Chapter 15

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Jin's POV:

Mornings are meant to be soft and calming but is it even possible when you are literally the mother of five chaotic kids? Yes! Kids. Namjoon, right from when he woke up, he started reading a novel completely ignoring all my attempts to make him work. Hobi disappeared right from the moment he woke up, Jimin is glued to his laptop, watching a movie, Yoongi, when does he even wake up? And Jungkook? God! That boy! I don't even know where he is. He didn't return to the dorm from yesterday and he has some major explaining to do.

They definitely didn't look like they would be going to the company now so I decided to leave just so I could get away from these over grown babies. Don't get me wrong, I love them, a lot but sometimes, I need my own space as well.

Soon enough I was here in the company looking for a place where I can be alone because my temples are killing me due to it's annoying pain. I made my way up towards the second floor because that floor remains isolated.

Once I was there, I stopped in my tracks hearing a soft, deep, beautiful and soothing voice, singing a song. My legs automatically walked towards the voice and I guess I was too hypnotised by his voice that the following words on its own rolled out of my tongue.

"That was outstanding! Your voice is so beautiful that I am mesmerized!" I said mesmerized.

He turned towards me and that's when I saw his face. He is a familiar person because we all saw him a couple of weeks back on the ground floor while he was cleaning it. He looked at me as if he has seen a ghost. He looked scared, shocked and worried?

"Hey, you good?" I asked again a bit concerned now.

"Y-Yeah I am g-good! You just took me by surprise." He replied playing with his fingers.

He definitely isn't okay because he looked extremely nervous.

"It's okay, don't be nervous, it's just me!" I said trying to calm him down.

He still didn't look at me.

"You have an amazing voice, why don't you try and audition here?" I asked carefully.

"You think my voice is that good?" He asked surprised.

"Absolutely! It is mesmerising. It's more beautiful because it is really unique. Not everyone has such a deep voice yet has the ability of reaching high notes so casually without any trouble or crack in the voice." I said smiling.

His eyes suddenly shined a bit and he looked like a small child who was given his favourite chocolate.

"You really liked it?" He asked with a certain enthusiasm in his voice now.

I giggled at his excitement and he immediately looked away probably due to embarrassment.

"Liked it? I loved it!" I said honestly.

He smiled whole heartedly and looked at me happily.

"So, why don't you audition here?" I asked smiling and taking a step towards him.

His happy face suddenly changed and a small frown or you could say sad expression replaced it.

"I-I can't audition." He said mumbling.

"Why?" I asked him taking a seat on the nearby couch and tapping the seat next to mine, asking him to sit as well.

He smiled a little and sat down.

I heard him sigh and started fidgeting with his shirt.

"My mother always wanted me to pursue music and she always wanted me to be a singer. My grandmother even wanted to see me on the television." He said chuckling a bit sadly.

I looked at him smiling as well.

"My father listened to each and everything my mother said and he fulfilled each and every wish of hers without even giving it a second thought so when he heard that she wanted me to pursue music, he was really happy and helped me with a lot of things. He made me learn few instruments and singing was always a huge part of my life because I am from a musical family." He said smiling now.

I noticed he was in a trance probably reminiscing the past but I noticed one thing that he said everything in past tense.

"I had my family's support for everything I wanted to do in my life but t-then everything f-fell apart and.." He said as his voice cracked a bit.

I shifted towards him and wrapped a single arm around his shoulder and I thanked God that he didn't flinch away. He took a deep breath and continued speaking.

"And now I-I am here, in one of the most famous entertainment company yet not as a singer but as a worker, who is almost like a slave that has to do and follow every orders given to me just because the salary is good." He said looking at the floor.

"What happened to them?" I asked carefully, rubbing soothing circles on his back.

"T-They d-died. In a car accident while returning from a get together and my grandmother, she didn't take the news very well as she was a h-heart patient and s-she left m-me as well! They all left me alone in this big world! I was scared and had nowhere to go but now I landed here, trying my best to earn money so that I can at least live." He said as continuous droplets left his eyes.

I hugged him tight in my embrace.

"Oh my precious baby! You are not alone okay? You have me with you! As your brother, your friend, your relatives, your eomma as well!" I said trying to make him feel better.

"E-Eomma?" He asked in a small voice.

"Yes! I will take care you like a mother, don't you worry at all! I usually don't allow anyone to call me that but you can call me eomma if you want to." I said rubbing his back.

"Really? Can I?" He asked now breaking the hug.

"Yes, you can! Also, you can even call me Jin hyung when we are in public!" I said laughing a bit.

"Jin hyung?" He asked now looking at me with his round, big eyes that sparkled maybe due to happiness or his tears.

"Yes! I am Kim Seokjin but for you I am Jin hyung or Eomma!" I said smiling.

"If I call you e-eomma then you will call me Taebear!" He said now sniffing softly, no more crying.

"Alright, Taebear!" I said smiling.

He giggled softly and he looked so adorable like a little baby!

"My new son is so adorable!" I said pulling his cheeks.

He giggled more and hugged me suddenly.

"Thank you! I haven't talked about this thing to anyone and I feel much better after saying this to someone and especially to someone like you Jin hyung! Thank you so much." He said mumbling in my shoulder.

"Oh baby, don't thank me! I will always be there for you from now on. Never worry about anything yeah?" I said hugging him back tightly.

He nodded his head and slowly broke the hug.

"Also, I will make your Appa and Eomma's dream come true. Even your grandmother's!" I said smiling at me.

"H-How? You don't have to do that." He said shocked.

"I have to and I will! I can't let my son's dream break right?" I said smiling at him.

"But how will you? I don't have enough money." He said with his big round eyes.

"Well Jin Hit Entertainment is going to take care of the entire thing!" I said smirking.

"Who's that?" He asked confused.

"The one who doesn't follow the rules of this company." I said smirking.

Then looked at him smiling and thought to myself.

I know what I have to do exactly! Just give me some time Taebear.

Taehyung's POV:

Jin hyung or should I say Eomma is the best person I have ever met in my life because his actions and his words were so caring, soothing and motherly. I missed that emotion and feeling so much that maybe I easily got comfortable with him. I don't regret it, not even a bit. I am so happy that I met someone like Jin hyung.

Wait a minute! I am friends with all the members of BTS now! WHAT IN THE NAME OF STRAWBERRY JAM DID I DO!?

What will I do now? If it was one or two of them I wouldn't have a problem hiding it but all six of them and one of them is my boyfriend. Oh Precious Lord, I am doomed.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't realize the strong arms being wrapped around my neck from behind.

I got startled a bit when I heard a soft chuckle.

"It's me baby!" He said softly and pressed a kiss on my cheek from behind and I giggled loudly, placing my hand on his.

"Jungkookie, what are you doing here now?" I asked as his hands travelled down to my waist and now he was completely backhugging me.

"I missed you, so much that I had to see you right away." He said placing his chin on my shoulder.

"Hmm, we were apart from each other for only three hours!" I said smiling.

"And? Your point is?" He asked me.

"Kookieee! Alright! I missed you too, so much." I said turning around and hugging him properly.

"Let's have lunch together, I don't want to miss you more!" He said placing his head on top of my head, which was placed on his chest.

"But Jungkookie, I can't let anyone see you wit-"

"I know baby, I know. But we can have lunch somewhere not in public." He said breaking the hug to look at me.

"Then?" I asked confused.

"Let me go buy something and meet you on the fourth floor?" He asked me kissing my forehead.

I giggled and nodded my head.

"Don't be too late!" I said giving his cheek a small kiss.

"I won't be love, now go!" He said pecking my nose.

I giggled again and nodded my head.

He ran away towards the exit of the floor as I went towards the elevator.

There might be a lot of problem that I have to deal with in my life right now due to the various prompt decisions I took but I just know one thing that whatever I did, I will never regret it because the people for whom I took these decisions really do love me a lot and a little bit of risk must be taken for people who genuinely care for you.

He is friends with everyone now!😂
Now, let the fun begin!😂😂



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