Enter the Frey

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3rd person POV:

Ace and Ryukyu watched in horror as Oars fell motionless in front of them. All their friends and loved ones were dying in hopes to save them. "Ryukyu. Did...did we even do the right thing?"

Ryukyu held her head to the floor unable to watch anymore of the horror. "I don't know. I *hic* I just wanted to honor Thatch. He died for the wrong reason. I...I just want this to end. Please God. I don't know how, but please make this end. I don't care if I die anymore, just please stop this nightmare."

"To be honest, I agree with you." Both Ace and Ryukyu looked to see a bulking man with grey hair sit down beside them.

"...Vice Admiral Monkey D. Garp. Why are you here?"

"I came to see my grandson one final time." Garp remained where he was for Ryukyu to hear water droplets. She looked up to see the older man clearly enraged and in tears. "Why didn't you listen to me? All these damned years, I wanted you to become a Marine so that we can prevent this. I didn't want you to be in this situation. But now..." He couldn't finish his sentence out of anger in himself for allowing things to go the way they did. "I just wanted to keep you safe, you damned fool."

Ace stared at the nightmare in front of him before gritting his teeth. "HEY! AKAINU! IF YOU'RE GOING TO KILL US, THEN DO IT ALREADY! NOBODY ELSE HAS TO DIE HERE!"

"You'll get yours soon enough. Right now, there's a hierarchy that needs to be established here." Akainu watched the war continue with little to no care for Ace's comment. "Those that side with Emperor's deserve death. The Marines are the true saviors of peace. This has happened long before quirks were even established. Big Mom, Whitebeard, Red Haired Shanks, and Kaido. These are four people that should've never pushed boundaries with one of them leaving this world today."

Ryukyu began smirking at Akainu. "The Marines are no longer a force that can protect the world. Since the dawn of quirks, you've lost your power to keep that. Even if the unlikely chance that you do succeed happens, Pops is recognized as a hero in the Hero Board. Thinking him as nothing but a pirate is idiotic on your end and will only make waters that were tested before by you even more unstable."

"We'll see." As they spoke, a large Marine ship began falling from the sky to gain everyone's attentions to hear screams.

"WE'RE GONNA DIE!" Seeing the immediate threat, Izuku went towards the edge of the ship and began sending as many Yaki Mochi attacks to destroy the ice and create a spot for them to land in water. A gigantic splash happened for those around to stop and stare.

"We're alive. Hooray for us."

"CAN YOU MAKE THAT SOUND LESS UNDESIRABLE!?" Everyone shouted as Izuku jumped off the ship and onto the ice.

Using what he knew of Observation Haki, Izuku felt around to tell where exactly everyone was. 'Pops is over on the ship. The Warlords are on the battlefield near the entrance. The Admirals and Fleet Admirals are on the top levels behind the Marines. Ace and Ryukyu are on the scaffold over there.' Izuku took a deep breath in before shouting at the top of his lungs. "ACE! RYUKYU! I'M HERE TO SAVE YOU!"

"Izuku!?" Ace heard this to look in shock at the young man next to the Marine ship. "How did he get here?"

"THE PUNK'S HERE TOO!? Fine! This just saves one less problem to deal with." The Fleet Admiral glared down at the ship with Izuku sticking his middle finger up.


"DON'T ENCOURAGE HIM TO ACT ON IMPULSE!" Yaoyorozu shouted with her uncle looking at the ship to make her panic and hide. 'He saw me. I'm dead. I'm so dead now.'

"Hey. Izuku." Marco immediately came over to see Izuku stretching out a little. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Helping save Ace and Ryukyu. Duh."

"You shouldn't be here! This isn't a place for kids!"

"Then why is she here!?" Izuku speaks up pointing at Nejire who came over when she saw the ship drop.

"She has a Provisional! You don't! What you're doing is against the laws of society!"

"Nothing personal Marco, but I've played by this society's rules! It fucking hates me! Right now, I'm doing what I believe is right. Ace is just as much family to me as he is to Pops and so is Ryukyu. I don't care if I break a few laws to do it, I'm going to save him whether you're with me or not! GOT IT!?"

Marco couldn't believe what he was hearing. Izuku was willing to do dirty work for them even though he knew he didn't have to. He willingly put himself through hell on the ship in training all just for his better goal. But right now, he's proving he's fighting for everyone's same goal even if it may not align with his final one. Rescuing the people they deem family.

"Hey, squirt. What do you think you're doing here?" Whitebeard came over towards Izuku to shock everyone. He walked right up to Izuku and grabbed him before also grabbing Yaoyorozu. "This isn't a place for kids. Get outta here now before you get hurt."

"I'm not leaving Pops. Ace is just as much family to me as he is to you. I can't let him die."

"Big words from a pipsqueak. Tell me something, do you honestly know where we are right now? If you keep this up, you'll be tasting more hell than you did before. Why don't you just take a cup of milk and some cookies before going back to bed."

This comment angered Izuku for him to shout at Whitebeard. "I'M NOT HERE TO BE PUSHED AROUND LIKE A BABY! IF YOU WON'T HELP ME, THEN I'LL JUST GO IT ALONE! YOU CAN SAY THIS ALL YOU WANT, BUT THEY'RE NOTHING COMPARED TO THE EMPTY THREATS I'VE HAD ALL THIS TIME. SO STAY OUT OF MY WAY, OLD FART!" Everyone around Izuku held their breath for a moment with Ivankov, Buggy and Yaoyorozu holding a finger over their mouth trying to get him to shut up.

There was a silence as Whitebeard's face was hidden. "You've got a lot of nerve for a son of mine. Calling me an old fart." Izuku noticed the anger in his captain's eyes to realize what he said now to silently curse himself for not holding back. Before anything bad could happen, Whitebeard smiled and placed Izuku and Yaoyorozu on the ground. "Well then, why don't you lead the charge. But don't start crying if you get a couple of boo boos."

"If I was afraid of that, I wouldn't be here."

"Ha! Truly respectable as always. Nice job, son." Izuku got into a running stance before activating his Mochi Shrink to increase his speed. "EVERYONE! WE'RE SAVING ACE! FOLLOW IZUKU! AS OF RIGHT NOW BOY, YOU HAVE FULL AUTHORIZATION TO USE YOUR QUIRK! USE YOUR POWER TO TAKE DOWN ANY MARINE OR WARLORD THAT GETS IN YOUR WAY AND SAVE YOUR BROTHER AND SISTER!"

"YES SIR!" Izuku stormed off with insane speeds with Nejire following from the air.

"You quickly changed your attitude. What did it?"

"The look in Izuku's eyes. I could tell he's already been through the wringer, but he's still fighting. If anything, his own will right now is what's pushing past most of the pain. He holds the inspiration to help his family just as much as anyone else here and he refuses to let himself be told otherwise."

Hearing this and knowing Izuku's probably in a lot of pain, Marco began transforming into a giant phoenix. "I'm gonna go make sure Izuku's ok." Whitebeard smiled at this as his First Division Commander left. He then turned towards Buggy trying to sneak around and began pestering him to join the fight.


"UNBELIEVABLE FOLKS! WE JUST SAW THE CONTINENTAL PULLING HERO: OARS BE BROUGHT TO HIS KNEES JUST A MOMENT AGO! HOWEVER, THE WHITEBEARD PIRATES REFUSE TO TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER!" Everyone in UA watched now with worry knowing that right now, this was an all out war with neither side being completely right as well as it never had to happen.

"Oars. *sniffle*" Ochako started to cry a bit knowing someone as powerful as that and as caring as him was struck down like a wild animal. "He *hic* He was always a misfit with his own kind, but he felt a sense of belonging with the Whitebeards." Midnight tried to console her the best she could as the members of class B came over to watch the fight happen.

"Wait a sec. Isn't that..." Kendo spoke up for everyone to see the camera focus on one person taking down Marines and villains alike.


Ochako looked at the screen to nearly jump out of her seat. "MIDORIYA! HE MADE IT!" She was beyond ecstatic to know her friend was ok, but was soon worrying as Mt. Lady got in his way.

With Izuku

"Nothing personal, kid. But I've got my own job to do!" Mt. Lady tried to stomp on Iuzku with him evading it and running up her leg.

He uncovered his mouth a little to blow into his right hand to make a giant fist. "TAKE THIS, YOU STUPID FANSERVICE HERO! MOCHI MOCHI GIANT..." His hand twisted behind him before letting the attack loose on the pro hero's face. "GIANT RIFLE!" The shot sent Mt. Lady to the ground and over several Marines and pros.

"Nice job." Izuku turned to the side and saw the League members around him, led by Shigaraki. "You get even cooler by the day, Izuku! I wanna make you bleed now even more!"

Izuku stared at the group unphased before calmly responding. "Outta the way. I'm still livid with the lot of you for what you did at the Training Camp. You get in my way and consider yourselves beaten within an inch of your life."

"Heavy words coming from a dead man." The man with burns on his face spoke up before sending a blast of blue fire at Izuku. This was blocked however by Marco who used his own fire to disperse it. "Well look what we have here. Marco the Pheonix."

Marco went down to stand behind Izuku with some confidence. "I got these guys. Go on ahead bro."

Izuku looked around before speaking about what some of the villains present can do. "The hand guy can decay anything his five fingers touch. You're already aware of the burned chicken nugget and his fire. The blond girl is crazy and is really good at sneaking around to cut you with that knife. The magnet...man? He can make you a magnetic force and the black mist guy can make warp gates. Just a few of them you need to be careful of." Izuku ran off with Shigaraki prepared to go after.

"Where do you think you're going?" He started running, but was stopped by Marco's flames blocking his path.

"You wanna go after Izuku, you're gonna have to go through me first."

Izuku kept running with his focus being to get out of the frozen bay and into the actual fort. As he got close though, he saw Hawkeye Mihawk stand in his path. "We meet again, boy."

"But this time, there's no Red Haired Shanks to save you!" A voice from above was heard for Izuku to jump back and see Doflamingo narrowly miss slicing him to pieces. He turned to smile at Izuku before a second slash was sent to Izuku for him to prepare to tank it. Before he did however, there was an overwhelming vision in his mind of him being sliced in two with blood coming out of him. This shocked him to dive to the side and see a massive slash narrowly hit him and destroy everything that was in his path.

"You were wise to dodge. That wasn't something you'd be able to save yourself from."

'He's right. I didn't have a chance at blocking that head on.' Izuku turned to the two Warlords realizing just how far out of their league he was. His body began to shake with the overwhelming fear of the fact he has no idea how to handle these two coming to mind.

"Now, why don't you be a good dog and die like the rabid one you are." Doflamingo sent a string shaped like a bullet at Izuku for it to be blocked by sand.

"Seems my debt to you is being paid right now. That's fine by me. I really hate people having things that they can hold over me." Crocodile spoke up while lighting a cigar he had.

"Hehehe. Crocodile. Doing the dirty work of others now?" Doflamingo laughed a bit with the former Warlord having a notable irritation to this.

"If I was the type to do the dirty work of others, I'd stoop to your level. Besides, I'm more than enough to handle you."

"Is that so?" The two began their own fight with Izuku ignoring this and going towards the exit from the bay and towards the shore.

"Not so fast." Hawkeye was about to strike with another slash, but he stopped and swatted away something that came to his head. When it fell to the ground, he noticed it was a jelly bean. "Strange." He glanced at a corner where Katakuri was hiding out of sight to gain some interest in the swordsman. 'Why would Big Mom send one of her Sweet Commanders here? He could be going against her order.'

He prepared to go back for Izuku with a Division Commander of the Whitebeards gaining his attention. "Sorry, but you'll have to go through me before going after my brother."

Izuku continued running to get near the shore and right by Oars. 'Oars. I wish I could at least give you my respects, but we don't have that luxury right now.' He held his head in sadness before a large amount of ice spikes came towards him. If it wasn't for his Mochi ability, the large green haired boy would be riddled with holes.

"Seems I found someone worthwhile." A man with a plague mask spoke up while walking over towards Izuku. "I guess to succeed, I'll have to take you out first."

"You want to fight. Then bring it on." Izuku readied himself with Hado flying down preparing to fight herself.

"Oh look. The sidekick of the dragon woman is here."

Hado visibly showed anger with her sending a blast to the man. "NEJIRE WAVE!" The blast was enormous to cover almost the entire front side of the area. "YOU WANNA STAND IN OUR WAY, THEN BE READY TO FIGHT!"

'For once, I actually prefer her being the oblivious airhead.' Izuku thought this as he coated his arms with Haki. "Guess the best way to Ace and Ryukyu is through this guy."

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with Izuku and Nejire facing off against Overhaul. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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