Chapter 6

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A whole week flew by within a blink and I won't say that I wasn't happy or satisfied. Work could be really tiring sometimes but nonetheless I feel it is one of the best and easy job, I could have got. Luckily or unluckily, we have to find out soon that I actually made two amazing friends and also, how can we forget Rosé Noona! My days started with an energetic sunshine named Hobi hyung, consisted of bickering and glaring at Jungkook and finally ended with a bubbling Jimin-ah! I am slowly getting better with the help of the friends I have now except Jungkook. Well, he really isn't my friend, at least I can't call him that. I can't exactly put a tag or a name to the conversations or the random quarrels we have. So, let's just say he exists in my life.

"Hey clumsy Kim! What got you so glowing?" The one person I wanted to avoid spoke up.

"Stop calling me that and mind your own business, Jeon!" I said walking, ignoring him.

"You are so rigid, makes me feel your muscles are all stiff! Loose up a bit!" He said walking behind me.

"What do you want now?" I asked him not stopping.

"I wanted coffee but no one is available to get me a cup and I can't leave the building at the current moment." He said whining.

I stopped and turned to look at him.

"Jeon, how old are you?" I asked him staring at him blankly.

"23! Why?" He asked looking curious.

"You are two years younger to me, respect me and I might bring you coffee." I said crossing my arms on my chest.

"Kim, you can't be serious right now." He said rolling his eyes.

I just stared at him sternly without blinking.

"Oh c'mon!" He said whining.

I didn't budge.

"Hyung! Please get me coffee!" He said whining again.

I nodded my head softly and walked towards him.

I was about to cross him when he suddenly grabbed my arm and made me swiftly turned towards him.

"J-Jeon.." I stuttered out while he was staring deeply into my eyes.

"I will remember this and will make sure I take revenge for it." He whispered bringing me more close to him, invading my personal space.

"What exactly do you mean?" I whispered back.

"I'll make you call me hyung!" He said smirking.

I scoffed at him probably for the first time and looked at him putting my hand on his hands which were still on my arms and looked up to him.

"I will never, ever, not even in your wildest dreams call you.." I stopped took a deep breath and uttered.


He stared at me and his eyes widened a bit when the word left my mouth but then he cleared his throat and looked away.

What is up with him?

"We'll see about that!" He whispered bringing me close and then leaving me at once.

I stubbled on my foot once and looked away trying to calm my breath. He was close, so close to me. I never allowed anyone to come this close to me yet here he was challenging each and every thing I thought wouldn't happen.

"Hyungggg!! My coffee! Pleaseee!" He said all of a sudden whining.

I rolled my eyes with pure annoyance.

"Stop whining Jeon! I'll get it but I ain't meeting you to give it to you as I am not your slave! Collect it from the reception." I said sternly.

"Why can't you just bring it to me then we could tal- nevermind! Doesn't matter! Just bring my coffee." He replied looking away from me.

I nodded and started walking again.

"Be careful, Kim! Don't be clumsy Kim again." He yelled behind me laughing.

I inhaled a deep breath and continued walking, not replying him.

Don't get provoked, don't get provoked! He is just a stupid coconut head! Don't get provoked.

I rushed to the nearby Starbucks to get him coffee but that wasn't because I wanted to listen to him, I took up the offer only because I, myself was craving a cup of bubble tea. I could have gone to the cafe in this building but I don't think Jungkook wanted coffee from here and nor did I want bubble tea from here.

I dropped his coffee at the reception and took the elevator to the fourth floor of this building. Today, for a change, I will be working on the old files of this company. I mostly have to get rid of the really old, unused papers. It's a simple task, nothing complicated.

I was heading towards the so called 'file room' on the fourth floor when I heard a sudden sound right at the end of the floor. My curiosity automatically made me walk towards it.

Taehyung! Stop. Don't! What if it's a ghost? Don't be so curious about everything! You know curiosity killed the cat right?

I rolled my eyes at my own thoughts and kept walking ahead.

I went closer to the room only to see the tall guy with dimples from BTS standing there scattered with a lot of files, papers and random things fallen around him.

"Excuse me? Are you fine?" I asked a bit unsure because I don't know if he expected me there.

He flinched a bit and turned towards me and that's when I saw his frowning face, dimples not visible right now.

"I am not fine, I am frustrated." He replied me in fluent english with a really fascinating accent.

I thank my lucky stars that I knew English pretty well.

"What's wrong? I may not be of great help but maybe I can be of some minimal help?" I asked him unsure.

"It's just...the whole company is dancing on my head and playing with my emotions and I just don't know how to handle it or do something about it!" He said frowning more deeply.

"Firstly, calm down a bit and sit down! You can tell me anything if you are comfortable because a patient listener helps during these times." I said softly.

He nodded his head and finally sat down grabbing the nearest chair.

"Min wants me to write and compose a new song single handedly and publish it under my own mixtape but that's not the problem, my main anger is when he said that he needs the song to be done within two days which oh so coincidentally clashes with the schedule I have to fix for my teammates for the upcoming tour. Where will I get the time? I am already so busy and writing and composing a song takes time even if I am talented and shit. I feel that I am failing myself and my teammates, who are my family. I am so frustrated because Min knows these yet he isn't meeting me or helping me." He said each word gritting his teeth.

I stared at him as I tried understanding each and everything he said and thought about the situation. I sighed softly.

He turned towards me when he heard me sighing and sighed as well.

"It's okay! I understand you can't help me but thank you for listening! I feel so much better now." He said smiling, his dimples out for a whole display.

I frowned and looked at him because I didn't only want to listen, I even wanted to help so I just listened to my instincts and went with the flow of words that left my mouth which were guided by my mind.

"Why don't you just tell someone from your teammates to handle the schedule and you can just focus on the song? If they get stuck somewhere or face a problem, they can always come and ask for help! That wouldn't require much of your time as well." I said staring at him.

He stared at me and then frowned.

"I thought about it but I don't know if Mi-"

"I know you obviously thought about it but listen to me. Just ask the person who will make sure to keep it a secret and work on it also, Min won't be suspicious because he won't see you working, he will just see the finished product. But whoever helps you, make sure he and you can act well! Just put a show so Min thinks that you both are discussing about your upcoming tour or shit but then you both know the real deal! What do you think?" I asked him genuinely.

I mean, this should work. He may not trust Mr. Min or anyone but he does trust his teammates right?

"Actually, that's a pretty good idea! Also, if you come to think of it, I just need two days! If we even go wrong somewhere, I can fix it later on without Min knowing. Thank you so much.." He spoke up.

"Taehyung, Kim Taehyung." I said softly.

"You are the one we met a week back, right?" He asked smiling, his dimples on a show.

I nodded my head.

"Namjoon, Kim Namjoon! The leader of BTS! I am so thankful to you! I guess I would have thought about that earlier but being the leader and trying my best to always keep everything under my control took a toll on me, I suppose. You were so patient and at least tried understanding me. I am really glad, you helped me, Taehyung." Namjoon said smiling.

I simply stared at him with a calm expression because I really know how it feels to be pressurised, to keep everything under control. I know the pain and hard work that is needed.

"No problem, Namjoon! I am glad, I could help." I said.

"What are you doing on this floor? No one usually comes here." He asked me a bit confused.

"I have some work in the file room, which reminds me, I need to go." I said getting up.

He smiled in return. I looked at him one last time and walked towards the door when he spoke up again.

"Hey Taehyung?" He asked from behind me and turned around him.

"Yes?" I asked him.

"Do you mind if we catch up later for coffee or tea? I mean, I could spend some time with someone other than my teammates." He said rubbing his neck, a bit embarrassed.


"Umm, Namjoon, I don't think so I would be free from work." I said playing with my fingers.

"Oh! That's fine. No problem! I understand you have work." Namjoon said with a disappointed voice.

Now, I feel guilty. He looked sad and always being famous doesn't help too right? It's not easy making friends or talking to people when you are famous.

"I-I can try and s-see! If I finish early, we can catch up for t-tea but not t-today maybe tomorrow!" I stuttered out softly.

Great! First Jimin then Hoseok and now Namjoon! I am so doomed.

What about Jeon? My mind kept yelling.

"What about him?" I mentally replied back.

"He is your fri-"

"He isn't my friend, shut up mind!" I retorted and stopped being distracted as Namjoon spoke up.

"Really? I am looking forward to it even if it's tomorrow. Thank you, Taehyung." Namjoon said happily with a glow and shine in his eyes, his dimples visible.

I adored the way his expression gleamed at such a small thing.

They all crave to meet new people and be friends! They might be rich and famous yet they are not that different from us eventually, are they?

"I need to get back to work Namjoon, it was nice meeting you." I said bowing a bit.

"Same here, Taehyung and please don't bow! See you tomorrow." Namjoon said happily.

I nodded my head and turned around to leave the room as I sighed a bit.

Yes, see you tomorrow.


"Taeeeeeee, you're spacing out! What's up with you today?" A whiny Jimin yelled near my ears.

Yes, it was evening and as per schedule, Jimin was in my apartment.

"I was just a bit distracted." I said calmly.

"I can see that! What got you so distracted, tell me!" He said.

I want to tell him about Namjoon but again if I tell him about the whole meeting, I have to give him the details about the whole conversation and that currently isn't a good idea.

"Nothing important." I said softly nodding my head.

"Sure?" He asked narrowing his eyes.

I hummed and nodded my head.

"How is your music classes going on with Hobi hyung?" He asked excited.

"It's fun, honestly! He is a great teacher." I said calmly.

He smiled and nodded his head.

Suddenly something struck my head and I thought of asking Jimin because he is really close to me now.

"Jimin-ah?" I called him.

"Yes, Taehyungie?" He replied.

"How is Jungkook as a person?" I asked him directly.

It was so weird how his name sounded when I say it aloud.

"Jungkook? Well he is the maknae of our group, which automatically means he is spoiled by all of us but that doesn't mean he is childish or annoying! He is really understanding and can really be helpful, loving and kind, if he wants to be. He isn't that open though, he is quite shy but if he likes you, he won't stop talking to you. Oh, did I mention that he is scared of girls?" He asked laughing.

I shook my head, internally laughing.

"Yes, he is! I don't know if he is scared or shy but he runs away from them yet he calls himself the 'international playboy' which he isn't! He is an adorable baby and his heart is too fragile to play with other's heart. Also, he hates it when girls call him Oppa!" Jimin said giggling.

The way Jimin describes him, he sounds so adorable, funny and lovable. Then why on earth does he quarrel with me so much?

"Taehyungie? You spaced out again." Jimin said giggling.

I simply shook my head.

"Why are you asking about him though? Did you both talk or something?" Jimin asked raising his eyebrows.

"Ah! No? Why would we? I just talk to you and Hobi hyung! You know I am not supposed to talk to anyone of yo-"

"Yes, Taehyungie, I know! Why are you getting this nervous?" Jimin asked confused.

"No, I am not nervous, just-" he cut me off again.

"Don't bother about him! He doesn't really approach someone so there is no way he would come and talk to you so you won't face any problem." Jimin said getting up heading towards the kitchen.

He doesn't approach someone yet he was the one who started having a conversation (if you can call it so) with me. Am I missing something here?

"You want caramel or cheese popcorn?" Jimin yelled from the kitchen.

"Cheese!" I yelled back not paying much attention to anything.

I stared at the wall in front of me blankly with one small thought in my mind.

Jeon, what are you exactly and what are you upto?

Those who thought it would be Jin hyung, I am sorry to break your hearts!🤣🤣😂😂

Next part has something interesting!😌😌😌



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