Chapter 10

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Taehyung's POV:

Why is my luck so so bad? I am friends with almost all the members of BTS and to make it worse, I kissed one of them and felt amazing and want to do it again.

Jeonnnnn!! Leave my head! Why can't I just get you off my head? Your stupid coconut head, your pretty bambi eyes, that sharp, pointed nose! Those sparkling hazel nut orbs, the luscious baby pink lips that taste like cinnamon and chocolate, I want them to meet mine again. Stupid breathtaking muscle pig. I hate it that I have you on my mind almost every hour of the day.

Great! He makes me aggressive as well!

Forget about him, Taehyung and move up to the file room before lunch break.

Fourth floor, here I come.

Have I ever said this before that I hate paperwork? These papers look good only when you are a writer or an artist but other than that, paperwork absolutely sucks.

I was busy cleaning the mess in the file room which meant shredding the useless papers when I heard the room door open and close once.

No one comes here!

I turned around and rolled my eyes.

Of ducking course!

"Jeon? What are you doing here?" I asked him crossing my arms on my chest.

He looked at me and then looked away not meeting my eyes.

"I umm came to umm the--- music room? Yeah the music room to pick up few things when I heard a noise from this room so yeah- I came to check!" Jungkook said nodding his head as if he was assuring himself that.

"You're lying, aren't you?" I asked him raising my eyebrows staring directly at him.

He suddenly looked straight into my eyes and took a step forward without even blinking.

"What if I am? What are you gonna do about it?" He asked dead serious.

"I-I won't do anything about i-it!" I said mumbling taking a step backward.

"Then why do you feel I am lying to you?" He asked taking another step forward.

"B-Because I clearly didn't make a-any noise here!" I said stuttering breaking eye contact and took another step backward.

"You did and maybe just didn't notice?" He asked tilting his head a bit taking another step forward.

"I am s-sure?" I mumbled out taking another step backward and Shit! What was this shelf doing here? Now where will I go?

"What if I say that I came here for you!" He whispered taking another step towards me and damn did he invade my personal space already.

"You didn't, you wouldn't?" I said looking at him clutching my shirt in my fist tightly due to nervousness.

"Why so?" He asked and came a lot more close to me.

"You wouldn't know I am here?" I said or somewhat asked whispering.

He softly chuckled and brushed a few strands of hair away from my forehead slowly with his fingers while looking at me.

"So clueless!" He whispered near my nose when I looked at him and he looked into my eyes with his deep, hazelnut orbs.

"I am not!" I whispered touching our nose.

"You sure?" He asked, his breath lingering on my lips.

I closed my eyes and opened them again to look at him only to whisper back a 'please'

"Please what?" He whispered softly.

"J-Jeon, please!" I whispered again now clutching his collars in my fist.

I heard a small 'argh! Fuck it' escape his lips and in the next moment his lips were on mine.

I closed my eyes and my hands travelled to his hair, clutching it tightly around my fingers from his collars. His hand swiftly travelled to my waist and he pushed me to the shelf a bit more as his own muscled body was pressed on me.

His lips moulded with mine perfectly and it moved in a rythmic tune. This kiss wasn't like the one yesterday, it was much more sloppy and full of need. We were both hungry for the kiss. Soon enough I could feel his tongue on my bottom lip and without any fight I parted my lips for him to enter. He drew random circles on my waist and his hand kept going up and down on my spine.

My lips left out a small, whimpering moan and I won't say, I wasn't embarrassed. His lips pressed harder on mine as he heard the moans and groans that left my mouth.

We parted our lips for a second to breathe and we looked at each other with half open eyes and in the next moment we were kissing again as if our life depended on it. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him more on me and he wrapped his hands around my waist more tightly.

"You sound so sinful and beautiful." He whispered and kissed me hungrier this time. My hands were on his nape wrapped around tightly as my mouth couldn't stop making those small sounds.

Our kiss wasn't sweet and short anymore. It was a kiss filled with need, want, hunger, passion and we just couldn't stop.

Fuck! We are making out!

We both knew that we wanted more.

Taehyung! What are you doing?

My mind knew this is wrong, so wrong yet it felt so amazing, so good and so right!

He finally left my lips and looked at me.

"I don't want to but I have to go now!" He whispered, his eyes travelling from my eyes to my now swollen, red lips and back to my eyes again as his hands were no more on my waist but on my cheeks, slowly caressing them.

I nodded my head because I knew my voice wouldn't come out right now.

"You look insanely beautiful and illegal right now, I can't get over the fact that you are look like this right now because of me!" He whispered near my lips pecking it softly.

He detached himself from me and ran his thump on my plum (because of the kiss) lips.

"I'll see you soon ba- clueless Kim!" He said clearing his throat and giving my lip a quick peck and ran out of the room.

I was still standing at the spot frozen with my eyes wide open.

I t-think- I-I t-think I-I am catching feelings for a muscle pig, coconut head and it is soo wrong yet feels damn right.



Jiminie, can you meet me early today, around 6? I am getting off early and I really need to talk to you about something!

I pressed the send button and inhaled deeply. I have to talk about this whole ki- I mean Jeon thing with someone and I am not really best friends with someone other than Jimin. I am pretty sure I can trust him with this. Almost two minutes later my phone beeped indicating, I received a message.

                                             Jiminie💛 :
                               Sure Taebear! I don't     have much work or practice today so I'll  be there with fried chicken and coke!❤️

I smiled at his gesture! Everyday he would bring me food but he knew that whenever we need to talk about something, junk food is what we always opt for.

I glanced at my wrist watch that displayed 4:30! Just few more minutes and I can talk to Jimin about everything.

I was about to leave the second floor and head towards the ground floor when I heard someone yell my name.
I turned around to see it was Namjoon hyung. Oh no! I nervously looked around the floor to see if someone saw him calling me. No one here! Thank God.

"Hey Taehyung!" He yelled jogging towards me.

"Hi, Namjoon hyung!" I said smiling.

"Are you heading home?" He asked me displaying his dimples, which meant he was smiling.

"Not yet but soon! Why? You need something?" I asked him confused.

"Um, no! I just thought we could take a walk?" He said laughing nervously.

"Oh? I am sorry, Namjoon hyung! Not today as I have work but how about tomorrow?" I asked smiling.

"Uh, Sure! I am up for it!" He said smiling.

I nodded my head smiling again.

I have been smiling a lot these days, isn't it?

"Alright, Tae! I gotta go now, meet you tomorrow, don't forget the walk!" He said smiling.

"Of course, Namjoon hyung! Byee!" I said as I waved at him.

He walked towards the main entrance to leave. He left quite early today but then again Jimin said they didn't have much work today.

I wonder if Jeon left too!

Stop thinking about him and finish your work.

I shook my head at my own thoughts and got back to work. It was almost 6 when I finished so I hurriedly left the building and ran towards my apartment to see Jimin already standing there.

"Jiminieeeeeee!" I yelled running towards him.

"Taehyung-ahhhh!" He yelled back.

I ran into his arms literally as we both giggled. Yes, we have become really close and I can say that he is my family now. I share every secret and every thought of mine with him and he understands them so well and I smile and giggle with him a bit easily as well.

"Come on, go in and take a warm shower till I prepare the food!" He said laughing as he broke the hug.

I nodded like a kid and listened to him.

Soon enough I changed into fresh clothes after taking a warm shower and walked out looking at Jimin already ready with food and also a movie on the TV even though we won't need a movie today.

I sat down beside him on the couch and he glanced at me smiling.

"Yes Taebear, so what did you want to talk about?" He asked smiling as he picked up a glass and poured the coke in it and was about to take a sip.

I zoned out a bit because how am I supposed to tell him that I kissed Jung- I mean we both kissed and not once but twice. The second time was not even a kiss but a whole make out session?

He took a sip from the glass and looked at me with curious eyes.

"Taebear? What's up? Why are you zoning out? It's just me, you know you can tell me anything and I won't judge, right?" He said softly.

I nodded my head at his sweet and soothing words. I know he wouldn't judge and I can tell about anything but what about me kissing one of his teammate? Not only that but I-I think I am catching feelings for him.

"What is it?" He asked as he picked a fried chicken to take a bite.

I gulped and took a deep breath and opened my eyes.

He bit on the chicken when I literally yelled:

"I kissed Jungkook."

His eyes went wide and he chocked on his bite. He started coughing hysterically when I ran up to him and rubbed his back to sooth him and stop him from coughing.

"YOU DID WHAT!?" He yelled as soon as he was okay.

I broke eye contact with him and started fiddling with my fingers.

"Actually h-he kissed m-me but I-I kissed him back too!" I said mumbling.

"It must have happened by mistake, don't worry about it!" Jimin said waving his hand in front of him.

"Actually w-we kissed twice and the second time we kinda m-made out!" I said mumbling extremely softly.

"YOU DID WHAT!? YOU BOTH HAD A MAKEOUT SESSION?" He asked with a disbelief in his tone.

"Jiminieeee, I don't know why and how it happened but it just happened and we both wanted more and we couldn't control but now I think it means nothing to him but I am sure that I am catching feelings for him and I-"

"YOU ARE WHAT!?" He yelled again with his eyes wide open because of shock.

"I-I think that I-I am catching feelings for him?" I asked tilting my head.

"Oh Gosh!" Jimin said and sank down on the couch while throwing his hands on the couch like a starfish.

"Jiminiee, I know I shouldn't like him because it doesn't mean anything to him." I said playing with my fingers.

He looked at me and sighed as he took my hands into his small, soft ones.

"Babe, I reacted that way because I can very well understand that he caught feelings for you much before you did!" He said sighing.

"WHAT?" I yelled this time.

"Taebear, Jungkook is someone-" he stopped and sighed dramatically but continued again.

"Jungkook is someone who isn't a playboy! He is an innocent bean and honestly, he hasn't dated anyone before for some reason but I am telling you that if he kissed you and initiated the whole thing, he isn't playing with you or your feelings, he definitely likes you. I know him for almost eight years now and honestly, he is shy and he keeps his emotions to himself but he opened up to you and you broke his shy shell so easily well I don't know how you did it but you did so don't worry about your feelings not being reciprocated." Jimin said smiling.

"Should I talk to him about it?" I asked mumbling.

"Obviously you should! You guys aren't friends with benefits or some shit! Your feelings are involved in it so communicate." Jimin said smiling.

I nodded smiling, feeling a lot better but suddenly the smile faded.

"Jimin!" I said with a gasp that startled Jimin a bit.

"What? Do you see a ghost? I thought your apartment was haunted! Now I am sure of it!" Jimin said nervously looking around.

"No, silly!" I said chuckling.

"Then why did you gasp like that?" Jimin said confused.

"Jimin, I can talk to Jeo- I mean Jungkook but Mr. Min and the whole contract.." I mumbled out.

"Oh! Please. Me being in your apartment is also against your contract but here we are! Also, are you forgetting Hobi hyung teaches you piano and the coffee with Namjoon hyung? When it came to your feelings, the contract suddenly matters? It broke long back anyway!" Jimin said rolling his eyes.

I sighed and picked up a fried chicken to finally take a bite.

"I guess I can ask him to take me out on a fried chicken and coke date!" I said staring at the fried chicken in my hand.

Jimin squealed beside me and hugged me tightly as I giggled.

"But fried chicken and coke is our thing!" Jimin said pouting.

"Then I'll ask him to take me out for ice cream!" I said hugging him.

"You know he is famous right? Public place might cause you both trouble." Jimin said hugging me back and rocked us like kids.

I pouted at his words and whined a bit.

"Wait! I can ask him for a home date and we can have it right here!" I said with excitement laced in my voice.

"Home date, hmm! You probably will end up eating each other's face rather than food so that's quite a cheap date, sounds fantastic!" Jimin said clapping his hands.

"Shut up, Jiminie! We won't do that, we will eat real food!" I said looking at the floor clearing feeling the heat travelling up to my cheeks.

"You're literally blushing babe! But anyway, I want you guys to talk it out, yeah?" He said smiling.

"We will! Thank you so much, Jiminie!" I said smiling, hugging him again.

"Don't say thank you, I'll always be here for you after all that's what family is there for right?" He broke the hug and looked at me asking the question.

My eyes glossed a bit at his words due to happiness and the word 'family'.

"Yes and you are my family!" I said smiling.

We both giggled at our emotional state and continued munching on our fried chicken and coke without any other worldly tension and stress.




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