Ferocious Charge

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With Ochako and Nejire, 3rd person POV:

Ochako charged at Monet for her to cover the entire area with snow to stop them from going anywhere. "So she can use some kind of snow power?"

"That's right. You're looking at the power of the Snow Snow Fruit. I ate it and became a snow woman."

"NEJIRE WAVE!" Hado attacked Monet for her body to be turned into snow and hide within the blizzard she was making. "Oh, right. She can avoid attacks if they're not Haki based or something that can naturally beat snow."

"And that'll be your mistake!" Monet came behind Hado for her to try and bite her shoulder, but was punched in the face by Ochako. "Filthy brat!" She tried to hide back in the area for both Hado and Ochako to stay back to back. "I should've known that members of the Worst Generation would be more of a fight. But if I were to run away now, Joker would kill me." Monet came from the side to attack Ochako for her to see what looked like blades made of ice. "Snow swords." Ochako was sent into wall for it to panic Hado.


As the smoke cleared, Ochako showed her arms coated in Haki to indicate she protected herself on the moment of impact. "You're tougher than you look."

Ochako glared at Monet while holding her arms in a fighting stance again. "Two years ago, Izuku went into hell all to save a man who thought so highly of him. I've seen him time and time again take so much pain he shouldn't have to, but still do whether given the option or not to. You don't understand how frustrating it is to have to stand back and watch as someone you care about put his own life on the line just so the people around you can constantly bad mouth and belittle him! THE WAR ENRAGED ME TO NO END BECAUSE I HAD TO WATCH IZUKU BE BROKEN MENTALLY! AT THAT POINT, I MADE A VOW THAT I COULD BE THERE FOR HIM AND FIGHT NOT AS JUST AN ALLY, BUT AN EQUAL!" Ochako charged at Monet and began giving repeated punches for the bird woman to parry them with her feathers. The two repeated their antics and had matched one another blow for blow. In an attempt to get the upper hand, Monet turned back into snow and attempted to go behind Ochcako with Hado giving a blast from her power and the brunette giving a solid punch to the snow woman's face.

Flying back, Monet became enraged to make two ice picks to attack Hado for her to dodge both with her eye pupils holding a red tint to them before blasting her again. 'These two. They're not normal. They know Haki?'

"DON'T UNDERESTIMATE US!" Ochako gave another punch to Monet's stomach this time for her to go flying into a wall for Hado to fly up and give a stomp to her with her leg covered in a slight purple hue. "OCHAKO!" Hado grabbed Monet and began spinning her before finally letting go and sending her flying directly into Ochako who had aged her body up to become that of an adult.

"I've solidified my dedication and prepped my body for every scenario. Now feel the fury of a mature woman's iron fist of dedication!" Ochako pulled her fist back and aimed it right at Monet's face.

'I need to avoid this. I need to-' Monet stopped when she felt something. An unparalleled power that almost felt like she was staring at a mountain in front of her.

'I've worked hard to get to this level. All for his sake.'

Flashback 2 years ago

"Please ma'am. Teach me everything you can about Haki!" Ochako bowed in front of Ryukyu as she was sitting in her office still recovering after the injuries of the War of the Best.


"Because. I want to help my friends. I want to help Izuku."

"I see." Ryukyu got up and began walking towards a window. "In this world, people seek power for whatever reason they think. In my case, I was a brat growing up. I wanted power to be on top. It was only when I was with Whitebeard and his crew that I understood this. Power with no reason to obtain it and use it is no different than having no power at all. It's useless and all you'd do is crave more power and refuse to let it go. It's because of his teachings that I became a pro hero. I owe everything that I am today to what Whitebeard has taught me. What you are asking for. For what reason exactly do you want to use it to help your friends?"

"I...I..." Ochako balled her fists and began holding some difficulty giving her answer before giving up and voicing her reason. "I can't watch that ever again." She thought back on Izuku's failure to save Ace, his injuries at the training camp, and his inability to help Whitebeard and balling his eyes out watching it. "Never again. *hic* I never wanna see him hurt like that again. He respects me as a friend but I can't even be someone he can rely on when things are bad. I...I wanna be someone that he can trust and say 'I'm happy that you were here'. That is what I want with my power!" Ochako looked at Ryukyu with tear filled eyes of determination to shock the dragon pro.

'This girl. She's angry she's weak and wants to be strong just so she can be a support pillar for Izuku.' The shock on her face quickly became a smile before giving her answer. "Alright. Then I guess we'll begin. Be warned, you will be pushed harder and harder every day to the point you wake up and be unable to move your body. Are you prepared for that?"

"I'll take it. I'll take every and all ruthless training you give me. Anything if that means I can be someone he can rely on."

Back to present

"Strike of the..." Ochako slammed her fist into Monet's face to have it indent for a moment before being sent flying into the opposite side of the room right through the wall. "FEARFUL HOUSEWIFE!" Panting with the adrenaline in her veins, Ochako held her fist up with a righteous fury and confidence in her eyes. "YOU SEE THAT!? THAT'S HOW THE FIANCE OF THE CAPTAIN OF THE WHITEBEARDS DOES THINGS! DON'T FUCK WITH MY HUSBAND OR HIS CREW OR I'LL KICK YOUR ASS!"

Hado looked at the situation in shock at what happened before looking at Monet to see her unconscious and with a few teeth missing. "Nice punch."

"Thanks. Now let's save those kids and beat the ass of who's in charge here!" Ochako stormed out with Hado pulling out a pair of sea prism stone handcuffs to put on Monet to keep her from waking up and giving more trouble for them. 'Guess being back with Midoriya put some kind of fire in her. Can't blame her since I was excited to start swinging fists when he came too.'

With Izuku

Charging at Caesar, Izuku gave quick punches to him for the mad scientist to dodge them. "You filthy gorilla! You don't know who you're messing with! GASTANETE!" He sent another explosion at Izuku for it to do nothing with him charging forward even more. "YOU JUST DON'T KNOW WHEN TO QUIT, DO YOU!?"

Izuku gave a solid kick to Caesar's face to send him flying back. "I don't know when to quit? Sounds about right."

Now enraged, Caesar creates a massive amount of poisonous gas and throws it at Izuku. "I HOPE YOU'RE POISON PROOF, GORILLA!" Izuku is trapped inside the poisonous gas for Ryukyu to catch up with the children to watch the scene unfold.

"This isn't good."

"Now just wait a moment, Ryuko. Our captain has a few tricks up his sleeve he hasn't shown yet." Marco smirks as the gas surrounds Izuku with no hope for him holding his breath.

"Shirorororororo! Struggle all you want, but this is my most powerful toxin I can create. Breathing it in even a little will initiate instant death! Now suffer at the true genius that is Caesar Clown!" Caesar began laughing hysterically before feeling a huge amount of wind going towards the gas to show Izuku's body bloated up before steam came out of his ears to release it.

"Thought I was a goner there. *phew* guess my natural immunity to poison I got from Magellan works still."

"What!? Magellan!? MY GAS IS TEN TIMES AS DANGEROUS AS HIS POISON! THERE IS NO WAY MY SUPERIOR MIND WAS DEFEATED BY A MAN WHO CAN'T SPEND MORE THAN AN HOUR OFF A TOILET SEATDWAH!" Caesar was punched in the face again by Izuku as he calmly cracked his neck and looked at Caesar.

"I think it's time you understand where you stand, Caesar. So surrender and you won't get too ruffled up."

Caesar glared at Izuku while remembering something special about him. "You're Izuku Midoriya if I'm correct. You were there at Marinefort." Izuku stopped when he heard this. "Shirorororororo. Someone like you was chosen to be the next Whitebeard captain!? How ridiculous!" As he said this, Ochako, Hado, the Todorokis and the Marines came to hear this bit. "Tell me, how does it feel to know your Division Commander and your former captain died for such an underachieving fool such as yourself!? They're probably rolling in their graves seeing how much of a failure you are! SHORORORORORORO!"

"You son of a-"

"Wait, Uraraka." Juzo held his hand out as his head showed his veins bulging out of his head. "This is our captain's fight. I can't let you or anyone get involved."

Izuku heard Ace's and Whitebeard's last words in his head for them to ring in his ears. Their love and respect for him to even spout such words to him ha heart and love he was never as privileged to. "You're right about one thing, Caesar. It is ridiculous that I'm the captain of Pops' crew. If anything, Marco deserves it over me. But the one thing that I know and will refuse to ever accept is this." Izuku pulled his fist back as far as he could with his Devil Fruit abilities and glared right at Caesar. "NO MATTER WHAT, I WILL HONOR THEIR LAST WISHES UNTIL THE DAY I DIE AND RESPECT THEIR BELIEFS! BASTARDS LIKE YOU DONT DESERVE TO EVEN SPEAK THEIR NAMES! NOW, GUM GUM...." His fist coated in Haki, came barreling back with immense heat on it. "RED...."

"AHHHH!!! This is bad!" Caesar tried to pull away, but the presence of Izuku kept him frozen in fear. 'I can't move.' "WAIT! IF YOU HURT ME, YOU'LL ENRAGE DOFLAMINGO! YOU'LL ENRAGE KAIDO! DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING!?"

"HAWK!!" Izuku's fist impacted Caesar for him to be slammed into his gut and sent flying into a sealed door and into another until finally making his way to the outside and right into a tanker ship unconscious. "Do I know what I'm doing? Of course I do. I'm declaring war on the Big Mom and Beast Pirates. There's nothing more to know about what I'm doing."

The crew of the Whitebeard Pirates heard this and looked in shock before immediately smiling and shouting. "YEEEAHHHH!!!!"

"That's our captain for you!"

"Nobody can knock down our little bro!"

"He'll take down those fucking Emperor's and we'll be right there with him!"

Everyone continued to chant Izuku's name as he walked over to the opening and found multiple carts that would be used to grab and carry the SAD. As this happened, a massive explosion occurred for everyone to stop and look behind them. "I don't know what that is, but I'm not sticking around to find out. Dunno why there's kids here, but load them up on here and get them out!"

"Right. Everyone, on the cart please." Ryukyu pushed everyone to get on for the Whitebeards and the children to load on.

"Everyone hold onto something sturdy!" Izuku asked as his arms stretched out to grab parts of the wall with four more arms coming out of his back and grabbing other parts of the wall. "Now. Gum Gum....Mochi....LAUNCHER!" Izuku sent everyone flying on the cart with several who weren't knowing of this trick starting to panic.

"WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!" Amajiki began holding onto Hado in fear as the kids held the cart. Meanwhile, Ochako held onto Izuku with him holding his arms crossed to show he wasn't phased.

"Hey, kids. Anyone want a bit of mochi?" He created some mochi from his quirk for them to hold their hands out and have large pieces come into their hands. They looked confused with Izuku smirking under his covering. "It's fine. Consider it my way of apologizing if I startled you." The kids didn't feel any reason to mistrust Izuku, so they decided to take a bite and smiled at it.

"It's so sweet!" They spoke in unison as they smiled happily at the taste with Izuku laughing back at them.

"Of course it is. Now, why exactly are you all freakishly large?"

"You're one to talk!" Everyone shouted at Izuku for him to sit back and relax on the ride.

"If I may, I'd like all the children to hold their arms out. This is a mild sedative so you don't feel drawbacks from the NHC10 in your systems." Ryukyu held out a few needles with Todoroki for the kids to look at them with fear. "I promise this won't be bad for you. In fact, it will stop you from being in pain when you start working out the bad drugs in your bodies." The kids agreed for the group to continue on. As they did, Todoroki gave Smoker back his heart with him not exactly questioning it. All seemed to go well with another explosion happening behind them. Fortunately, they were too far away for it to cause any real danger.

Outside the lab

As the ordeals of the fight happened, Kinnemon along with Izou and some of the Whitebeard Pirates made their way around towards the secret exit to the island where a tanker was noticed. "Why pray tell would such a large ship be here?"

"Probably to export something. I was told this area helps make Smile fruit." As Izou explained this, something caught his attention as a being slammed into the tanker. Upon further inspection, it was Caesar Clown. "Everyone, prepare to anchor near the port! Our objective is to retrieve Caesar Clown! Even if something bad happens, we can at least walk away with our heads held high knowing we accomplished something for our captain!"

"Yes, sir!" The crew spoke with excitement as Eri looked out towards the sea with binoculars.

"I see something!"

"Is it another bird?" Izou asked for Eri to shake her head.

"It looks like a giant beaver with his arms and legs spinning. He's also got a girl with a french maid outfit like in Juzo's dirty magazine collection!"

Izou was given the binoculars from Eri with a mental thought crossing his mind. 'I need to have a serious talk with Juzo later about leaving his porno mags around.' Seeing the two, Izou looked in shock at the realization. "Everyone, prepare for a fight! We're facing the Donquixote Family!"

"No sweat brother. You just leave them to the General." A voice came from inside the ship as an opening was made with two things shooting out and forming what looked like a giant robot.

"Say hello to General Franky! The newest and most willing to fight member of the Whitebeard Pirates! I'll face these chumps for my bros and not think twice about it. YEOW!"

Izou held his head in annoyance as he looked at Franky doing this. "I swear, I question how someone like him caught our captain's eye."

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time as Franky faces off against the two members of the Donquixote Family. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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