Chapter 33

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Third person's POV:

"Taehyung! Glad you are here on time. Come on, I need to take you somewhere." Siyuk said as he entered the building to see Taehyung working near the reception desk.

"Where, Mr. Min?" Taehyung asked confused.

"Don't ask questions! You will like it, come on." Siyuk replied smiling.

Well as per Siyuk's words, they were soon enough walking on the road and the road seemed awfully familiar. In the next moment Taehyung knew where they were heading and Taehyung was extremely scared.

Siyuk happily pressed the bell and waited for the door to be opened.

Just when the door opened, Siyuk smiled and said, "Taehyung, welcome to the BTS dorm."

And that was all that was needed to drain out all the colours from Taehyung's face.

"TaeTa---I mean Taehyung?" Jimin asked shocked.

"You both know each other?" Siyuk asked with raised eyebrows.



Jimin and Taehyung said at the same time.

"Yes I know him but of course not personally. He works in the company and I have seen him a few times." Jimin said clearing his throat.

Taehyung on the other hand gulped.

"Oh? Anyway, let me come inside, I have important things to say." Siyuk said moving inside the dorm and Taehyung aimlessly followed.

"Ba--- I mean who are you?" Jungkook asked loudly when he saw Siyuk and Taehyung together.

Taehyung internally rolled his eyes at the younger's extremely bad acting.

"Jungkook! Calm down, this is Taehyung." Siyuk said smiling.

"I kno--- I mean so? What is he doing here?" Jungkook asked knitting his eyebrows together.

"Where is everyone? Call them, I'll explain." Siyuk said calmly.

Jungkook rushed inside and called everyone.

"Taehyung?" Jin asked looking at him.

"You know him?" Yoongi asked with a straight face.

"Now that's what you call acting." Taehyung thought staring at Yoongi.

"Yes, I mean not personally though." Jin replied nodding his head a bit.

"Oh? Why do you even want to know someone like him?" Jungkook said now suddenly getting into character.

"Excuse me, what? What do you mean by someone like him?" Taehyung spoke up after a long time.

"I mean why should we know you? We are the BTS, if anything, you should know us." Jungkook said crossing his arms on his chest.

"Yeah? Guess what? I don't know you! I don't know the BTS." Taehyung said glaring at the younger.

"Kook, shut up. He won't let this go easily later on!" Jimin mumbled near the younger's ears.

"Ahem! I think we can continue this later on, for now I have something important to announce." Siyuk said clearing his throat.

"Yes, Mr. Min! What is it?" Namjoon asked.

"Meet Kim Taehyung! The newest addition to BTS." Siyuk said smiling as he patted Taehyung's shoulder.

"WHAT!?" everyone in the room yelled including Taehyung.

"Geez! Stop screaming." Siyuk said rubbing his ears.

"Mr. Min, did y-you really---"

"Yes Jin, I did and thank you. It was possible only because of you." Siyuk said smiling at the eldest member of the group.

"I--thank you so much! Oh my God, thank you so so much." Jin said with glossy eyes as he hugged Siyuk.

"You're welcome even though this is for my own benefit." Siyuk replied laughing.

Taehyung was frozen at his spot with his eyes wide open.

Jimin and Yoongi were extremely happy but couldn't action it out yet. Hobi was squealing at the side trying his best to be normal and Namjoon had a proud and happy smile lingering on his lips.

And Jungkook? He would start crying happy tears any moment but he had to control it. It's not time yet.

"Alright! That's not the only thing I came to announce though. Next week, you guys will go on a trip to Paris as you guys have a conference and a short concert there. We will be introducing Taehyung to the world as Kim Taehyung, the seventh member of BTS, then. He will be a part of both the events." Siyuk said explaining each and everything.

"Mr. Min---I-I---are you sure?" Taehyung asked stuttering with a small voice.

"Yes Taehyung! I am absolutely sure. Don't be nervous and scared. Just be you and you will see others adjusting to you soon." Siyuk said smiling.

"I-I just don't know what to say to y--- thank you, Mr. Min." Taehyung said as he was overwhelmed.

"Don't thank me rather thank Kim Seokjin." Siyuk said smiling.

"H-He did this?" Taehyung asked even though he wasn't surprised.

"Well, yes. Anyway, you can thank him and even get to know them a bit here by staying back for a while as I need to get back right away but please meet me after lunch, Taehyung. You need to sign a new contract." Siyuk said smiling.

"Of course. I'll be there." Taehyung said nodding his head.

"Alright then. That's it for now. I'll make a move." Siyuk said and walked towards the door to leave when he stopped once.

"Wait, I think I need a charger. Does anyone have an extra?" Siyuk said glancing back at the frozen faces.

"Y-Yeah! Jimin has one." Jin said.

"Alright, let me get it then." Siyuk replied smiling as he started walking towards the younger's room.

"Wait Mr. Min! That's Jungkook's room and not Jimin's." Taehyung said suddenly and saw everyone flinch because of it.


"How do you know that is Jungkook's room? You came here for the first time." Siyuk asked with raised eyebrows.

"I-I umm well I-I don't?" Taehyung questioned back.

"Huh?" Siyuk asked now confused.

"Mr. Min! Haha well isn't it obvious? Look at the door? Firstly it's awfully white an---"

"All the doors are white, Taehyung." Siyuk replied with a blank expression.

"Right! It is but not all doors have those crazy banana milk stickers which you only find on banana milks obviously and we all know that Jungkook is the only one who loves banana mi---" Taehyung stopped mid sentence when he realized his mistake again. He really needs to keep his mouth shut.

"How do you know he loves banana milk the most?" Siyuk asked now awfully suspicious and confused.

"I don't. Yes, I don't. It just seemed like he would because he seems like a literal child who would crib over a banana milk and would cry if someone drinks his favourite banana milk without his permission." Taehyung said trying his best to cover up the situation.

"What!? No I am not like that. Taehyung, it was only one time when you didn't listen and I wanted a kis--"

"What exactly is happening? You both are acting weird." Siyuk said right when Jungkook stopped mid sentence.

"Both are idiots! That's what's happening. But Mr. Min, didn't you want a charger and even getting late?" Yoongi said trying to divert the topic.

They got lucky because Siyuk really was in hurry.

"Yes!" Siyuk said paying attention to Yoongi now.

"Good. Jimin brought the charger while you were talking. Here you go." Yoongi said handing the charger to Siyuk.

"Thank you, I got to leave now but Taehyung and Jungkook, you both are weird. But I feel that's good because you both will get along well." Siyuk said as he started walking towards the door.

Jimin giggled a bit too loudly at that.

"What?" Siyuk asked stopping a bit.

"Nothing." Jimin replied controlling his laugh.

"You all are acting weird but I don't have time for this." Siyuk said and finally left.

Just when Jimin closed the door, everyone in the room bursted out laughing except Taehyung and Jungkook.

"Jin eomma?" Taehyung called.

"Yes Taebear?" Jin asked now smiling.

And in the next moment, Taehyung flung into Jin's warm and wide arms.

"Thank you so much! I can't believe you did this for me. You don't know how much this means to me! I will forever be grateful to you." Taehyung said almost crying in the elder's arms.

The other's stared at the duo fondly.

"Just a I love you, eomma would do, you know?" Jin replied laughing playfully.

"I love you, eomma!" Taehyung said hugging him tight.

"I love you too, Taebear." Jin replied back, hugging the younger tighter.

"Oh my heartu! I'll start crying watching this scene." Hobi replied smiling.

"Me too!" Namjoon said smiling.

Jimin already had tears in his eyes. Yoongi noticed that and side-hugged him.

"I can't believe I get to spend the entire day with my boyfriend from now on." Jungkook said mumbling to himself, smiling like an idiot.

Taejin finally broke the hug and all of them got over their emotional state.

"Babbbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!" Jungkook yelled suddenly which startled everyone in the room.

"Gosh! Kook, calm the heck down." Yoongi said rolling his eyes.

"Seriously! I am too young and handsome to die due to an cardiac arrest." Jin said placing a hand on his chest.

"What do you want?" Taehyung asked coldly that made shivers run down Jungkook's spine.

He knew he fucked up.

"Are you angry? Baby! You know we were just acting." Jungkook said whining.

"Yeah of course. Awful acting with equally awful words." Taehyung replied glaring.

"Babyyyy pleaseeeee!! At least let me sit beside you." Jungkook said pouting.

"Sorry, you can't. Dad is watching." Taehyung replied casually.

"Dad?" Jungkook asked with raised eyebrows.

"Kim Namjoon." Taehyung replied nonchalantly.

"Y-You called me dad? Oh my Gosh! I always wanted to be a dad!" Namjoon said with a shocked voice.

"If Jin is my eomma then you are my appa right?" Taehyung asked with puppy eyes.

"Yes! Yes I am." Namjoon replied almost immediately.

"Then dad tell Jungkook to stay away from me, he isn't any good and don't you want the best for your son?" Taehyung asked with the same puppy eyes.

"No! Namjoon hyung! Don't look at him. He is using his trump card- the puppy eyes. No No! Don't look at him. And Namjoon hyung you know that I am the best for him." Jungkook replied trying to cover Namjoon's eyes with his palm.

"Well I am his dad but technically I love Jungkook a lot too because when he came here and when I first saw him, he was so small and he had big, round bambi eyes that displayed the entire galaxy in them and he was so innocent like a baby--"

"Dad! No he is hypnotising you! Don't get diverted. He doesn't love me anymore." Taehyung said whining.

"No I am not. I love him, more than anything in this world. Namjoon hyung, don't listen to him." Jungkook replied whining as well.

"Guess what? You both settle this! I have a date with your eomma. Jinnie, babe, come on! I can't take this anymore." Namjoon replied and got up and took hold of a laughing Jin's hand and just left the dorm.

"Jiminie at least yo-- where is Jiminie and Yoongi hyung?" Taehyung asked wiggling his eyebrows looking at an almost restless Hobi.

"They already left when you both started this saying this will take time." Hobi said wearing his shoes now.

"Where are you going?" Jungkook asked.

"Honestly, I love you both but currently I am done so I am rushing to the rehearsal room." Hobi replied and walked out of the dorm extremely fast.

"Great! Now I am alone with this coconut head." Taehyung said shoving his hand in the air dramatically.

"Even I am alone with a lemon head." Jungkook replied.

"You take that back." Taehyung said glaring at the younger.

"Or what?" Jungkook replied back glaring as well.

Taehyung suddenly got up and walked towards the younger's bedroom. Jungkook followed as well.

"What are you doing?" Jungkook asked.

Taehyung went inside the room and just when Jungkook was about to enter Taehyung stopped him.

Jungkook raised his eyebrows.

"You gave me an unnecessary headache so I need a quick nap." Taehyung said rubbing his temples dramatically.

"Good! I can give you cuddles." Jungkook replied smirking.

Taehyung suddenly smiled wickedly and Jungkook knew he wasn't up to any good.

"Yeah! Guess what? After all the stunts you pulled today, YOU'RE SLEEPING ON THE COUCH." Taehyung yelled and closed the bedroom door shut on the younger's face.

"NO! HEY!! BABY! YOU CAN'T DO THAT TO ME! YOU LOVE ME!! OPEN THE DOOR." Jungkook yelled and banged the door but then again Taehyung is stubborn.

Taehyung on the other hand giggled and lied down on the younger's bed.

He rolled a bit and slept sideways only to come across the younger's side table.

He was shocked again and automatically tears brimmed in his eyes. He immediately got up and opened the door.

"Thank God! I knew you would ope---baby what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Jungkook asked with extreme worry.

Taehyung hiccuped a bit and cried a bit more and then immediately hugged the younger tight.

"Baby? What's wrong? You're scaring me." Jungkook asked hugging the elder tighter.

"I-I love y-you. Just hold me t-tight." Taehyung mumbled in between his hiccups.

Jungkook nodded and didn't ask anymore questions.

He slowly picked the elder up in his arms and got inside his room, locking the door behind.

He sat down on the bed with Taehyung on his lap. Taehyung's legs were on both sides of the younger's hip.

"Tell me baby, what's wrong?" Jungkook asked softly brushing away the few strands of hair that fell on the elder's forehead while Taehyung was finally looking at him with glossy eyes and a bright, red nose.

"What is that?" He asked softly, pointing towards the side table, not facing it.

"Oh gosh, Baby! You scared the shit out of me. You got emotional because of the pictures placed there?" Jungkook asked chuckling.

"Why are you like this? Why do you love me so much?" Taehyung asked with a pout on his lips.

Jungkook immediately pecked his lips and laughed a bit holding the elder's waist a bit more tightly.

"You tell me, why do you think I love you so much?" Jungkook asked smiling.

Taehyung made a whining sound and hid his face in the younger's neck.

"Baby, don't scare me like that ever again, please." Jungkook whispered softly.

"You made a collage of all our pictures from the carnival and placed it on the side table and you expect me to react like nothing happened?" Taehyung whispered softly his the younger's neck.

"Baby, I told you. I need to see you first in the morning and end my day by seeing your face before I fall off to sleep." Jungkook replied while placing a soft kiss on the elder's head.

"You even have two of my single pictures as well. Why do you love me so much? Tell me, I need to know." Taehyung asked mumbling.

"Because you are my world. My muse, my inspiration, my strength. The only thing that keeps me sane, makes me feel things, makes me human." Jungkook replied smiling.

"I love you." Taehyung whispered, now staring at the younger's big, doe hazelnut orbs.

"And I love you." Jungkook whispered back softly and pressed a gentle kiss on the elder's lips as Taehyung kissed back immediately.

"Now can I sleep here by cuddling you? The couch is uncomfortable." Jungkook said pouting.

Taehyung laughed a bit and pecked the younger that made Jungkook smile.

"I would never let you sleep there, you know I was just teasing you." Taehyung said smiling.

"Mean baby!" Jungkook said pouting.

"Your baby!" Taehyung replied giggling.

"MINE! My one and only precious Chérie." Jungkook said placing a kiss on the elder's cheek.

And that one word made Taehyung blush almost immediately.

Nothing can ever keep these two apart, can it?


Siyuk was currently sitting in his office and his mind was absolutely not in it's current sense. He was restless and he knew he had to do what he was thinking of doing. So, he called the person, he needed to see right now.

"What do you want, tall person?" Soon asked entering the office.

Siyuk didn't reply and got up from his chair and walked towards Soon without looking at her.

"Hey? You alright? You're acting weird." Soon asked looking at Siyuk.

Siyuk just came and stopped in front of her and looked into her shiny, bright eyes with a certain gleam of happiness.

Siyuk suddenly took Soon's hand in his hand and gave a pull slightly that made her stumble forward a bit.

"S-Siyuk?" Soon called out mumbling.

"I like you, Ms. Soon!" Siyuk blurted out.

"Like a friend right?" Soon asked laughing a bit nervously.

"Like a man likes a woman." Siyuk replied shortly.

He placed her hand on his chest, right where his heart lied.

"This is what you do to my heart. It goes crazy and beats in an inhuman rythm when you are near me." Siyuk continued softly.

The entire room was silent after that. Siyuk gulped nervously looking at Soon's expressionless face.

"S-Soon?" Siyuk asked carefully.

"I-I need t-to leave." Soon whispered pulling her hand from Siyuk's hold and immediately ran out of the room.

Siyuk stood in his step frozen.

Did his heart break again? Was he wrong about everything again?


"T-Taehyungie?" Soon called out desperately over the call.

"S-Soonie? What's wrong? What happened?" Taehyung asked with a worried tone.

"Everything is messed up and I did what I do everytime." Soon said with a scared voice.

"What did you do?" Taehyung asked.

"I ran! I ran away from the situation like always." Soon said as she broke down.

"No, Soonie please don't cry! Where are you? Tell me where are you? I'm coming." Taehyung said with a desperate voice over the call.

"On m-my way to B-Busan." Soon said crying.

"Don't worry and don't cry, we are coming." Taehyung replied and Soon hanged up.


"Kookieeee!! Get up! Fast!" Taehyung said pulling the younger up from their cuddling position.

"Why? I am comfortable." Jungkook replied cuddling into the elder more.

"Kookieee! It's an emergency. It's Soonie." Taehyung said with worry.

"Where is she?" Jungkook asked, now alert.

"We need to leave for Busan, right now." Taehyung said with pleading eyes.

"Get ready, we're leaving." Jungkook said and got up as well.

They both have things to sort out now. They need to make things right for someone who was trying her best to make things right for them.

Next destination: BUSAN!

There will be something happening in Busan, any guesses?🤭🤭

Also, I was really upset about something while I wrote this so I don't know if I managed to make you laugh today but if I did, leave a comment, that will make me smile at least.🙂💜



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