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Eri POV:

I started to wake up during the night. I looked to see I was sleeping next to daddy's friend who might be my new mommy. She was asleep for me to have to go pee. "Ms. Ochako. I need to go poddy." I pushed her a bit for her to not say anything. I needed to get down and go to find the poddy myself to get to it in time. When I finished, I was very tired to find my way up to the deck.

"Hey there little missy. What are you doing up so late?" I heard someone speak to see a man with big bulky muscles and what looked like a lot of scars on him. "You lost kiddo?"

"Wow. You're taller than daddy."

"Yeah, he is." Another guy who had no shirt on and was wearing a hat with shorts was next to the bulky man. He squatted down to me and smiled while patting my head. He felt very warm with his smile. "He's been having a problem for a long time. He though has a lot of love for people like you and Ochako to give."

I smiled hearing this before hearing someone go up the deck to see it was miss Ochako. "Eri sweetie. Why are you up on the deck? It's cold."

"Sorry. I had to go poddy and I got lost coming back. I found two people thought." Miss Ochako looked around somewhat confused before talking back to me.

"What are you talking about? You're the only one that's on the deck." I turned around to see nobody around to hold my head to the side.

"But they were right here. Where did they go?"

"You might've imagined it Eri. It's late. How about we go back to bed." Miss Ochako picked me up to carry me back to my bed to look back at the deck. I didn't see anyone with the feeling of the shirtless guy's hand being so warm.

'He....felt a lot like daddy when he's happy for me.'

The next morning in Dressrosa, 3rd person POV:

Sitting in an empty room, Doflamingo heard several people outside of the palace he lived in call for him. They demanded answers from him. Unfortunately for them, their questions were falling on deaf ears. As the noise outside was going on, Doflamingo picked up a Transponder Snail to speak into it. "It's done. I resigned."

On the Little Mobey:

"So how long are we waiting for this answer?" Ochako questioned this as she continued to pace around on the ship unsure what to do.

"Until the global news tells us what Doflamingo did." Izuku commented as he scrolled through social media to see the headline. "Warlord and king of Dressrosa Donquixote Doflamingo resigns from the 7 Pirate Warlords."

"Guess he agreed to his end of the deal." Dabi smirked at this while a Transponder snail began ringing. He picked it up and heard an answer on the other side.

"It's done. I resigned." Doflamingo spoke form the other side to have a smile come on the villain's face.

"Good. Now onto the next part of our deal. We will arrive at Green Bit today at 3 PM. There, we'll give off Caesar. You'll arrive alone as will. If we see any members of your crew or Marines, the deal's off. Got it?"

"Understood. Is Midoriya there?" Dabi motioned for Izuku to walk over towards the snail before answering.

"He's here. If you have anything to say, say it."

"Good to hear. Hello again, Izuku Midoriya. It's been quite a while since we've met face to face. Wasn't the last time we had a heart to heart during our little battle in that alleyway. To be honest, I didn't expect to be talking with you after that much less see you outside of a casket." Doflamingo laughed at this comment with it irritating Izuku notably.

"Go choke on sea water. I doubt you wanted to talk to me just to boast this. So what is it you want?"

"Straight to the point. That's an admirable feature you hold. To make things simple, I had come across something rather unique. Something you'd kill to get." Doflamingo snickered on the phone as he said this with it annoying Izuku.

"I'm not one that likes to beat around the bush, so what do you have?"

"Tell me. What do you know about when a Devil Fruit user dies? What happens to the power?"

"The power is reborn in another fruit for someone to eat. Once the Devil Fruit is eaten, that person will hold the same powers as the previous holder until their inevitable expiration and the cycle repeats with the fruit being reborn into the next capable fruit. Why is this important?"

Doflaming kept laughing on the other side. "Tell me, do you know if the powers of your former 2nd Division Commander was taken by anyone yet?"

"....What are you getting at." Izuku knew what Doflamingo was talking about, but didn't want to admit it.

"I have with me a unique fruit I have found. But since I'm a nice guy, I'll give you the chance to get it back. All you have to do is one simple thing."

"And how do I know you're not blowing smoke up my ass?" Doflamingo kept laughing at Izuku before answering.

"You don't. But this is without a doubt your former commander's fruit I am holding right now. All you have to do to gain it back is win a fight in the coliseum we have today during the afternoon. You do that, and the fruit's yours. Consider that my attempt to give you a chance to win. Seem fair?"

Izuku was enraged. He heard that his former superior commander's power was in the hands of someone he did not trust it with. Adding to this, the fruit could go to almost anyone no matter the legitimacy. "You wouldn't give up a rare fruit so easily. It's a Logia. You have something up your sleeve."

"Perhaps, but this is your chance to gain back Ace's fruit. The ball's in your court. I'll agree to the terms the punk gave me, but I look forward to see what you decide to do." The transponder snail stopped receiving a signal for Izuku to glare at it.

"This has to be a trap. Nobody's stupid enough to let a Logia type be won by some random person." Juzo pointed this out with Izou arguing this.

"But what if he's right? What if Ace's fruit is being put in this game he's doing? Do we have much of an option to take this opportunity and waste it?"

"But this could also be just as easily a trap. Did any of you think this through as that?" Kaina argued back with this for Izuku to sit contemplating it.

"What do you wanna do, captain. Go all in for this gamble or sit it out and call a bluff?" Marco asked as everyone was waiting for an answer.

"As much as I wanna call this as a bluff, I don't wanna pass up the chance."

"So what's your call?" Dabi asked with Izuku finally accepting what he'll do.

"I'll do this. Alone. If the worst situation happens and it's a trap, at least I'm the only one that's caught in it."

"You sure you wanna go this route?" Endeavor asked knowing the gamble. "This might be a trap more for you."

"Maybe, but the problem is I don't want to risk Ace's power being misused by someone. After everything he's done for me, I'm not letting his power be given to someone that's not worth it. That'd be an insult to his name."

Marco let out a sigh before smiling. "You know, I can completely agree with that. If one of our powers were up for ante like that, he'd have gone for it without any hesitation. We get it, man. Don't feel bad knowing you have to do this. You're doing what any of us would in your situation."

"Then it's settled. I'll handle taking on the coliseum. Meanwhile, Dabi, Todoroki, Endeavor and the Big 3 will give Caesar to Doflamingo."

"You can count on us." Hado gave a salute with Togata smiling alongside her.

"Providing a diversion for the rest of the crew to find and take out the Smile factory and find the missing Samurai that Kin'nemon mentioned."

"You may need some assistance in keeping the ship safe. Since it'll be dangerous if I transform, it might be for the best that I remain here as well as keep the kids safe." Ryukyu pointed this out with Izuku nodding.

"Maybe it'll be best if I chill with ya, bro." Franky spoke up as well with a smirk. "If it is a trap, I'll hop in and make a Super escape for the both of us. That way it'll put everyone a little more at ease over the situation."

"That could work. Alright. If anyone has a problem with this plan, speak up now." Izuku asked for nobody to really say anything. "Then it's agreed on. Next stop, Dressrosa."

Later that day, Izuku POV:

Arriving at the shores of Dressrosa, Dabi and Endeavor suggested we stay on the outskirts as a preventative of anyone finding us or having a trap set up. When we docked, we went over a bit of information Kin'nemon had for us. "Gather around my friends. For this is the information we know of this country. For the men of the kingdom of Dressrosa, they dress in suits and wear hats and sunglasses. Meanwhile for the women....THEY WEAR VIRTUALLY NOTHING! LITTLE IF ANY CLOTHING AS POSSIBLE!-"

Kin'nemon was immediately given a hard smack over the head by Kaina for the other girls in the group stomping on him with Eri more doing it thinking it was a game of some sorts. "Moving on. Let's just put on some decent clothing and try to avoid standing out if at all possible." I hopped off the ship with Eri waving at me.

"I'll see you later daddy!"

"See ya." I gave a peace sign with Franky hopping off alongside me.

"Don't count me out bro. see ya lot later." He gave a pose to everyone while shouting as well. "SUUUPEEEERRRR!"

I ignored this and kept walking for us to get into the city. "So how should we go about finding the colesium?"

"Beats me, bro. Maybe asking around? But uhhh....are you seeing what I'm seeing?" I looked around to see people interacting with what seemed like....toys?

"If you're talking about the walking toy chest that is the town basically, you're not hallucinating." A kid ran around to unintentionally bump into me and fall on the ground. "Sorry kid. You ok?" I knelt down for him to look up at me and panic.


"Jeez bro. You can't catch a break, can you?" We were starting to make a scene for it to get worse by the second. However, a voice spoke up from behind us to avoid more problems.

"Sorry about him. My friend's just a little on the scary looking side, but he's really nice." Ochako came to help the kid up before patting his head. "There we go. No need to cry. You're a tough guy, aren't you?"

The kid seemed to calm down enough with the dog looking toy to come behind him. "Come and try to catch Pongo!" The two ran off with everyone seeing it was just a simple situation of the boy getting scared of me.

"So what are you doing here?"

"Trying to help you. So where are we going?"

"That's what we're trying to figure out." As we kept going, I sensed something to look to the side and see a familiar face. "This might be tricky." I kept walking with the two until we came upon a giant coliseum. "Guess this must be the place." I walked towards the regestration booth for a toy soldier to come in front of a bunch of kids.

"Children! You must leave here! The coliseum is no place for young ones like yourselves. Today's fights are dangerous and will corrupt your minds!"

"Is that a toy soldier?" We all questioned it with the toy soldier shooting his toy gun to send the kids away. As he did, the soldier was being chased by a bunch of guards from Dressrosa. However, he hopped on the coliseum to stop them.

"This coliseum is owned by the Donquixote Family. To open fire here would be an attack to them! Do you dare to attack me risking that!?" The guards looked scared to and began heading away. Once they weren't seen anymore, the toy soldier came off the coliseum and laughed at this act.

"Hey, soldier."

The soldier looked towards us to pull back a bit. "You are not people from around here, aren't you?"

"And? Look. We're trying to find out some stuff here. Do you mind talking with us for a bit? Maybe also show us where the regestry for the tournament is?" The soldier looked at me with what seemed like a stern look.

"You are a man who has fought hard in his life. Perhaps holding guilt on your shoulders. Am I fair to suggest that?" I nodded for the soldier to ask another question. "Why do you wish to join the tournament that is being held today?"

"Something very precious to an old friend of mine is being presented here. Being owned to someone so kind, I can't let it be given to someone else."

"So you wish for the power of the Flame Flame Fruit."

"I just don't want it to go to someone that'll use it for bad doings. Ace was someone who helped me and I never got the chance to repay back the kindness he gave me. So the least I can do is make sure his Devil Fruit goes to someone who won't use it for wrong reasons. I think he'd at least want that."

The soldier bowed his head hearing this. "I can understand not being able to repay a debt you have with someone. It is undoubtably the most frustrating thing you can hold. The registration booth is down the road. You can join there. But I warn you. There are people coming from around the world that will be far more dangerous than the common gladiator. Do not think that this will be easy for you."

"It never is for me and that's the way I prefer it." I walked towards the tent to sign up with Ochako and Franky hanging back to talk with the soldier.

"Your friend seems to have quite the chip on his shoulder. Might he have had troubles growing up?"

"My bro's always got our backs, so it's important we keep his."

"Izuku had a lot of problems growing up, but he's fighting for what he believes is right in his heart. There's nothing I can say that makes that more respectable to me."

"I see. The boy stands for what he believes in. Nothing is more admirable than a person who holds their drives to the end."

"That's...one of the things I really like about him. Izuku never gives up or chooses to let himself be put down." I heard this to blush a bit before finishing the registration.

"Ok. Now all I need you to do now is sacrifice all communication devices you have."

"What?" I questioned for the woman at the booth to confirm.

"This is a rule of the attendants. They can't talk with the outside world and make bets for the event that aren't up to our standards. You'll be given them back when the event is done." I grumbled a bit before giving my means of talking to the outside world to the woman. "Thank you. Your lot number is 572. Please head inside and you'll be given a random location once everyone is accounted for and we're ready to begin Mr. Mochi." The woman gestured me inside while using my alias as I waved goodbye to Franky and Ochako. But as I did, I felt an odd presence watch me to look around.

'Hmm. Must be Doflamingo's lackeys watching me.'

3rd person POV:

"You sure you wanna do this, Momo? When you get in, I doubt you'll be able to walk out so easily." A girl with a cap mentioned as Ivankov stood beside them.

"I'm sure. From what it seems, this whole thing was rigged from the start. Just keep an opening for someone to get out. Whether it's myself or someone else."

"I'm not following what you're doing, little Candy Girl. But I'm certain if you just talk to Shroud Boy, things'll be much better." Ivankov tried to object with Momo smirking.

"I plan to talk to him alright. Just remember, I need you for an important job while we're inside."

"*sigh* You're such a slave driver. Then again, I can't exactly argue since you're now the Chief of Staff."

'Just wait Midoriya. You'll see how much I've changed soon enough.'

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with the coliseum battle. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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