Chapter 30

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Third person's POV:

"Good morning, Mr. Min! Should I bring sweet coffee for you like me or should I bring bitter coffee like you?" Soon asked as she entered Siyuk's office the next day right on time.

"I am not bitter rather I am the most amazing and gentle person you will ever meet, you can even ask anyone here." Siyuk replied glaring at her.

"Oh no, if I ask anyone about you then they will only say that you're a narcissist person and that won't be so good, now will it be?" Soon said pouting.

"I am not a narcissist person. At least not always." Siyuk said crossing his arms on his chest.

"Yeah? But with all due respect, Sir, you are wrong." Soon said taking a seat in front of Siyuk.

"No, I am not and aren't you my secretary? How can you argue with your boss?" Siyuk asked raising his eyebrows.

"We aren't arguing! We are talking and you're enjoying it as well." Soon replied smirking.

"No I am not and also getting back to the previous point, I am not a narcissist and I can prove it to you." Siyuk said proudly.

"Yeah? Alright." Soon replied smirking.

"Now get back to work! I need to know my schedule in five minutes." Siyuk said professionally.

"I'll bring it right away." Soon replied being serious as well.

Siyuk knew hiring Soon was his biggest mistake because this girl was like a rollercoaster ride. She is and looked dangerous but that's the whole thrill of it and Siyuk was in for it. He wanted to test his limits and if that comes with taking the ride then he is willing to do it. He is ready to test his limits.

Siyuk stared at Soon who was working right outside his office and went down his memory lane a bit.

Siyuk wasn't always like this. He adored people and above all, he adored relationships, any kind of relationship. Yet, everytime he tried and wanted to put his faith into any relationship, he got betrayed, used. Hence, he learned that no one will ever love you as you, yourself will. So, that's why he is like this now, yet deep down in his heart, a tiny bit of hope does shine that maybe, maybe one day someone will love him endlessly and effortlessly without any motive or reason. After all, a person can always hope, right?

He sighed a bit and realized that he was still staring at Soon. He shook his head and thought that these 'stupid' things can wait, he should get back to work even though it wasn't important.

It had been an annoying week for the boys as they had back to back schedules and they hardly got free time for anything.

Jin rubbed his temple in irritation. He had planned a small thing through which he would finally express his deep, denied feelings but things were absolutely not working out and he was losing his patience.

Today, they finally had an off and he could work on his plan but everyone else was at home as well and he didn't know how to make them leave. Rude? Yes. He knows it is rude but what can he do? He needs the dorm to himself today by hook or by crook.

His evil mind couldn't think of anything at the moment so he asked for help. The only person who knew about his plan was Jungkook. Even though he knew that the younger would tease him, right now it didn't matter.

He slowly made his way to the younger's room to only find him giggling over the phone. Jin rolled his eyes knowing very well who he was talking to.

"Baby, I wish I was there with you. I would cuddle you, hug you, kiss you. I could spoon you in my arms and we could fall asleep together, wait! It's not that late anyway, I'll come over now." Jungkook said as he rolled over the bed to only notice an annoyed Jin standing there.

Jungkook yelped a bit which obviously surprised the person he was talking to as well.

"Damn! Jin hyung, you scared me. At least knock and then stand there like a ghost." Jungkook said putting his free on his chest.

"Jungkook, we need to talk." Jin said sternly.

"Woah! Such a dramatic and famous break up line! Which k-drama did you watch now, hyung?" Jungkook asked with raised eyebrows.

"I am serious right now." Jin replied.

"Baby, let me call you back! Suddenly Jin hyung wants to have a serious conversation with me now out of nowhere." Jungkook spoke over the phone and then out of nowhere started kissing the air.

Jin almost lost it looking at the younger's behaviour. He had a 'are you serious' expression looking at how whipped the younger was for Taehyung. He was extremely happy for Taehyung but the way Jungkook looked was extremely funny so he couldn't help but laugh forgetting his own concerns for a moment.

"What!? Now you have time for this?" Jungkook asked glaring at the elder.

"I swear only Taehyung can handle someone like you." Jin said rolling his eyes.

"I want only him to handle me anyway." Jungkook replied dreamily.

"Anyway, I came to say that I need the dorm to myself today so do something and take everyone out e--"

"You're throwing us out? Jin hyung, I thought we are your kids!" Jungkook said cutting off Jin's sentence.

"No I am not throwing you guys o--"

"I can't believe this! Even Namjoon hyung? How?" Jungkook asked dramatically throwing himself on the bed.

"If you don't stop this and listen to me then I don't know about others but I am definitely throwing you out." Jin said almost yelling.

"As if I'll let you do that. Anyway, say why you want all of us out?" Jungkook asked with a bored expression.

"Everyone except Namjoon. I think it's time." Jin said nervously.


"Yeah Yeah, scream some more, let everyone hear you." Jin said glaring at the younger.

"Okay if you insist!" Jungkook said and was about to yell again when Jin shut him up as he covered Jungkook's mouth with his palm.

"Stop! Listen, there is the yearly carnival going on and I managed to get five tickets. You guys just need to dress up in your masks and bucket hats and tada! You have your group date on." Jin said smiling sheepishly.

"You do know that it won't be a date right?" Jungkook asked rolling his eyes.

Jin got more frustrated and pulled Jungkook up holding his shoulder.

"Listen here you ungrateful brat! I didn't spend tons and tons of money behind your meals and took good care of you like my own child only for you to grow up and not help me with my own hanging relationship. You know I have been planning this for months now and today when it's finally gonna happen I am nervous and you being like this isn't helping." Jin yelled without taking a break and Jungkook automatically gulped.

"When do you want us out?" Jungkook asked mumbling.

"Now we are talking." Jin said smirking.

"Tell me the time because I am going to take time to convince them." Jungkook said rolling his eyes.

"By 5pm." Jin said smiling.

"It's already 2! Couldn't you tell this a bit before?" Jungkook asked annoyed.

"It's not my fault that you were talking to Taehyung for more than two hours." Jin said rolling his eyes.

"Geez! Don't be so pressed old man! I'll go and make something up." Jungkook said crossing his arms on his chest.

"Who do you think you're calling an old man you coconut head? I am worldwide handsome, you know." Jin said glaring at the younger.

"Now we aren't getting late? Move! I have things to do unlike you." Jungkook said as he walked past Jin.

"Annoying brat!" Jin mumbled but nonetheless smiled.

He knew that finally now he can work on his plan.

It was almost 5 when Taehyung's doorbell rang. He sprinkled up from the bed unwillingly and opened the door to only see his boyfriend standing there all dressed up in disguise.

"Kookieee!?" Taehyung yelled a bit excited.

"Hi baby! I missed you." Jungkook replied smiling and pulled his mask down to peck the elder.

(A/n- Don't do that! It's covid time.
Jk- We're still not in 2020 so shut up.)
A/n- But it's 2021 alr--
Jk- Shh! You're disturbing everyone, keep quiet and write.
A/n- Rood.)

"We were talking to each other few minutes back, Kookie." Taehyung replied giggling.

"Doesn't matter, I always miss you. By the way, get ready baby. We are going on a date." Jungkook announced as he entered Taehyung's apartment.

Taehyung was about to close the door when a jumpy Jimin came running with a grumpy Yoongi, who was holding his hand. Also, a smiling Hobi was there as well.

"Hyungs? What are you guys doing here?" Taehyung asked surprised.

"Didn't Jungkook tell you? We are going to the carnival." Jimin said excited.

"Why do I have to go?" Yoongi asked with a bored expression.

"Because you're my boyfriend. Get over it." Jimin replied rolling his eyes.

"I am really excited though." Hobi said giggling.

"Oh! Wow--Haha--I am excited too. Come inside." Taehyung replied smiling awkwardly.

They all went inside and got comfortable on the couch as Taehyung went inside his room without sparing Jungkook a glance which definetely didn't go unnoticed by Jungkook so he sneakily followed behind.

Taehyung entered his room and was about to lock the door when Jungkook entered the room and locked the door.

"I thought we are going on a date!" Taehyung said with a huff.

"Baby, I'm sorry but this is important. I know it should have been just you and me but Jin hyung needed all of us out of the dorm." Jungkook replied as he backhugged the elder.

"But this is supposed to be our first date outside." Taehyung said pouting.

Jungkook chuckled a bit and turned him around and pecked Taehyung's pout.

"I know and I'll make it up to you, I promise." Jungkook said smiling as he caressed the elder's cheeks.

"You will buy me ice cream." Taehyung mumbled.

"I'll buy you anything you want." Jungkook mumbled back.

"Now go, I have to change." Taehyung said pushing the younger lightly.

"Then change, who's stopping you?" Jungkook asked smirking.

"Kookieeee!!" Taehyung yelled shyly.

"What? I am your boyfriend, you can change in front me." Jungkook said smirking as he pulled the elder closer by his waist.

"Shameless Jeon!" Taehyung mumbled.

Jungkook laughed and pecked the elder's nose as Taehyung scrunched up his nose due to the feeling.

"Alright baby, change fast and come out oresle we will be late." Jungkook said as he placed a kiss on the elder's right cheek and left.

Taehyung stood there dumbfounded and then squealed like a teenage girl. Damn! He is so in love.


"Kookieeeeee!!!! The photo booth!! We need to go there first!" Taehyung yelled excited pulling Jungkook, who was holding his hand.

Jungkook almost fell but nonetheless let Taehyung's drag him. They didn't even realize that in the process they lost their hyungs.

"Kookie! Kookieee!! Make random faces!!" Taehyung said excitedly as he posed in front of the camera.

Jungkook joined him as well.

Taehyung finally wanted to take a decent picture but Jungkook kept making faces at him but the camera kept clicking pictures.

(Someone help me-- I am in love!)

Taehyung was a bit distracted while clicking the picture because he was thinking what to pose next when Jungkook took the opportunity and placed his lips on the elder's cheek and the camera snapped a picture. When Jungkook saw the outcome of the picture, he was really happy and giggly. It was definitely his favourite picture.

Taehyung was shyly smiling and Jungkook was kissing him. Jungkook stared fondly at the picture when Taehyung took the opportunity and kissed the younger's cheek.

When Jungkook saw that picture he decided that no! This is his favourite picture. The camera caught the perfect surprised expression of the younger and the shy face of Taehyung while he was kissing Jungkook.

They lastly took a proper selca because Jungkook kept whining about how he needs a proper picture with Taehyung for some reason. Jungkook got rid of his mask and asked Taehyung to bring down his mask and the camera snapped the picture.

Jungkook made two copies of each and placed it neatly in his bag because they literally fought over the kiss picture.

"Kookieee!! Let's get matching bracelets!!" Taehyung yelled as they both left the photo booth.

"Anything you want, baby!" Jungkook replied smiling.

Taehyung saw a small accessories shop and dragged Jungkook there. The shop was filled with numerous, shimmering accessories and everything seemed beautiful. But even from the entire slot, Taehyung's eyes caught a particular set attention.

They were distance bracelets but the colour caught his attention. One had purple beads with a single black bead and the other had black beads with a single purple bead. It seemed perfect. It almost felt like it was made for them.

"Kookieee!! That!" Taehyung said happily and pointed towards the bracelets.

Jungkook immediately looked at it and his eyes gleamed. It sure was beautiful.

Jungkook brought the bracelets for both of them. Taehyung looked at them with heart eyes and placed the purple bracelet on his wrist. He looked at the black one and swiftly slid it on Jungkook's wrist.

"They are beautiful!" Taehyung said staring at their matching bracelets fondly.

"Yes they are." Jungkook replied staring at Taehyung. He was so happy that his love was so happy.

"Kookieee!! I am hungry." Taehyung said whining.

"Then let's go eat, love." Jungkook replied smiling as he interwined their hand.

"Wait! Where is Jiminie, Yoongi hyung and Hobi hyung?" Taehyung asked suddenly stopping.

"About that!" Jungkook replied laughing nervously.

"No No! Did we forget about them? We are such bad people, Kookie." Taehyung said pouting.

"No baby! I'll call them and ask them to meet us in the restaurant yeah?" Jungkook said smiling.

"Why didn't you call them before?" Taehyung asked suddenly.

"Because I didn't want to." Jungkook replied shrugging his shoulders.

"That's mean." Taehyung replied.

"I am sure they were enjoying as well." Jungkook said rolling his eyes.

"Now call them." Taehyung said swinging their hands together.

"On it." Jungkook replied smiling.


"Jin hyung? Are you there? Where is everyone?" A confused Namjoon yelled after he entered the dorm.

Well yes! Namjoon went Namjooning as it was an off day but when he came back around 5, he didn't expect the entire dorm to be absolutely silent and dark.

Suddenly a hand was placed on his shoulder which startled him.

"Joonie! Don't freak out, it's me." Jin said from behind.

"Gosh, Jin hyung! You scared me. Where is everyone? Why is the dorm so dark?" Namjoon asked curiously.

"Come inside, Joonie." Jin said smiling as he switched on a dim light.

Namjoon was absolutely confused and didn't know what was happening but without any question, he followed Jin inside because he trusts him.

Jin guided him towards the dining room and Namjoon was stunned.

"J-Jin hyung?" Namjoon called out.

"Take a seat, Joonie." Jin replied smiling.

"You prepared all this, for me? For us?" Namjoon asked with a shocked expression.

"Yes Joonie." Jin replied smiling.

"But why?" Namjoon asked.

"Really? Firstly I waited for more than years now for you to confess and now when I did something very obvious, you're asking why? Ah! I can't believe, these kids got into a relationship before I did even when I know that our feelings started long back. You stupid person of an IQ of 148 is useless. You are really stupid when it comes to understanding one's feelings and now even when I made it so clear, you still have the audacity to ask but why? I swear Joonie, if I didn't love you, I would have smacked your head by now." Jin yelled in one breath.

"You love me?" Namjoon asked with wide eyes.


"You talk too much sometimes you know?" Namjoon asked as he broke the kiss.

"Because everyone in my household is stupid. I have to explain everything because you guys don't understand half of the things." Jin said crossing his arms on his chest dramatically.

"Alright, I agree but now can we get back to this beautiful dinner?" Namjoon asked whining.

"Yes! Also, before anything, check the cake." Jin said as he sat down.

Namjoon nodded his head and checked the cake as per instructions and was surprised that the cake was home baked and it had beautiful layers of vanilla and chocolate. But the part that surprised Namjoon was, the cake had a question written on it beautifully in cursive writing.

"Will you be my boyfriend, Joonie?"

Namjoon didn't know how to react because he was absolutely out of words. He wanted to do this or rather ask this question for years but he just couldn't and now when Jin did it, he was just so overwhelmed.

"Joonie, even if you're rejecting me, spill it out. I hate suspense." Jin said laughing nervously.

"Are you crazy? Why would I reject someone I have been in love with for five years now?" Namjoon asked as his eyes brimmed with tears.

"F-Five years?" Jin asked surprised.

"Yes! Five years. And yes! I will be your boyfriend because I love you." Namjoon said smiling and in the next moment Jin was hugging the literal life out of Namjoon and Namjoon loved it.

"I love you, Joonie! Your stupid IQ 148 brain couldn't understand this? I have been in love with you for four years now." Jin said still hugging Namjoon.

"I love you! I guess in the matters of heart, you own the IQ, babe." Namjoon replied giggling.

"Idiot!" Jin said breaking the hug now.

Namjoon looked at the elder fondly and pressed a kiss on the elder's cheek.

"Yes but only yours." He said smiling.

Jin pecked the younger's cheeks and giggled.

"Only Mine." He said as they both enjoyed a lovely candle light dinner.

Not every proposal is grand. Some just need both of you in one place to just put your undivided attention to only on each other and the situation truly becomes beautiful and perfect.

I think I am spoiling you guys too much!😂😂😂😂



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