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Dedicated to j2music and __Just-Me__


That was...interesting. I never knew Lui was gay, but it's not like I'm against it or anything. I mean, I have liked Wakiya for some time now..., but that's not the point.

I shut out my thoughts and noticed Valt rioting about the room.


"Because you were already the protagonist for two seasons, " Wakiya pointed out with a chuckle.


Naoki surprised us by releasing a virtual siren on the screen, making me wince and cover my ears in pain.

"The author has informed me that the readers have been desperately attempting to repair the 4th wall, so if you can all kindly pay attention, we can get this book over with."

Rantaro grumbled. "You just mentioned the author, you dolt..."

[The two boys leave Lui sitting against the lockers after bullying him. He sat there with a straight face, letting his tears silently run down his pale cheek. 

Right at that moment another male turned the corner in the hallway, spotted Lui, and immidiently ran over and kneeled down.

"Are you okay, Lui?!"

He nodded dejectedly.

The boy had silky white hair, and blood crimson eyes. His skin was fairly peach, and his outfit consisted of a pink buttoned shirt, black pants plus a tie, and a single red glove on his hand.]

 Wait a second..

"Shu, that's you!" Valt yelled. We turned to him and saw his face full of confusion, as if he was struggling to remember something.

[With a sigh, Lui tells everything that just occurred to his friend, and he said, "But that doesn't matter."

Lui frowned and his face as he choked on a sob. "I'm a freak...Theodore shouldn't have sent me here...everyone thinks I'm defective for liking males.."

The albino sighed and helped him up. "Don't let that get to you though, it'll only make you weak."

"But," Lui stated, "they even told me that there's a special drink that can cure me of my sexuality, and that they threatened to-"

He gulped and sweatdropped.

"-they want to see my 'boyfriend', but they wouldn't take no as an answer when I told them I didn't have one!"]

Shu snapped his fingers. "Yeah, I have no clue about what's going on."

I frowned. "But that's you on screen, no?"

"Yeah, but last time I checked, I was told I went to a different school. And I definitely don't remember being in school with Lui..."

[Shu looked away in thought and turned around. "Well, what if I did you a favor?"

"Y-yeah," Lui sniffled cutely.

"I  could pretend to be your...boyfriend, but just so those kids will leave you alone!" The albino said, while blushing madly.

Lui turned slightly pink. "I couldn't ask that of you..."

Shu shook his head. "Too late."]

Valt twitched a bit. He looked pretty miffed about something, as if Shu and Lui dating bothered him. Wait, could he be jealous?

[The next day, Lui is confronted by Nero and  Takashi, who once again pushed him against the wall and laughed.

"Where's your boyfriend, you little brat? Is he gone, like your parents?" Nero sneered.

Just as Lui was about to attack him, Shu came running down the hallway and did the unexpected.

He jumped and threw himself at Lui.]

Naoki quickly yelled, "EVERYONE COVER YOUR EARS!!!" Everyone did as told and prepared for the worst.

*insert fandom squealing and shipping Shu x Lui like crazy*

Valt stuck out his tongue. "Shalt is better..."

[Shu keeled beside Lui and snuggled against his face. "Where have you been?!" He screeched.

Lui laughed nervously. "Sorry, I was just talking to these fine gentlemen..."

Takashi snorted. "This your boyfriend, Shirasagi? No way that's true!"

"Yeah, there's something off about this." Takashi agreed and eyed the two 'lovers'. Lui gulped nervously, but Shu was determined.

Nero raised an eyebrow. "Prove it then, Kurenai. Kiss him."

They looked at each other and hesitated for a second. Lui's heart began racing and his stomach fluttered.

What is this feeling? He thought.

The two bullies were about to laugh, when Shu slammed his lips on Lui's. The shark-like male blushed furiously as all the could in his body boiled. The albino closer his eyes and deeply took in the moment.

Takashi and Nero had a look of disgustment.

Shu noticed this and smiled as he pulled away and advanced toward them. "Oh, Nero~ C'mere."

He paled and backed away. "N-no, I value my life! Takashi, let's get out of here!"

The two cowards ran off screaming their heads off.

Lui looked shocked. He couldn't believe Shu actually did that for him...now that was loyalty.

Shu turned around and looked straight into his eyes and said, "I love you."]


Rantaro and Wakiya groaned. The two blondes said, "Why the heck are they yelling?!"

Question: What do you think is going to happen in the future after Shu's confession? And do you guys understand what's going on, or is my writing to confusing?

Author-chan: *chokes* Anyone want a Shu x Lui lemon? 😏

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