked grin on his face. "Did the captain scare you into doing this?"

"No," Jia said as she sat beside Wynter, the sun making their ice-blue hair shimmer. They gave a section of net for Jia to mend, Jia giving a nod of thanks as she set to work, nimble fingers moving over it. Around her Jaden, Umi, Alyss and Wynter chatted with both words and hands as they worked, Jia joining in even though her sign language was still clumsy, Umi still smiling in appreciation. It helped pass the time and helped Jia forget how mind-numbingly boring mending nets was and keeping her from looking around and being distracted by much more interesting stuff—well, most of the time, until Wynter sharply reminded her to keep her eyes on the nets and not be distracted.

"You're never gonna get far if your head's still up with the stars, Jia," Wynter scolded as they mended the nets.

"Sorry, sorry," Jia apologised as she focused back on the nets, Jaden chuckling as Alyss gave her a wicked grin. And she did keep her eyes on the nets—well, mostly.

"Do you want more lessons tonight after dinner?" Umi asked to her after the nets were finally mended.

Jia smiled. "Yes! Uh..."

Lifting her hands, she signed, "Yes I love that?"

Umi grinned, clapping her shoulder as their little group separated, Jia looking to the ship's bridge to seeing Kaida talking to Taran as he held the wheel, listening intently. Jia smiled—her friend was gonna be such a good captain.

A hand landed on her shoulder and Jia jolted, seeing Alyss there.

"Come on. Let's go and do laundry," Alyss said, her nose wrinkling telling Jia how much she hated the job.

Jia smiled as they walked down belowdecks. It was darker, the creaking of the ship more noticeable. Jia could smell dinner cooking from the galley—fish, soy, rice and other smells that had her mouth water—as they headed to where the tubs of water meant for laundry were. Sitting in front of a tub each, Alyss looked over at Jia, but she was already putting her hands out over the water, closing her eyes as she concentrated on the bubbly, golden feeling that had been present inside her for a year.

When she open her eyes, her arms and hands were incandescent as golden sunlight glowed from her hands and heated the water up, steam wafting up.

Jia smiled and she scooted over to Alyss as she heated up her tub before lowering her hands and moving back to her tub, the glow fading away as she dunked a shirt in the water. Together, she and Alyss worked, the heat blissful to Jia—a heat and glow that was only possible because she had eaten a devil fruit that granted her control over sunlight, just like Misha's devil fruit had him control over shadows and Maia over blood. They were the only devil fruit users on the ship, but Jia didn't feel like she or Maia or Misha were considered weird or strange, but just regular people. A part of the crew with powers that made sailing the seas just a bit easier.

When the laundry was done and hung, and Jia had fed all the chickens and the irritable goat affectionally called Gigi that had a soft spot for Jia, the dark-haired little girl ran up the stairs and made a line straight for the helm, seeing Kaida clap her hand on Taran's shoulder and saying, "Excellent steering, Taran. Can I trust you to helm her while I'm gone for a little bit?"

"Yes, Kaida!" Taran shouted, grinning with pride and delight that Kaida trusted him, a grin Jia shared for her best friend.

"Great to hear," Kaida said, ruffling Taran's hair as he smiled, before focus came on his face, helming the wheel while behind him, Misha stood there, keeping a watchful eye even as a proud smile was on his face. 

Kaida had her own proud smile as she walked toward Jia, a hand on her back as she asked, "You did all your chores, Jia?"

"Yes, Kaida!" Jia confirmed.

Kaida smiled. "Good. Now, I think there was some charts I promised to show you?"

Jia's eyes lit up as she nodded, bouncing on the heels of her feet. "Yes! Can I see them, Kaida? Pretty, pretty please?"

Kaida laughed. "Yes, of course, Jia. Come along."

Still keeping a hand on her back, Kaida led her to the stern and into her cabin. There, Jia could see the bed, the desk, the port windows letting in sunlight... and the charts, both maps and star charts, on the desk and on the wall.

"On our last trip to land to stock up on supplies, I heard that those islands' stars charts are unparalleled across the world," Kaida said as she grabbed two scrolls and unrolled them. Jia's eyes looked over the constellations and stars mapped out and illustrations of the animals, objects and people the constellations were meant to represent, fingers hovering over the lines and dots, tempted to trace over them.

"These are so pretty," she breathed.

Kaida smiled a motherly smile to Jia. "I knew you would love them, starshine. And I want you to know that a map of the world and the oceans is good and so is a compass, but stars... stars are the key to sailor's survival, whether they are pirate, Marine or just a regular sailor. They tell us where to go, which direction to take when there is nothing but ocean, our oldest sign of navigation, a constant that can always be trusted where even maps or compasses can lead us astray. These charts are to be cherished, and I love that you have this love for the stars."

Jia looked up, smiling. Jia didn't have much memories of her life before she and Taran were found in the wreckage of their village, but she knew she loved the stars, that she felt joy seeing them sparkle at night, to see if she could trace the constellations. To wonder if it was possible to map out the entire stars just like it was possible to map out the world.

"When I'm older, I'm gonna make a map of the stars, just like a map of the world," Jia proclaimed, grinning.

Kaida smiled, full of motherly pride. "I do not doubt it."

She held Jia's head as she pressed a kiss to the top of it, then placing that hand on Jia's shoulder. "Now, since you did all your chores, enjoy the rest of the day. And enjoy the night—there will be some special news."

Jia's eyes widened. "What news? Kaida, are we going after the One Piece?"

"No—that is something pirates more greedy than our crew will doom themselves in finding. It is something else—something more special for our crew," Kaida told her. "Now run along, Jia."

Jia smiled, running out of the cabin and onto the deck. She stood there for a moment before she ran to the bow of the ship. There, she climbed nimbly on top of the carved wolf figurehead, greeting, "Hey Monty!"

Monty didn't reply, but she liked to think he was smiling as Jia sat cross-legged on his head, the heat of the sun-warmed wood seeping into her hands and through her skin past her clothes, sunshine dancing across her face. The waves were noisier out here, and she could see where they split apart as the ship cut through the ocean, foam like lace cresting across the waves. A joyful grin was on Jia's face, feeling as effervescent as she did when her entire body turned into pure sunlight, happiness flowing through her.

Even with all the boring chores, Jia wouldn't trade this life for anything. Not one piece of it.

Because this, sailing the sea, being with a crew that felt like family, felt like the closest thing to pure freedom. And she would never, ever give it up.


The sky was bright with stars and ringing with laughter, shanties and the music of zither, cymbals and guitar.

Maia grinned from where she was sitting cross-legged on the deck, Jaden on her left and Alyss leaning against her on her right. In her hands was a half-eaten bowl of fish, soy sauce, rice and vegetables—courtesy of their ship's cook, Hiro—and the food was sitting warm and delicious in Maia's stomach as around her, the crew ate and laughed, Wynter playing the guitar as Yoshiko's fingers danced over the zither and Sendry clapped the cymbals together, a strange mix of music as loud shanties were sung—helped in part by the drinks Maia was still forbidden to have by her dad that Jaden could have, her brother taking a swig of beer as the crew sang out, "Soon may the Wellerman come, to bring us sugar and tea and rum! One day when the tonguing is done, we take our leave and go!"

Maia joined in, belting it out as they finished up the shanty, laughing and cheering as the crew drank their rum and beer. Maia looked over to her brother and asked, "Can I please take a sip?"

"You're too young, Mai," Jaden said, smirking as her as he deliberately drank it in front of her.

"You're fifteen!"

"And you're nine."

"I'll be ten soon!"

"Still too young."

Maia glared. "I could make you give me the beer!"

Jaden gave a sharp a look. "You wouldn't."

Maia lifted a hand—only for Misha to call over where he was sitting next to Kaida, the two close together, "Maia, no blood-controlling your brother to give you beer."

Maia lowered her hand. "Yes, Da."

Her dad gave her a look before he turned back, smiling at Kaida in a way he didn't smile for anyone else. Maia looked away—it made her feel icky seeing her da and captain being so gooey-ooey with each other—as she turned to her brother, seeing the wicked grin on his face as he drank his beer. Maia glowered at Jaden and flipped him the bird. He returned it with ease.

Maia looked away, stabbing her fish with her chopsticks as Alyss snorted and slipped her some corn—Alyss didn't like corn while Maia loved it—devouring it as Wynter, Yoshiko and Sendry changed the tune to a more lively one—one fit for dancing.

The mood was contagious as crew set their drinks and food down to stomp their feet and clap, the noise mixing with the music in an energetic beat that had Maia want to leap to her feet and spin and dance around on the deck, as she could see couples like Finn and Umi, Zhu and Bayani and Rosa and Ade get to their feet and start dancing as soon the kids joined in—including the girl Maia saw as another sister, Jia, and Taran, laughing as they danced clumsily to the music, as younger kids dragged their siblings and parents to the dance floor, laughing and smiling and dancing.

Maia grinned, feeling the tug pulling her to the deck that had become a dancing floor, grabbing Alyss and shaking her shoulder. "Come on! Let's dance!"

"Do we have to?" Alyss whined.

"Yes!" Maia exclaimed. "Come on!"

Alyss halfheartedly batted at Maia as the curly-haired girl giggled before a finger tapped her shoulder and she turned to see Jaden there.

"I'll dance with you," Jaden said.

Maia grinned, letting her brother take her as he lead her to the dance floor, spinning her around as she laughed. Out of the corner of her eye, Maia saw Koda and Izumi drag Alyss into it, their arms linked together, and Kaida and her dad join in, all of them dancing as the music kept playing that lively beat and the crew that wasn't dancing kept stomping and clapping and now shouting, "Hey, hey, hey!", making it feel more energetic than it already had been. Maia was whirling around, curls spinning around her, laughter spilling from her, her entire body buzzing with the energy of the dance.

When they finally stopped, Maia was panting and smiling and feeling so alive as applause and cheers sounded. She leaned against her brother, Jaden having an arm around her as the crew dispersed back to where they'd been sitting, Jia and Taran and and Alyss and Koda joining them, the six of them snuggling close as Gia also snuck in, wriggling between Maia and Jaden as Kaida raised her hands, the applause lowering as she smiled, a cup of rum in her hands.

"Well, that was energetic," she said, inciting laughter. "Still, it warms my heart that we do this. That we dance, we laugh, we sing. That we are more than just a crew, but a family. A family, no matter where we came from or what reasons we have for joining this ship. We are still a family, and this ship is our home. That instead of chasing a fool's dream in pursuing the One Piece, we choose to sail the seas and be free. That we Tiderunners are more than pirates, but a family, and I love each and every one of you."

"We love ye too, captain!" a voice shouted and cheers of agreement came, Maia among them.

"And I appreciate that!" Kaida shouted back, smiling as the noise settled down. "So, this is why I have special news."

Raising her cup, Kaida announced, "For years, we have sailed the East Blue—but tomorrow, we shall sail into the South Blue and beyond! The Tiderunners shall sail the four oceans and forever shall! And nothing—no Marines, no pirates—shall stop us or take our family, our home, our freedom away!"

Kaida let out a howl and they howled with her, Maia among them as excitement buzzed through her. The South Blue! Maia had only seen all of the East Blue and she felt like she might vibrate from pure excitement. What lands would they see, what cultures, what languages? Would they use the same sign language that Umi used or was it different? How many different languages did they have from the East Blue? Could Maia ask her dad or Kaida if she could have language dictionaries from the islands when they made stops to resupply? Everything in her was itching at the possibility, of hearing and learning all these languages—something she held close to her, a dream she had of learning all the languages of the world.

Whatever would come, it was an exciting adventure—and Maia couldn't wait for it.


The world ending started with Jia being shaken awake.

Blinking her eyes groggily, Jia saw Yoshiko there, her dark purple hair a wind-spun mess.

"Yoshiko? Wha's goin' on?" Jia mumbled, rubbing her eyes.

"Jia, get up. You have to get up," Yoshiko hissed, and the urgency in her voice had the sleep disappear as Yoshiko moved to Rico, hissing, "Rico, get up! You need to get up! Wake everyone up!"

Confusion filled Jia as Rico got out of the hammock before he helped her down, the twenty-year-old reaching back into the hammock and getting his pistol before shaking Izumi below, saying, "Izumi, wake up! Jia, help me and Yoshiko and wake everyone up!"

Jia did so, moving to Bodi, Gia and Felix snuggled up, shaking them awake as she hissed, "Guys, wake up! Something's going on, we all need to wake up!"

As they woke up, Jia ran to where Nariko and Ezra were sleeping, shaking them awake as the couple sprung out, moving onto Sisi, as around her she could hear everyone getting up, confusion from kids like her being ignored by the older crew as they all woke up and for those who had weapons when they slept, grabbing them as they milled about, looks of fear on their faces before moving to the decks as others went to the rest of the crew sleeping in hammocks.

Jia stared at it, confused and nervous about what was going on and why the older and more experienced crew looked so scared, as Alyss walked up to her and whispered, "What's going on? Why do we have to get up?"

"I don't know," Jia whispered back as she and Alyss followed the crew to the stairs. Through it Jia could see Maia with Jaden, her face confused as her brother kept a firm grip around her, as Koda gently herded Bodi, Gia, Felix, Satsuki and Kai up the stairs, before she felt a hand hold hers and she saw Taran, hair mussed from sleep and as confused as she felt as they walked up the stairs and onto the deck where Kaida and Misha walked out from their cabins, Jack behind them, his face grim behind his moustache. 

"What's going on, Yoshiko?" Kaida demanded, the captain's voice clear, and Jia remembered that Yoshiko had been on night watch.

The purple-haired woman's face was ashen, her hands shaking as she answered, "Captain, I saw... I saw a ship, with a black hull and bloody sails, sailing toward us. It... it had a horned skull and cutlasses as its Jolly Roger."

Jia frowned, confused, as through the crew whispers and fear rose up like a tsunami, as Kaida went still and Misha cursed lowly.

"Yoshiko," Kaida said in a calm voice, "how far away was the ship?"

"Five knots away, max, Captain," Yoshiko reported.

Kaida nodded tightly, before she looked around, her face a captain's face.

"Zoya, Mai, climb the rigging and join Yoshiko in the nest—you're our best eyes, keep a damn eye on that ship and report to me and Misha how close it's getting to the Hurricane. Jack, Rico, Bayani, get the cannons ready. If we can't evade them, maybe we can sink them before they board us or sink us first. Finn, Rosa, check that we have enough ammo and weapons if they do come on board and it's a direct fight. The rest of you, throw away anything that isn't necessary and can lighten us. Buy us time if we can get them off ship," Kaida ordered, signing along with her words so Umi, Bayani, Jasper and Diwa could understand.

The minute the orders were said, the crew was racing, Yoshiko, Mai and Zoya up the rigging as Jack, Rico and Bayani went to the cannons and Finn and Rosa went belowdecks to check the ammo and weapons while everyone else ran about throwing overboard anything they didn't need.

Jia stood in the chaos, eyes wide, as she turned to Kaida, seeing her and Misha walking up the bridge.

"Kaida, Misha, what's going on?" Jia asked as she followed them, stumbling slightly on the steps.

"Pirates, sunbeam," Misha said gravely.

Jia's eyes widened. "Pirates? Aren't... aren't we pirates too?"

"These are pirates your captain and I hoped we would never cross swords with," Misha told her, and the look in his face combined with his words froze Jia.

"Wh-what?" Jia whispered.

"Jia, you and the other kids get belowdecks and in the cargo hold. Stay there until you need to get to the lifeboats," Kaida ordered, freezing Jia even more. Lifeboats?

"Why? Da, Kaida, who are these pirates?" Maia asked, making Jia realise she was right behind her, Taran, Koda, Jaden and Alyss there too.

Kaida and Misha exchanged a look, their faces grim as Jia saw an emotion on their faces she'd never seen before.


They looked back as Kaida revealed, "They are the Devil Pirates. And we better pray to any god who'd listen they don't get on board and come near you or Maia, Jia. Now, get belowdecks and in the cargo hold and if the worst happens... you and the kids have to get on the lifeboats."

Jia felt stunned like the fishes Hiro chopped up, as Jaden asked, "Captain, Da, are you sure?"

"Not entirely, limpet. Which is why I'm going to do a quick surveillance," Misha informed right before his skin darkened and turned smokey, until he turned into shadow itself and disappeared.

"Okay, let's listen to them and go," Jaden said, grabbing his sister as she made to protest as Koda grabbed Alyss, defiance in her eyes. Jia went down without complaint, only grabbing Taran's hand and squeezing it in a death grip. As she went down belowdecks, weaving between crew members racing upstairs to get rid of the cargo they had as the chickens clucked and Gigi bleated anxiously, as Jia could see Kanae, Lyra and Pao lead Bodi, Gia, Felix, Satsuki, Kai, Juan, Yi-seul, and Aurora down belowdecks, looking as confused and scared as Jia felt as they were ushered into the cargo hold, huddling together as Kanae, Lyra and Pao left for above decks.

"I'm scared, Taran," she mumbled, clutching onto Taran.

"We'll be okay. It's gonna be okay," Taran assured as he held her.

"We should be fighting!" Alyss yelled. "We're Tiderunners too! We should be fighting for our home!"

"You heard the captain. We're to stay belowdecks until it's safe or we need to get to the lifeboats," Jaden said sharply.

"Alyss' right! We fight like the grown-ups are!" Felix exclaimed, pumping his fist in the air.

"I wanna hide," Aurora mumbled, twisting a lock of her thick dark hair around. Satsuki wrapped a comforting arm around the younger girl—she and Yi-seul were the youngest of the crew at six and seven, respectively.

"No. We're staying here, okay? No one here's gonna go up and fight," Jaden said, a stern look on his usually jovial face as he looked at his pouting sister. "Same with you, Maia."

"Da's fighting! He'll use his powers! Me and Jia should too! And I can fight!" Maia argued.

Alyss and Felix nodded in agreement as Jaden glared at them before looking over to Jia. "You wanna fight, Jia?"

Jia bit her lip, fiddling with the ends of her braid. "I wanna hide, but... Maia and me... we have powers too. We could fight."

"Well, you're not," Jaden rebuked.

"We could mutiny," Alyss threatened.

"You're not mutinying. We're staying here," Jaden argued before he looked at Koda and Taran. "Koda, Taran, back me up here."

"Jaden's right—we should listen to Kaida and stay here," Taran said.

"Koda?" Jaden asked.

Koda twisted his mouth, running his hands through his tight curls before saying, "Let's stay down here."

Grumbles came as Maia, Alyss and Felix pouted and Jaden offered, "Okay, who wants to fight?"

Instantly Maia's, Alyss' and Felix's hands shot up, and joining then were Bodi and Gia.

"Okay. Who wants to stay?" Jaden asked.

Everyone else's hands shot up.

"Okay, that's eight to five. Majority wins out. We're staying and obeying our captain," Jaden decided. Felix, Maia and Alyss huffed, glowering, but the glowers faded as they heard the deck creaking above their heads the noise of footsteps on it and the muffled voices shouting. The sound of the cannonballs rolling out on the deck toward the cannons.

Jia gulped, holding tightly to Taran's hand before she noticed that Yi-seul had a terrified look on his face. Holding out her other arm, the younger boy burrowed in the space, eyes full of terror.

"It's gonna be okay," Jia mumbled as she held him, stroking his dark hair. "It's gonna be okay."

Time seemed to tick by slowly as they waited in the cargo hold, hearing the noise of their crew preparing to outrace this ship led by the Devil Pirates. As they did, Jia had asked, "Who are the Devil Pirates?"

Jaden's jaw had ticked, but before he could answer, Koda did.

"They're pirates who capture devil fruit users... and kill everybody else," he'd revealed.

That had Taran tighten his hold on Jia as her blood turned to ice and Maia looked like she stopped breathing, her body beginning to shake as Jaden held her, Kai and Alyss holding her hands tightly as Aurora said, "The mean pirates won't get Jia, Maia and Meesha. Right, Kody?'

"Of course not, Roar-Roar. No mean pirates will get them," Koda had assured, but even as young as she was, Jia felt like that was a lie.

But that had been the last conversation, silence soaked in fear and nervousness filling up the cargo hold, and despite how moderately large it was, they'd all gathered together, clutching each other as if telling themselves if they just held onto each other, they'd all get out of this alive.

They would, right?

As they did, Jia and Maia shared scared looks—as devil fruit users, they couldn't swim anymore. If the cargo hold was destroyed or they got into the ocean, not only would their powers fail them, but they'd drown. It had them both desperately pray that wouldn't happen.

But at some point, they'd gotten used to the creaking of the deck as the crew rushed about—to put distance between the Hurricane and the ship of the Devil Pirates, to fight, Jia didn't know—until it grew silent.

Jia's heart pounded in her chest, eyes darting around, the cargo hold just as silent. Had they done it? Did they escape? 

It was shattered when the first boom of cannon fire went off.

It thundered through the cargo hold, shaking dust onto them as they all clapped their hands over their ears, as another round of cannon fire went off—the loud booms were the only tell that it was their cannons, not the other ship's. Yet Jia's heart still pounded with fear every time the cannons went off and she clutched Taran tighter as he held her, trying not to cry.

The cannons went off again until another boom came. And it didn't sound like theirs as, before Jia's eyes, a cannonball punched through the hull of their ship. Water gushed in like blood out of a wound and Aurora and Bodi and Juan and Satsuki and Yi-seul screamed in fear as another cannonball thundered, whistling past their ship as the Hurricane's cannons returned fire. Jia's ears boomed with cannon fire as another hit their ship, more water pouring in, and Jia felt like she couldn't breathe as the water kept pouring and pouring.

"Jaden, we need to go, we need to get out!" Koda yelled as he held Aurora close to him, the little girl clutching him as tears poured down her face.

"I know. Guys, get up, we have to get above or in the brig, we—" Jaden instructed.

His words were cut off by shattering wood and a cannonball.

Jia flung herself in front of Taran, covering his body with hers as they fell to the floor, as screams and shouts and the roar of water filled her ears, as a sharp pain slashed across her face. Jia looked at Taran, asking, "You okay?"

Taran stared at her, eyes wide. "Jia, your cheek."

Jia touched her fingers to her cheek and they came away bloody. Jia's heart thundered as her fingers started to shake before she clenched them, saying, "I'm okay. Just a scratch." 

Taran slumped, before his eyes widened. "Wait, everyone else!"

Jia's eyes grew wide as well and she and Taran turned, Taran lifting her so she didn't touch the water, seeing water fill up the cargo hold at an alarming amount, splintered chunks of wood and the cannonball, Koda, Jaden, Alyss, Maia, Gia, Aurora, Kai and Satsuki getting to their feet, Aurora still in Koda's arms, Jaden holding Maia up...

And on the floor, Bodi, Felix, Juan and Yi-seul. 

Jia choked on a sob as she saw Yi-seul, a wooden stake in his chest as he stared lifelessly up at the ceiling, as Juan laid face down in the water, half of his head missing, Felix slumped and wood sticking out of his eye and Bodi with wood pierced in his neck, gurgling weakly. Blood stained the water red, so much of it from her friends, from the little boy that felt like a little brother to Jia.

"Bodi!" Gia cried as she ran to her friend, tears in her eyes.

"Gia..." Bodi coughed weakly, tears filling his eyes. "It's... I-it's so cold. I'm... I'm really scared."

"It's gonna be okay. Right, Jaden? It will be okay," Gia said, voice cracking, but Jaden didn't answer as Koda covered Aurora's eyes and murmured, "Look away, Aurora."

"Gia, I... I r-really wanted to see a sea king.  Can I still see a sea king?" Bodi whispered, voice gurgled with blood.

"Yes, yes, we'll be seeing lots of sea kings. We're just gonna get you to Rico," Gia assured, holding his hand.

Bodi smiled. "Can't... c-can't wait..."

"Bodi? Bodi?" Gia whispered as Bodi's head lolled, before she screamed, "Bodi!"

He didn't answer, and Gia sobbed, clutching his limp hand. Satsuki and Alyss walked up to her, holding Gia as she wailed out her heart, still holding her best friend's hand, nearly drowned out by the water and the cannon fire, as the bodies of their friends floated, blood mixing with the seawater.


Jia turned, Taran going with her, as she saw Kaida rushing down, Misha right behind her, seeing the water coming in, the cargo hold, and Bodi, Felix, Juan and Yi-seul.

"Oh God, no," Kaida breathed as Jaden still holding Maia rushed to Misha, as he embraced his adopted son and daughter tightly as they hugged him back just as tight. Kaida held her pistol, but she holstered it as Taran still holding Jia and Koda as he held Aurora and Kai, Satsuki and Gia and Alyss ran to Kaida, almost bowling her over as she held them.

"Oh kids," she murmured, trying to hold them in her arms. "I thought you'd be safe down here. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

"Don't be," Satsuki sniffled. 

When they pulled away, Koda asked, "What's going on?"

"The Angel fired on us. We've tried to return fire on her, but they have more cannons. We might need to surrender," Kaida revealed. As protests bubbled up, she went on, "It's to buy you time to get out alive. Especially you and Maia, Jia."

Jia stared at Kaida, and it was shared as Maia asked, "Wait, but... you and the crew are gonna be okay, right?"

Misha and Kaida were silent, and fear slipped into Maia's face as she looked at Misha and asked, "Right, Da?"

Neiher Misha or Kaida looked at her as Kaida looked at Jaden, Taran and Koda, saying, "You boys need to watch out for them. Keep them all safe, especially Jia and Maia. Protect them and protect each other."

"We... we will," Taran promised, voice thick as Jia grabbed Kaida, shouting, "No! Kaida, no!"

"Da, please, come with us! Da, don't leave us! Please, Da!" Maia sobbed as she held Misha, sobbing.

"Maia, my little barnacle, my fierce and brave daughter and Jaden, my limpet, my loyal and caring son, I would love to be on that boat with you two. You are the best things that ever happened to me, and I'm so glad I found you in that ship wreckage seven years ago, clinging to the boards like a limpet and barnacle. And so, so happy and honoured that I got the chance to be a father to you both," Misha said, holding Maia's face as she cried and Jaden tried not to, a sad smile on his face as he rubbed Maia's tears away. "I love you both so, so much, and I know I shall pass into the other world glad my children are safe."

"Da..." Maia whispered, voice choked with tears.

Misha pressed a kiss to her forehead and crushed Jaden and Maia in a hug as Kaida looked at Jia, holding her as she smiled.

"Jia, I like to think of myself as a mother to my crew, especially to all of you kids. You children do not deserve to go through this, and I would never have let you go through it. But Jia... I think you are the daughter I never had. I love you so, so much, and I will be so proud of you from the other side when you make your star map," Kaida said, smiling sadly, proudly. "Just know when you see the stars and they shine bright, that's me, and that my love for you, for you children, for all the crew, is as constant as the stars. And that you and Maia use your gifts wisely and to protect each other and innocent people."

She pressed a forehead kiss to Jia's head as Jia felt tears pour down, as Misha whispered to Maia, "Maia, your power is unique and strong. But it can go dark—there's a reason why fruits like yours and mine are hardly eaten. You must stay out of the darkness, and keep yourself anchored away from those temptations. Okay, my little barnacle?"

Maia could only nod, sobs keeping her from speaking.

Kaida turned to Taran, smiling. "My little apprentice. I am so happy I could pass my knowledge to you. You will make a fine captain one day."

Taran swallowed, tears in his eyes as Kaida lifted her hands behind her neck and pulled out her golden medallion with a skull upon it.

"This was the first treasure I have ever found. I have kept it as a good luck charm," Kaida said as she took it off and handed it Taran. "I hope it's luck may pass to you."

Taran held it tight and slipped it into his pocket, as Kaida grabbed something out of her pocket and handed it to Jia—a compass, one Jia instantly recognised.

"But that's  yours," Jia said, looking at Kaida.

Her mother-figure smiled. "It's my True North compass. It's always led me true—and I hope it shall do the same for you, wherever the sea and stars lead you."

Jia felt a knob in her throat as she took the compass, putting it in her pocket, as Kaida hugged Kai, Gia, Koda, Aurora and Satsuki, murmuring to them as Misha took off his sword and handed it to Maia.

"Da—" Maia started, but Misha interrupted, "It was my hope to pass my sword on to you. The time has come quicker than I hoped, but I am still glad to pass it on to you. Use it to fight, my fierce little barnacle, and be brave."

Maia nodded, holding it tight, saying in a hiccuping voice, "I... I will."

Misha smiled sadly as he looked to Jaden, handing him a knife. "My son. You are brave, and loyal, and caring. This was the first ever weapon I held, and now I pass it on to you. Use it to fight, to protect, and take care of your sister and the others."

"I will, Da," Jaden whispered, taking the knife.

 Misha smiled as turned to Alyss and pulled out two dual knives. "For you, my apprentice."

Alyss took them, eyes blurring with tears as she clutched them tightly.

But their tearful goodbyes were ended when a cannonball flew past their heads, and they were reminded of the battle.

"You need to go. Get to the lifeboats—we'll make sure you can get away and that Luce and his crew don't get you," Kaida said sternly. As they stood there, she added, "That's an order from your captain."

That stirred them into action as they raced up the stairs, Taran and Jaden setting down Jia and Maia when they reached the dry steps, but Jia still clutched onto Taran tightly as Maia did the same, holding her brother and her dad's sword, Misha and Kaida right behind them.

When they got above deck, it was chaos.

Cannons were firing, crew members were shouting and firing them off. Some lay dead, and Jia had to bite back sobs as they raced to the lifeboats, trying to ignore the black ship with red sails firing cannonballs into their ship, their home, a grinning devil figurehead leering at them as the Devil Pirates shouted and jeered. Behind the Devil Pirates were cages. Jia looked away before she could see who was inside, her stomach turning at the thought of either her or Maia or Misha being in one of those cages just because of their abilities.

"Captain Kaida Waverly!" a voice shouted over the cannon fire and Jia saw a man with a large hat at the railing before Koda tugged her away, Jia stumbling after him as they gathered behind the mast. The lifeboats were just metres away, yet it felt like they were thousands of miles away as the captain—who else could that man be?—kept speaking. "Have you decided to give me what I want, or shall I blow your ship to smithereens?"

"Do that, and my first mate will drown in the sea," Kaida warned as Jia stifled a sob, at how Kaida was protecting her and Maia.

"I'll fish him out. A dead devil fruit user is of no use to me," the captain jeered back.

"Then I'll save you the trouble. We surrender," Kaida said.

Ripples of confusion came before the realisation struck, and their faces grew resolved and determined as they stopped firing the cannons as victory flowed through the Devil Pirates, the captain turning back and yelling, "Prepare to board! We've got some fruit to pick."

Cackles and jeers rose up and Jia's skin crawled. She felt Taran's arms wrap around, feel the rage trembling through him, and she clutched onto him as they watched the Devil Pirates stop firing their cannons and board the Hurricane, Jaden whispering, "We need to move. Quickly now."

He, Maia, Satsuki and Alyss crawled over to a set of barrels, hiding behind them. Jaden gestured and Aurora and Gia were the next ones to crawl over. But before Jia, Taran, Koda or Kai could, the Devil Pirates boarded. And Jia saw Captain Luce.

He had a bushy beard, a dark coat, and a big hat with a red feather sticking out. But his eyes chilled Jia the most—they had a gleam in them that frightened her, and her want to run as far away from him as possible.

"Captain Kaida Waverly. A pleasure," Captain Luce said, grinning and showing off yellowed teeth. "Sorry about the ship and the, ah... crew. But business is business, after all. And you've got something I want."

Kaida raised her chin, the picture of defiance. "You destroyed my ship and killed members of my crew—some of them just children. Be lucky I want to keep the rest of my family safe, other wise your brains would be staining my deck."

"Ah, yes, your family," Captain Luce said, the word that brought Jia so much warmth and comfort a sneer in his mouth. "Your idealism is admirable, Kaida. But it won't save you or your crew. And family is a lie—it all destroys and betrays and dooms each other."

"Maybe to you. You, who speaks so easily about it does not known the true meaning of family," Kaida fired back. "Family, loyalty... it means everything to me and my crew."

"is that right?" Luce said, a cruel smirk on his face. "Then why do you so easily give up your first mate?"

"She isn't—I will willingly come with you if you leave my ship and my crew unharmed," Misha cut in, face stoic and calm, shadows rippling around him.

Captain Luce looked over to him, grinning. "Misha Kyrov.  I've heard of you and your... abilities. The second person to eat the Yami Yami no Mi fruit, after Blackbeard, and gain its dark power."

Misha's lips curved into a smirk. "You know your devil fruits, Luce."

"My quarry is you and all your kind. I must know what I'm hunting," Captain Luce returned, before he looked at Kaida. "I'll take your first mate... and I'll take the other two devil fruit users you have."

"You're mistaken. I'm the only devil fruit user here," Misha lied.

Captain Luce grinned. "Now I know you're lying."

Looking over to the crew, Captain Luce continued, "I know there are two more devil fruit users here on this ship, one with abilities over light and the other over blood. Both girls, young, maybe still children. Tell me their names and where your captain and first mate have squirrelled them away, and I'll spare your life and give you a hundred Berry."

Captain Luce turned to Kaida, grinning. "This is the moment where your talks of family and loyalty are proven true or false, Captain."

"Go ahead. Offer them money, freedom, a place on your crew. It will be for nothing. Misha is the only devil fruit user in my crew," Kaida said, defiance in every fibre of her being. Jia wanted to sob as she held Taran, Koda holding Kai.

Ignoring her, Captain Luce turned to the Tiderunners. "Well, anyone?"


A muscle feathered in Captain Luce's jaw as he sighed. "Well, I tried to negotiate. Guess I have to do this the hard way."

The pistol was drawn and fired so quickly Jia barely had time to breathe, the bullet slicing through the air and embedding itself into Umi's chest.

A cry raised from Finn as Jack, Wynter and Zoya kept him at bay, murder in his eyes as Umi fell, Yoshiko and Hiro right at his side as Rico pressed his hands to Umi's shoulder to stop the bleeding, their ship's doctor having a look of dread on his face. Jia slapped a hand to her mouth, trying not to cry as Captain Luce turned to them, saying, "Well, who wants to tell me where the little brats are now?"

Silence as the crew death-glared Captain Luce as Finn wrestled off Jack, Wynter and Zoya and pulled out his pistol, shouting, "You bastard! I'll kill you! I'll kill you for this and the Hurricane and my friends! I'll fucking kill you!"

"Finn! Lower your gun," Kaida ordered. When Finn didn't, she ordered again, "Finn."

Finn did—but not before he shot the pistol.

Captain Luce dodged it, a grin on his face.

"Well, I guess what you say is true! You are a little family. How sweet," Captain Luce said, derision clear in his voice. "Looks like I have to do more... extreme measures."

He pointed the gun at Kaida and Jia's heart stopped.

"Tell me where the rats are that you're so fond of protecting, and I will spare your dearly beloved captain's life," Captain Luce threatened. 

A tense silence shivered through the crew as Kaida's face was steely, and Jia's heart was beating a thousand miles a minute, she had to get in there, she couldn't let this pirate kill Kaida like he shot Umi, like he killed her friends, her crew, her family.

"I'll give you five seconds."

She had to get in there, she needed to save Kaida.

"Four. Three—"

And Jia was moving, her body a blur and hands glowing as she screamed, "NO!"

Light exploded from her hands, blinding the captain of the Devil Pirates as the gun went into the air, firing into the sky.

"Don't come near her! Don't kill her!" Jia screamed.

"Jia, run! Get to the lifeboats! Run!" Kaida yelled.

"He'll kill you!" Jia shouted, tears streaming from her face. "I won't let him kill you!"

"Jia, run!"

"There's the devil fruit user!" Captain Luce yelled as he rubbed his eyes. "The right motivation was all it needed to have you scampering out of your hole."

"Jia! RUN!" Kaida screamed as she pushed her back to the lifeboats.

"No, Kaida!" Jia screamed, raising her hands as she felt arms grab her, dragging her away—Taran and Koda. "Let me go! Kaida's in danger! Kaida!"

"Such devotion. It's almost touching to this old, black heart," Captain Luce cooed before he raised the pistol again. "Almost."

"No, no, no, Kaida! Taran, Koda, let me go!" Jia screamed.

"Jia—" Koda started before she elbowed him and stomped on Taran's foot, running back to Kaida, veins burning as she raised her glowing hands, as Captain Luce pulled the trigger—


Kaida fell to the deck just as Jia was about to unleash the sun, blood trickling from the hole in her head.

All the breath was knocked out of Jia as she stumbled, falling by Kaida as she pleaded, "No, no, no, no, Kaida, please get up. Kaida, please! Please, Mom! MOM!"

Kaida was unresponsive, and Jia realised the breath not in her chest was from her sobbing, wailing up into the sky as Taran's arms wrapped around her, his sobs in her ears as Jia kept crying, tears falling from her eyes like rain, howling screams tearing out of her throat like a bullet from a gun.

"Guys, we need to go! Guys!" Koda screamed, but Jia barely heard it over the caving of her heart.

"Yes, run. Listen to your captain. The little sun-rat won't be getting far—and neither will you, her brave protectors," Captain Luce said as he raised the pistol—only for a whip of shadow to grab his hand before he could pull the trigger.

"Kids, run!" Misha yelled, shadows pooling around him, the edges of his body blurred and shadowy, grief and rage and pain in his face—and determination, to save them. To save Jia and Maia.

Jia felt herself be hauled to her feet, stumbling away and rejoining Kai as they sprinted to the lifeboats, as the crack of a gun came and Misha cried out in pain and chaos exploded behind them like gunpowder in a barrel—guns were fired off, cutlasses and katanas and dao were drawn, and the fighting continued on the Hurricane as the Tiderunners fought for their fallen captain, for their first mate as he continued to fight, for their fallen crew—for the kids still trying to get out alive.

"RUN!" Jaden yelled when they ran up to him and the others, racing to the lifeboats, Jia's heart pounding in her chest, her eyes red from crying and her body aching with grief. A shout came and Jia turned to see a sword embedded in Misha's chest before it was pulled out by a Devil Pirate, Misha slumping to the deck—joining the bodies of Kaida and their crew.

An animalistic scream exploded out of Maia as Jaden let out a shuddering sob before he turned, tugging Maia forward. "Come on, we need to go they want us to go, we—"

Gia screamed and Jia watched as she stumbled, blood pouring out of her shoulder, her eyes wide before another bullet pierced through her throat, collapsing to the deck. Another cry as a bullet sliced past Kai's face, blood gushing down.

"Keep running!" Koda yelled—only to be confronted by two men and a woman in black and red clothing, grinning.

"Where d'you think you're going kids?" one sneered.

They were frozen, before Satsuki lunged, trying to escape—and the woman Devil Pirate sliced her sword across Satsuki's throat. Blood sprayed out in a crimson arc as Satsuki pressed a hand to her throat, choking on blood as she fell to her knees before the Devil Pirate buried a bullet in her brain and she fell to the ground, silent.

Alyss let out a scream before she lunged, knives flashing and one of the male pirates made to lift his gun, but was stopped as Maia raised her hands, glaring as she forced the blood in his veins to halt his hand.

The pirate who'd spoke noticed, and he growled, "That's not wise, girl."

He fired his pistol at Maia, but she dodged—and it let her control slip as the other pirate resumed control, but Alyss had stabbed her knives in the female pirate's throat, blood speckling her face as she looked at them, flipping her knives as she snarled, "You want some? I'll kill you! I'll fucking gut you!"

In response, the pirate raised his pistol. "Try, girl."

Before Alyss could or the gun could be fired, the pirate fell, a bullet in his head, followed by the third pirate.

"Kids, what are ye doin'? Get out of 'ere!" Jack yelled as he fired his twin pistols at another pirate. "I'll cover ye!"

They didn't need to be told twice, running as Jack fired off his pistols, before he gave out a cry of pain as a pirate jumped down and slashed his dagger across Jack's arm. He slammed his pistol in the pirate's face, before he cried out again as fell to his knees, a pirate behind him, sword dripping blood.

"Jack!" Koda and Jia yelled.

Jack panted, throwing his pistols to Koda.

"Protect 'em, boy," Jack panted. "I'll buy ye time."

Jack drew his sword and stood up, facing the pirates despite the slash in his arm and the wound in his back as they ran, Koda firing off the pistols at the pirates coming for them as they kept running, past the blood and death.

Until a bullet hit a rum barrel near them and it exploded.

Jia was thrown back, coughing as her wound stung. She got to her feet, seeing fire leap across the deck, turning the fighting pirates ghoulish in the light of the orange flames, as her friends got to their feet, and Jia saw the lifeboats just a metre away.

Kai scrambled to his feet, running, as Alyss' eyes widened and she screamed, "Kai, stop, Kai—"

But it was too late as a Devil Pirate jumped out of the shadows and fired Kai full of bullets.

"NO!" Taran screamed as Koda returned fire, running to the lifeboats. They got there, Koda giving them cover as Taran, Jia, Alyss, Maia and Jaden hurried to undo the ropes tying the boats to the Hurricane, Jaden yelling, "Hurry, hurry, hurry!"

As they did, Jia looked around and noticed Aurora wasn't there.

"Jaden! Aurora's not here!" she yelled.

Jaden's eyes widened as they all froze—and saw Aurora standing there a metre away, frozen.

"Aurora! Run over here now!" Koda bellowed over the gunfire.

Aurora did, sprinting to them, as Koda lowered one pistol to pull her behind him and join the others—

Only for her to fall as stray bullets hit her. And not get up again.

A scream was lodged in Jia's throat as Koda stood, frozen, before he let out a howl of rage and fired—but the guns ran empty a second later.

"We need to go. NOW!" Jaden yelled. "Koda, help us!"

Koda didn't need to be told twice as they undid a lifeboat and pushed it into the water.

"We have to jump, okay? Koda, Taran, Alyss, we need to grab Jia and Maia and get them out of the water. Jia, Maia, try to jump as close to the lifeboat as possible," Jaden ordered. "You hear me?"

They nodded.

"Okay, good. When I say jump, jump," Jaden said as they grabbed the railing, ready to climb on top and jump into the black water. "Three, two—"


The scream was ripped from Alyss as Jia whirled, saw a surviving pirate raise his gun—right at Maia as she turned, eyes wide, frozen.

Jia made to move, to push Maia to the ground as the gun fired—

And Jaden lunged in front of his sister, taking the bullet.

"JADEN!" Maia screamed as he brother fell to his knees, blood pouring from his throat as he choked on it.

Turning to them, he rasped out, "Jump."

Then he was on the deck. And there was only five of them still left alive.

They didn't need to be told twice as they got onto the railing. Fire licked at their backs and ocean waited for them down below, and Jia felt her heart in her throat, she couldn't do it, she couldn't jump, she couldn't—

She jumped.

It felt like barely any time passed before she plunged into the water, icy and dark. Water barrelled at her face, salt stinging her eyes and nose, demanding entrance into her lungs as they spasmed for breath and she felt herself falling, as she tried to kick to the surface, to try and swim, but she was still falling into the dark depths, swallowing her whole, and fear had her panic, had her thrash in the water and open her mouth as water rushed in, choking her, filling her lungs, and Jia thought she was going to die, she was going to die and join her crew, she was going to die

Arms grabbed her and pulled her to the surface, never letting her go until they breached the water and air rushed into her lungs, nearly suffocating Jia but she didn't care.

"Oh thank God! You got them! Hurry, get into the boat! Hurry!"

Jia blinked, water clinging to her lashes, but she saw Taran, holding her as he swam to the boat, Koda helping them in, as Taran laid her down before he helped Koda get Alyss and Maia in. Her curls were damp with water, and she was clinging to Misha's sword as she coughed and hacked up seawater as Jia did the same, spilling into the boat as she felt Taran's hand on her back, murmuring, "It's okay, it's okay, it's okay."

But it wasn't okay. It hadn't been okay the minute that first cannonball had blown through the ship.

Sitting up, Jia blinked as she saw Maia sit up, Alyss helping her as Koda grabbed out blankets kept in and draped them over them all, Jia relishing in the warmth as she shivered, Taran's arms around her as she leaned against him.

As she looked back and saw the Hurricane.

It was on fire, orange flames licking hungrily at the sky, a roar that warred with the ocean's, dirtying the stars with smoke. Everything Jia knew and loved was burning, and her eyes were already raw from the sea but now they were raw from tears as she saw it burn, as she saw their Jolly Roger—three wolves running over waves—burn and go up in smoke. 

As the flash of cannon fire went off on the ship still standing a second later, punching through the ship as it now began to sink, crashing underneath the waves and taking everyone on board with it, dragging them into watery graves.

A sob clawed out of Alyss, hand clapped over her mouth as tears fell and Koda bowed his head, shoulders trembling as Maia let loose another animalistic scream and clutch Misha's sword tighter to her, nearly doubled over, as Jia let the tears out and let out the pain and grief in body-shuddering sobs, collapsing into the boat and nearly doubled over in her grief, Taran's arm still around her as she felt him vibrate with his own tears, his own grief, as his hand went into his pocket and clutched Kaida's medallion.

They watched as the Hurricane fell under the waves, the ocean drowning out the fire and the Devil Pirates escape into the night as they floated in the ocean in the lifeboat. Soon, they'd get ready to row to the nearest island. Soon, the tears would fade.

But not now. Now, was the time for grief, to sob and scream and howl out the pain, the hurting, the feeling of their hearts being destroyed into a thousand pieces to the sea and the stars and wondering if it, if the hurting, would ever heal into scars. If it even could.

Because their home was gone. Their family, their crew, was gone, sacrificing themselves to make sure they got out alive.

And now, it was only them left, the only survivors, the only family they had left. The remnants left behind.

The only Tiderunners still left alive—and grieving the ones who'd given up their lives so they could be.


This hurt

Yeah, we started out lighthearted and fun and getting to know Jia, Maia, Alyss, Koda and Taran a bit and how much of a family the Tiderunners were... only for them to be cruelly taken away as most sacrificed themselves so these kids could get out alive and they watched everything and everyone they loved burn and fall into the sea

(and yes, I too wanted to go back to when they were singing and dancing and happy 😢)

Things will probably not get lighthearted for a few chapters, but they will be, I promise

Also, the shanty sang was the Wellerman. And speaking of songs...  Goodbye was the general mood here, especially in the last half. Also  the fruit Captain Luce mentions is a fruit from the anime/manga, as is the Blackbeard character from it, which I thought I should mention since Misha's powers revolve around darkness (it's not mentioned here, but Jia's fruit is also from the anime/manga that Kaida managed to steal when she was younger)

Finally... RIP to the Tiderunners, to their captain and first mate. You were the greatest crew/found family ever *salutes through the pain*

Next chapter probably won't be for a while—until I finish my Stranger Things series—but after that updates should be consistent (hopefully)

Please read, comment and vote!

GhostWriterGirl out!

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