Chapter 40

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One year later!

Taehyung's POV:

"Screw this, I am done with this shit! I'm not getting married." I yelled as my voice echoed throughout the room.

Two long deep sighs filled the room as a reply.

"Too late for that! Jungkook is already waiting at the venue." Jimin replied, sighing.

"Let him be there, I ain't going." I said whining, crossing my arms on my chest.

"Taebear, tell me what's wrong?" Jin asked finally after staying calm for the entire time.

"Eooommmmaaaaaaaa!!! I don't wanna go. What if I mess up something? What if I slip and fall, I'm too clumsy. What if Jungkook suddenly decides that I don't look pretty to him anymore? OH MY GOSH, I CAN'T LET THAT HAPPEN, I'm not going." I replied, whining and then dropped myself on the couch, dramatically.


"Yes I'm up, I'm up! I am leaving." I replied back in a hurry and dashed out of the room.

"Phew finally, you could have done this in the beginning only, Jin hyung!" I heard Jimin saying before I left.

I walked down the stairs and saw Namjoon hyung *cough* Appa, waiting for me with a big smile on his face. I wanted him to walk me down the aisle.

"Are you ready?" He asked me as he forwarded his arm for me to take it.

I shook my head and then nodded my head.

"Still confused, are we?" He asked laughing.

I gulped and then smiled at him.

"Not confused, not at all. But definitely, nervous." I said.

"It's normal and quite obvious to be nervous but trust me, when you see that person who loves you with all his heart, your nervousness will fly out of the window." Namjoon hyung said a bit laughing.

"Sure?" I asked smiling.

"Absolutely! Now let's go orelse Kook might faint due to a panic attack." He replied.

I giggled and nodded my head.

Well yes! You guessed it right. Finally after a whole year, I am getting married to my prince charming well more like my narcissist, coconut head, muscle bunny, Jeon Jungkook. No, it wasn't his fault that we are getting married after a year, it was me. I wanted to adjust to the celeb life first.

I was given the full freedom for every decision of our wedding. So, the first thing I decided was that we won't get married in a church because isn't that too cliché? I always wanted a beach wedding. The words left my mouth and Kookie arranged everything.

As for the hyungs, life is quite interesting for them as well. Jin eomma and Namjoon hyung got engaged soon after Jungkook proposed me. Jiminie and Yoongi hyung will be getting married exactly after three months from now. As for Siyuk and Soon, they are on a vacation and yes, Soonie made it a point that Siyuk went down on one knee. Also, believe it or not, Hobi hyung recently started dating a girl named Ami and she is really polite and beautiful. In short, we all are extremely happy.

"Where is my best man, hyung?" I asked softly.

"Jimin will be there!" He replied smiling.

So, yes! Jiminie is my best man, like he literally fought with us for that position. Yoongi hyung is Kookie's best man. Hobi hyung is the ring bearer. Jin eomma was responsible for our outfits and of course the food. Namjoon hyung was kept a bit far from things because of obvious reasons but because he is my Appa, he was told to stick by me always.

He helped me walk down the glass stage made on top of the sand and I looked up to see my future standing there, his bunny smile on display and his eyes glistening with joyous tears. I got too lucky, didn't I?

Did I mention how handsome he looks? I can drool and yet not get enough of him. He wore a black matte suit with a turtle neck black tee inside with of course black trousers. Damn, he looks like a whole walking full course meal. It was the best decision to let Jin hyung take the outfit department. I literally scanned him up and down and smirked internally because that handsome and hot man standing there belongs to me and only me.

            ( Full course meal, Jeon!)

"I'll hand you over to the rightful person now." Namjoon hyung laughed a bit and took my hand from his arm and placed it on Jungkook's already forwarded hand.

"K-Kookie? Are you crying?" I asked worried.

"How can I not? You look so gorgeous and beautiful. I can't believe that you are mine. Gosh, you have no idea how impatient I was for this day. You're finally going to be all mine. Also, I told you that you would look like a literal angel in white." He said sniffing a bit.

I looked down at the glass floor as my cheeks tinted pink due to his flowing compliments.

"You wanted me to wear white because as per you, I'm the bride." I replied pouting.

"You're not wrong but white makes you look ethereal, love." He replied winking.

           (Whole buffet! Lucky Jeon.)

"How do you like the place, baby? Does it match your dream wedding venue?" He asked a bit nervous.

"It's beautiful, Kookie! I love it so much and yes! It matches all my expectations." I replied smiling.

   (The venue! The beach is at the back and people were sitting at the side and no there is no water at the side.)


The priest behind us cleared his throat and then smiled a bit. He was about to start and God, we can't wait.

The priest recited a lot of things and it mostly felt a whole blur to me as I could only concentrate on the person standing in front of me, holding my hand, smiling his best.

"Before we move forward, does anyone have any objections or anything to say then this is your time." The priest said.

No one said anything just smiled at us. The wedding was a very personal thing to us so only our close ones were there. The hyungs, Soonie, Siyuk, Mom, Rosé and Ami. We didn't invite anyone else.

"Alright then." He continued smiling.

"Do you, Jeon Jungkook, take Kim Taehyung to be your lawfully wedded husband and be with him forever and after?" He asked.

Yes, Jungkook had asked him to improvise that a bit.

"I do." He said confidently, smiling at me and I smiled much more.

"Do you, Kim Taehyung, take Jeon Jungkook to be your lawfully wedded husband and be with him forever and after?" He repeated the question.

"I do." I said smiling happily.

"Can we have the rings please?" The priest asked.

We saw Hobi hyung walking down the aisle bringing the rings on a blue velvet big box. The rings shining brightly under the beautiful sun rays.

Our Sunshine was happily walking when suddenly within a second something happened and we saw Hobi hyung on the floor flat. He fell down.

Hobi hyung just slipped on the glass floor and fell flat on the floor with the box flying in a different direction with the rings flying off as well.

"NO!" The entire venue was filled with gasps.

"Don't worry! We all will look for it!" Jiminie said in a hurry and ran down the aisle with Yoongi hyung to find the rings.

Jin and Namjoon hyung were already on it. Mom and Hobi hyung walked towards the box's direction in a flash of speed.

Everyone got busy looking for the rings and I sighed loudly.

"Don't worry! We will get it and even if we don't, we already exchanged our I do's" Jungkook said laughing.

"But the wedding won't be complete without the rings." I whined, pouting.

"We already exchanged rings before in Paris a year back, remember?" He asked.

"I FOUND TAEHYUNG'S RING!" Jin yelled from the aisle.

"See, they got it!" Jungkook said as I looked at the aisle to see everyone scattered here and there looking for the rings.

"They only found mine, not yours." I said rolling my eyes.

"With or without rings, we're already married." Jungkook replied pouting.

"He's not wrong." The priest added suddenly with a sheepish smile.

"Thanks Yugyeom." Jungkook replied smiling at the priest.

"You both know each other?" I asked, confused.

"Yes, he's my best friend but I wasn't in town for a long time." Yugyeom replied, smiling.

"Oh! Nice to meet you." I replied smiling.

"Me too, you're beautiful." He said smiling a bit shyly.

"Hey! Don't flirt with my husband." Jungkook said glaring at him.

I playfully hit Jungkook's arm.

"Don't mind him, he's always like this." I said, laughing a bit.

"I know!" He replied back, laughing.

"GOT IT, GOT IT!" Jiminie yelled now, raising the ring meant for Jungkook.

"Can we continue now?" Jungkook asked being restless and I couldn't help but giggle.

"Yes!" Yugyeom replied smiling.

Hobi hyung finally placed the rings on the box again and now carefully walked towards us.

"You may exchange the rings now." Yugyeom said.

We took the rings and exchanged it with a big smile on our face as the other's clapped.

Jungkook placed a small kiss on my ring finger and I couldn't help but blush.

"I now, pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss th---" Jungkook didn't even let Yugyeom complete when I was pulled by my waist by him and his lips were pressed tightly on my lips.

He was smiling in the kiss and so was I. The entire venue was filled with cheers and screams but for the both of us only we existed, everything else was a blur.

He broke the kiss and pecked my lips again shortly and I giggled.

"Keep some kisses for tonight, Gguk!" His mom yelled from the aisle.

I blushed and hid my face in Jungkook's neck as he laughed loudly.

"Are you ready for the after party, Mr. Jeon Kim Taehyung?" He asked placing a kiss on my head.

I looked at him now and kissed his cheek.

"I can't wait, My dear Husband." I replied as he smiled.

Jungkook's POV:

I had my baby's hand in mine as I guided him towards the after party venue. I just hope he likes it because this venue was decided by me exclusively.

"Baby, are you ready?" I asked him, nervously.

"I can't wait." He replied excited.

I gulped a bit. I hope he likes it.

"We are here." I announced and his face was priceless.

He was stunned and his eyes were wide open and his mouth hung open. By watching his expression, I feel he likes it?

                ( I love Pinterest.)

"KOOKIEEE!!! OMG!! THIS IS BEAUTIFUL, NO THIS IS BEYOND BEAUTIFUL!! I LOVE IT!" He screamed due to extreme happiness.

I giggled because Yes! I did it.

I took his hand in mine again and guided him towards our seat.

"Can I have your attention please!!" Jin hyung said as he clicked a spoon on his wine glass.

We all looked at him with our undivided attention and smiled at him.

"Now I would like to toast to the couple, my favourite couple. I'll request Park Jimin to bring in the cake, I baked especially for them." Jin hyung said and we both smiled at him.

Jimin sprung up on his foot and ran towards the end of the venue and came back within a second.

We both were stunned looking at the cake because it was so pretty and looked extremely delicious.

      (I am sorry pretty cake for what I am about to do to you)

"So, this cake is presented to the couple from us, Jin and Namjoon." Jin hyung said and Namjoon raised the cake for all of us to see.

He walked towards us and Jimin suddenly decided to help him.

They were walking when suddenly Soonie entered the venue and decided to yell a 'Wow this place is so beautiful'
and both Namjoon hyung and Jimin flinched and the within the next second, the beautiful cake was on the floor.

We all gasped and looked at the cake with shocked eyes.

"KIM NAMJOON!!!" Jin hyung yelled and ran towards the cake.

He touched the cake and the stood up and looked straight at Namjoon hyung with glaring eyes.

"You clumsy person!! Look what you did! Now take this." He said and smeared the cake's cream on Namjoon hyung's cheeks.

We were shocked at first because we all are scared of Jin hyung's anger but then Taehyung started laughing loudly.

Within a second he was near the smashed cake and he bend down towards it still laughing. He touched the cake and then with a mischievous gleam walked towards me.

"Woah, Baby! What are you planning?" I asked gulping.

"WEDDING CAKE FIGHT!!" He yelled and ran towards me as I ran backward.

He started giggling and I kept yelling a no!! I started laughing as well.

"Take this!!" He yelled and threw the cream which missed me and landed straight on Jimin's face.

"Oh no Taetae! Now you've done it." Jimin yelled and took a bit of cream from the beautiful smashed cake and ran behind Tae.

"No No No Jiminieeee!! It was a mistake! It was meant for Kookie!" He kept yelling as he ran, laughing.

"I don't care!" Jimin giggled and ran behind Tae and threw the cream which landed on Yoongi hyung.


"Babyyyyy!! Hiiiii! I'll get back to you, right away." Yoongi hyung yelled and ran behind Jimin but again the aim missed and it hit Jin hyung.

Jin hyung was furious but nonetheless he started laughing when he saw Taehyung giggling and ran behind Yoongi hyung.

The entire scene was filled with chaos but laughs and giggles. I just stood at the corner and watched them with  pure happiness on my face.

"Oh no! My faceu!" Hobi hyung yelled.

"It was Siyuk, I swear!" Soonie replied laughing.

"No! It was Ami!" Siyuk fought back.

"No! It was me!" Ma replied giggling.

I was so engrossed in their funny bickering that I didn't notice when my baby was right in front of me.

"Hi Kookie!" He said smiling, his boxy smile.

"Hi baby!" I replied smiling.

"Got you!" He said suddenly and placed his hand on my cheek and that's when I realized, he had cream on his hand.

"Ahh!! Babyyyyy!! Whyyyyy?" I said whining and ran behind him.

"We all got the cake make up babe, you can't be left out." He replied screaming as he still ran.

Everyone was running behind someone or the other with cream in their hand.

I ran a bit faster and caught Taehyung from behind and wrapped my hands around his waist tightly.

"Gotcha!" I said laughing.

He turned sideways and giggled.

"Hi!" He said giggling.

I turned him around and placed my creamed cheek on his beautiful, cheek as it got smeared with cream as well.

"Bad Kookie!" He said giggling.

"Yeah? Still your Kookie." I said smiling.

He took the chance and quickly pecked my lips but I tilted my head and deepened the kiss that even made a slight moan slip his lips.

"Ahem! We are done, are you?" I heard Jin hyung's voice from behind us.

Taehyung giggled some more and I laughed as well.

"Yes we are as well." Taehyung said smiling.

"Alright, come on, go wash your face and come back fast, you're in luck as I always prepare extra's because of my clumsy fiancé!" Jin hyung said looking at Namjoon hyung.

"Sorry!" Namjoon hyung replied rubbing his nape and smiling sheepishly.

"Come on now everyone, wash up and be here fast!" Jin hyung announced and went away somewhere, probably to bring the second cake.

  (I kept a better one for them obviously)

"Jin hyung! This is beautiful as well!" I said giggling.

"This was the actual cake but I didn't bring this out first because I knew something like this would happen." He replied laughing.

"Thank God!" I said, smiling.

"Alright!! Who's ready for the dance?" Hobi hyung yelled from the crowd.

"Definitely me!" I yelled back and looked at Taehyung, who was already looking at me.

"Can I have this dance, beautiful?" I asked forwarding my hand.

Taehyung's POV:

"You may, handsome." I replied giggling.

He pulled me up and guided us towards the dance space.

He took both my arms and placed it on his shoulders as I wrapped them around his neck nicely. He placed his both hands on my waist and pulled me more into him.

The music started behind us.

Take my hand, take a breath,
Pull me close and take one step.
Keep your eyes locked on mine,
And let the music be your guide.

We saw all of them join us on the dance floor as well. But my attention was solely on the person who is my entire world. As he looked at me as if only I existed for him as well.

We swinged together to the music slowly as I softly placed my head on his chest, listening to his soothing heartbeat.

Won't you promise me?
(Now won't you promise me
That you'll never forget)
We'll keep dancing,
(To keep dancing)
Wherever we go next.

I brought my face up as he pulled his hands up from my waist and caught my hands and twirled me slowly as I giggled.

It's like catching lightning,
The chances of finding someone like you.
It's one in a million,
The chances of feeling the way we do.
And with every step together,
We just keep on getting better,
So can I have this dance?
(Can I have this dance)
Can I have this dance?

He pulled me close and brushed his nose on mine.

"Our wedding was a whole chaos baby, isn't it?" He asked softly.

"It was but that's because we are the Chaotic Seven." I said laughing a bit.

"Yes but we are all each other's chaos and we love it." He replied placing a kiss on my cheek.

"I agree." I replied giggling.

He looked at me and smiled fondly. He placed a kiss on my forehead as I closed my eyes feeling my husband's lips on my forehead.

"I love you, Jeon Taehyung." He said pecking my lips.

"I love you, Kim Jungkook." I replied giggling.

"I love this, I love us." He said smiling.

I looked around the dance floor and saw each and everyone engrossed into each other with a happy smile playing on each and everyone's lips.

I closed my eyes and a flashback flashed in front of my eyes. How I landed here, how I had no one. The contract and how I found Jiminie. Then each one of them and hiding it from everyone. It was a roller coaster ride but I loved each bit of it. I found friends, I found family and above all, I found love.

I opened my eyes and smiled with a fond happiness and looked into his eyes and said.

"Yes! I love us."

             That's a wrap, guys!!
                      The End!💜

Every good thing comes to an end but this book was something I won't be able to get over ever. This is the first book I wrote without any angst and I loved each and every role they played here. It is Chaotic Seven so till the last chapter it would be chaotic!🤭🤭🤭🤭😂😂😂😂

I might come back with a new story but for now, your author-nim is signing off!🥺🥺

It was amazing receiving so much love and appreciation from you guys and I love each one of you so much! 🥺💕

Till we meet again,


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