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Who will you believe?  your heart or your brain?


It's been a week since that exhausting moment of my life happened in my own house but that incident also changed my relations with my mother, my friends and with the Cole

I'm not going to admit that whatever happened was correct of course it was not but I admit that whatever happens had a sign behind it.

And the school has changed. Changed for good. people started giving no damn to anyone to whatsoever think the popular students. There were not curious glances anymore only overwhelming gestures to hold on to.
I think you guys remember the incident here in the school near the parking area at the gateway when Beatrice and Joseph both went furious and kissed each other nonchalantly not in a better way.

No, I'm not talking about how good they were at kissing and how good they look what I'm going to say is when they were eating each other mouths alive other students were clicking their picture and somehow someone made their video and posted it on the school website. From the ears of the walls, I have heard that the previous week had been worst for Beatrice and Joseph.

They get suspended for almost a week and also school office administration called their parents to let them know what their blessed children did on the school premises.

However, Veronica Stratford of the Cross River High school is missing. She is nowhere to be found in these past days as I have heard maybe she is heading in a different direction of her life well that's good for her.
I know I have not seen her since Cole told me that she cheated to win the title.

Maybe today I'll get the chance to see her?  Or to talk to her like a normal person which we never did.

All these had been brought up by my dear friend Vanessa Carlson when I was one week away from school. 

I love her, I love that girl not because she is my first who has supported me throughout my everything but because she is strong that she single-handedly united her family. Her parents had thought to not give up on each other yet and to give their married life a second chance. Yes, and all because of Vess.

Though I'm getting angry at her right now! She asked me to be with her outside the school and it's been half an hour I'm standing here giving everyone the look which states-'mind to their own business'

People will think you are not friendly

They can think whatever they want the hell I care. If she didn't come now I'll-I will... Ughhhh what the hell I can do to her?

Should I make her do the banana dance in the middle of school or should I give her the spiciest food to eat?

Ha, nonsense!

Make her do the chimpanzee dance for you


"Oh shit! I'm so sorry. Mom used to make me drank milk and you know right how much I hate things in my life!"

A scene started playing ahead of me where Vess was not the Vanessa and her face looks like the face of a female chimpanzee. Female because she had lipstick in those dreadful lips

"Ewww!" I uttered, hardly able to control my laughter.

"Yea I know milk is eww! That damn thing is good for nothing but my mother wants to drink it always as she wants to make me a milkwoman, " she sounded as she was disgusted with the idea of being a milk lover.
However, I slapped her shoulder so that she can stop blabbering and we can go inside the school.

When we went inside there was a crowd gathered near the hallway of the algebra class. Everyone was fuming in circles with whispered talks.

Ha talks! Talks about someone breaking the spirit of everyone in a rejoice to consolidate a little period.
Talks that could hurt someone bit who cares? Nobody cares if anybody here. all just enjoy the show except for your loved ones so keeps one thing in always your mind to does not believe in everyone and yet believe in someone for hope.

"But what are they talking about?"

Hissed vess in my ear. And if looks could kill she would be dead by now because she shouted in my ears. Her voice was that much loud that the whole crowded people started staring at us not in a good manner.

"Oops, " she was like a deeply nourished tomato all red from head to toe; her eyes were trying to sneak away in some different direction when the staring didn't stop.

But I hold her hand right away looking at her through my blue ones to the hazel green eyes because I know how much it would affect her to tell that I'm with her in any situation like she has always been with me.

"Look! Look! Who doesn't know about the fuss? It's the Bamanda Parker and her good for nothing Vanessa
Carlson, "

Look I know I need to punch her right now on this place but school premises, I've to think before doing such a thing. And I also know that I might get suspended so it would be better if I save it for after School.

Just wait and watch Beatrice. I"ll make you beat your rice.

"stay away from us!" Vess beamed in alarming the Beatrice shocked expressions when she was expecting a consolidate the received a greater comeback.

The confusion was written all in her face and why not? After being suspended for almost a week she hasn't learned her lesson yet. I mean what does she even wants?

"Then what? What will you do? Do you call your boyfriend Dylan that puppy of Cole Maxwell here to fight with me? Do you know darling is it not in provolone to raise a hand against women? So do if you have guts otherwise don't do it at all!" Her eyes were burning with anger and I don't know why? Should I suppose to know that?

Can you shut up for a second in just one minute you were thinking to slap her hard on her face and now you are showing your affection when she is insulting your friends? What is wrong with you??

"What's wrong Beatrice are you ok?"

Her eyes turned cold to dark and like the sea of the storm; her dark blue eyes turned bluer dialling the radius of her orbs, even more, harder to observe but little did she knows that eyes speak more bout you than you speak of yourself. Eyes are the soul of the body before remitting into the world.

"What?" She plastered a fake smile trying to compensate for the damage her eyes had done. When she saw that we were waiting to open her mouth she just lost her composure and excused herself from arguing with us. Then she gets lost in the chaos of the crowd in the hallway.

"What was that? Is she ok?"

And I guess we could never change our way of thinking bout anyone because we could never change our souls despite others.

Joseph came out of nowhere from the crowd. His eyes were holding the barrage towards me but what can I say? I share the same feelings towards him. However, he still has a smirk on his face which clearly shows that he doesn't care about Beatrice. He doesn't care about anybody that he only cares about him.

"Look. Look. Who is here? The famous Manda Parker and her friend Vanessa Carlson what you kind ladies are doing here?" Sarcasm was dripping from his tone.

And before I could say something Vess beats me up," doing better than you Joseph!" If a hammer would be given to Vanessa's hand she would not think twice to beat that huge thing on his head.

"Kinky, I like that but watch your mouth Carlson otherwise you would not like my action of reaction towards you, " he was hovering over us with his tall height but he doesn't know we have the strength of kicking him in his balls taller than his height.

"Let's go he is not worth the argument,  "
I clutched her hand and started walking to our algebra class.

"Want to know what the fuss about? Then better ask your boyfriend Cole Maxwell! Oh, I forget that he is not your  boyfriend yet and also h didn't invite you to his famous farmhouse for  the legacy of Maxwell empire when his parents are being the trustee of the school had invited the school to his big function to show how much about of money they got!"

His all words are directly shrinking my heart as a knife would cut slices.
But wait for what?? His parents are trustees of this school The fucking Cross River School and they have invited the whole School for the event?  Like seriously?  I mean who does that? How much rich he is???? This can't be true...

"What are you talking about?????" I was flabbergasted as much as Vess was.

"Ha?? No clue? Yeah, I guess it right! And by the conclusion I aspect that he didn't ask yet to be his girlfriend right?  Why Amanda? Have you ever thought about why? Maybe because you are not good enough to accept publically in his standards of society. Maybe you not that much rich as he is and maybe you are not his type. Maybe he is just using you because you are the intelligent one just to increase his reputation and maybe because you haven't dated  anyone yet so you become the trophy to collect mong the boys!"

I slapped him on his face. What the hell does he think about himself! Does he even know how much his words have affected me?  Oh well, whom I'm asking he does not care he was acting like a bottle of poison whom anybody will drink kill himself.

"Stay the hell away you jerk! Otherwise, you will not be able to be a father in your life!" Vanessa warned him. As he stood there smiling all in his glory.

"Why? Because you want me to be the father of your child?"
Even though he had received a Slap on his face showed no affection whatsoever.

"It's just a waste of time to even talk to him!" I said because I saw nothing in his eyes; not on his face.

What if he is saying is right? What if he's ashamed to accept you as your girlfriend? I mean after all why he didn't propose to you yet? Maybe he is doing all this because of his reputation.


"What are you thinking?"

"Let's do it!" She asked me as she stood there wondering about what to do or what to do not. Well, who I am playing? Of course, she is preparing for me to sneak out just like the way I did for the first time when I and that Cole kissed for the first time.

Curious enough to know what we are trying to do? Well, hold your horses high because we are doing nothing.
Hahaha. I know that it's complete bullshit!

That big thing of his trustee's rich parents is by the evening and it still doesn't know anything about it. That bastard didn't even consider telling me anything about what was going on! And even though that was hot enough to consider being not thinking straight Vess has decided to go in there because she was also angry; angry because Dylan didn't tell her anything. He and Cole teamed up like they always do. And in the current scenario o remember the statement which states bros before anything else.

"Let me meet Dylan for once I'll kick him hard!" Anger was flaring from Vess's nose. When she was applying lipstick on her perfectly plump lips.
"I think you are going to kiss him,  " I tried to lighten the mood.

You need to get serious I mean  How can you joke in this situation? Can't you see what's happening here? He might be using for from the starting and you are getting ready for what? For some nonsense event in which the whole school is invited just to showcase how much money and position in someone's hold?

"No! I will not!" She retarded in her blunt tone.

She was wearing a cylinder cut smothering black dress that was hovering her figure perfectly. Its neck was perfectly slithered making her shoulders and caller come even sexier and the length of the dress was just above the knees. To complete the look she has straightened her hair and parted them from the middle so that it can hang proudly on her smouldering shoulders.

And if you have to ask about my dress? Mine is also in black though I didn't want to wear black still my request friend had this thought to make ourselves black women for the thing. Nevertheless, my dress is inspired by Rachel's dress from FRIENDS 

When she wore the sea-green dress, the one where everyone was getting late. And the one where Joey wore all the clothes of Chandler. Everything is the same in black colour.

HA! Jennifer Aniston's feeling will make you feel like you are the only prettiest thing though my hair is still in the same condition a little bit part by the left side and of course they are straightened like they Vess's were.

I had sandals and she had heels and I think that was enough to feel dizzy at this moment.

"Shall we?" She extended her hand to hold on to mines. And then I  fidgeted before leaving her house.


The first part of the last chapter and the last will come soon. In the meanwhile, you can tell me what do you think about Cole?? And after all;
Thank you for reading this story ❤
Love you guys❤❤❤❤❤

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