Chapter 28

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Third person's POV:

"MR. MIN!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Jimin yelled purposely hoping that the others heard him.

"What do you mean what I am doing here? And why are you yelling?" Siyuk asked narrowing his eyes.

"Umm--no! Nothing. So what brings you here, Mr. Min?" Jimin asked flashing a fake smile.

"How is the get together going? I am surprised I couldn't make it on time." Siyuk replied looking at his rolex watch shining on his wrist.

"Wait! Who invited you?" Jimin asked with raised eyebrows.

"What do you mean by who invited me? I am the CEO and I am supposed to be a part of these small get togethers my boys do!" Siyuk replied laughing.

"Uh, okay? But we are almost done with the get together so--" Jimin couldn't complete when Siyuk interrupted him.

"Doesn't matter! Lemme just get in and spend some time with you all! It's been a long time anyway."

"OKAY! MR. MIN, COME INSIDE!" Jimin yelled again.

"Jimin? Seriously? What's wrong with you? I am right in front of you, stop screaming?" Siyuk said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Haha, sorry!" Jimin said mumbling praying in his head that the other's took the hint.


"What the hell is Min doing here?" Jin whisper-yelled keenly staring at Namjoon.

"No, No! Don't look at me like that! I didn't tell him anything!" Namjoon whisper-yelled back.

"Stop arguing! It's weekend and it's not a secret we have our weekend get together! He obviously came because of that like last to last weekend." Yoongi whispered.

"Can we not discuss that and think about Taehyung?" Hobi said narrowing his eyes.

"Umm, where is Taehyung?" Jin asked.

"And Jungkook?" Namjoon asked.

"Wait, probably Jungkook's bedroom." Yoongi said standing up and heading towards the maknae's bedroom.

Yoongi knocked on his door yet no one replied.

"Jungkook! It's me, Yoongi!" Yoongi said whispering.

"Hyung? Tell Min that I am not here, I'll keep Tae safe here!" Jungkook whispered back from inside.

"If you're not here then where are you?" Yoongi whispered back.

"I don't know, make something up, hyung!" Jungkook whisper-yelled back.

Yoongi groaned and left for the living room.

"They are hiding in his room!" Yoongi announced softly.

"They better be quiet!" Jin mumbled.

"HEY! HOW ARE MY FAVOURITE BOYS DOING!?" Siyuk yelled as he entered the living room.

"Haha, We're good!" Jin said faking a laugh.

"Such a terrible actor." Yoongi mumbled back as he faked a laugh as well.

"So what's happening? What's up with you guys?" Siyuk asked taking a seat on the couch.

"You're asking as if you don't keep an eye on each and every move of ours." Jin replied rolling his eyes.

Siyuk laughed heartily in reply.

"I do because that's my work but you guys should know this as well that it's not my intention to invade your privacy." Siyuk said smiling.

So here it is, Siyuk is not a bad man rather far from it. He is the sweetest and child like man you will ever come across. He will take care of you if he likes you and he is always in a playful mood. Though he is the CEO of the most famous entertainment company of Korea, he is quite friendly even though his outer image will scream snob and rude. He has a small weakness and that is his love for himself. If he loves anything other than himself then it's these six boys! Hence, Siyuk did not add the contract just like that, he made it because he is just looking out for the boys. He doesn't want them to go through what he went through once.

"Well I see everyone is here other than Kook, where is he?" Siyuk asked.

"Umm Kook?" Jin replied laughing a bit nervously.

"Why are you laughing?" Siyuk asked confused.

"Haha, I don't know?" Namjoon replied laughing.

"Now, why are you laughing?" Siyuk asked more confused.

"Just--" Jimin replied smiling nervously.

"Anyway, where is Kook? I thought I would get to see all of you together at least tonight!" Siyuk said pouting.

"Umm Kook has gone out with the 97 liners, yeah! That's where he is." Yoongi replied trying to sound as convincing as possible.

"Okay? But isn't the weekend get together always the priority?" Siyuk asked confused.

"Yes it is but we have it every weekend so today we let him go." Jimin said smiling.

"Oh! Then that's good! That kid really needs more friends! He is so shy." Siyuk said smiling.

"Haha, yes, he is!" Jimin replied mumbling as his thoughts travelled down to the times when he saw Taehyung's neck painted beautifully and the reason behind it being, the apparently 'shy Kook'.

"So, I think I should make a move now! I have an early morning flight tomorrow! You guys enjoy your ni--"


"What was that sound?" Siyuk asked suddenly as he stopped his sentence.

"What sound?" Jin asked laughing nervously.

"There was a sound right now and it probably came from Kook's room!" Siyuk said wiggling his eyebrows.

"We didn't hear anything!" Jimin said gulping because everyone heard the sound loud and clear.

"It was quite loud!" Siyuk said narrowing his eyes.

"I swear to God, Kook can't keep his hands to himself when Tae is near." Yoongi mumbled to himself.

"What?" Siyuk asked with raised eyebrows.

"I think it was Monniee or Holly?" Yoongi said trying to cover up his previous mumble.

"No, No! It must be Mickey." Hobi said laughing trying to play along.

Jin, Namjoon and Jimin stared at the duo blankly.

"You guys do know that Monnie, Holly or Mickey don't stay here, right?" Siyuk asked confused.

Yoongi and Hobi momentarily realized the loop hole in their plan and gulped.

"It must be the cat that keeps visiting our dorm when it gets hungry." Namjoon said trying to save the situation.

"A cat? Does it bother you guys? Should I try and do something to keep it away?" Siyuk asked gently.

"No, No! We love the cat! We get happy when he comes!" Jimin said smiling.

"Okay? Then alright." Siyuk replied smiling.

"So, aren't you getting late? You have an early morning flight, Mr. Min." Jin said suddenly.

"Oh yes! Right. Anyway, I'll see you guys soon! Enjoy the night and of course tomorrow. Take care guys, good night." Siyuk replied and finally made a move towards the main door.

Jimin accompanied him and when Siyuk finally left he sighed a breath of relief.

"Oh, finally!" Jimin said as he came back to the living room.

Jin went towards the maknae's room and knocked loudly.

"HEY YOU IMPATIENT PERSON! COME OUT, MIN LEFT." Jin yelled from outside.

When the door opened, Jungkook was smiling sheepishly while Taehyung smiled shyly.

Jin didn't need to ask what happened because it was clearly displayed on their faces. Taehyung's hair was all messy and his lips were swollen and red and as for Jungkook, his smirk didn't leave his face and his neck and jaw had clear red marks or in proper words, it had hickeys.

"I swear, you guys need to calm the heck down!" Jin said glaring at the two.

"We jus--"

"No, Taebear! I don't wanna hear. Gosh, you guys." Jin replied shaking his head.

"Stop being so dramatic, hyung." Jungkook replied rolling his eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me." Jin yelled as the younger two already made their way to the living room.

"I thought I told you guys to keep quiet but you tw--WOAH!" Yoongi said as his eyes went wide at the younger two's state more like Jungkook's visible neck.

"We just go--"

"No No! I don't want to hear!" Yoongi said clearing shaking his head in negative.

"I want to! I want to know how this time Jungkook was the canvas?" Jimin asked smirking.

"Jiminiee!!" Taehyung replied whining.

"Well then you are in luck! I can give you all the details!" Jungkook replied winking at Taehyung.

"You speak a word that happened inside and you aren't getting any kisses for a week!" Taehyung said glaring at Jungkook.

"Hey! That's unfair." Jungkook replied pouting.

"I enjoy this a way too much!" Namjoon said as he came out of the kitchen with a mug in his hand.

"But what was that sound? Min almost caught us." Hobi asked confused.

"Really Hobi hyung? You're still asking this even after looking at them?" Jimin asked with a 'are you serious' look.

"Well, I'll just say that someone got a bit aggressive inside." Jungkook replied smirking.

"Gosh, I hate this." Taehyung replied as he hid his face behind his palm.

The others couldn't help but giggle.

"Baby, you want me tell them what happened inside?" Jungkook whispered near the elder's ear while Taehyung automatically reddened.

Taehyung shook his head now hiding his face in the younger's chest as Jungkook was hugging him.

The Hyungs looked at the two youngest in the room fondly. They really adored the duo.

"So, Taehyung can sleep in the guest room, right?" Jin asked clearing his throat.

"Actually, I can't stay back tonight Jin hyung! I have to travel to Busan tomorrow morning to meet Soonie if we really need the plan to work." Taehyung replied.

"But I want you to stay tonight!" Jungkook said pouting.

"I know and even I want to stay but this is for us, Kookie! The faster I meet her, the faster the plan starts." Taehyung said playing with the younger's shirt collar.

"Wait, did you say Busan?" Jungkook asked with raised eyebrows.

"Yes. Why?" Taehyung asked confused.

"That's my hometown baby. I can come with you." Jungkook replied all excited.

"But don't you have wo--"

"It's Sunday." Jungkook replied smirking.

"Okay." Taehyung replied smiling.

"So can I drop TaeTae home now?" Jimin said smiling.

"Why will you? I will." Jungkook said glaring at Jimin.

"Jealous coconut head." Jimin said glaring back just to tease the youngest.

"No! I don't have time for this. Yoongi hyung, drop me." Taehyung said moving away from the both.

"No! I'll go. Jimin hyung, I am going right?" Jungkook asked faking a sweet smile.

"Of course, Kook! Yoongi is too sleepy anyway." Jimin replied swiftly because if Yoongi leaves he won't have someone to cuddle him.

Anyway, Jimin didn't want to go, he just wanted to tease Jungkook.

Yoongi and Taehyung shared a look and laughed.

"Come on, Kookie! I am getting late." Taehyung yelled a bit.

"Yes, Love. Come on." Jungkook replied getting ready to leave.

Taehyung took the time and hugged each and everyone in the room and mumbled and 'good night'. He took his own sweet time to hug everyone and of course who was Jungkook to not get jealous.

"Now we aren't getting late!" Jungkook said a bit loudly.

Taehyung as well as everyone rolled their eyes.

"Don't mind him, he's always like this!" Taehyung said and finally waved everyone a bye and left.

"I sometimes feel you love our hyungs more than me." Jungkook said as he stepped out of the dorm holding Taehyung's hand in his tightly.

"You're correct. I do." Taehyung said giggling.

"I don't want to share you with anyone." Jungkook replied whining.

"Gosh, Kookie! You don't have to but stop making me so shy." Taehyung replied as he looked at his feet.

"I can't believe you're being all shy now after being so aggressive inside my room." Jungkook replied smirking.

"You won't let that go, will you?" Taehyung asked whining.

"Not anytime soon." Jungkook replied laughing.

"I hate you!" Taehyung replied pouting.

"You didn't say that inside." Jungkook replied smirking.

"Stooooop." Taehyung replied whining.

"Uh-huh! Not anytime soon." Jungkook replied laughing.

Okay, so what exactly happened inside Jungkook's room is not something Jungkook thought he would witness. Let's rewind a bit to witness what actually happened.

So when Jungkook heard Jimin's high pitched voice from the doorway, he immediately took Taehyung's hand in his and headed inside the room.

"Kookie?" Taehyung asked confused as he was pushed inside the younger's room and the door was locked.

"Baby, we need to keep quiet because Min is here." Jungkook said still keeping an ear towards the door.

Taehyung gulped a bit but he knew he doesn't need to worry till he is inside the room. He looks around the room because c'mon this was the first time he was in his boyfriend's room.

He was surprised to see the room filled with posters mostly of Iron Man and believe it or not, he even had posters of Justin Bieber.

"Baby, Yoongi hyung just told me--Oh my God! Please don't judge me." Jungkook said clearly embarrassed when he noticed Taehyung staring at the posters.

"Judge? Kookie, this is so cute! You're such a fanboy." Taehyung replied giggling.

"You can say so." Jungkook said rubbing his nape shyly.

Taehyung walked towards the younger's bed and sat down. He looked around once again and realized that the younger wasn't that messy. He didn't have many things in his room as well. It was neat and clean and it lacked colours. It was mostly white, black or grey. His eyes slowly moved taking in all the details of the room and settled on the younger's side table when his eyes widened.

"K-Kookiee?" Taehyung asked almost in tears.

"I am sorry, love! I know I didn't tell you about this but I had to keep this here. I have to open my eyes and witness this sight right before I start my day and also, I end my day looking at this." Jungkook said smiling looking at the photo frame that was placed there neatly.

"It's-- It is--" Taehyung couldn't complete.

"Yes, love! It's you." Jungkook replied smiling.

Yes, it was Taehyung. The photo frame that was proudly placed on the side table had Taehyung's picture. A picture where he is smiling his best, lying down on the bed.

"You're such an old school romantic, Kookie." Taehyung said smiling as he sniffed a bit.

"Baby, are you crying?" Jungkook asked immediately being alert.

"You expect me to be normal when I see this here?" Taehyung asked sniffing again as his eyes glossed.

"My baby gets so emotional at small things!" Jungkook replied chuckling.

"Shut up! You don't know what this gesture does to my fragile heart." Taehyung says glaring at the younger.

Jungkook laughed in reply. The glare that the elder gave him was more cute than scary.

"Stop laughing! I am glaring at you." Taehyung said with a pout.

"Which is cute and not scary." Jungkook said laughing.

"I can be scary and dominant! I just don't want to." Taehyung said now not crying anymore.

"Yeah? Of course you can dominant." Jungkook said laughing.

"I'll show you." Taehyung said and suddenly stood up to the same level as Jungkook.

Jungkook didn't get the time to react when Taehyung had aggressively smashed his lips on his.

Jungkook was pushed a bit backwards that made his back pressed to the wall next to the younger's bedroom door.

Jungkook's eyes were closed and his arms automatically wrapped around the elder's waist while Taehyung clutched Jungkook's collars tightly.

Jungkook could feel Taehyung's roughness in the kiss and he absolutely loved it but he can't help and even feel the sweetness that it held as well. He could understand that Taehyung was trying to be dominant even when he doesn't want to because who is he to lie? Taehyung loves it when Jungkook manhandles him and is dominant with him.

Taehyung broke the kiss and was a bit breathless but that didn't stop his lips to travel down to the younger's jaw. He placed a few open mouthed kisses there and didn't think twice before biting and sucking on it.

Jungkook on the other hand knew that if a single sound left his mouth, it could be heard from outside so he bit his lips hard to make sure not a sound slipped his tongue. He just grabbed Taehyung's hair in his fist and tilted his head, giving more access to the elder.

Taehyung's lips slowly travelled down to the younger's neck. Taehyung was happy because this was the first time, he was the artist and Jungkook was his canvas. He painted it, marked it his and was proud to see at his beautiful artwork on the younger's neck.

Taehyung's hair became messy and was pulled time to time by Jungkook that made the elder absolutely love it. When he pulled back a bit to see the younger's expression, he felt overwhelmed because Jungkook's eyes were tightly closed and he was panting and trying his best not to moan. Taehyung proudly smirked because for once Taehyung was the reason behind Jungkook looking this messed up, this sinful.

Jungkook opened his eyes realizing the pause in the elder's movement and witnessed the elder's hot smirk. Jungkook couldn't take it anymore, his patience finally ran out. He caught the elder by his shoulder and in a swift changed their position. Taehyung was now pressed to the wall while Jungkook literally pressed his body on Taehyung.

They were so into the moment that they didn't realize the wooden vase falling on the ground due to this sudden action of Jungkook. Hence, the sound.

Jungkook didn't bother about it nor did he waste another minute and smashed his lips on Taehyung. Taehyung in reply smiled because finally Jungkook was being dominant. And who would ever say No to a dominant Jungkook, certainly not Taehyung.

Their lips swinged and danced together. It always matched each other's rythm so perfectly that it amazed both of them. Jungkook nor Taehyung would ever get bored or get over each other's lips. It was their own kind of addiction and they loved it. Jungkook nibbled and bit lightly on the elder's lips which almost made the elder moan but Jungkook literally kissed his moan away.

Jungkook bit the elder's lower lips and nibbled on it and pulled it with his teeth and left it which made a light 'pop' sound.

"Fuck! I love you." Jungkook said as he placed butterfly kisses all around the elder's jaw, neck and collarbones.

"I love you so much more." Taehyung replied breathless. The entire thing was so overwhelming to him.

Jungkook finally stopped with his kisses and looked at the elder. Both looked messy and sinful at the moment. The entire room felt hot to them. Jungkook slowly leaned in and pressed his lips on Taehyung's extremely softly.

Jungkook broke the kiss and pecked his lips one more time.

"I love you, I love you so much." Taehyung whispered mostly because he couldn't trust his voice at the moment.

"I love you more than you will ever know, baby!" Jungkook whispered back and was about to lean in again when Jin's voice broke the moment.

Jungkook groaned and Taehyung couldn't help but giggle.

Jungkook was about to open the door when Taehyung suddenly pulled the younger by his collars and kissed the younger's lips shortly.

"Now open the door." Taehyung said softly.

Jungkook smirked and pecked the elder's lips again and then finally opened the door.

And we know what happened next.

"You're a mean person!" Taehyung said pouting.

"And you are my person!" Jungkook replied smugly.

"You're such a sap!" Taehyung replied giggling as he swinged their interlaced hand in the air.

"Just for you, baby!" Jungkook replied smiling.

"But when did you click that picture, Kookie?" Taehyung asked suddenly remembering the picture.

"The day after you were sick. I make sure to capture you when you don't notice, baby!" Jungkook said smiling.

"You know you're the best right?" Taehyung asked smiling fondly.

"Yes because you deserve nothing less than the very best, love." Jungkook replied mirroring the elder's expression.

I personally like this chapter. Also, you're very close to unlocking the new character.🤭🤭

Such a long chapter, btw.😌😌



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