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Don't ever put yourself down.


I hurried to go to the Principal's room, everyone was watching my every move, when I exited from Cafeteria.

when I reached there, through the hallway there were a lot of students present there. I didn't recognize any of them until my gaze fell on one particular boy Cole Maxwell, so he's also here for the competition.

However, it's not the question of why is he here or not? He can be anywhere according to his mind, the hell I care, but the thing is why I'm here? I hadn't given my name for this stupid, good for nothing competition. I don't even like to participate in this.

Moreover, I don't want to be in the spotlight for the rest of my year in school. Let's think just for a minute that by seeing my name in this competition stuck all the attention to me from everyone they must be thinking about how the hell, I had given my name? How a girl like me can be in this?

I noticed all the students, those are here, by moving my head from left to right all the students have some aura around them like they can do anything if they want only I look the only who doesn't belong to this area.

Woah! I recognised Veronica is also here when her eyes meet with mine she gives me the most disgusting look ever .she has given to someone as she doesn't believe what the hell I was wearing. It's not my mistake that I'm not a fashionist like her. I always wore simple clothes which helps to get away from all the attention while she wore dresses like she is on a ramp, she always dresses like a model sometimes she looks slutty to me, but as long as she wants to wear it then who am I? To put up a question on her dressing sense?.

Enough about her.

Yes. Enough about her, And on her right side Nathan is also there when his eyes met with mine he gave me a reassuring smile.

"Attention, please. You were all gathered here to do signature for confirmation to participate in the competition, " said Mr Bennet, with an awful expression as he doesn't care about anything, and maybe he rather think that it is also stupid, but he also can't do anything. This competition is in our tradition for, so many years. That even Mr Bennet, can't change it.

Whatsoever, how the hell my name get there, I know I didn't give my name then what happened? Oh god. What I'm going to do about it?

Simple. Ask Mr Bennet, to remove it.

Yes. I"ll ask him to remove it. Moreover, it must be a mistake or a misplacement that my name appeared on the list. Right?
How stupid, of someone to put my name. HA! By the looks of all the students here, I can easily say that I don't belong here, and they also don't want me to be here.

Then be it that way. I also don't want to be here.

I cleared my throat, "Mr Bennet, I.. "
I stopped in mid-sentence when he gives me the look of shut up. " you all will have your time to ask questions when I call your name. Got it, " said Mr Bennet in a very strict tone.

Soon, he started calling our names one by one, to do signature in front of their name on the list, and he is also listening if anyone has any query about it.

I, stand there, flabbergasted. Waiting for my turn, but when I moved my head, don't know why I did it, but I did it. Anyway, when I moved, I found Cole starring at me, so intensely, and deeply, as he was observing me through his brown depth pool of eyes.

His reaction kinda caught me off guard, and I raised my brows in confusion, to ask what was he doing?.
Quickly, he formed a devilish smirk on his face, and his eyes, now they are challenging me.

I don't know. If I am right, or wrong, but I sense that something is fishy here. Something, that is in front of my eyes, yet I can't see it.

What. Can. It. Be?

Think. Just .think!

Ok! wait for a second ...

- I didn't give my name

- No, one even knows my name, or who the hell I'm except that I'm a nerd, only I caught the attention of Cole, Veronica and Dylan's attention in these previous days, and by the looks Veronica, is giving me. I don't think so. she wants me here, and Dylan, well he's himself not here, yet. Nevertheless, I don't think he can do this. Then, there is only one person left. Cole.

- Curious, isn't it that, I slapped him on his face. yesterday, yet he didn't do anything? I mean it's not that I want something to happen, but is it just hard to digest that he didn't until, yet. Then somehow, this competition appeared, and my name in it out of nowhere?

- and the way he was looking at me in this room, calculating my every emotion.

Led me to the only thing that, he's the one who did it! He's the one who put my name on the competition, he did it, so can he can take revenge on me by humiliating me in front of everyone. How can someone be so heartless? How dare he do this, if he wanted revenge then he can take it by me alone, where only I was involved, but no! He didn't. He involved the whole school.

I, myself, Amanda Parker, seriously, wanted to kill him, or rather than that I"ll kill myself, for even liking him.

"Amanda Parker, you're next. Be ready, " announced Mr Bennet.

Now. Go, and ask him to remove your name.

"Mr Bennet, actually I didn't.... " his phone started ranging in a very high pitch.

Fuck! Now what?

"Hello, oh yes. Yes. I"ll be there, " replied he to the person who's on the other side.

"Students. All of you listen, I have an urgent meeting to attend, so those students who are left to do their signatures, they can meet me tomorrow .here, " commanded he. As he marched outside through the door with the list.

Even fate is not your side.

I sighed. Now, I had to wait until tomorrow.


I was in the hallway, to go to my next class when Cole appeared in front of me out of nowhere.

"So, what I heard is right. Nerd is going to participate in the competition. " he acted smart, he must be thinking that I didn't know about his game plan, but he doesn't know who he's dealing with!

He doesn't know that I figured it out, or he's just playing dumb?

" what do you want? cole, " I snapped.

"Woah! Hold your horses. I didn't know you are that desperate to become famous. "

What the hell!
"Don't act smart, you jerk. I know that you did this purposely ."

"What are you talking about nerd, " he asked as he doesn't know, what the hell is it all this about?

"Don't play dumb with me, Cole. " I exclaimed.

"Then enlighten me? Ms Amanda Parker, good for nothing! "

"You, you gave my name for that stupid competition, " I yelled. Pointing my finger at him.

"Oh, did I? "

I shrugged my shoulders, extremely frustrated with his attitude. What is his problem? Why he has to be so difficult?

"You know, what? I'm going to take back my name. "

Then, I started marching in the opposite direction of him.

"You're afraid of me, " yelled he.

Me? Afraid of him? Why would I ever be afraid of him? I mean he's not a cop, then why? And what the hell is he talking about?

Don't ask me, it is rather complicated.

Though, his words caught me off guard! His words make me stop at my place, his words froze me at my stop, and when he stood again in front of me with his smirking face...
..I don't know what to say!

"You, Amanda parker, afraid of life, afraid of everything, and this competition! Or maybe you just don't want to participate in this because you can't stand in front of me, you know that I"ll knock you out, or everyone else... know what? I thought that you have some sense in your brain to prove to everyone else who you are? That you have every right to do what you want to do! That no one can judge you, who you are! But no, you proved me wrong. You are a coward, who doesn't want to face anything, who don't want to be an attention seeker. Sometimes I wonder, that, you are nothing because you want to be nothing, or you are making yourself nothing, purposely? "

Tears started rolling through my eyes on my cheeks when his harsh words directly sliced my heart.
He. He is the worst, how can he say all these harsh things? Did he even know, how much his words are affecting me? Or he's just playing with me, again.

And those things, he said can't be right? How can these things be right? How can he think that?
He has no right to say any word about me! Then why? He was saying it all? It's like he just gave me the mirror of his heart! After all this time, he was thinking those things for me!!!!

"Oh, no. Don't cry in front of me. At least, " he again said mocking me, how can he be that much cruel?

, And I'm still crying in front of him like a fool. Who doesn't even say a good word about me!

"Admit it. Nerd, you're afraid of me, that because of me you don't want to be in this competition! "

I know, I'm weak. I know, I am a loner, and I know that no one wants to be like me, but I'm myself in the end. weather, it is not fully me, but I'm myself .it doesn't matter what I pretend to be....I" ll always remain myself or what I want to be.

"No, I'm not afraid about you, about anything, about this competition, or anything else," I said while weeping.

Damn it. At least stop crying.

Yes, I need to stop, so I put a stop to my emotions.

"Then. Amanda Parker, I challenge you to fight against me, or anyone else, in this competition."


"Come on. If you have any guts then accept my challenge, and prove me wrong .though, I know that you can't stand in front of me, but I don't want to be that person who doesn't give chances to weaker one," he said. not making any eye contact with me, as he reacting like I'm not here, or just don't want to look in my eyes?
..and I don't know what would be the reason for that thing, because my mind is not working .not at all.

The only thing, I get is that I can do two things -

I simply say no to him, and put myself down.

, Or I just participate in this stupid competition. I know that my chances are less of winning, but at least there are still chances.

And I think, I can take those chances.

This is a challenge, A Playboy's challenge, and I. Amanda Parker, ready to accept it.

And I don't care whatever consequence it takes.

"Yes. " I breathed.

His eyes were like a storm when he heard I said yes, as he was waiting for this.

He extended his hand to shake, "be ready to lose, Parker. "


I'm still not believing, what had just happened?
God knows, where my life is taking to me. I sighed as I make myself comfortable on the couch, and started flipping channels of movies while drinking coffee.

It didn't take much longer time to get bored. I didn't even realise when I fell asleep! When a stomping doorbell disturbed my sleep.

"Coming, " I yelled, clearly out
of frustration.

I opened the door and found very amusing Vess, standing at the porch.

Okay, I can handle this. Bloody hell. I forget to tell her about today.

Only about today?

My inner voice needs to shut up.

"Uh Vess, what are you doing here? "

"I'm here to confront you!!! " she exclaimed while heading straight to my room.

I closed it and went after her.

"To confront me? What do you mean? "

"You're hiding things from me, Amy. Can you be honest and tell me what is wrong with you? Why you reacting, so strange from the weekend, " asked her.

"It's a long story. "
I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

She placed her hands on her hips and given me her deadly stare, "And I have all day to listen to it. "


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