War of the Best

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3rd person POV:

Izuku smiled at the fact he was able to help everyone escape with Buggy giving an arrogant remark at Magellan. "See that Magellan! You're not so tough! I could've beaten you with both arms tied behind my back!"


'And yet you didn't do a damn thing to help with the fight.'

"Hey, buddy. We make a good team. Why not join forces when we're in the clear?" Buggy began smacking Izuku's back for him to glare down at the clown pirate.

"Once we're gone from here, I won't hesitate to take you down if I find you again. The only reason I agreed to join you this round was because I needed your assistance. Don't confuse it for me liking you. You're still a pirate that did crappy things that I have no problems sleeping at night putting you back in this prison." Izuku walked over towards Iva who was happily enjoying freedom. "Have you seen Bon. I don't see him?"

A frown was shown on the hormone fruit user for him to explain. "Bon boy...stayed behind."


"Everyone! We're not in the clear yet!" Izuku went towards the front of the ship to see a massive gate.

"That's Impel Down's Gates of Justice?"

"Yes." Yaoyorozu explained. "Normally, they're shut with it only opening large enough to have one ship come in or out. Right now, the controls for it are in the prison."

"So we need to go back to open the gate!?"

Crocodile sat on a wooden crate while lighting a cigar. "Well, we had a good run. We could at least say that we gave the members of the prison a run for their money." As he said this, the gates began to open up. "Guess he did his job."

"Wait, I don't understand. Who did what job?" Yaoyorozu held her arm in some shame remembering what she said.

"I knew from the start of the prison break we weren't going to succeed in getting everyone out that was part of our group. I explained this to Bon Clay. I offered to be the one to stay behind but..." She trailed off for Izuku to understand and feel absolute hatred for this.

"SO YOU LET HIM STAY BEHIND!?" He grabbed her by her shirt collar to show his seething rage. "I'M GOING BACK!"

"Midoriya. Don't." Jinbei spoke up while gripping the helm of the ship. "Bon Clay knew what he was doing and knew he'd remain in the prison if we succeeded. I suggested for myself to stay behind, but he pushed for himself out of everyone saying he was the only one to get close enough without suspicion. I do not like this, but we must continue even if it is without one of our friends." Izuku was enraged. Not that they did this, but left him in the dark. "My apologies for remaining silent on this, but we knew you'd refuse this plan if it was told to you. If anything, I do have this if you'd wish for one final word." Jinbei gave a Transponder Snail to Izuku that seemed to be connected to a specific line.

In Impel Down's control room

"YOU FOOLS HAVE MADE A MOCKERY OF MY PRISON FOR FAR TOO LONG!" Magellan stood in the control room with Bon in a similar uniform to his. "DO YOU EVEN REALIZE WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!?"

"I helped a friend. I have no regrets in that. And even if I may die here, I can hold my head high knowing that."

"You don't care if you die here....Very well." Magellan showed a notably visible vein in his forehead to show his anger towards the situation. "Then accept the consequences of obstructing Impel Down-"

"Bedabedabedabeda." The sound of a Transponder Snail pulled everyone's attention towards Bon for him to stare at everyone in the room for a few moments. He slowly pulled the snail out from his pocket to answer it.

"BON YOU BASTARD! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DO THIS!?" Izuku was on the other line notably angry at him. "DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU DID FOR YOURSELF BY DOING THIS!? YOU CAN'T ESCAPE NOW!" Bon remained silent while shadows covered his eyes. "You called me and Ryukyu a friend, and I honestly thought you were a nice person! SO WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DO THIS!?" His voice began to crack when he was shouting to show how hurt Izuku was leaving Bon behind. As this happened, the changing man shook his clenched fist trying to prevent from saying anything that could push Izuku to return back for him. "Bon. Please...I know what you're doing was for the betterment of everyone here. I'm sorry that you had to do this. But...*hic* I promise...I PROMISE I'LL COME BACK FOR YOU! JUST PLEASE STAY ALIVE UNTIL THEN! I DON'T CARE HOW YOU DO IT, JUST STAY ALIVE SO I CAN SAVE YOU!" There began to be a bit of static between the lines for it to tell  everyone they were about to go through the gates. "I'm sorry, but I have to go now. We're about to pass through the gates. This...this'll be it...Just...don't die on me. I'll never forget what you did Bon. Please, stay alive so I can come back."

Knowing it's probably never going to happen because of the prison they're in, Bon shouted with tears in his eyes what he wanted Izuku to do above all else. "SHROUD BOY! SAVE RYUKYU AND ACE! DON'T LET THIS CHANCE I GAVE YOU GO TO WASTE! SAVE THEM AT ANY COST YOU CAN GIVE!" The Snail went to sleep with Bon crying tears of happiness knowing he could do what he could.

"An admirable act you've done, but this is going to be the end for you." Magellan began creating poison in his hands for Bon to smile.

"If this is the end, then so be it. Have a full taste of my Oh Come My Way Kenpo!" The two stood their ground before initiating a battle against one another.

Meanwhile, at Marineford

"Everything is ready, Sakazuki." In the Fleet Admiral's office, Akainu and Sengoku began having a conversation among one another. "The executions will take place an hour before they were to. The men along with the heroes that sided with us and the villains you granted amnesty to are in position."

"Good. By the end of today, the world will know the Marines have done right."

Sengoku gave a sigh before eating another cracker. "You probably won't want to hear this from me, but what you're asking for will end horribly. There's a reason why I never went after an Yanko before. In my time, I captured Kaido more times than I can count. The Marines and myself couldn't kill him."

"That's because you couldn't create a better plan to rid this world of him. Mine on the other hand is sound enough where the death of Whitebeard is prepared for."

"*sigh* Let's say hypothetically you do succeed and Whitebeard is dead. Are you prepared for the backlash? The world as a whole do see Whitebeard as a 'pirate', but he is far less dangerous to the people as Big Mom or Kaido."

"Are you suggesting that we ignore the Whitebeards and let them do as they please!? The Hero Board granted them the title of heroes, but they are still people that cause large amounts of chaos in the world by just speaking their name!"

"And yet more people respect Whitebeard than think he needs to be put down. This won't end the way you think it will. There will be changes that come from the outcome of this, but I don't think the changes will be good." Sengoku stood up after giving his regards to walk out of the room. As he did, a portal opened up shortly after to reveal a man with a visor covering his face with what looked like some kind of respirator on.

"It seems you're having trouble with your ranks, Akainu. Is it save to assume you may have doubts of what must be done?"

"Shut up, villain. Keep in mind the only reason I'm allowing you to remain here is because I need some form of precautionary in case the Hero Board sides with Whitebeard."

"Ah, yes. You fear that the heroes may enlist the best of their countries to do this. No matter. My men are more than capable of handling any hero who dares side against you. We also have several Nomu prepared to fight for your cause."

The man left in the same portal he came from for Akainu to clench his fist in anger. "All this will depend if Japan and America's number 1s side with Whitebeard. I can almost guarantee All Might will, but I am still not certain if you will, Stars and Stripes."


"So did you guys hear, they're executing Ryukyu and Ace today." Kirishima walked into the common space seeing several of his classmates sitting around the first floor.

"What channel is it on?"

"I heard that Whitebeard may make an appearance."

"Anyone know what happened to Yaoyorozu and the villain?"

"Who knows, but good riddance to the freak." As her classmates commented about this, Ochako felt physically sick to her stomach remembering how Izuku risked his own life for them to make claims like these about him.

'These bastards. Do they even know how much Midoriya's done for them? If it was up to me and I was in his shoes, I'd have just saved Mr. Aizawa and the people that are actually nice to me.'

"Check it out! They're starting early with the execution!" Ochako rushed out of the kitchen with her sandwich she was making to see Ryukyu and Ace walking up towards a scaffold. Around them, several Marines, pros, even the Warlords were present for the execution.

'So they couldn't save them in time. But where's Midoriya and Yaoyorozu?' Ace and Ryukyu were cuffed on the ground with Akainu standing in front of the camera. 'Oh look, the guy that says he's a saint but is really the devil.'

"Today, we execute Portgas D. Ace and Ryuko Tatsuma. The Fire Fist is the second division Commander to the Whitebeards. In several counts of piracy as well as international law obstructing, he has been sentenced to death. In the former Vice Commander of the fourth division's case, Ryukyu is charged with obstruction of international laws. As such, both are being given the international penalty for such heinous acts. Death by beheadment.


"Uraraka. Calm down. This is good." Ochako glared at Ashido as she explained. "They might do good, but they're still pirates. This means they still hurt people. Because of this, they have to be arrested and charged like any other villain."

"Then where's the charging of the people that attacked Midoriya unlawfully? Most are there. What about Kuma!? He attacked the training camp and hurt people here and yet he's standing RIGHT THERE! WHERE'S THAT JUSTICE THERE!? IF YOU'RE GOING TO ARGUE SOMETHING IS JUSTICE, YOU HAVE TO HAVE IT WORK BOTH WAYS!"

As she argued this, Aizawa came in to see everyone gathered around the TV watching the execution. "I see I don't have to tell you all to see this."

"Yeah, and Ochako's being rather sassy with saying this shouldn't happen." Hagakure spoke out for a death glare to come at her by Ochako. "Just saying."

"To be honest, Uraraka is right. This shouldn't be legal. The Whitebeards have tried to do everything right and has done everything right up to this point in regards to how the law should look at this. As such, there's only one way we can see this as a whole will go down."

"Which is?" Bakugou asked for his attention to be brought back towards the screen to show bubbles coming from the bay the execution was happening in.

"Absolute war between the Marines and several branches of the Hero Board." As Aizawa said this, the Moby Dick came up from the sea with an insane amount of Whitebeard Pirates on it. Among them, were the remaining Division Commanders for a mass stir to happen. "Unknown to the common mass, the Hero Board requested every hero in Japan that can help to assist in the defeating of the Marines and saving of Ryukyu and Ace."

"Why would they do that?" Jirou asked with the image of someone coming up from below deck on the Whitebeard's ship.

"To try and keep stability that the Marines broke. Now unfortunately, the Marines will pay the consequences."

"Been a while, hasn't it? Akainu."

"Whitebeard." Akainu glared down at the giant of a man from where he was with Whitebeard standing tall in front of the Marines and pros in the crowd.

"FATHER! GET OUT OF HERE! THIS SHOULDN'T CONCERN YOU! LEAVE!" Ryukyu shouted for Whitebeard to look at both his crewmates.

"Hang on. My son and daughter." He crossed his arms while clenching his fists with what looked like a large amount of strain happening on his muscles. In one swift motion, Whitebeard slammed his hands to hit something and make cracks in the air.

"And it begins. The war between the Marines and the world's most powerful pirate." Aizawa states this with everyone seeing what looked like an earthquake shaking the place. 'You better be ready for what comes next, Akainu. You may regret doing this.'

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with the War of the Best officially starting. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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