Burning Frozen Land

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Izuku POV:

After the ordeal with Todoroki's call the other night, I had mentioned the situation to Nezu. With this in mind, he had the Big Three and Aizawa join us on our trip to Punk Hazard. I was currently sitting in the seat on the front deck watching the seas and making certain nothing bad was coming our way. "To think we're on the Little Mobey. I heard so many great things about this ship." Togata looked around the ship with excitement before asking me a question. "Is it true that you faced 60 pirate ships wanting some of Whitebeard's territory and didn't come out with even a scratch?"

"If you're going to ask about tales, get them right. It was 64 and the mass caught fire. You can still see the damage if you look close near the middle of it."

I explained for Amajiki to look up and notice it. "Now that you say something, I see it."

"Could've been worse if Jinbei didn't bump into us. Fishman Karate is something worth mentioning." Eri came over towards me to climb up and sit on my lap. Soon as she did, Ochako came over to stop and freak out.

"WHAT THE NUTS!?" We turned to her with Hado having stars in her eyes.

"THATS SO COOL! HOW IS HALF THE SEA ON FIRE AND THE OTHER HALF'S FROZEN TUNDRA!?" We glanced at the island to see the complete opposites at work here.

"Ok....so you weren't kidding about the island being split between an active volcano and a polar ice caps." Ochako was a little surprised before Aizawa came in front of us.

"Alright. Let's get something straight. This island is owned by the marines. The fact we're on this island means we're doing something illegal. It's best we try and avoid any problems as a whole."

"I think that's a little too late to warn us about, sir." I pointed out towards a Marine ship for Whitey Bay to open a scope and look through.

"This is a problem."

"What branch is it?"

"G-5." I smacked my face before pulling my hand down.

"It had to be the problem group."

"What do you mean?"

I didn't break contact with the ship as I explained to Ochako the problem. "G-5 are the misfits of the Marines. Think of the common soldier in the Marines. Now imagine soldiers that don't fit that mold due to them having attitude, a sadistic nature or just having a bad reputation. Now imagine an entire faction of the Marines holding these misfits. That's basically what G-5 is."

"The biggest problem is their lack of morality towards pirates. I heard they burn pirates alive." Juuzo points this out to have a shiver go down everyone's spines thinking of that being the way they go.

"Any chance they didn't see us?" Aizawa asked for Whitey Bay to give me the scope to get an answer.

"I don't think we're that lucky." I glanced at the ship to see the Vice Admiral on the ship look at us through a scope. "Put the ship near theirs. They shoot at us, get ready to burn the ship crew and all."

"Isn't that a little much?" Ochako asked for me to place Eri on my seat and walk towards the bow of the ship.

"They won't show us the same dignity and they'd attack us first. We're giving them the opportunity to avoid this by not firing first." We sailed closer towards the ship to come side by side. There, I was met by none other than the White Chase. Vice Admiral Smoker.

"Izuku Midoriya I presume?"

"Smoker. Care to tell my what G-5 is doing here of all places?"

"This is Marine territory. What we're doing here is none of your business. What I want to know is what the Whitebeards and some of the Worst Generation are doing here?" I glared at the man with trying to make an excuse.

"I'm working on a case with Eraserhead. It requires us investigating the possibility of someone we're looking for on this island."

"This island is Marine territory. Unless you have authorization, you aren't allowed to be here."

"Yeah! Get out of here, stupid pirates!"

"This is Marine turf! You got no right to be here!" Some of the G-5 thugs spoke up for me to glare at them. They flinched when I did before I glared back at Smoker.

"I have business with someone on this island. If you don't move now, we'll be left with no choice but to push you away by force."

"You think the Marines are scared of threats? We won't think twice about taking you down if we have to." Some woman with glasses and a Marine Captain jacket on ran her mouth to me with Smoker speaking up again.

"I doubt who you're looking for is on this island. If they are, it's our jurisdiction to handle it as Marines."

"Oh please. I'm pretty sure I know more of what's happening on this island than you do. Now out of our way." I was starting to get irritated with this.

"Once again, this is Marine territory. If you don't want to pick a fight with us, turn around and leave. This is your final warning or else we will shoot." I glared down Smoker with him doing the same to me. Some of the G-5 grunts behind him started getting cannons set up with bullets. We were only pulled away when Izou tapped my shoulder.

"Sir. We have a problem."

"Can it wait?"

"Not exactly." He motioned behind us for my attention to focus there. To all of our surprise, the glaciers around us surrounded and closed off our means of escape. "This doesn't seem natural. Whoever is on this island doesn't want us to leave from how it looks."

I grumbled before looking back at Smoker. "Well even if we wanted to leave, that's now out of the question. Look, there's something going on on this island that the Marines most likely don't know about. You might not like it, but we want to handle the issue just as much as you and we have the ability to search the island better. So why don't we just search the island together. If it makes it better, we'll even let you monitor us so we don't do something against your wishes."

"You think we'll accept any form of treaty with pirates like you!?"

I glared at the captain before turning back to Smoker. "What do you say, Vice Admiral. Even if you refuse, we won't be able to leave the island so easily. Would you rather have just one possible problem or two?"

Smoker grumbled before turning around. "Do what you want. Since it's not possible for you to leave right now, just find somewhere to stay and get out of our way."

He walked off and had their ship sail away with the events still worrying me of the icebergs. "What are the odds stray ice box us in like that?" Togata asks for me to correct him.

"Stray icebergs didn't do that. The current would've pulled them out to sea as opposed to inward to trap us."

"So someone did that on purpose?"

"Possibly, Hado. For now, get ready. We'll be going on shore. Something tells me this is more dangerous than we think." I went into the lower parts of the ship with Eri following me. We went to her room to pull out her winter clothing to have her coat be put on along with her mittens. "It's going to get cold. I need you to keep warm, ok?"

"Yes daddy." She replaced her normal shoes with snow boots for us to continue our treck towards the actual island. However, we were met by a glacier blocking our path and trapping us.

"It's a dead end."

"What now?"

Glancing at the water, I noticed the currents were still moving under the glacier to find it weird. "Fire the cannons on the glacier in front of us."

"What? You want us to waste ammunition on that?" Marco asked for me to point at the water.

"Look at the currents." He looked and understood for the crew to follow my order. We shot at the glacier for it to break apart and show a path into the island. "Someone's trying to box us in. Don't know why, but we need to keep going."

"GIANT ICE ABOVE!" One of our crew shouted for us to see an abnormally large chunk of ice come at us. I grew my hand with my Mochi powers and coated my fist with Haki to counter it. When I made impact, the ice shattered into small fragments to make it look like snow coming down.

"Wow! It's pretty!" Eri seemed to enjoy it with it not something I could enjoy so easily.

"Stay on course. The second we find land, we'll dock. Those that aren't focusing on cannons or sailing the ship, get suited up for winter terrain."

"Yes sir!" I glanced towards the Big Three, Ochako and Eraser before looking at a group of people. "Vista. Get some winter clothing for our friends here, please."

"Gotcha, boss." I sat back in my chair and kept an eye out for the sea, hoping to avoid any other problems.

'Whoever's on this island isn't going to get the best of me and my crew, that's for certain.

3rd person POV:

Smoker's team finally arrived at the docks of the island with it being quiet. To their knowledge, this island should be uninhabited, but it was a bit too quiet for their liking. "Man, this place gives me the creeps." As one of the G-5 men said this, a set of gas came to them to force the Marines to wear gas masks or else suffer poisoning themselves.

"Is there residual gas from the accident!?"

"If that's the case, who in their right minds would be here!?"

As they spoke, the Marine captain looked around through the goggles on her gas mask. "Strange, the gas should've been completely expelled."

"That's because this isn't the case of residual gas. Someone is just trying to make it seem like it is so we don't go any farther. If it wasn't all brought out, Akainu and Aokiji's battle would've never happened here." Smoker denounced this logic as they started to dock. Once finished, Smoker had the group follow him to the main building. As strange as the gas they faced came, it dispersed just as quickly. "Tashigi. Stay on your toes. I'm not certain what's here."

"Yes sir." The captain known as Tashigi answered as they continued to the laboratory. Once there, Smoker tried opening it to no avail.

"Alright. We'll need some explosives. Men, get back to the ship and see what you can scrounge up." Before the Marines could answer, the door opened to reveal a similar face to them.

"Can I help you?"

"Shoto Todoroki. What's a Warlord doing here of all places?" Smoker glared at Todoroki as he calmly answered. 

"This is my vacation home. I don't see the big deal with being here."

"This is Marine territory. Even you're not authorized to be here."

"Then aren't you not? If this place is meant to be abandoned, why is a Marine group here?"

"That's of none of your concern." Smoker glanced into the building while continuing. "If you're calling this a vacation home, then you wouldn't mind us peeking inside for a bit, would you?"

"I'd prefer if you don't."

"You don't have the right to argue this if you're not allowed to be here to start!" Tashigi butted in with Todoroki looking at her.

"I don't want you in because I have a large amount of dirty comics about women Marines in the building." Everyone was dead silent as he said this. "People make some dirty art books of a lot of them. I'm personally fond with the ones they make on Hina and Tashi-"

"DO NOT FINISH THAT SENTENCE, MAN!" The G-5 Marines shouted as Tashigi looked enraged.

"Enough! I could care less about your fantasies. All I want to know is if it's only you in there."

Todoroki remained where he was in front of the door, glaring at Smoker. "And if there is more people in here?"

"Then we'll have to determine the dangers ourselves." Smoker continued to walk towards Todoroki before noticing a giant glacier come in front of him, barricading the group from the door.

"I told you to leave. What happens now is because of your own actions." Todoroki teleported in front of the ice with the men starting to back up.

"Holy crap. We're really fighting a Warlord."

"Shoto Todoroki. From what I heard, he gave a hundred still beating hearts of pirates to the Marines to get his title. This guy's off the rails!"

Todoroki glared at the group before slicing the Marine ship up and adjusting the pieces to make it look like some form of public art. "This was because you chose to not to understand this has nothing to do with you. If you would've walked away and remained civil, you could've sailed away and nothing bad would've happened." A sword came out of nowhere for the Marines to start panicking.

"GET OUT OF THE CIRCLE! AS LONG AS YOU'RE IN HIS ZONE, YOU'RE NO DIFFERENT THAN A PATIENT ON HIS OPERATING TABLE! THIS IS HOW HE OBTAINED THE TITLE THE SURGEON OF DEATH!" Everyone prepared for the worse with Todoroki using the sword to make one slash to slice down multiple G-5 Marines with their bodies being sliced in half.

And that finishes this chapter. See how Todoroki's ordeal with the Marines end up. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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