Entrance Exam

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Izuku POV:

"What?" "I do not want you're quirk." All Might looked at me completely confused before asking. "Why? Not that I should judge you on it, but I just wish to know why you think you shouldn't." I sighed before commenting. "First and foremost, I don't see how that's possible. If you could, can you tell me just how that's even possible in the means of the fact that quirks are given at birth." "I guess it's understandable that you should learn that. My quirk is called One For All. It's a mixture of a quirk that stockpiles energy and one that can be passed down to other people. The way it works is the first user creates the framework for the quirk, then the next refines and adds to the power before passing it on with the cycle repeating. This quirk has touched in total 8 people including me and I wish for you to become the ninth." I was at a loss for words before speaking. A quirk that could actually be passed on from one person to the next. Granted quirks come in all shapes and sizes, so this shouldn't be as astonishing. But this is the first time I've ever heard of one that actually existed like this.

"I....I'm not worthy of that sir. If you wish to give such a powerful quirk to someone, give it to someone the world respects. Until I prove to the world that I'm not a threat to become like my family, I can't accept it. Nobody will see me as someone worthy to inherit the mantle of the number 1 pro anytime soon and I personally don't blame them. Don't get me wrong, it would be an honor to become your successor and it truly is something I'd want nothing more seeing as you're willing to offer such a power to me. But this world won't accept me and I'll just be a mockery to everything that you are. I'm sorry sir, but I don't deserve that. You don't want someone like that to be your successor." All Might held his head down understanding my reasoning even though he doesn't like it. "I guess I can't blame you. But I would though like to train you if at all possible. It would be a shame to see such talent go to waste because of what people's ideals of you are." "That I can accept sir and would be honored to have you take time out for me." The skeleton man smiled before speaking. "Meet me at Dagobah municipal beach tomorrow at sunrise. Be prepared to work hard." I nodded before going home happy about tomorrow.

The next day

Once I got to the beach, All Might met me and had me start clearing the garbage from the walking cesspool that was once a beach. "Put your back into it lad! AHAHAHA!" " Would go easier if you get off the fridge!" I grunted this as I slid a fridge he was sitting on to the stairs. I took a deep breath in before lifting with my legs to carry both the fridge and the pro to the curb sweating like a dog doing it. Once it was put down, All Might came off to talk. "Nicely done young Midoriya. You truly are strong." "*pant* *pant* Thanks All Might. *pant* I do try to stay in shape." When I got my breath back, I got up to see the beach and question why we're here. "So why are we clearing this beach?" "Some time back, this beach was a truly marvelous spot for people to stay and enjoy their time. Now because of the currents and people taking advantage of it, this place has become an illegal dumping site." "I get that, but why are we cleaning it?" "Heroism is more than just defeating enemies that harm the peace. It's about giving to the community which is what we are doing here. Along with our training, you will be clearing this beach during the 10 months before the exam. Your goal is to clean up as much of this beach as physically possible before then. The sooner that's done, the more time we'll have to work on other things."

I glanced out at the beach to see some garbage bags, tires, even some old appliances that don't work to realize now that this was also training. "I'm not just cleaning this beach, I'm increasing my base strength as a whole." "Correct young Midoriya! You've chosen a thorny path for yourself to follow, so you must be prepared to fight the ruthless members of your family. And to help, I must know how strong your base strength is." He glanced at me expecting something for me to draw a blank. "What?" "I'd like you to punch me as hard as you can. This will let me gauge how strong you are already." "I'm not gonna punch you! That's mean!" "Consider this payback for me going after you before and punching a child." "....I still don't feel right punching you-" "JUST HIT ME!" I held my fist up uneasy about what I should do before pulling it back. "Ok. But I still don't feel right about this." I used all my strength to punch All Might in the face for him to block it and be sent into the beach and stop thanks to a pile of trash. This did make a dust cloud though with the seagulls flying away. "Not a bad punch young Midoriya. Now ONTO TRAINING!" 'This is going to either be incredibly intense or incredibly ridiculous from how this started today him with no in between.'

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Had to do this song)

3rd person POV:

Izuku began working with All Might as hard as he could doing push ups, sit ups, curls, along with running along with cleaning the beach. He also tried to balance Izuku's diet to become strong enough to help benefit from this. Inko didn't have an issue as she helped him, though noticed a change in Izuku's demeanor. School continued though for him to constantly be ridiculed. This however didn't make an issue for Izuku as he kept his mind on his goal. Weeks went by with Izuku cleaning and training. In a measly two months, Izuku was already able to clean half the beach as well as increase his stamina to the point he doesn't feel like puking during the training. This was where All Might increased it to have him start fighting with his quirk in the forest to increase his skills and strength with it. To the pro, it was apparent Izuku was nowhere near Katakuri's level to focus mainly on getting the young Charlotte to think of a solid understanding of his quirk for himself.

Around month five, Izuku cleaned the entire beach for him and All Might to begin sparring to help him get stronger. This showed more promise for Izuku as he could learn how to become a better fighter and how to use his quirk in the spur of the moment. On one of his regular runs, Izuku ran into some of the students from his class who tried to throw things at him. He used his Mochi quirk to avoid them with it nearly causing an accident on their end. When he passed Yaoyorozu though, she seemed to be even more sour of him than usual noticing his new drive. Time kept going for him as this happened for a certain Charlotte to acknowledge his son was getting stronger as well to take some pride in it. Once Izuku reached the final month of training, he began using his Mochi quirk on giant rocks to destroy them with only one punch each as well as go toe to toe with All Might in sparring with the base amount of OFA active in the pro. This not only gave Izuku truth that he was getting stronger, but also the confidence he so sorely lacked in his life. On the final day, All Might asked him to come to the beach one final time to speak with him and give some last minute advice on the entrance exam.

On a stairway, Izuku and a skinny All Might sat looking at the waves enjoying the fact Izuku was able to give such a beautiful place a new chance to be admired. "I must say young Midoriya, you've come a long way with training." "I couldn't have done it without you sir." Izuku had a bit of happiness in the pro as he continued. "To be entirely honest, your battle will not be over even if you get into UA. You're aware of that, right?" "I know. It is what it is though." All Might looked up at the boy beside him to smile. "If I would tell myself a few years back that a Charlotte was going to become someone I'd want to become my successor, he'd look at me like I was crazy." Both chuckled a bit with All Might getting onto the topic he wanted to. "Son, are you sure you don't wish to have my quirk?" "I've still got a long way to go before I could accept something like that." The small blond man couldn't believe this to simply pat Izuku on his back. "You're more than capable in my eyes to make me hold off on giving it to someone else. If you still deem yourself unworthy by the time the first year of UA for you ends, then I'll look for someone else. I will though ask you from time to time if you'd wish to obtain it." "That's a bad idea on your end, but it's yours. All the power to you." The two continued to speak as Izuku made a few things of mochi for them to snack on and enjoy the sea breeze. To Izuku, this was calming and somewhat enjoyable since he could never do this with his father. 'Thank you All Might.'

The day of the exam

Izuku began walking into UA with everyone looking at him seeing how freakishly tall he was. In the time of training with All Might, his height went from 6 and a half to 7 feet even to tower over most. On his way in, a girl nearly stumbled over for him to catch her. "You alright?" The girl looked up at him to see his stature and smile. "Yeah. Thanks for the save." Izuku looked at the girl to notice she had brown hair in a bobcut with brown eyes to match.

"Wow you're tall." "Really? I thought I was short." She started to laugh a bit at his sarcasm before introducing herself. "I'm Ochako Uraraka." "Izuku Midoriya." Izuku placed her down for them to walk into the school to prepare for the exams. In the written, Izuku wasn't having any problems since he studied a few grades above him for the questions to be childish at best for him. Once the practical came around, Izuku found himself in an auditorium next to some guy with ash blond hair and an attitude. He took one glance at Izuku and clicked his tongue. "Tch, guess even extras need something to get them ahead in life." "And a pompous prick needs to inflate his ego more than it already is." "WHAT WAS THAT!? I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" The ash blond was about to attack when Mic came to the podium to force them to stop. He began to explain everything with the test being point value with Izuku listening while reading the pamphlet he had. 'He's reading word for word.'

On the testing site

Izuku stood in his testing area holding his scarf over his face to avoid people finding out who he really was. "You there!" Izuku turned to see a man with engines in his calves scold him. "If you think this is some kind of joke for it to be funny wearing that ridiculous scarf to not take this seriously, then leave." "Do you take this seriously? Unlike me who's minding my own business, you're going after someone you don't even know just for something so stupid as a scarf. Next time you wanna be a dick, go for someone else who gives a damn jackass." Izuku walked away while flipping the guy off. 'Just focus Izuku. Don't think about that guy.' His mind was dead set on his objective to see the gates begin to open and Mic on the top shout. "GO!" Most didn't pay attention for Izuku to get in first. "WHAT!? THERE'S NO READY SET IN REAL LIFE! FOLLOW THAT KID!"

Izuku dashed inside the area to find a couple of one and two pointers. He destroyed them with ease before a three pointer tried to hit him. The attack went straight through before Izuku expanded his fist to punch the one three pointer and four others behind it to gain more points. "That's twenty right there. Let's go to the back alleys now." Izuku dashed to the areas not in the open to see some three and two pointers to attack. As Izuku went on, the members of UA's faculty had watched in interest of him. "This kid seems to have a unique quirk." A man that looked as if he as made of cement commented for everyone to look at Izuku. "Doesn't he kinda remind you all of Katakuri a bit?" Mic had commented to this to make a small rodent pull his information up. "Izuku Midoriya is what he put down for his name. Real last name however is Charlotte. Parents are Inko and Katakuri Charlotte." "Why is a Charlotte taking the entrance exams? Out of everyone, they're the last people to be heroes." A man with white hair commented for a woman in a dominatrix outfit to suggest something. "Should we immediately deny him sir?" "Not yet. I'd like to see if he's truly dangerous." The small rodent creature states this while pressing a giant red button.

Back on the field

The ground under Izuku started to shake to show a giant metal monster coming out to tower over buildings and look down at the examines.

Everyone started to run with the young Charlotte member not that far behind. "HELP!" Izuku glanced over to see the same girl from the entrance stuck under a bunch of rubble. Nobody was going to help her with the girl in a direct path of the giant robot. 'Dammit! Why is it that nobody wants to help her!?' Izuku ran at Ochako to try and help. He stood right in front of her preparing himself. "Get away! You're gonna get hurt!" "I'm not letting someone get hurt if I have any say in it! It's happened too many times to me to let it happen to someone else!" Izuku pulled his right arm back before expanding his arms to twice his size. Mochi Mochi...." When the robot's foot was right on too of them, Izuku released all his strength into the monster. "CANNON FIRE!" Izuku let loose a barrage of punches to destroy the robots foot and knock him unbalanced. It fell over with Izuku standing victorious.

"Are you ok miss?" Izuku turned around to pull the debris off the girl before someone shouted something. "You're that monster Katakuri's son, aren't you!?" It was at this moment that the boy realized his scarf fell to the ground during the attack. "Get out of here! This is a school for heroes, not villains in the making!" One contestant threw a rock at Izuku to hit him right in the head. It drew a bit of blood with him having little to any emotion towards it. Izuku ignored this to pull the rest of the rubble off the girl before leaving through a sea of people throwing things at him. He walked past an elderly woman that noticed the scrape on his head to stop him. "Sonny, you should let me help you-" "There's others in the site that need help. The brunette over there sprained her ankle. See about treating them before a small cut for me." This was all Izuku said as people continued to throw things at him. Little did he know that he had a fan already from his act. 'So that nice guy's a Charlotte? He didn't seem as bad as people claim them to be. Maybe he's different.'

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku finished the entrance exams with Ochako meeting him. See how things go next time when the school discusses this. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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