Dangers for Izuku

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Izuku POV:

"You have five minutes to get a team, so get moving!" Everyone immediately started looking for teams while I was kinda stuck being the odd man out. Granted they almost always treated me like a social pariah and wanted me dead, but right now this was a different story. "Hey Midoriya!" I glanced over to see Uraraka run up to me. "Let's pair up!" I looked down at her like she was an idiot before explaining. "You realize that we'll be targeted regardless if I have the 10 million or not, right?" "I know, but it's kinda mean how nobody wants to pair with you and it's kinda easier to pair with someone you like." She gave me a smile for me to kick myself for saying this. "Fine. You're in." "Yay!" Uraraka jumped for joy before we heard another voice. "Hey you." I turned my eyes to a guy with purple hair and some chick with steampunk goggles and pink dreadlocks. 

"You're the guy right? The Charlotte family member?" I walked over to tower over the two hoping that would scare them off since the two gave me a bit of annoyance right off the bat. "And if I am?" The tired guy gave me his hand with a bit of a smirk. "Let's pair up." '.....Wait. What?' "I guess it's understandable that you don't think I'm serious. Listen, I get what it feels like to be an outcast. Thanks to my quirk, everyone kinda believed I was a villain like you since it's normally used by villains. Though I wanna prove them wrong and be a hero. So what do you say?" I gave him one last look before asking. "What's your quirk?" "Mind Control. I can control anyone that replies to a comment while it's active. During this, I can make people do simple commands that don't require someone to rely on memory and only physical acts. The issue though is a simple shake can pull it off them. The names Hitoshi Shinso by the way." I thought about this for a moment before nodding. "You're in. What about dreads?"

"My name is Mei Hatsume Mr. 10 million! My quirk only allows me to see long distances, but I can give you the ability to use my babies here!" She starts bringing out some crazy support stuff for me to smirk under my mask. "I like your weird spirit girl. Why not." "Ok. So any plans?" "I've got one, but I need to be the head of the horse." Shinso raised an eye at me. "You'll understand when I'm in front. But right now we need to determine who's on top." We debated over this before getting an idea on what to do. When Mic called for our time, our team had me in the front, Hatsume on the left, Uraraka on the right, and Shinso atop. To add a bit of mobility for us, Uraraka made us weightless besides herself while she wore hover boots Hatsume had. "Everyone ready?" "Yep." "RIGHT!" "I'm ready whenever." The timer began to count down before Mic shouted over the loudspeaker. "BEGIN!" Everyone immediately came to us for me to begin what I had planned. "Time to get ready." I made hands of mochi come out of the ground in front of us ready to fight. "Mochi Mochi....BARRAGE!"

Anyone that was in front of the punches was hit by the mochi fists and had knelt down. "HOLY SNAP FOLKS! TEAM SHINSO HAS A DANGEROUS ALLY ON THEIR SIDE!" People started to boo us and throw things at my head. "This a normal thing for you man?" "To be completely honest, this is tame compared to half of the stuff people do." Shinso sighed while giving his condolences. "I gotta admit Midoriya, I have a lot more respect for you from this." "You can save that respect for later. Here comes a problem team." I state this while seeing Yaoyorozu with Todoroki, Iida, and Kaminari. "TAKE THIS!" The bitch tried to strike me with a metal bar with my body ready to counter it and have it go through. Only this time it was different. "AHH!" The bar hit my side and actually hurt me to have me bend over a bit. "Wait! How did that hurt you!? You're made of mochi!" "I DON'T KNOW! JUST GET BACK FOR NOW!" We pulled back for me to recover to see a smirk on the bitch's face. "What's wrong, can't turn into a fluid mass when I attack? Guess uncle Akainu's training paid off then."

3rd person POV:

The audience watched in silence as the scene below them was rather special to watch. "WHOA! WHAT DID YAOYOROZU DO!? SHE WAS ABLE TO HIT MIDORIYA!" In the stands, Whitebeard watched rather impressed while drinking his coffee. "Impressive. The little spitfire must know Armament Haki." "The basics. But still enough to hit the bastard Charlotte child." The giant man looked behind to see Akainu walk over to the bar. "I thought I smelt something fowl in the air. Good to know my sense of smell isn't going on me in my old age." Whitebeard laughed a bit before taking another bite of his sweet bun. "Laugh all you want, that girl will be the one to defeat the bastard Charlotte and lure out Big Mom from whatever rabbit hole she's hiding in." "So that's your goal. Use the children to get the head of the snake. If it wasn't your plan, I'd wonder just what kind of sick mind could think of it." "Like it or not, the Charlotte boy is going to meet his end in this event and lure out the real prize." "I wouldn't be so sure about that. Remember, that boy is one of my sons and he was already tough as nails before I met him."

As the two had their conversation, Izuku recovered from the act to have Yaoyorozu and her team come at him again. Izuku blocked the attacks from Iida and Todoroki, but Yaoyorozu was able to strike him again and again to make him feel pain and taste blood in his mouth. The enemy team backed away from Izuku's with everyone amazed at what was going on. "Just what is she doing differently now that you can get hurt from her?" "*pant* *pant* It's gotta be that. There's no other way she could hit me like that."

2 weeks ago

"Haki? What's that?" Izuku asked while sitting in front of Whitebeard looking into his sake barrel. "To make a long story short, it's a power anyone can have, but not everyone can tap into it. It comes into three different categories. Observation, Armament, and Conquerors. My best bet, your old man used Observation when you fought him before. Let me guess, it seemed as if he already knew where you were coming from?" "Yeah. It was like no matter what I did, he knew and could counter it like it was nothing." "That's the power of Observation. You can read the enemy's next movement before they even do it." The large man tossed the barrel to the side before opening another. "To make things simple, I won't teach you two of these and only give you a broad understanding on the final one. It's true your body is strong, but if I taught you Observation or Armament, it would be a rush job and a halfass one at that. But if I were to teach you the final which only a small portion of people can even use, maybe we can see some results." Whitebeard downed the container of alcohol before tossing it to the side.

"But what makes this one so different?" "Conquerors Haki is something you've already used once, so we'll be using that knowledge to our advantage. But this is a trick that is only going to be used if you have no other way. Training with Haki takes a long time to hold some kind of mastery over it and we don't have that luxury yet." Izuku nods before Whitebeard stands up. "One last thing about Armament. If you meet someone that can use it, that would mean they're able to kill you without problems." The green haired boy nodded as Ace came over to begin training with Izuku. "So you ready to start working bud?" Izuku nodded for Ace's hand to turn into flames. "Good. Then training begins now."

Back to present

"So let me guess, you learned Armament Haki when you were training for the Sports Festival." "Very accurate. Not complete yet, but enough to beat you." Yaoyorozu held her metal weapon out prepared to strike. "So it's come to this huh?" Izuku stood tall with the four ready for whatever they would be facing. "Strategic withdrawal!" Izuku and his group began running away from the team trying to avoid any problems. "HEY! GET BACK HERE YOU BASTARD!" Yaoyorozu shouted in anger as they ran for the escaping team. As this occurred, Ryukyu had watched in interest in this act. "This is probably his smarter decision. If he can be hit and the girl can use Haki, it would be best to avoid them at all costs." "C'MON IZUKU! YOU CAN DO IT!" Lola kept cheering her nephew on while Inko watched her son avoid any dangers. She started to worry for his safety. "Don't worry Mrs. M. Izuku's a tough guy. He won't die so easily." The mother wanted to believe these words, but she was still scared for her son's well being.

Time continued to drop as Izuku and his group continued to run. "No matter what, that group with the girl that can touch you will catch us eventually." "Which is why I'm gonna target their weakest link." Everyone looked at Izuku as he explained. "The only person protecting him is Todoroki with his ice half. That gives us an advantage." "Well I hope this plan works, cause we're at a dead end!" Shinso shouted as they found themselves at a corner unable to go anywhere with Yaoyorozu and her group in front of them. "Time to end this you son of a bitch." Yaoyorozu held her metal bar out and infused Haki into it. "You know, I was wondering just where exactly did that metal pole come from. Did you make it out your arm or did you pull it out your ass?" "OH THAT IS IT!" Yaoyorozu came at Izuku to have him dodge the strike. She attacked again for Izuku to evade again. The third time, the dark haired girl attacked the legs for Izuku to jump up. "Now. Mochi Mochi...STOP!" Izuku sent his foot directly at Kaminari with the attack too fast for anyone to react. The hit went right to his face for the four to be off balance a bit and work to keep Todoroki up.

On retraction though, Todoroki was able to freeze Izuku's foot to keep him unable to move. "We've got him now. Iida, help Kaminari up." Todoroki said this with Shinso speaking up. "Don't any of you have any shame? Attacking us like this isn't very heroic." "What was that?" "How dare you!" "What do you know about us!?" Todoroki, Iida, and Yaoyorozu commented for them to look like they were under a trance. "Nice job." Izuku smashed his leg onto the ground for the fragments of his frozen limb to go everywhere. "Are you insane!?" Hatsume said this while Izuku's leg began reforming with the mochi. "So long as it wasn't cut off by Armament Haki, I can reform it." The group ran away before Kaminari tried to get the attention of the three by tapping them. "What happened?" Iida asked for Kaminari to explain. "I don't know, you three were replying to that general studies guy and then you all looked like a bunch of zombies." Yaoyorozu gritted her teeth before looking at Izuku. "We're going after them." "We may wish to rethink our plans for that and get some more points." Iida points this out while showing where they are on the marker. "Right now, we won't even make it to the final event if we keep going after Midoriya. It's in our best interest to leave them alone and get at least enough to pass onto the next event." Yaoyorozu grunted before agreeing. 'You win this round you bastard.'

Time continued to pass with everyone approaching the minute mark. "We're in the clear!" Ochako was ecstatic as they ran over towards the other end of the field. As they did however, Izuku felt a sharp pain in his side to kneel down in pain. "Midoriya. You good down there?" Shinso asked before Hatsume noticed a bit of red coming out of the larger boy's uniform. "Dammit. That hit did more damage than I thought." Izuku started panting with his side being in a lot of pain. "And we were so close too." "You think I'm down? You have no idea what I know." Izuku said in aggravation at Shinso while a bunch of teams attacked them. "GET THEM!" They charged the four with Izuku doing an attack he knew would work. 'Sorry Pops, but I don't think I've got much of a choice.'

He let loose a gigantic wave of Conquerors Haki to stop everyone and send it directly into the stands unintentionally. "This kid can use Conquerors Haki?" Akainu questioned while Whitebeard smirked in the stands. 'Not bad Izuku. You're still shaky with it, but this should work in your favor.' In Izuku's corner, the group felt the pressure as well for Marco and Ace to realize what Izuku was doing. "Kid's got a pair for trying this right now." "Not like he had much of a choice." "What's happening!?" Inko couldn't understand before the unbelievable pressure finally faded. When it did, almost everyone on the field attacking Izuku collapsed with Hatsume just barely managing to keep from doing so as well. Meanwhile, the audience had collapsed as well with only about half even staying conscious. "LOLA!" Ryukyu shouted as her assistant collapsed backwards unconscious. "Well it seems like Mic is down as well. I guess I have to be the commentator." Aizawa said over the speaker before calling the match. "Times up." Everyone stopped to see the results. "First place is Shinso, Uraraka, Hatsume and Midoriya. Second's Bakugou, Sero, Ashido and Kirishima. Third's Todoroki, Yaoyorozu, Kaminari and Iida. And fourth's Tokoyami, Shiozaki, Tetsutetsu and Aoyama."

Hearing that they were done, the first place team let out a sigh of relief before falling to the side. "What the!?" The three looked over to see Izuku holding his side in pain while coughing blood into his mask to have it drip off. "CAN WE GET HELP PLEASE!?" Medical bots brought Izuku to Recovery Girl's office as quickly as they could with Inko getting up to run towards the infirmary. "So the boy can use Conquerors Haki." Ryukyu said this while smirking a bit. "Lola was right. He is unique." "I'm gonna go check on Izuku." Ace jumped up for Marco to understand. Eventually, Lola started to regain consciousness to see the match was over. "What happened? Did Izuku win?" "Yes. He was also brought to the infirmary due to a blow from his encounter with that Yaoyorozu girl." Ryukyu's statement hit the pink haired Charlotte like a stack of bricks. "IZUKU'S HURT! HOLD ON! AUNTY LOLA'S COMING FOR YA!" She left in a dust of smoke for only Ryukyu and Marco to remain in their section. "So why are you here? Don't you have an intern already?" "Lola wanted me to see about possibly giving Midoriya a work study. And after that performance, I plan to." Marco laughed a bit to himself while leaning back. "Gotta admit, the former vice 4th division commander taking in Izuku wouldn't be a bad thing. Wouldn't it, Dragon Queen Ryuko?"

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku was able to win against Yaoyorozu's ability to use Armament Haki and has mild control over his Conquerors Haki. See what happens next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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