Hunting for Payback

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3rd person POV:

Marco led the group going through the flaming half of the island in hopes to find Kinemon's lower half. "Do we even have any idea where he is!?" Balmeco asked while seeing Marco and Nejire search from above.

"Not a clue. At this point, we're probably gonna have to use Observasion Haki just to get a hint on where to go." As the 1st Division Commander said this, Amajiki thought about this while trying to search himself using his capabilities with the power. As he did however, he felt some kind of abnormal creature coming towards them very quickly.

"SOMETHING'S COMING!" Everyone stopped as a massive creature came directly in front of them staring down towards the group.

"...Wait, they exist? I thought dragons were just made up." Hado questioned as she looked up at a monstrous red beast looking exactly like a dragon of myths.

"Kid. Run." Marco spoke up as the beast looked at the two of them and opened its mouth. It breathed fire, forcing both to separate and have everyone find cover.

"Holy snap! Dragons exist!?" Togata spoke up with a bit of excitement for Vista to point out the actual truth behind the beast.

"That might be an experiment. Prior to an accident, this was a laboratory for Vegapunk after all." The dragon stopped momentarily for the swordsman to run close and use a bit of stone for a stepping stone. "Marco! Give me a leg up!"

"Right!" Marco flew towards Vista to help him get atop the dragon.

"It seems I'll be able to test my luck upon a legendary creature. Take this!"

On the ship

"Ngh. Ah!"

"Mister Kin. Are you ok?" Eri asked, watching the severed head contort in what looked like pain.

"It would appear my lower half is being forced every which way for some reason. However, my upper half feels as if it is in battle."

"How is that even possible?" Whitey Bay asked, not fully understanding how this would work.

"I do not know. This sensation is a very peculiar one in and of itself. Ngh! But as far as I am aware, something is happening to force my body to move around in a sensation I am not comfortable in." He continued to struggle with Eri getting an idea and running into the ship's lower levels. She then came back with a make up kit and began opening it. "What pray tell are you up to, young child?"

"I think I know how to make it all better for you." She showed a thing of lip stick and a massive pad with white powder. "I'll make you look pretty like Wano girls from what uncle Izou taught me!"


"Just let her do it. It's harmless." Whitey Bay started to smirk while holding in the urge to laugh.

"Lady Whitey Bay. Please do not let this child put makeup on my face! I am a prideful samurai and must hold the dignity of one even in this state!"

"...It's hard to look at you with any dignity as you're a severed head talking and unable to defend yourself from a child while also fearing she'll put makeup on you. The least you can do is look on the bright side and know Eri does this with almost everyone in the crew." Kinemon did not take pride in hearing this as he was beginning to panic seeing the pad come to his face.


With the torso group

The crew responsible for searching for Kinemon's torso had continued traveling the frozen tundra. As they did, they discovered an opening in what was believed to be another laboratory. There, they discovered the G-5 crew talking amongst themselves. "So, what do we have here?" Frossa questioned as the Marines all looked at the group.



"Enough! All of you! The voice of Vice Admiral Smoker was heard. However, it wasn't from his body. In reality, it was actually from his subbordinate Captain Tashigi's. "What do you want?"

"We're looking for a torso."

"THAT A THREAT!?" A bunch of the Marines started getting ready for a fight with Smoker speaking up again.

"SHUT IT! What do you mean by a torso!?"

"...It's a long story, but why are you talking in a woman's body." Curiel asked while slowly glancing down at the opened uniform before turning and having a nosebleed along with a bunch of other members of the crew.

"STOP LOOKING AT MY BODY, PERVS!" Tashigi shouted through Smoker's body for Namur to specify.

"An ally of our one Division Commander is on this island and was split three ways. His torso is somewhere in this half of the island while the lower half of him is on the other."

"So Shoto Todoroki handled your friend as well. Then I guess that makes some sense."

"Umm, sir. If I may ask something. There seemed to be an abnormality that had been occurring in this area. I'm not certain if the residency of this island and them are related, but it involved child abduction. Though there was a large number of them, there seemed to be no real action taken in investigation due to them all being labeled shortly after as being lost at sea. I'm not certain about this but..." Tashigi trailed off for Smoker to point out the obvious.

"If you're gonna say it, then say it. You think there might be a traitor among the Marines. To be honest, I trust your instincts on this. It's too fishy. A large number of kids go missing with the lost at sea verdict not making sense and now an abandoned island is holding people that shouldn't."

"If it makes your gut instinct better, we're here to collect a man called Caesar Clown." Frossa added for this to make Smoker more irritated.

"That's a problem then. However, that doesn't make the matter of finding out who's the rat in the Marines make much sense. It would have to be someone of Vice Admiral status or higher. Someone that would be able to sweep this under the rug easily."

"Then how about we pose a truce for now." Namur suggested.

"WHAT!?" Almost every member of G-5 and the Whitebeards present shouted in unison.

"Look. I don't like it as much as everyone else here, but we need to look at this through a common viewpoint. Something's going on here that you as the Marines want to know. In addition, you want us off the island as quickly as possible. However, we can't do that until we beat the guy that's keeping us here. In addition, we both want to find out a little more if those kids are part of this and if we can save them. Unlike what you think, our captain doesn't want kids involved in stuff that's dangerous."

"That's unheard of!" Tashigi shouts with some irritation. "Marines would never stoop so low to join pirates! The thought of that is absolutely-"

"Tashigi! Enough!" Smoker spoke up in irritation while breathing out some smoke. "Let me ask you this, would Midoriya agree to this?"

"He doesn't blindly agree to you cause of some of the stuff the Marines do, but he agrees to the fact you're important to help keep people safe." Curiel points this out to have an odd feeling come towards the Marines. Though Izuku was technically not on their side, he respected the Marines enough to know they were important to some degree.

"If that's the case, then I'll confront Midoriya myself and make that judgement call myself. If we're making an agreement, then I'd rather have his input myself personally than from his crew." Smoker stood up with everyone following him out towards the laboratory. However they were met outside with a rather peculiar scene. A torso from the neck to the hips facing off against them.

"Uhh...Ok. What's with the torso." As the G-5 soldier states this the torso lunged at them and attempted to attack, unsheathing the blades in it's holsters and slashing downwards. "WHAT THE HECK!?"

Frossa defended the group from the torso while preparing to face off against it. "Guess we'll have to deal with the samurai's torso before anything else."

With Izuku's group

Izuku, Ochako and Izou made their way towards the laboratory. There was hardly any trouble on their side as they reached the hill before it. "Alright. Let's see if we can find out anything of what's going on with Todoroki and Endeavor." He was about to take another step before his Observation Haki warned him of an impending strike. With little to no time to counter, he grabbed both Ochako and Izou to jump away from the area as spikes came from under the snow that would've turned the three into pin cushions if something was not done when it was.

"What the heck was that!?" Ochako spoke up in shock as two figures showed themselves in the distance.

"Been a while, Rebunda. Hope you're senses are as sharp as they were when we last met." Overhaul spoke up as him and Hody were noticed. A notable scowl was on Izuku's face as he witnessed both enemies of his back and out for blood.

"Jahahahaha! Now I can pay you back for what you did to my objective that you crushed." Hody came charging at Izuku while using the water in his hands as a method of attack. "Water Shot!" Izuku didn't move from his position for the attacks to go through him. However, he didn't realize the small bullet coated in Haki shot directly at him, deactivating his quirk in the process. Once this happened, Overhaul attacked Izuku to force him to separate from Ochako and Izou and have a wall block them.

"Midoriya!" Ochako ran towards the wall before her Haki warned her to jump back and notice a shot of water go right towards her head.

"Sorry human, but you're going to have to fight me. Jahahahah."

Noticing the crack in the wall, Overhaul gave the Fishman a scowl. "You idiot. If you destroy the wall, you'll make it easier for them to reconvene."

"Not like it'll matter. That human's quirk is gone for the rest of the day thanks to your bullet."

"Quirk disabling bullets?" Ochako questioned as Izou came closer towards her to explain.

"They're bullets Izuku and the rest of us were able to put an abrupt halt on productions. Basically, the man in the plague mask named Overhaul was using a quirk to nullify and eventually erase quirks."

"They used a quirk?"

Izou nodded while scowling at the man. "The more disgusting part of this was he was using Eri in order to create it. I'm sure you're aware of the long sleeves she normally wears. Those aren't a fashion statement. They're to help her forget what she had to go though."

"Oh right. You were part of that group that took Eri from me. Well I'll give you a deal. Give Eri back to me now and we can walk away, or you can try to avoid this and get yourself killed. Regardless, the kid's going to be mine once more."

Now fuming with rage, Izou aimed his guns and began shooting without mercy at Overhaul. "TAKE HER IF YOU CAN, YOU BASTARD!"

Ochako couldn't believe what she heard. The sweet and innocent girl that she knew that hung around Izuku was used for such a horrible thing. However, she was cut out of her focus by Hody attacking her with a trident. She jumped back and grabbed the weapon to force the fishman towards her and knee him in the gut. This worked to some degree to force Hody back before taking out a notable amount of some kind of pills. "To think you're able to force me into this is despicable. I hope you're proud of yourself with what comes next."

Hody swallowed the pills for Ochako's senses to warn her that whatever he took was going to be dangerous. Hody then smiled at Ochako with his eyes glowing red and his veins bulging out, forcing his muscles to bulge. 'I don't think I like where this is going.' With no hesitation, Hody gave a thrust forward with his spear to slam it into the wall and keep it stuck inside. 'That would've been my head if I didn't get out of the area.'

"Damned human. Stay still so I can kill you, you pathetic miserable waste of space!" Hody let go of his trident and began punching the ground in hopes to get Ochako with her dodging. Meanwhile, Izou and Overhaul began fighting themselves with the villain trying to take down Izou by sending massive amounts of spikes towards him. Unfortunately for him, the spikes did not hit and were destroyed by multiple bullets to the spears to shatter them. One had narrowly missed the villain's head for him to get irritated.

"What's wrong, Overhaul? I thought you were going to make it a point to kill me?" The comment irritated the man as Izou continued to shoot at him in hopes to take down Overhaul.

With Izuku 

Izuku overheard the massive amounts of destruction from the other side of the blockade. "This isn't good. Don't worry you two, I'm coming." He prepared to jump up before stopping a moment when he felt two people walk behind him. "So. Are you here to fight me while I'm down or is this something different."

Turning around, Izuku saw both Endeavor and Todoroki looking at him. They seemed to hold a stoic face to them as Todoroki spoke up. "Midoriya. I have a request for you."


"This request is important to both me and my father. I'm sure you're aware there was an incident that happened rather recently with our family, correct?"

"The hospital incident, right?"

"You're right." A voice came from above them as a man covered in scars with black hair came towards them from a nearby slope.

"Dabi. What are you doing here? Is the League looking for payback, or are you trying to take me out yourself?"

"Neither actually....Actually, that's not right. I am looking for payback, but not against you. You see, I heard a little bit about the fact you're trying to take down Kaido. Lucky for you, you can seriously damage his operations by taking down someone that Endeavor, Todoroki and I have a personal grudge against." He smiled at Izuku as he glanced back at Endeavor and Todoroki.

"This is probably a hard thing to understand, but all you need to know is this. Dabi, Shoto and I will give our full support in defeating both Big Mom and Kaido if you do one thing for us."

"Which is?"

Todoroki, Endeavor and Dabi looked at Izuku with a dead serious face as the flame hero explains what all three want. "You help us kill Doflamingo as payback for what he's done to my wife and two of my children. Neither of our rage will quell unless we have his head on a platter and atone for what he's done to them!"

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku was given an odd proposition as a way to get more assistance from another member of the Worst Generation in the form of taking down Doflamingo. See how his answer will change stuff up next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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