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You don't have to be a queen to behave like one.


You know? When you have to enter school in less than five minutes, but you are constantly busy hiding in parking-lot near a tree just so that no one even glances at you, but however, their bewildering looks kept coming towards you due to your popularity. Isn't it weird? Last time I checked I was a nobody- only I had Vess with me. Neither did I have any social circle, nor did I have anyone besides Vess to hang out, but now look at the mess I have created so far. Everything has changed not in a good way not even in a bad way; it's just changed as the atmosphere around Manhattan has changed.

If one thing I have to think about Is- if anyone had said that this is going to happen in the future; I will laugh at that person. But you know? It is seriously happening!

All the walls I had made up around me are going to become obsolete in school life. I never thought that this is going to happen someday, but life is all about adventure isn't it? Anything can happen at any time in this life and you can't control it you just have to face it; like I'm going to face everything today.

Maybe I'm exaggerating?

Yeah. You are.

"Are we going inside or not?" Dylan complained, his eyes twitching with humor and I just want to punch him in his precious face.

"You know- you shouldn't be here! You have an injured shoulder to take care of!" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"And what Miss all fun? Nah! That's not going to happen!" he seriously, needs a punch in his shoulder. I took a step forward to punch at him but Vess's sharp voice stopped me. "Jezz! Relax you guys! We are getting late for our AP class, and if you both want to do fight then be my guest, so that I'll kick in your asses. You both are behaving like zoo monkeys, no wonder why you are bickering like them. Remind me to deposit you guys in the zoo." She growled annoyed.

"What has gotten into her?" Dylan whispered with caution.

"School, and of course and you," I whispered back.

Before he could say something Vanessa grabbed us and pushed us ahead of the entrance area, "let's start walking now! Shall we?"

Mean girls?

Oh yeah, mean girls would be the exactly correct word to describe us. I, Amanda Parker, wearing a white tank top and a high waist denim mini skirt with white spool heels, and don't forget a smirk on my face.

Maybe I overdid it? Or maybe I didn't or maybe everyone is going to make fun of me? And worse than that what even no one noticed me? What if no-one notices me when I want to be noticed?

I reluctantly moved my fingers on my gently combed hairs which were made curly at the end but this time they were bouncing back on my shoulders.

Set up your chin high

Behave like you own everything

And pretend like you are the best

Enhance the optimistic side of yourself and face everyone like a queen

You know you don't have to be a queen to behave like one.

As you started walking by the parking area none of the eyes were scrutinizing you. You are the heroine here who has a cowboy cap, high pants, and a shirt on with a gun in your hands from which you can squeeze anybody's air from their chest. That horse you were riding on Has it reins inside your palms. Trust me you are not distressed in damsel who is waiting for his prince charming to be rescued; you are a heroine of your story you have to fight for yourself. You have to make everyone bow on you. You own this world like a damn queen. You are a fucking queen did you get it?

Everything was going great I was in my own world until I collided with someone and the whole container of orange juice get spilled on my white tank top.

"Are you blind?" the girl with a smirk on her face yelled at me which I think is not that much necessary she practically did spoil my tank top with a big orange stain. My Top is soaked up now gluing to my skin and let me tell you one thing this is not good at all to feel mushy in between the hallway where everyone was ready to burst out in laughter.

Great just great! The day has been started and my outfit got spoiled.


I was too busy in myself that I didn't think that much about her and started wiping away the contents of juice with whatever I get."It is not going to better at any time. Amy, you need to change this." Vess worried eyes were telling me.

Ughh! That was my favorite top so far, and now what? It is got spoiled!

"Hey loser, so you are deaf also." Somehow, this remark caught my attention. But what the hell is wrong with this girl? Is she high on something? Now when I became a loser?

"Shut up Beatrice!" Vess yanked her arm on her side as a warning to stop. So icy-blonde girl has a name which is Beatrice. But what is her problem? I thought that juice spilled over on my tank top was an accident but by the looks, she is giving me – I think she had done it on purpose.

"I won't shut my mouth Carlson; you know! you way hiding too much her on your backside. Come on let her stand up on her own the way she did on hidden talent round or was she faking it?"

What did she think that I was faking it? That I can't do it anything on my own? Just like mother thought isn't it? She thought the same way!

That can't be right!

"Above that, she gets involved in a bet with Cole! What do you think that makes him nerd you can have him all! Listen Parker Cole will never fall in love with a dumb, pathetic fake person. Hah! I bet you can't even complete your bet of a role of Playgirl! You can't even lure a guy on your own, so forget about all this! Be a nice bitch and start acting like the way you were doing before. Like a nobody!"

I was controlling too much my anger; you know I have anger issues it will only take two minutes to kick her ass but that I can't do! Otherwise, I can get detention, or worse than that expelled.

You know you are a fucking queen of your life. Don't you get it? And no-one can humiliate you! I said, no-one. By the way who the hell is she? Do you even know her? But still, she is standing in front of you because she is affected by your presences. You are not a loser here and you never will be in fact nobody is a loser. Above all does it really have to fight physically? You can give her taste of her own medicine verbally!

"You bitch! Listen here carefully, no- one is a loser here did you get it! The loser is the one who back out before even trying and last time I checked I was a finalist of the competition here while you were nowhere near it! So think before speaking and what the hell are you talking about Cole? That I want him? I think you were talking about yourself! What the fucking psycho you are? you don't know anything about me! For the fake sake, you don't even know me, and still, here you are talking shit to me! Let me tell you this straight- I ain't taking your nonsense shit! Not anymore." I breathed for oxygen, after talking like this for non-stop some minutes I felt like the weight has shifted from my shoulders! I don't know what came over me, but it is good to let it out.

Reaction what I received was? Mouth hanging open and shocked. Beatrice's face was red due to embarrassment and her mouth was constantly opening and closing like a fish. I thought that she is going to back out! Because we have gained so much attention in the hallway that everyone is watching us and some of them even have their cell-phone open to record this!

What a mess has created, but still, Beatrice isn't going to give up! "So you are not interested in Cole?" her question kind of caught me off-guard above what all I have said she picks up this! On one moment she was embarrassed acting like a fish, but on another, she has a smirk on her face! Did she know something that I don't? Or she is just a bitch? However, I need to give her an answer where everyone was watching us or videotaping us! I bite my cheek, "No. I'm not interested in Cole."

Ha! Liar liar pants on fire!

Heat engraved on top of my ears. I can't tell the truth not here not like this! Moreover, it doesn't matter! If I lie about it or not! Beatrice has a smirk on her face her green eyes were dancing with amusement. I don't know? Why she is acting like this! But when I moved my head to my right side I saw why because Cole was standing near his locker watching all this. There was a lot of distance between us. And maybe just maybe he didn't hear it. But for first I need to clear this mess.

"Back out Beatrice," Vess warned her.

"What if I don't Carlson, or you want me to talk about your family?" she challenged her, while skeptically rousing her one eyebrow. But that didn't catch my attention why is she threatening her about her family? What the hell is going on her family that I don't know and Beatrice knows!

I saw Vess, but her face became pale by the name of the family word. I know everyone had their personal things about their families which they don't want to share with everyone, but something is beyond the line here. And how came this girl Beatrice have known about this?

"How do you-"Vess's shuttered in a rasped voice.

"You know my father is a lawyer Carlson." Again that smirk, I don't know what is going on In my best friend's family, because I was too busy to hold my shit together but I can't take it! This Beatrice needs to receive a punch in her pretty face. And I don't care whether I get expelled or what!

I was ready to swipe off her from her place but Dylan has shifted his body between us, "look! Beat rice bitch, as much as I hate this to not slap you on your face, but I can't because sadly you are a girl, and I can't smack girls on their faces. But I'm warning you for the first and last time- do not come near my girls, otherwise next time I'll not come between you and my girls. And as much as I know about my girls they will smack you hard on your head. Did you get it? Now get the fucking away from here before my girls make you beat your own rice. Beatrice."

Beatrice looked horrified, all the color from her face has drowned away and she ran away from the opposite direction of us.

Coincidentally, she ran into Veronica Stratford. And they both get vanished from there, no wonder they both are friends.

I and Dylan exchanged looks before getting back to Vess to ask a question about what had Beatrice said, but Vess beat us and told us that she will tell about it later.

But the hallway was still with students; students with a questioning look who were giving us their stares like they don't have anything to do! "Show has finished so go to your classes," Dylan yelled.

There was not a crowd gang up at one spot, but still, everything became from obnoxious to normal. Dylan opened his mouth, "Amanda, I Loved the way you give her back her own medicine." And smacked me on my shoulder, "ouch!" a yelped escaped from my mouth. Only if he hasn't an injured shoulder! Then he grabbed Vess by her waist and encircled his arms around her waist to hold her still. That was their moment to feel, that was their moment to enjoy, so I spontaneously moved my head in the direction of lockers where Cole was stood before...

... The most I liked about vess and Dylan's relationship is that they have their back for each other, as I heard this it make me happier about them.

"Do you know? You are stuck with me in every situation no -matter what happens. baby," Dylan's was a voice so much soft and tender, and I can imagine my tomato shade friend in his arms.

"Oh I know that Mr. Frazier the Crazier," Vess's laughed, and yeah I also laughed with her After all- that name was given by me.

It's like all the tension has suddenly flown away. But who knows? Maybe this is silence before the storm? Or maybe it is nothing and I'm overreacting like I always do.


"Where the hell is Cole?" Dylan muttered under his breath in literature class.

We all are here in the English literature class listening to whatever Mrs. Bitwick was explaining about the depth of words and how we execute them with one particular feeling in poetry.

"Poetry is like an art, as an emotion, like energy given by the words to the soul of body------" she was explaining all this with her hand movements.

I'm sitting at the second row near the window behind me Vess and Dylan were sitting. And let me tell you one thing how much hard I try to sush them, they are not ready to obey it. They are constantly bickering, mumbling about anything, while I'm still in the same white tank top. Oh did I said white? Sorry that tank top now converted into orange.

Now don't get your minds to telling me- why I didn't change my clothes. So here was the situation- we were getting late, were stood at the hallway somehow, Principal Bennett was on the round of the school, so yeah he caught us when we were at the hallway, scolds us and told us if we didn't move our asses from there he will call our parents.

And! After today I don't think so anyone from us can possess and challenge him to talk to them, so harsh truth to tell that we comprehensively nodded our heads and ran to save our lives.

"Dylan he is your bro, not ours!" I muttered but constantly regretted it.

"So you don't want him as your brother then why the hell you lie about- that you are not interested in Cole?" Dylan raised his eyebrows with a faint smile on his face.

He is too damn smart! Shit, he caught me with red hands; I rolled my bottom lip into my mouth as I've nothing to say.

"You like Cole don't you?" he asked with serious expressions. I mentally slapped myself! Yes. I liked him before, but not after that beach incident.

I stopped liking him!

Are you even serious?

I know this doesn't make any sense but this is the truth. "You know I can't have a thing for any peculiar specimen, but hardly the truth is I've to complete the bet. Now you can understand the perks of being a playgirl, so my friend I like every boy not specific to be him."

What the hell I just blurted out? Dylan narrowed his eyes and gave up returning on scribbling something on his notebook.

"Holy shit" Vess mumbled.

"What?" I intrigued her as I move my head to the direction where she was looking at with her mouth hanging open.

Cole Maxwell standing at the door with books all over in his hands, and can you guess his look? He had a black t-shirt under a black blazer miss-matching them with the grey baggy pants. And glasses were resting on the hook of his nose shielding his breathtaking eyes. His hairs were not what they used to be. Now, they are tightly combed that they can't even budge from their place. So, he took my ridicules advice seriously and applied some oil on his head.

"you are late Cole Maxwell." Snapped Mrs. Bitwick, looking at him like a leech, and guess what? What has surprised me the most he didn't give her any remark or anything. The hell he didn't even make an eye-contact with her.

What is happening here?

It's not time for me to argue with my inner voice so just shut up! He shrugged his shoulders and he gave a piece of paper to Mrs. Bitwick while consuming whatever was written there she told Cole to hurry and make him comfortable.

As if that was not enough whole class was staring at him; dumbfoundedly with their mouth hanged open as he is a new species in the market. But that was later to think of because he was looking for a seat all the seats of the class were full except beside mine.

Oh, you may be wondering what new that is. That always happens in a cliché story- the heroine was all lonely herself on a chair then somehow his hero arrives and take that seat beside her and that's how a love story starts.

But this is not a story this is real life where anything can happen at any time. That Cole was still stood in the middle of a classroom not even making eye-contact with anyone as he had swallowed something! I mean when I've empty seat beside me then why can't he just sit there like he usually does?

"Maxwell! I need you to sit otherwise I'll kick you out. Understand?" Mrs. Bitwick shrieked in her wobbly voice.

Is this a soap opera or what? Cole flinched at first and reacting like he is terrified.

Such a brilliant actor!

Hmmm! What is the purpose of this I know he needs to be a nerd for one month but isn't he crossing a line here?

He fidgeted in his place then he moved his ass into the empty seat beside me. Dylan couldn't control him anymore from asking him, "hey jackass why behaving like a shit." And he smacked on his head.

Due to my utter surprise, I was about to do the same thing my hand was only an inch away when our jackass opened his mouth, "oh my god! Don't touch me!" and closed again. He even flinched as in complaining like a little kid.

"Why can't we touch you? Do you have an STD or what?" vess pouted, but he didn't restrain himself from his composure.

"all right students I'll give you ten minutes to write something with feeling with emotions whatever it can be, but it must have to be deep." Declared Mrs. Bitwick, it was one of the things she does with her students to test the skill of us.

Like a bomb drop an island can do many things as things are happening around me Cole grabbed his Pen forcefully and took out his notebook from his bag. Then he flipped some pages of it without realizing that I'm staring at him. He started writing in his notebook with a serious look on his face, as he was going to do something rebellious.

I was too busy to knocked up to staring at him, at his cheekbones and the stubble that has formed around his jaw, at his ravishing; glittering even in glasses- his eyes, at those lines that had formed in his forehead whenever he was thinking something deep, at that pen which kept rolling around his bottom lip.

That I didn't even realize when had ten minutes passed. I only came back to my surroundings when Mrs. Bitwick cleared her throat, "Amanda, this class is not for day-dreaming. Now be a good student like you are and read what you have written!"

Well! Shit!

I opened my mouth but closed again, in fact, I did it quite four to five times, but no sound came.

"Didn't write anything did you?" she gave me her pointed look.


"Detention for you" snapped she.

Great! You are going well.

"you Maxwell did you write anything?"

Oh no! Now he will also get detention and we both have to suffer again with each other, but it can be fun you know because he is not behaving himself. That's a pretty advantage for me.

My not so glorified bubble popped when Cole nodded his head, and I narrowed my eyes at him. Since, when he started writing or paying attention in class?

"Then read it." Demanded Mrs. Bitwick, while raising her eyebrows in a suspicious way.

Mr.-I-am-so-sexy-and-I-know-It and I-am-a-playboy and also that- I-hate-studies, actually stood up with his note-book in his hand and opened his mouth.

But what I didn't understand is why the hell my heart started beating fast like I had done a marathon.

Today, I'm looking different, but it doesn't mean that it is my imitation.

Maybe it had to do something with my feelings.

The empty hole of inside me craving for something;

That has been missing for a long time.

Maybe I'm not happy the way I was before.

Maybe my eyes were not sparkling the way they did before.

Maybe I'm not laughing the way I laughed before.

Maybe you don't remember me the way you did before.

Maybe you don't feel the same way about me the way you did before.

And maybe I'm not happy with it.

Bloody hell! Who is he and what he did to the playful Cole?

Surprised? Or shocked?

Do Votes, and make comments. If you like it.


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