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Listen to the wind blow,

watch the sun rise

Run in the shadows,

damn your love, damn your lies

The Chain

(a 'one piece (live-action)' fic)

And if you don't love me now, you will never love me again...


No matter your past, you have a home on the ship, and a family in the crew.

That was the motto of the Tiderunner Pirates—no matter your past, no matter who you were, the instant you stepped foot on the Hurricane, it didn't matter. No questions asked, and welcomed with open arms, a motto it's captain, Kaida Waverly, and her first mate and closest friend, Misha Kyrov, made sure to enforce. You were a Tiderunner—you were family—and that was all that mattered.

Jia Leung, Taran Singh, Koda Akello, Maia Kyrov and Alyss Darroway were prime examples of that motto—all five had come onto the decks of the Hurricane in different ways and for different reasons that didn't matter once they were on the ship, and they were keen to forget. The Hurricane was home, and the Tiderunners were family, Kaida and Misha the parents to their crew, who didn't particularly care to search for the One Piece that consumed nearly all pirates after Gol D. Roger's death and his announcement of where to find the One Piece, content to just sail the seas. That was all.That was enough.

And for the five, that was all it mattered for them, to be happy, with the crew and each other. To feel the sea spray on your face and the wind in your hair, the smell of salt in the breeze and the creaking of sails, bare feet on the deck, to feel the sea in your blood and the wind in your heart. Of days sailing the waters of the East Blue and nights spent singing shanties and dancing and falling asleep to the sound of waves and the creak of hammocks and the ship. For Jia to find a mother-figure in Kaida who encouraged her love of stars; for Kaida to be a mentor to Taran and have him dream of helming his own ship and a crew that was like family, to be exactly like Kaida; for Koda to taste freedom and sail the seas for all his life and be a pirate like he always dreamed of being; for Maia to find a mentor in Misha who found and adopted her and her brother, Jaden, and taught her the ways of the sword and foster her love of languages as Alyss found a similar mentor in him but in fists and knives. For Misha, a devil fruit user, to teach both Jia and Maia when they ate some devil fruits a year ago, with Jia's granting her command over light and Maia control over blood. For Jia, Maia and Alyss to consider each sisters and Taran and Koda to be best friends and like brothers, for Alyss being the sister Taran never had and Maia being like Koda's little sister, for Jia and Taran to be close friends that climbed the rigging and on the figurehead and looked at the maps of the world and seas in Kaida's cabin and stargaze and dance at night.

Life on the Hurricane was freedom and sea, and a family that loved you, that while mostly not related by blood they are still family. And family meant protecting each other.

No matter what.

That came true in the most tragic way possible when, Jia and Maia at nine years old, Alyss and Taran at ten, and Koda at thirteen, the Hurricane was raided by the Devil Pirates, lead by Captain Luce, seeking one thing—devil fruit users, to add to his Menagerie, and kill everyone else and sink the ship. That the crew made sure that Jia and Maia escaped along with the other kids on the ship, Kaida and Misha telling them to protect each other—to tell Jaden, Taran and Koda to protect the girls—and Kaida parting her compass that always lead true to the destination she sought to Jia and her medallion to Taran and Misha his sword to Maia, and his knives to Jaden and Alyss. That as the Devil Pirates boarded the Hurricane after surrendering, the crew and its captain stood fast to ensure its youngest members could get free, that Kaida could face death knowing her daughter-figure and apprentice and others were safe and free, that Misha offered himself so his adopted children and Jia and his apprentice could escape. Because the Tiderunners were a family of loyalty and choice, and they and their captain would give their lives to ensure a few could escape.

So it was with horror and grief that Jia, Taran, Alyss, Koda, Maia and Jaden saw their crew, their family, be cut down by Captain Luce and his pirates. For Jaden and Maia to see Misha be shot, then killed, and Jia and Taran to see Kaida gunned down despite Jia trying to save her mother-figure. For when chaos erupted to give them a chance to escape on one of the lifeboats, Maia saw her brother throw himself in front of her and take a bullet meant for her. That due to the weakness of the devil fruit, Jia and Maia almost drowned when they all jumped ship after Captain Luce blew up the Hurricane—that they only survived because Taran and Alyss saved their lives and pulled them into that boat.

That on the lifeboat, the five of them watched in despair as their home burned down into the sea, their crew and family sinking into the depths as they floated out into the East Blue, the flames lighting up the dark night and burning away the Hurricane as it sunk below the waves forever in their minds.

Nine years later, the five of them eke out a life in Shells Town—Jia, consumed by guilt and floating as a ghost for never saving Kaida and refusing to use her powers, Taran trying to make a honest living by being a bartender and being there for his friends and Jia, whom both have grown to feel more than platonic feelings for, Koda to earn more Berry by conning people and earning him a few scrapes with the Marines, Maia trying to be strong and brave and hiding her grief and to honour her adoptive father by training with her sword and her power as frightening it is and become brutal because she will do anything to protect her remaining family, and Alyss in taking out her anger and pain in fights and drowning her grief in alcohol and plotting revenge against the pirates that took their family away.

But no matter the tensions between them, the five calling themselves the Remnants stay close—after all, they're all each other has now, the only Tiderunners left, and they'd be damned if they lost one of their own due to something petty or something more worse.

They won't lose anymore of their family.

That's how their lives were—until a stretchy boy in a straw hat crashed into it.


Samhita has never known a family.

Since she was a child, all Samhita has known is death—working as an assassin of the Nine Blade Pirates, Samhita is shadows and steel, known as the Bloody Shadow, and feared among the East Blue. She is a ghost in the night, there and gone in the next, leaving behind slit-throated bodies of the targets her captain chooses for her. Blood is on her hands and no matter how much she regrets killing people she knows were innocent, no matter how much her heart screams to leave and put away her knives and assassin's hood, to shed the red on her hands and live with the guilt and regret of all the death she has delivered, she can't.

Death is her art, and Samhita paints it well.

But more than anything, she can't leave because it puts the only family she has at risk—her sister not of blood but of her heart, Edie. Samhita knows if she leaves the Nine Blade Pirates with Edie, they will hunt them down—and they will bring Edie into the very life Samhita leads, that she desperately wants to keep Edie from falling into. She tries to tell herself after the last job, when she has enough Berry, when she can fight to protect them both, Samhita will take Edie and they will leave and never look back—that they'd run to a place where the Nine Blade Pirates can't find them and try to live a normal life, if Samhita can silence the ghosts that would always haunt her days and nights.

Until she is to do an assignment in Shells Town—and if she fails, it isn't her life on the line.

It's Edie's.

And Samhita would do anything to keep her sister safe—even if it means bloodying her soul into darkness.

But when she gets into Shells Town, it leads into something... complicated.


Landry doesn't know how he's still alive.

He supposes that could be because of his knowledge of explosives—he's certain he would be dead much earlier if he didn't make the bombs and gunpowder for Captain Avilda after she took him hostage and killed the crew of the ship Landry had been part of. And he knows he's a hostage, to know the minute his use is up, he's dead.

So Landry makes sure he's still useful.

It's a lonely life until he gains an ally in the new hostage Koby, where they both try to survive and keep on Avilda's good side. But it doesn't stop Landry from wondering whether he should make the bomb that would blow up Avilda and this ship, to have foolish dreams of escape and pursuing science, specifically biology, and find the All Blue and record and study all the creatures rumoured to swim in it—though maybe his love of fire and burning things that had him sneak aboard that cursed ship might be a downturn. Not like it's Landry's fault he loves watching things burn and set them on fire. Something he's also tempted to do to this damned ship, to set it ablaze and watch it with unbridled as the burning husk sunk into the water, but he knows he never will, especially since how the hell are he and Koby going to swim to the nearest island in the middle of the goddamned ocean?

It seems survival  and not knowing whether his head will be bludgeoned into a bloody pulp may be Landry's life—until a boy in a straw hat pops out of a barrel and an encounter with a charming man with two pistols on Shell Island leads into something more complicated has Landry think maybe life isn't just survival—and that pirates are not as bad as he first thought they were, that as much as he knows he's a scientist, that maybe there's a little pirate in him as well that may have always been there.


Jia, Taran, Koda, Alyss and Maia are survivors of a dead crew that were their family. Samhita is an assassin wanting escape. And Landry is a hostage who only knows survival with a barely their dream of finding the All Blue and studying the creatures inside it. But in encountering Monkey D. Luffy and his quest to find the mythical One Piece and become King of the Pirates and the beginnings of his crew, that despite all the danger and craziness they will encounter, they all find freedom on the seas and healing, that love is found, that the Remnants push through their grief and Jia use her powers and Maia letting her grief show and being not so ruthless and make good of the legacy they were left, Samhita to find there is a life and freedom she can take and Landry that he can be a biologist and find the All Blue and study those creatures and that his explosives and playing with fire may be used for good, that their dreams may be rekindled and pursued.

And a family within the Straw hat Pirates.


... I can still hear you saying you will never break the chain


Jessie Mei Li as Jia Leung

The sun's ghost

Archie Renaux as Taran Singh

The protective captain

Madison Bailey as Maia Kyrov

The blood-controlling swordswoman

Kit Young as Koda Akello

The gun-wielding conman/pirate

Florence Pugh as Alyss Darroway

The revenge-and-alcohol-and-rage-driven fighter

Amita Suman as Samhita Pradhan

The regretful assassin

Jack Wolfe as Landry Rilke

The scientific arsonist


Keira Knightley as Captain Kaida Waverly +

Ben Barnes as Misha Kyrov +

Jordan Fisher as Jaden Kyrov +

Geoffrey Rush as Captain Luce

Leah Jefferies as Edie

and the one piece (live-action) cast as themselves




This fic contains mentions or descriptions of: Death, violence, blood and gore, swearing, drinking, childhood trauma and child abuse


To harringtonsss,  stilestastic and starryeyedturtle, my three favourite people on here. Love ya all <3

Author's Notes

So, uh... impulse control? Never heard of her

Anyway... hello! Heads up: I'm not an anime fan, so I've never watched the anime or read the manga and I wasn't really expecting to watch the live-action, but when I did I instantly fell in love (I mean, I love pirates since POTC, so I guess I should have expected I'd fall in love with One Piece. The found family trope, which I love with all my heart, in it also made me fall even more in love with it)

So, this is the result! Also, since I've only watched the live-action, this will follow the live-action only with some elements from the anime (you'll see that in the prologue) Also, the Devil Pirates and Nine Blade Pirates are my own creation, just like the Tiderunners are. But, this is marked as Coming Soon like my Yellowjackets fic as I want to finish my main Strager Things fic series first

But this fic is just pure found family feels (with angst and trauma and a little romance as well) The Remnants are just a close family and I love them so much. And yes, Jia and Maia are devil fruit users—that took some research, tho —and their powers are really cool, especially Maia's with her basically being a bloodbender >:) But there will be romance in Jia and Taran, Maia and Nami  and Koda and Landry (and maybe some between Samhita and Zoro? *shrugs*) But the found family feels are the most important—and that there is no romance for Alyss as she is aroace, so no shipping her with any characters

Anyway... I hope you enjoy this!

GhostWriterGirl out!


I don't own One Piece, all credit goes to Eiichiro Oda and Netflix. I only own my characters and storylines

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