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With Izuku, 3rd person POV:

Izuku had begun fighting the villain Muscular, the unknown fire quirk user and the Warlord Moria in hopes to stop both and return Kota to camp. However, this act for him seemed to be far more difficult than he planned. With every punch Izuku gave, Muscular was able to block it with the flame quirk user using his powers to soften Izuku's Mochi hand and turn it into a melted state. Meanwhile, Moira's shadow had regularly went to attack Kota with Izuku needing to focus on keeping him at bay in order to protect the boy.


"GHISHISHISHISHI! You think we care!? Truly you don't understand the first rule of a battlefield. On it, EVERYONE IS A TARGET TO SOMEBODY!"

Now enraged, Izuku pulled his arm back and sent a fist coated in Armamebt Haki at the Warlord. "YAKI MOCHI!"

The attack was grabbed by Muscular who simply smirked before sending it away from the group. "Hey Dabi, can you lower the heat a bit? I'm starting to get a little toasty."

"I'm keeping it hot so he can't use his powers as well." The villain known as Dabi smirked while looking at Izuku. "I know well enough how to keep you from being a problem for us kid, so just accept you're gonna die."

Izuku began panting with the heat and fatigue getting to him now. Since he was without a doubt having trouble from the training in the day, he hoped to end the battle quickly. Unfortunately, he didn't think of the outcome where this could be prolonged to be near the end of his reserves. 'I gotta think of something fast.'

"What's wrong, kid?" Muscular came charging at Izuku to punch him in the jaw. "TOO HOT FOR YOU!?"

'Gah! He's a Haki user too!?' Muscular continued his assault with giving Izuku multiple attacks to the stomach, face and side with it breaking a few bones. Meanwhile, Dabi had created more flames to attack Kota with Moria turning his shadow into bats to follow suit.

"Nothin personal kid, but you gotta die."

'...Kota...' the attacks were about to hit with a massive wave of flames surrounding the area. The sudden temperature difference was strong enough to wake the small boy and see the horrors of what happened.

"MIDORIYA!" In front of him, Kota saw Izuku jump in front and take the attack face first with several burns on his body and blood coming off his front side. As he coughed up blood, Izuku began falling backwards with very little strength left inside him. "MIDORIYA! HANG IN THERE!"


"Guess this kid was true to what he wanted to protect. Shame he had to die like this."

Muscular began walking towards the two with Kota prepared to attack however he could. "S-stay away!"

"Heh. What are you gonna do to stop me, brat?" The villain pulled his arm back preparing to punch before sending his fist towards Kota. "NOW DIE!" The scene went in slow motion for all to expect this to be the boy's end. But right as the fist was going to make it's initial impact, Izuku's hand was risen up to grab Muscular's fist. "What the!?"

"You...bastard..." Izuku slowly rose his head to glare at Muscular. "You think...I'm gonna....let you KILL HIM!?" A strange presence was felt by Izuku with the ground under him and the three opponents he was facing starting to become soft and malleable. "Don't think that I'll ever let you harm the innocent. NOT NOW! NOT EVER!" The ground immediately shot up as if it was some kind of substance similar to Mochi to make everyone uneasy. 'What's...happening?'

At the camp

After defeating all the Nomu, class A and B reconvened together in hopes to handle those that are injured. "Is everyone alright?" Vlad asked for everyone to nod.

"I'm gonna go find Midoriya. He wasn't here during the initial attack."

"I'm coming too, Eraser. Kota's not in his room and I'm worried he might be hurt."

"Hold on Mandalay, I'll use my quirk to see where he is." Ragdoll mentioned to her teammate to close her eyes and concentrate. "It looks like Kota's with Midoriya and three other guys are with him. They're fighting and something furrightening is happening."

"Lead the way then-" aizawa was cut off be the sound of a metal staff dropping was heard. To the side, they saw Yaoyorozu backing up extremely pale.

"It's...him..." aizawa looked over to where she was looking to go pale himself. In front of them in a hole the Nomu made was the massive Warlord who most knew was probably in the area. "Bartholomew Kuma..."

"Momo Yaoyorozu. You are Akainu's niece. Therefore, I am ordered to not harm you. However, I am here to eliminate a handful of people here and give a message to the Pussycats." The group of pros listened before the Warlord spoke. "You are requested to assist in a war that will be held between the Marines and Whitebeard."


"A war!?"

"With Whitebeard!?"

"Impossible!" The pros spoke one after another with Kuma going into his next order of business.

"My next assignment is to eliminate the following. Izuku Midoriya, Ochako Uraraka, Shoto Todoroki, Tenya Iida, Itsuka Kendo, Pony Tsunatori, Setsuna Tokage, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Kinoko Komori, Yui Kodai, Hitoshi Shinso and pro hero Shota Aizawa aka Eraserhead."

"GO TO HELL YOU STUPID ASSHOLE!" Bakugou went charging for Kuma with him merely holding his uncovered hand out for an explosion to completely stop in front of everyone's eyes. "THE FUCK-" The ash blond couldn't finish before being grabbed and slammed into the ground.

"BAKUGOU!" Kirishima was about to attack as well, but stopped when Yaoyorozu held up a metal staff.

"Wait, Kirishima. You can't attack Kuma head on."


"Look at his hands. The palms to be exact." The class did to see strange pads on Kuma's palms. "He ate the Paw Paw Fruit. With it, he can deflect or repel anything with his palms. I also heard that he can send someone flying for a total of three days and nights if he wanted."

"That is correct. With the power of my Devil Fruit, I have become a Palm man." Kuma spoke while towering over everyone. "Now, I would like to make a deal. Among you all, only two are worth my effort for exterminating. They are Izuku Midoriya and Pony Tsunatori. If you were to give me those two, then the rest of your lives will be spared."

"You think we're gonna give you our friends like that!? You've got another thing coming!" Tetsutetsu came charging at the massive man with Kuma's hand extended out to gently tap the hardening quirk user and send him flying into some of his classmates. As he did, Bakugou and Kirishima came at his head to strike the Warlord as a payback for what happened.

"THIS IS FOR LAST TIME, YOU FUCKING OVERGROWN GUARD DOG!" This seemed to do nothing with Iida coming with his top speed to hit Kuma's side and hear something crack in his ankle.

"AHHH!" He fell to the floor while Shinso held the giant man in place with hands made out of metallic pieces.

"TODOROKI! TSUNATORI! NOW!" On cue, Tsunatori transformed into an Allosaurus to bite down on the Warlord's head while Todoroki used his 'Room' to attack with an Ice Scalpel. The act seemed to weaken the Warlord before a blast came from inside Pony's mouth to knock her unconscious and fall over. "What did he do!?" To the side of his arm, everyone saw what looked like Kuma's shoulder torn open and showed mechanical wiring.

" he?" Ochako looked in amazement with Yaoyorozu now in agasp.

"He's...he can't be. I thought that project wasn't nearly as complete as it was."

"What project?" Todoroki asked. "Is he some kind of cyborg or something?"

"I'm afraid you are only half correct, Shoto Todoroki. I am what is called a Pacifista. Most of my body has been transformed into that of a cyborg as you would call me by the genius of the Marines called Doctor Vegapunk." Kuma pulled his sleeve up for Mandalay to realize who he was talking about.

"The Doctor Vegapunk?"

"You know him?" Aizawa asked.

"He's a brilliant scientist of the Marines. From what I'm told, most of their technological success is because of him."

"You are correct. Doctor Vegapunk is able to create things that most of the world would need at least 100 years to get to his level of genius today. Now I will ask one last time, give me Izuku Midoriya and Pony Tsunatori willingly or I will not hesitate to kill you all."

Many were on the fence with this idea with Iida, Todoroki, Ochkao, Kendo, Tokage, Komori, Kodai and Yaoyorozu got in his way and in front of Tsunatori. "Like hell we'd let you do that!"

"Then I am afraid you leave me with only one choice. You all must be eliminated and I shall bring back the heads of the two by force." Kuma held his palm up towards the sky before sending an attack to destroy the roof. He then put both his hands up with a strange shock and sound coming from near them.

"What's he doing?" Tokage asked as she looked at Kuma's stance. "Is he...trying a pose or something?"

"He's not giving up, is he?"

"If he's strong enough to take on some of our strongest classmates, I doubt it." Awase mentioned while Yaoyorozu looked closely at what Kuma was doing.

She noticed that a large paw was made above Kuma with the impacts from the direction he attacked being looked at. 'He's using his Devil Fruit, that's for certain. But what is he doing?' The Creation quirk user kept watching as she saw the bubble get smaller and smaller to go pale. "There's no way. He's actually going to do this!? EVERYONE RUN NOW!"

"Why?" Sero asked.

"Kuma is compressing air between his hands. Think of it as this, what happens when you blow too much air into a balloon?"

"It pops?" Kendo questioned not understanding where she's going.

"Ok. Now think of a large balloon that can't pop while in his hands that keeps getting smaller and smaller. How much force do you think the air inside will give?" Everyone thought on this before going pale. Several went charging for Kuma with his compressed air being now so small that it was a tiny bubble.

"It is too late. Now suffer the Ursus Shock." He sent the attack to the group coming at him with it connecting and making a massive explosion where they were.

With Izuku

The villains had begun having difficulties moving with Izuku coming directly at them and knocking out both Muscular and Dabi before holding Moria by the neck and pulling him out of the mochi ground. "Talk. Where did you get your information from telling you where we are?"

"GAH! He's a...colleague of mine. He told me where to find you and the class so I can separate you and finish you off once and for all."

"Shame that failed on your end. Now I'd like to interrogate you more, but I have somewhere to go. So I'll just leave you with this." Izuku pulled his head back while coating his head with Armament Haki. "Mochi Mochi..." He slammed his head down to hit Moria's skull and cause a solid thud to be heard. "BELL!" The attack knocked the Warlord out with Izuku turning to Kota. "You ok?"

"Y-yeah. Thank you."

Izuku smiled under his covering before responding. "I'm a hero in training. This is nothing." The sound of a massive explosion pulled Izuku out of his train of thought to see a flash of light near the camp. "We gotta get back to camp." Izuku grabbed Kota and began heading back to the camp area.

As they arrived, Izuku and Kota noticed Kuma over everyone's unconscious bodies with Tsunatori in his hands. "KEEP YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF OF MY FRIENDS!" He went charging for Kuma to punch him before being sent down into the ground with a smack by the giant hulking Warlord.

"My apologies, but I have a job to do." Kuma placed his hand on Izuku's back to send a shockwave to force Izuku down deeper and deeper into the earth. "I am here to destroy you and your alliance. This is my job by Akainu. If you have anyone to blame for this atrocity, blame those that chose to weigh the risk of being around you without knowing you would bring chaos to their way of life."

Kuma stopped his attack with Izuku completely under the ground and Kota going to help his aunt and her friends. "My orders are absolute and I must carry them out." Kuma walked towards Kota with his hand up and prepared to hit Kota. "Farewell, child."

Kuma began his strike downwards before a shout stopped him. "WAIT!" Kuma and Kota looked over to see Izuku coming out of the hole and bowing to Kuma. "If you're going to take someone's life, then take mine. I beg of you, don't hurt anyone else. If you want a head to bring back, then take mine without hesitation. Nobody here has done anything to deserve this harm done and I refuse to let this go on because of me any longer. So please, take my life but spare theirs."

Kuma looked at Izuku before coming over towards him. Kota ran off at this for the two to speak together. "You truly are a unique one, Izuku Midoriya. Not many in your position would be willing to accept the pain of others in response to saving them. As such, I shall grant your request. However, you must take the pain of everyone here." Kuma had walked towards everyone while tapping them to expunge what looked like a red paw print before merging them all together to make a paw print larger than himself.

"This holds the embodiment of all the fatigue your classmates and teachers had obtained. All the injuries they had. Toppled onto what you currently have, you will almost certainly die." He had taken a small piece of the orb off and created a smaller one the size of a thumb tack to toss towards Izuku. "Have a taste of the pain you will take in if you accept this."

The small orb came at Izuku's body to go into him. Within a split second, it felt like several pins had came into Izuku's body and pierced every part of him from the inside out. "AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!" He fell to the ground face first while panting in pain at what he felt.

"Knowing what you had taken in, do you still wish to continue?"

Izuku tossed himself to his back before responding. "Just....just let me pick the location please." Kuma agreed for the two to go into the forest in an opening where nobody was around. There, he calmed himself while looking at the orb. 'So...this is what it feels like when you're looking at what is almost certain death.' His breath started to feel heavy before noticing his hands shake. 'I can't accept the fear now...I have to do this. To protect them.' Visions of those that actually did respect Izuku came to his mind before one of Ochako grazed him to make a tear drop down. "If I don't make it out of this...I'm sorry." He plunged his  hands deep into the orb for a bright light to envelope him.

An hour later

One by one, the members of class A and B began to wake up with their bodies feeling normal for some reason. "What the? Why do I feel....alright?"

"Yeah. I don't even feel tired."

"Come to think of it, where'd Kuma go?" Yaoyorozu asked with Aizawa and the Pussycats noticing Kota running towards them.

"HELP! MIDORIYA! HE'S HURT!" In a split second, Yaoyorozu, Aizawa, Ochako and the Pussycats began running as fast as they could towards where Kota was leading them to see truly a sight. Izuku standing in the center of a ground covered in blood with his body soaked red with more dripping out.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" Yaoyorozu walked towards Izuku while seeing the chaos. "Where's the Warlord!? Where'd all this blood come from!?" Seeing Izuku still conscious, she looked at him in the eye and argued with him. "Midoriya! What the hell happened here!?"

Barely able to speak, Izuku spoke in a low tone just barely strong enough for her to hear. "What happened here?....Nothing happened....nothing at all." As he spoke, Ochako looked in horror with the pros and their teacher just as shocked.

And that finishes this chapter. See what Izuku's sacrifice has caused next time with Kuma's offer for the Pussycats. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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