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Silence is the most dangerous, yet astonishing thing at the same time.



Absolute silence!

That type of silence was giving me chills. However, I am still trying to survive it. He is not even looking at me though it's not that I wanted him to look at me.

But this silence is killing me from inside. I'm not a fan of silence, and according to my perception of living, I'll never become a fan of silence.

Moreover, silences are always dangerous, and bewildering with some hidden agenda in them. And I don't think I can believe in the mannerism of peaceful silence. Besides, silences can only be beautiful unless they don't have any secret behind them.

I need to break it. Yeah, I need to break this silence otherwise my heart will start pondering in my chest causing me anxiety.

As I moved my head towards him; He was still busy looking ahead, and his jaw was clenched.
Anger was radiant on his face. His knuckles were turning white due to pressing all the power to the steering wheel. And his eyes? they look dangerous!

He is mad!

Yes, he looks mad. He looks furious, but why? Do I do anything wrong?
Nah! I don't think so, but hey he doesn't have any right to be mad at me and to get furious with me. If I didn't do anything wrong. Besides, he asked me to step into this car. No, wait he ordered me to step in the car. And now, he is acting like this! What is wrong with him? If he didn't lower the speed; there are chances that we can catch an accident.

And I'm not ready to die. I'm still not married yet.

"Will you slow down the speed?" I asked him with caution. But he didn't reply.

Truth to be told I'm not a fan of speed. No, it is dangerous. It is fucking dangerous! And I hated every moment of speed.
If he didn't slow down the speed at any moment; I know I'll freak out or pass out! My heart started aching! My breathing got increased. I was breathing so hard. My head started roaming around in the world of the dark until the car has halted to stop.

I was breathing so hard, and sweating at the same time," what is wrong with you?" I yelled at him, so hard that he never had expected that.

But he didn't flinch! The fuck! I will punch him on his face right here. Right now! If he didn't open his damn fucking mouth! But it is not worth it. I just need to get out from here; from his car, and his presence.

"You suit yourself." And with that, I open the door and slammed it so hard. Though I didn't want to slam it hard, but my anger got out of me and proven me wrong by doing this. I know I was pissed and the slam was so hard that the jerk was not flinching for a second got jumped from his seat. Then his eyes met with mine.

I can't just stand there! I need to walk. Walk away from him. Then I realized my feet were no longer in my control and I already started running to get away from him.

"Wait! Where are you going?" he yelled back at me, as I heard his footsteps. It only means that he started following me.

Though, my heart wanted to scream so hard. My whole body wants to respond to his question, but I didn't open my mouth. I didn't! How could I? When I'm not even in my state of mind to react to a thing like this; I just wanted to be alone. Otherwise, I will end up crying.

I know! I know! I talk too much about shit! About that- I'm not going to cry, and I'm strong; also that-I'm changed, and all. But truth to be told something can't change, and It doesn't matter how hard you try some things just don't change that much easier.

However, when for the first time I wanted to be alone. My wish never got granted, that Cole grabbed my shoulder from behind and slammed my back hard on the wall. He caged me in the presence of his powerful arms. And there is no chance that I will escape from him.

I was breathing hard! Yes, I was breathing hard. That much hard; that our breath got mixed. Wait a second why was he breathing hard? He didn't even run! Then why?

Though, this is not the time to think about this. I need to get away from his presence. He-he looks dangerous. Like a caged animal who was about to burst in any time soon.

"Leave me alone!" I tried to yell, but it came out as a weak whisper.

"Do you want me to leave you alone?"


His breath was all over my face. He was so dangerously close. That one of us if move an inch closer our face will get collide. In other words, a kiss will happen.

No! No! No! You can't let that happen.

Obviously no! I won't let that happen.

I won't let history repeat itself. Maybe our situation and our hormones let us fool us, but then what? He will consider it as it never happened! Like he did at that stupid party and I know it wasn't his mistake! I was blindfolded, and he was also blindfolded for heaven's sake.

But what he said on the beach? When we were alone that he will never think about kissing me? And also that- I'm not even his type; Like I'm dying to be his type, or whatever nonsense it is! The hell he said that- I'm not even a girl for him!

That's it! That made my blood boil, and I pushed him against his chest with my both palms on his chest.

Though, I know it is very hard for me to make him budge out from his place. And the thought got real. He didn't even flinch from his place. He pressed his body against mine so hard that it would create an accident on roads. My back was pressing the wall, and my front body was pressed against his. I can feel his muscles, his hot skin under his shirt.

That means he can also feel my hot skin. He can also see how badly I'm affected by all this. He can also feel how weak my body is against him, and he can also feel that this situation sucks!

As all this was not enough; his one hand reached out to caress my cheek, "Amanda," he whispered so low with so much affection that it would melt glaciers of Antarctica.

Just one word from him and my heart will win this battle over my mind. It now depends on me- Do I wanted to do that?

But before he could say something, before I could lose myself in his arms the atmosphere has changed around us. Reluctantly, droplets of water started pouring upon us.

The voice of thunder has shrieked me out from my inside, and the greyish sky with all those thundery clouds makes my heart strange. I don't know what I was feeling? I don't know why I'm not happy inside? And I don't even know what is missing from my heart.

My eyes went closed; I was thinking of that time or at least trying to think of that time when I was a child.

But why? I'm thinking about that in this situation while looking towards the sky, caged in the arms of a boy; when my childhood was in the blur. I don't correctly remember all those things then why? I'm thinking about it?

Am I missing something? Or my mind is playing with me? Whatever it is; I don't want to be stuck in between the wall, and the boy who was harder than the wall.

I tried to push him. And I tried so hard with my all power that I even punched on his chest in that process.

And at the same time I was breathing hard, was about to cry; though I hit him, still I was about to burst out any time. I know you may be thinking that- what a bitch I am? Why I am doing all this drama? What is the reason to burst out? And so on......

......... seriously, I'm asking myself all these same questions.

"Let me go," I yelled, at his face. So that he can clearly understand I pushed him to let me go.

"Restrain! Control Amanda," actually he was surprised to see my reaction of struggling to get free.

Control............ what a shitty thing to say, yet the most difficult thing to do!

But Cole how can I control myself?

How can I control myself?

When I don't even know me!

How can I look through the edges?

When I don't even feel it!

How can I control my anger?

When I don't even understand why it is for?

How can I control my emotions?

When I don't remember anything?

How can I control my heart?

When I don't even understand what is inside it?

And I'm lost for words! I know I'm not making any sense, and this cold water making me shivering from it.

"Why are you here with me? And most importantly, what do you want Cole?"
I asked, this time completely, annoyed by all this. I wanted to finish whatever it is so that I can go back. And I thought he didn't expect this question also. Truth to be told I also didn't expect this question to roll from my mouth. For one second, he looked lost, as he didn't know what to say anything, or maybe he was asking himself the same question? What he was doing -the great player with that girl whom he didn't think of as a girl.

Every time I think of this my heart got to shrink. But I need to hold it still because he was about to open his mouth after several minutes of thinking about what to say.

His jaw looks clenched, his eyes look flustered, and Adam's apple was constantly moving, as he was gulping his thoughts in slow emotions. But finally, he opens his mouth," don't do that stupid bet."


"What do you mean?" I asked, dragging my holes on his face. He jerked his shoulders and took a step back away from me; he rolled his hairs from his hands.

In short, he was not meeting his eyes with mine. Correctly to be sound he was not making eye contact with me.

"I told you to not do that stupid bet of behaving like a playgirl!!!!" and with that, he met his eyes with mine. Cold brown pools were in a battle with my blue ones.


I never wanted to ask why! But it's just slipped out from my mouth. At the same time, I got a mischievous feeling of wondering what is he saying?

"Because you will not be able to d---"

"Just stop!" I shouted at him before he could finish his sentence. Again! Every fucking time! This- you will not able to do it! You will not able to do it!

What is wrong with him? He put you in this situation, didn't he? He makes this bet, didn't he? Now what? He wants you to back away? Because he thinks that you can't do it! If he thinks that- you couldn't do it then why he in the first place makes this bet? Then why?

"Who made this bet? You! Who put me in this situation? You! And if you are concerned about me; then why you started it? Why you put my name in the STUDENT OF THE YEAR competition. You challenged me to face it. And yes, I did. But on the last night of the announcement of the winner, you made this bet. And If I am not wrong you were not wasted in that video. You were in your senses; still, you made it and make a fool out of me. You were so satisfied with yourself that- you said if you won; I've to do adopt one thing of yours which I hated about you most! And at that time you knew it; I hated your playboy thing. You were that much considerate about winning the competition; that you didn't think if I won? And I asked you the same thing, Cole! You know what? Now, I realized; why? You did all this? Why you have put my name in the competition. Why you made that bet. And why you accepted to become a nerd, gladly. Because you thought that- I'm not going to win! You thought that- I'll make a fool of myself in front of all people. You thought that- getting me in a bet to play the role of playgirl will insult me more. Because you knew that I'll not do such a stupid thing. And I'll decline to it. Then you will be happy about all this- isn't it? But fate played differently, Cole Maxwell! And we both lost! You got trapped in your own game. Now, you also have to act like a nerd. Do you know what I'm thinking? That video that got viral; which gave everyone acknowledgement about this bet is made by you, or you have paid someone to make it. You wanted me to fall miserably in my own eyes or school. But destiny has its own thing and your plan got stuck! You bastard! How dare you? Who the hell do you think you are?" I yelled at him in his god damn face!

"I hate you! And your fucking eyes- brows." I punched him on his chest. I also wanted to punch him on his jerked face! But I don't want to look in his eyes, so I went on to punching his chest.

"You were not like this!" he tried to capture both my fist in his hands.

"Oh! You don't even know me! And you never will!" I tried to move my fist from his capturing hands.

"You don't remember anything?" More than me; he was asking his question to himself.

what the hell is he talking about? You know what! I'm done with him! He can stand here alone and do whatever he wants to do, but I'm not going to react to his bullshit. But it got late to back away; he has captured both my fists in his large hands.

"Leave me!" I yelled.

"Oh So that you can walk away patiently after letting out your anger on me," and again he was so dangerously close to me.

"Let me go!" I shrieked, getting a week on my knees. God-damn! Butterflies were floating on my stomach!

"You had your time, and you did what you wanted to do. Now, I'll do what I wanted to do!" and with that, he captured my lips with his.




Or both?

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