Tea Party

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Izuku POV:

"Ok. We're clean and look nice. Time to head out." The day of the Tea Party came with me giving some final checks just to make sure I was looking presentable. As precautionary measures, Mr. Aizawa gave me and Uraraka special wires to put under our clothes to catch and record every conversation we were having and was going on around us. "Alright. Mr. Aizawa should be here in a minute to pick us up."

Walking out and towards the common area, I noticed Uraraka sitting and talking to Asui. She spotted me and smiled. "Hey Midoriya. You look very nice."

"Thanks. You don't look half bad yourself."

"Oh gag me with a spoon." Glancing to the side, I noticed Yaoyorozu walk down glaring at us. "Going to meet your disgusting family and wrapping Uraraka in your web of corruption, how shameful of you."

"If I wanted to wrap someone in a web of corruption, I'd ask your uncle for advice." This seemed to trigger Yaoyorozu to try and come at me. She was quickly stopped by Uraraka holding her hand out prepared to touch her.

"I'd back off right now if I were you. If not, we'll see what you look like as an 80 year old woman next." Both stood their ground before Mr. Aizawa's capture gear came over both of them to avoid either moving a muscle.

"I'd rather avoid having to clean myself more than I already had to. Using a razor today was hard enough." We immediately saw pieces of tissue paper on his face to show he ended up getting himself enough times to show he was out of practice with it. Both girls calmed down a bit before being released. "Midoriya. Uraraka. Get ready to leave, we'll be meeting your families at the port where Katakuri and Smoothie will pick us up."

We followed our teacher out to a car to pile in. Since I was kinda on the larger side, I had to put the seat pretty far back just to get comfortable enough where it wasn't an issue riding. "So Mr. Aizawa. How has things been with Midoriya's aunt?"

"From what I heard from Pudding, you and Smoothie have been on a few dates. Anything unique about them?"

He began thinking before talking about them. "We've had about five dates. Most were in bars or restaurants that veered to serve both normal civilians and members of the underworld. Not bad places if you want a nice drink, but you do meet some shady people in these spots."

"Now that I'm thinking about it, how does dating work? I mean, you don't even go to about half her size and well..." Uraraka asked with Mr. Aizawa sighing before answering.

"She can do basically the same thing that Midoriya can do. She uses her Juice Juice Fruit to pull out the moisture in her body and become smaller. In this form, she's a bit shorter than me."

"Cool. Can Katakuri do the same thing?"

"I don't know and quite frankly, I don't want to know how I was made between my mom and that man." I answered bluntly as the car ride continued on somewhat quietly. When we finally got to the port, we noticed mom talking to the Urarakas to motion us to come over.

"Izuku. It's good to see you again." She hugged me before looking at my body. "You look like you're not badly hurt. Are you making sure to eat right?"

"Yeah mom. I'm eating right."

"Are you making sure to bathe regularly?"

"*sigh* Yes mom. I'm bathing regularly."

"Are you-"

"Mom. I love you, but I'm ok and you don't have to ask twenty questions." I somewhat wanted her to stop worrying for me before seeing a giant ship come into port. On the flagpole was the jolly roger of the Big Mom pirates. 'Here we go.'

The ship docked for Pudding, Katakuri and Smoothie to come off. "Hi Izuku. Hi Uraraka." Pudding came over to greet us with her and Uraraka talking among themselves. Smoothie came over to Mr. Aizawa to pick him up to her eye level.

"Shota!" She immediately hugged him with a look as if our teacher was somewhat disturbed and sickened by this being seen. "Ooh! You smell like you showered. And you shaved. Don't you look so handsome!"

"I uhh...I figured that I'd need to at least give a good impression if anything."

"Why of course, since our engagement and marriage will be announced today."

"....WHAT!?" Both me and Uraraka shouted for Smoothie to look towards us.

"Why yes. Shota and I will be getting married this winter. When that happens and we have our first child, I shall step down as Minister of Juice in the Big Mom Pirates and focus solely on being a mother to our loving little baby."

I could only stare and see a look of neutrality in Mr. Aizawa as it looked like he wasn't even sure if he wanted to do this. Turning to mom, I noticed Katakuri looked down and got on his knees. "It's been a long time, Inko. I hope you're doing well?"

"I'm doing fine. I hope you're not overworking yourself, you overgrown tough mochi."

"I'm a tough mochi because I like to be one." He glanced over to me with a bit of a calming look. "Izuku. I know you and I can't see eye to eye and you'd probably want to punch me, but can we please at least have some form of a truce on Whole Cake Island. It would be better if mama didn't know we are at ends with one another."

I walked on the ship with little argument before answering. "Fine. Let's just go and get this over with." Walking on the ship, I noticed one of my aunts coming out of a mirror to greet me.

"Why hello there. You must be big bro Katakuri's son." She seemed to have a scar over her face from what it looked and began to pat my head. "I'm your aunt Brulee. It's nice to meet you."

"Izuku Midoriya." I went to a seat on the ship to get comfy before seeing everyone else hop on. When we were set, the ship began sailing with Katakuri and mom sitting across from me and Uraraka.

"So Mrs. Midoriya. I was wanting to ask you something. Can Katakuri shrink down to a smaller size cause the whole you being with a man that is like five times your size is uhhh..."

"Is what?" Katakuri looked at her with a glare for Uraraka to hide behind me.

"I-it's nothing."

He didn't stop glaring before having his ear pinched by mom. "Don't scare Ochako. She's a nice girl and didn't mean anything rude by it. To answer your question, yes he can. Katakuri can shrink down to a size just taller than me when I was younger and about the size of a normal person around his age."

Brulee came over to sit beside mom and begin asking her about herself and me. They began saying stories of me and Katakuri when both of us were younger to irritate the both of us. 'This is gonna be a long trip.'

Few hours later, 3rd person POV:

After Izuku and the group started to doze off, the helmsman began to shout. "WHOLE CAKE ISLAND AHOY!" Ochako woke and ran up to the front to see the island and marveled at how unique it looked.

"Wow! It even looks like a cake!"

"Mama does know how to make things rather special." Pudding came up and smiled as the wind blew her hair out of the way for all three of her eyes to see the view. "I hope you're ready with a sweet tooth. Mama brings special cakes, desserts, even candies from islands across the world here for her Tea Parties. I also heard this one has special mochi as a way to welcome you and your teacher as possible members of the family as well as officially joining Inko and Izuku into it."

"Special mochi?" The brunette started to drool a bit thinking of how they'd taste. "I hope it tastes really good."

"I'd hope so too. If not, we'd have to deal with mama's rampage." Smoothie pointed out for Aizawa to ask.

"What do you mean?"

"If mama doesn't like what she's given or is given an insufficient amount, she asks us to destroy the island as well as the inhabitants as a warning to those who we make deals with in exchange for protection to make sure they give us the most high quality food. If not, they might be next on this hit list."

"So you all are guard dogs."

"For the most part, you can call some of us that, Izuku." The ship began to dock with Cracker standing at the port smiling as the group came off.

"Why hello there. You must be our new family member Inko. And you two must be Izuku and Smoothie's fiances."

Ochako was a bit hesitant with how calmly the Charlotte was acting. "Uhh. Why are you acting so calm around us? Weren't we enemies in the past?"

"Oh that's water under the bridge. Teenagers go through a rebellious phase in life and I shouldn't judge Izuku for that. Besides, you'll be part of our family soon. Might as well make a happy impression on you all."

"Even though I hit you in the balls?" Izuku questioned.

"Water under the bridge." The Charlotte smiled while Izuku walked off past Cracker with Ochako staying beside him a bit worried about the area.

"The island's really pretty."

"Shame it's owned by one of the four most powerful beings that does villainy more than anything else."

"MA ma ma ma ma!" Everyone heard the sound of someone laughing before looking to the side and seeing a massive ominous figure. "So you are Katakuri's little boy, huh? It's nice to meet my grandson for the first time. Then that means you must be his wife. Ma ma ma! So interesting to have you both finally on the island at long last." The woman's figure began to calm down and look as if she was genuinely happy. "It's nice to meet you all. My name is Linlin Charlotte, but everyone calls me Big Mom."

"Wow you're tall." Ochako says looking up at the titan woman. "Will Izuku grow that tall?" Many of the Charlotte family began freaking when Ochako commented such a blunt comment.

"Perhaps. But it's all a matter of if he eats right and gets plenty of exercise. MA MA MA MA!" As they spoke, both Izuku and Katakuri looked at Big Mom and themselves wondering if they would before seeing each other and turning away. "You don't talk too much, do you Izuku? It's ok, your grandma just wants to hear you speak."

Izuku wasn't desiring to reply to her with Aizawa walking up. "It's a pleasure to meet you mam. My apologies if Midoriya is not responsive today. He had recently suffered severe injuries due to the World Government's actions and is still somewhat groggy from recovering."

"I heard." Her image went back towards a menacing one. "Akainu! The second I find you, I will steal your soul and turn you into one of my homies!"

"The guy's a dick but that's a bit much." Ochako comments.

"Nonsense my dear, he injured my grandson so he should pay dearly for it." Big Mom looked over to see Mr. and Mrs. Uraraka to smile. "So you two are the construction workers that do work for my people. Your factories you make give us delicious candies and treats. They smell just as delicious when we have to demolish them. MA MA MA MA!" This reply was somewhat scared the couple.

"Oh, well at least we are making you happy."

Realizing the time, Big Mom began walking in a direction. "Come along. The Tea Party is about to start." As she left, the sound of an accordion was heard with her singing while walking. Each step she took caused them to bounce off the ground as she skipped away with each bounce growing smaller as she got further away.

"Word of advice to survive with mama today. Do not say anything to anger her and appease to her simple desires. You try anything to anger her, and you won't live long to regret it." Brulee pointed this out as she led the group towards where the Tea party was. As they walked, Ochako noticed several plants and such with faces on them singing and dancing.

"What's up with all these plants having faces?"

"They're from mama's power. She creates inanimate living objects that do her every whim called 'Homies'. They're made from the lifespan taken from people she kills or steals their vitality from with her Soul Soul Fruit." Ochako didn't press any further hearing this as they walked to the center of the island in a city. There, they went towards a giant castle with the gates open. The group went in and followed stairs up towards a large area with every member of the Charlotte family and some hired help of theirs in attendance.

"Welcome all to today's Tea Party!" Big Mom shouted with satisfaction before pointing towards Izuku and the group. "Today is cause for celebration as always, but today's celebration is even more since today we announce our newest additions. Izuku and Inko Midoirya!" The gigantic group of people cheered as the pirate kept going. "This is also a day where we announce the engagement to Izuku and the daughter of the Urarakas as well as Smoothie becoming engaged to Shota Aizawa the Underground her Eraserhead! Eat your fill and then eat some more!"

The party began going frantic with a large amount of music playing as well as several unique sweets coming out to serve to everyone. "Wow! Everything looks so good! I don't know what to try first."

"Ma ma ma ma! I like a lady that knows good tasting sweets when she sees them!" Big Mom sat near the front of the table with Izuku's group sitting right next to her. "I suggest trying the pudding first. It's made from an island that has the richest milk you'll ever have prepared with the cane sugar from another great island."

"That sounds amazing." Ochako took a bite of the pudding for her entire face to light up. "Yummy! Midoriya. You gotta try this!"

"I'm kinda not so into letting people see my face-"

"Try it, please!" Seeing Ochako give pleading eyes, Izuku gave a deep sigh before accepting the offer to eat it. He unzipped his mask to have his mouth seen slightly as he tried the pudding.

"It is really good."

"Eat up! Eat till you can't eat anymore!"Looking at the group, Izuku and Ochako noticed that they were relatively happy and merry with little to any problems. "I just love these peaceful days. They remind me of the old ones when I was part of the Rocks pirates."

"Oh yeah, you were part of the pirate crew beside Pops and Kaido if I remember correctly. What was it like being allies with them?" Everyone held their breath while Big Mom gritted her teeth.

"I hated being part of that filthy crew! Nobody understood my desire for being part of an amazing new world and I'd rather see all those bastards dead in a ditch!" She slammed her hand on the table before grabbing several sweets and eating them. "Still angers me that Whitebeard got to you before me! But, I have you in my territory now to give you an offer Izuku. One that I doubt you'd be willing to give up."

"And what might that be?"

"Ma ma ma ma. As you know, I'm getting up there in years and I can't do this job forever. So in two years time, I want you to marry Ochako here and continue my legacy as the new captain of the Big Mom pirates."

Everyone's eyes began to pop out of their skull as their mouths went wide hearing this statement. "WHAT!?"

"Mama. Giving the offer to your grandson is a very generous offer, but why not give it to someone of the Big Mom pirates already-"

"PEROSPERO! Are you judging your mama's judgement?" The smile on Big Mom disappeared when she heard her son's question.

"N-no mama! I would never judge your judgement!"

"Then it's settled! How about it, Izuku. How would you like to be the next Yanko after I give up my title? MA MA MA MA!" Izuku remained silent as he thought of the idea. However, no matter how much he thought of it, it made him sick thinking about it.

"I-" Before he could answer, an explosion was heard for the family to notice a bunch of Marines attacking.


"Damned Marines!"

"Of course they'd try to attack us here when we're in one place!"

Several members of the Charlotte family began to get up before the feeling of a menacing aura was felt. Looking to the source, everyone saw Big Mom ready to kill whoever got in her way. "The Marines think they can interrupt my Tea Party and get away with it? ZEUS! PROMETHEUS!" The large woman grabbed a cloud and a sun that had faces on them before walking towards the shore where the battleships were. "Now the tea will get cold because PEOPLE LIKE YOU ARE INTERRUPTING MY FAVORITE TIME OF THE DAY!"

"Everyone get back! Mama's about to rampage!" Smoothie tried to pull everyone back with Izuku remaining in place watching her start storming for the shore.

"Midoriya! Get away now!" Aizawa shouted and attempted to go for him before seeing the larger teen jump away and towards Big Mom. "MIDORIYA! STOP THIS NOW!"

Everyone looked to see Izuku go towards Big Mom to panic. "IS HE INSANE!?"

And that finishes this chapter. See how Izuku handles the situation with Big Mom next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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