Strength Where it Counts

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Katakuri POV:

"MA MA MA MA MA! THAT WAS AMAZING! Your son truly is amazing Katakuri." Mama seemed to enjoy watching Izuku fight with great satisfaction. To be honest, I wouldn't blame her. From what I found out about this Yaoyorozu bitch from Inko, it felt good watching my son kick his fucking tormentor's ass and doing it in front of her asshole uncle with the public display being the icing on the cake.

'Huh...Where did that thought come from?'

"Hahahaha! That boy truly is amazing! No wonder he was able to take big bro's hits at the USJ!" Cracker kept opening his mouth while laughing before the screen did a close up to that Uraraka girl that jumped out of her seat and ran off. "You know something mama, that Uraraka girl seems to really like Izuku. At the USJ, she was the only person to come and stand up for him. She even lectured big bro Katakuri too."

'Cracker. Shut your mouth now.' I gave him a death glare before hearing mama laugh a bit.

"Uraraka....Where have I heard that name before..." She thought for a moment before smiling. "I know! That's the construction company that helps some of our allies with some buildings. I hear they're struggling a bit. This must be their daughter then."

'I don't like where this is going.'

"Maybe they would like an arraigned marriage with Izuku and their daughter?"

"If I remember correctly, Pudding was going to UA for the Sports Festival with her classmates. Perhaps she can open the door for this?" Cracker kept laughing with several of our family looking with interest.

"Moscato! Get me a snail and call up Pudding!"

"Yes mama." As Moscato got the transponder snail, I couldn't help but feel a little concerned what will happen next.

Izuku POV:

I struggled getting back to the stands to find Recovery Girl halfway. "I saw the fight and thought you'd try to walk off the pain."

"It's nothing. I can keep going." I started to cough up blood a bit before kneeling down in pain.

"I told you that it wasn't a good idea to keep competing. Please take this as a reason to-"

"I need to do this." I cut off the older pro for her to calmly listen. "The only way I'm going to prove to anyone that I'm actually serious about trying to take down the Charlotte family is to show that I want to be a hero and fight for it."

This seemed to somewhat irritate Recovery Girl before patting my arm. "Sonny. I think I should apologize to you."

"For what?"

"When the vote for whether or not to have you in this school came up, I for a small bit of time actually thought it would be easier to wash our hands of you and pretend like you didn't enter the exams. I've seen some people that have been brought to a state I am disgusted in seeing by those that are related to you. I had fear that you might be just like them. But after the acts that have been done from when the entrance exam to now happened, I know that the facade Vlad was afraid you had is not there. Still though, I judged you for a small bit of time, and I'm sorry for that."

"Don't be. It's not like you were wrong exactly." My sides started to hurt a bit more for Recovery Girl to begin healing me enough to at least not die of blood loss or pass out. "While we're on the topic of who accepted and didn't. Who voted against me?"

"Vlad King, 13, Present Mic, Cementos, Ectoplasm and Powerloader."

'13 and Mic do look at me with a bit of unease with something there in Cementos as well. Can't blame them though.' "Alright. I'm heading back-"

"MIDORIYA!" Uraraka came running at me as fast as she could before wrapping me in a bear hug. "Are you ok!? I saw Yaomomo do that and..." she stops when she realizes she's hugging me. Uraraka immediately jumps back with a red shade on her face before shouting. "I DIDN'T MEAN THAT! That was a...a....a friend hug! Yeah, that's it! A friend hug."

"Pfft! This is probably the funniest thing I've seen of you two!" Ace began laughing at us before one of the Whitebeard's doctors began taking a look at me.

"I made sure to help keep him healthy as best he could and continue in the festival. I'd rather him not continue, but I can't blame him for wanting to keep going. He's as stubborn as your captain and that blond oaf of a number 1."

"Thank you, Recovery Girl." Ace Bowed at the pro before she walked away. "Now Izuku. I need you to do something for me?" Ace walked over and patted my shoulder to have my full attention on him. "During the rest of the festival, please don't use that ability you used."

"What exactly does it do anyway?" Uraraka asked for me to explain.

"The Mochi Mochi Shrink is a way for me to move faster. In short, the larger you are, the more momentum and strength you need to go certain speeds. In my case, my body is strong, but my speed is lacking. This ability in a term condenses my body and allows it to move at a faster speed for 5 minutes if I'm not already injured."

"So what happens to the extra size?"

"Think of it like condensing a spring. The weight is the same, but the size is different because the spring is pushed in on itself. This is kinda what I do with this trick. I'm condensing the muscles, ligaments and even my organs and bones to decrease the lack of mobility."

"This is why I'm telling him not to use it. If Izuku was to use it, he could cause serious internal problems on his body's organs or worse." Uraraka understood enough to agree with the Fire Fist on this and request me to do the same. I accepted it before seeing Pudding come running over.

"Izuku! We have a problem!" She handed me a transponder snail for me to look at it with confusion. "You're gonna want to talk to her yourself."

I picked up the snail to start speaking in it. "Hello?"

"Why hello Izuku. It's nice to finally get to speak with you. Ma ma ma ma!" I held my tongue hearing the woman on the other side and knowing exactly who it was.

"You must be Linlin Charlotte. Or Big Mom as you're more commonly known."

"Oh please. You can just call me grandma."

'I'd rather scrape the shit off my shoes on your face!' "I'm fine with just calling you Big Mom."

"Aww. That's no fun."

There was a silence before I finally spoke up. "So why are we having this conversation? As far as heroes and villains go, my job would be to take you down and put you in jail."

"Now that's mean to do to your family. And here I was about to ask you and that Uraraka girl to join me for the tea party in a few weeks."

"Tea party?" Both of us questioned.

"I see she's here as well. That's good since I can also say this. Ochako Uraraka, I'd like to offer a proposition to help your family." Uraraka's eyes went wide hearing this. "I'll support them financially if you marry my grandson."

"WHAT!?" We both shouted in unison realizing that this was literally an engagement offer.

"You don't have to give me the answer right now. In about two weeks, there's going to be a tea party that the two of you, your parents and that teacher of yours will be invited to. You can give me the answer then and think about it."

I was enraged. I was floored that this was happening. I wanted to scream at Big Mom to take her offer and shove it so far up her ass that she'd taste it. Before I could though, Mr. Aizawa came out of nowhere to answer for us and cut me off. "We'll be there."

"Oh. And you must be Shota Aizawa. The man that has my Smoothie's heart aflutter. MA MA MA MA! You seem to understand the situation better. I'll leave the information to Pudding and have her tell you the details." The snail stopped speaking and went to sleep.

"Sir. Why are we going to a villain's get together? You know as much as me how much of a villain Big Mom is."

"I know that, and that's why I agreed. Do you know how much information we have on Big Mom's inner circle? Very little. In her tea parties, some of the higher ups in her villain underworld organization is brought here. No hero can even get close to Whole Cake Island due to any ship that isn't raising Big Mom's flag being blasted down the second they get into firing distance. I know you hate your grandmother and your family, but the more you can learn, the better for everyone later on."

I grit my teeth in anger before feeling someone's hand on my arm. "Midoriya. I'm sorry."

I glanced down to see Uraraka looking like this was her fault. "You didn't do anything wrong."

"But my family has done some work for people that have questionable backgrounds. I...I think Big Mom knew from some of her underlings that my parents helped her indirectly."

"We can settle this later, right now it's best to make a plan for this as well as explain this to your families before going forward." We nodded before heading up to the sitting area for us to see the arena frozen in ice again.

"I'm guessing Todoroki won his next match." I spoke up for everyone to give me the stink eye. "Yeah. Just keep acting the superior ones. Not like the bitch sitting over there didn't actually try to kill me a little while ago."

"Fuck you!" Yaoyorozu shouted in annoyance while having a bandage over her head.

"What's wrong, can't take half the shit you put me through?"

"Says the man that hit a woman."

I glanced around trying to look for something as it seemed before replying. "I never hit a woman. The closest thing to a woman I hit was that blond over there. The one that I shoved into the wall during our match was a bitch that was having a tantrum."


"If you're looking for a fight, why not face me little missy?" I glanced behind me to see pops standing behind me glaring down at everyone. "What's the matter little lady? You were so ready for a fight before, now you've got cold feet? Little rugrats like you who are too big for their bridges are always the first to drop."

Everyone went pale hearing this to see pops and shout. "WHITEBEARD!?"

"Izuku. Nice job son. You've shown that your hard work is paying off."

"Thanks pops. But I couldn't have done it without yours and everyone else's help." I felt pops slap my back in a playful manner while laughing before turning to Uraraka.

"Ya did a good job in your match too kiddo. I hope that I can see ya grow a little more in the future."

"Uhhh...thanks." Pops walked away with most of us in awe that he complemented Uraraka.

"I think he likes you." I nudged her a bit for Uraraka's face to go pale.

"I just talked to the strongest man in the world and was complemented by him. I think my heart just stopped." She held her hand over her heart as if she really was afraid that happened while I laughed and took a seat in the back watching the next fight start soon.

Timeskip to Izuku vs Bakugou, 3rd person POV:

"ALRIGHT BOYS AND GIRLS, IT'S TIME FOR THE FINAL MATCH OF THE SECOND ROUND!" Mic shouted in the microphone for everyone to cheer. "ON MY LEFT, HE'S AN EXPLOSIVE KID WITH A QUIRK TO MATCH! CLASS A'S KATSUKI BAKUGOU! AND ON MY RIGHT, THE LEAST FAVORITE OF THE CROWD! CLASS A'S IZUKU MIDORIYA!" The crowd immediately started cheering for Bakugou for this to confuse Inko and Hado.

"I thought the crowd didn't like that Bakugou kid? Why are they cheering for him?"

"It's the lesser of two evils Nejire." Ryukyu pointed this out while seeming to be unhappy with how things are going. "They honestly don't want Bakugou to win, but they'd rather him win over Midoriya. This is the example of how bias this world is for him." The third year looked around to see the people cheering hold a wicked grin on their faces as if they wanted both to lose while cheering for Bakugou.

'Are people actually this evil?'

"Oi, villain!" Bakugou shouted at Izuku who was paying him no mind. "Don't be sad when I wipe the floor with you and put you where you should be." He pulled his foot up to give emphasis to the bottom of his foot. "Right below my boots like you should be."

Izuku didn't care about this but simply cracked his neck. "I'm gonna enjoy taking you down for Uraraka."

"BEGIN!" Bakugou immediately charged at Izuku to attempt a blast of his face.

"DIIIEEEEE!!!!" The explosion was insanely powerful for Izuku to stand there calmly and accept any damage that he'd be given. Only, this damage did nothing as Izuku could turn to mochi and ignore the attack. "YOU BASTARD! DIE! DIE! DIE!" One after the other, Bakugou let out a massive amount of explosions that did next to nothing on his opponent.

"BAKUGOU IS NOT LETTING UP! THIS IS NUTS!" None of those cheering Izuku on that knew of his abilities well enough had fear as they knew he'd be unharmed.

"The way this angry blond guy is, he'll never touch Izuku." Ace states this while chomping on a thing of meat before passing out in the middle of eating it.

"HE'S SLEEPING!?" The women all shouted not counting Ryukyu who had prior knowledge to this 'trick'.

"Huh!?" Ace immediately woke up and looked around before continuing to eat like nothing happened.

"DON'T JUST ACT LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED!? The quartet of women shouted before a set of gasps caught their attention back on the field.

"OH NO FOLKS, LOOKS LIKE MIDORIYA'S DONE PLAYING THE NICE GUY!" Mic shouted while Izuku held Bakugou by the head.

"I gave you the chance to hit me, and you can't even do that? I wanted to show what else I can do, but I guess Yaoyorozu was the only one that I could manage with this." The ash blond let another explosion out to blast Izuku's face. The dust cleared to show a hole in it that was misshapen with mochi where the damage would've been. "You done yet?"

"Fuck you!"

Rolling his eyes, Izuku pivoted his right foot while pulling the left up to chuck Bakugou head first into the hallway leading to the stairwells going up. This would've ended with less pain on his end if he didn't try to recover in mid air and hit his back where the top of the door frame was. Everyone in the audience squinted in pain watching the explosive teen fall to the ground. ".....Can you call the match while I bring him to Recovery Girl? I really think that might've slipped a disk or something."

Midnight understood to let Izuku leave the field and help Bakugou. "Bakugou is out of bounds, Midoriya wins!" The crowd booed while throwing things at the young Charlotte while picking Bakugou up with the most support he could give for his back and walked into the hallway towards Recovery Girl.

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku has shown his power as well as knows who on the staff actually do fear him enough that he has to prove to them he's not a threat. Meanwhile learning that Big Mom has given an offer for an arranged marriage with Ochako. See how these things effect the two of them next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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