Chapter 4: I Suck At Teaching

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Just a quick recap, the classes are: Sword Fighting (Magnus), Pottery (Alex), Archery (T.J), Hand-to-hand combat (taught by Mallory and Halfborn. Note: It is two separated classes), Axe-Throwing (Sam), Sign-Language (Hearth), Working at Blitzen's Best (Blitzen), There are 8 classes in total, because there are two different Hand-to-hand combats.

Who knew you could do so much in two weeks. I got most of the stuff from Valhalla, lugging it through the small corridor. Fortunately, I had the help. My friends on floor 19 help get and carry all the equipment needed into the Chase Space. Then, since all the kids at the Chase Space already knew about "school", they all decided to pitch in and help. They helped move the targets into the backyard, and wrap cloth around the blades so that they would bruise, not cut. They helped organize the leather armor and find enough extenders and outlets for the pottery wheels. They helped carry the massive kiln downstairs, and they helped set up mats for the hand-to-hand combat. Still, even with everyone's help, it was still a ton of work.

We celebrated the last day of work with a massive feast. Hunding, who was the servant of the manager of Valhalla (long story), ended up bringing up a lot of delicious food. Everyone happily dug into the food, which was much better than normal fast food takeout (look, we don't get that many donations). What pleased me the most was that everyone was talking about the classes, what they thought it was going to be like, which class they thought was the best. I was happy that everyone was so excited, but it also means that their expectations are higher.

I stood up on my chair and tapped my spoon on my glass. I cleared my throat and said, "Hello everyone, can I please have your attention. You all have your schedules, right? Just a reminder, classes start at 8am and end at 4pm. It is a block schedule, so you will have a day where you have 4 classes, then the next day you will have the other 4. Get some rest, and have a good night," I said in my most professional sounding voice. And with that, I headed up to my room.

Isaac's POV

Finally, the start of classes! Ever since we heard about them, I have been itching for them to come, and now they are finally here! I looked at my schedule, which was just a small slip of paper with words almost too small to read. I had archery for my first class.

"Hey Isaac! What class do you have first?" Wesley as he and the other Bozos walked up to me.

"Oh hey! I have archery first. What about you guys?" I replied.

"I have sword fighting, first," said Wesley.

"I have pottery," said Jayden.

"And I have hand-to-hand combat with Mallory," said Ronald.

A bell rang from somewhere, and we said our goodbyes. Wesley and I hurried out into the backyard, where our first classes would take place. I ran over to T.J, who had a rack of compound bows next to him. Since there were only around 30 kids who were in the Chase Space, there were only 3 other people in the class.

"Welcome everyone!" T.J said. "So have any of you used a bow before?" NO one raised their hand. "Alright then. So everyone grab a bow and line up with one of the targets." We did what he said. "Everyone grab an arrow out of the quivers. Do you see the fletching that is a different color than the other two? You want that fletching to be pointing to the left. Now everyone nock the arrow. Turn yourself sideways so you're facing the target sideways with the hand that has the bow pointed toward the target. Draw your bowstring back with three fingers, right up to your cheek. When I say 'fire', release the bowstring."

I nocked my arrow onto my bow and grabbed the bowstring with my index, middle, and ring fingers, two on the bottom of the arrow and one on top. The bow only had a 10 pound draw weight, so it was relatively easy to pull it back. I aimed, and waited.

"Fire!" I released the bowstring and watched my arrow fly gloriously toward the target. It had a beautiful arch, and it glimmered in the sunlight. It started to curve down, too far down. Go up, I wanted to scream at the arrow, as it hit the ground right in front of the target. My other classmates were more fortunate and I heard the thump of their arrows hitting the target. Even though I missed, I had felt a rush of excitement. You had to aim, predict, and execute, which are my three favorite activities!

Jayden's POV

I have to admit, I wasn't looking forward to pottery. I mean, c'mon, who wants to throw a lump of clay on a wheel and create something!? I would much rather be doing something like sword-fighting or even archery.

I walked up to a large room on the 3rd floor, where the class would be taking place. Four pottery wheels were in the middle and one was in the front of it. Small tables with lumps of clay and tools were next to the wheels as well as a small basin of water. A kiln sat in the corner of the room.

"Welcome!" Alex said, as he (yes, he was a boy that day) handed my classmates and I smocks. "Take a seat at one of the wheels," he said. Once we were all seated, Alex took a seat at the front pottery wheel. "Now, what we are going to do is something I call 'freestyling'. Basically, you just make something."

"With no instructions?" asked Olivia, who was a Hispanic 15 year old.

"Nope none. I feel like the best way to understand your tools is to just, well, use them. Figure out how they work and what you can do with them. All I will say is that use water frequently and try not to hurt yourself. I will not be grading your creations, because grades are stupid. Alright, your time starts... now!"

I was liking this class more and more. A freestyle? No instructions or rules? No grades? Hel yeah. I unwrapped my piece of clay and turned on my pottery wheel, to about medium speed. They call it "throwing", right? I threw the clay gently onto the spinning pottery wheel. It immediately flung off it and hit the ground with a thud. I laughed and went to pick up the piece of clay. Oh yeah, this was gonna be a good time.

Ronald's POV

Hand-to-hand combat, baby! Woohoo! I headed into a room on the first floor, where the class would take place. The floor was entirely covered in foam mats. Mallory stood in the middle of the room with gloves and pads in a box.

"Please take your shoes and socks off," she said, "and then join me out here." I, and my other 2 classmates, complied. "Alright, before we start you need to know this. This is not about learning a skill that you use to beat people up. This is not a skill that you should use for just the sake of it. You only use it when your life, or other people's lives are in danger. You hear me?" We nodded. "Alright everyone, grab a pair of gloves, a helmet, and a chest plate."

I tugged on a foam helmet and awkwardly strapped on a foam chest plate. I grabbed some gloves and followed Mallory. "So for our first lesson, we are going to be working on stances."

"Only stances?" said Jacob, a 10 year old who just arrived.

"Yes, only stances."

"Then why are we wearing all these pads?"

"Because I don't want you complaining about the pads when you lose in sparring," Mallory retorted. "Now, stances are the building block of all activities. In combat, you want to have a strong stance and good balance. The last thing you want is to fall over."

The rest of the class went surprisingly quickly. We didn't throw any punches or even spar, but I had a lot of fun. We made a game with the stance where you would get into a stance and Mallory would try to push you over. If you didn't fall or stagger, you "won". I, as a very competitive person, loved the opportunity to crush my classmates, uh, I mean beat them in a totally not-serious competition.

Wesley's POV

Aw yeah, sword-fighting time! I headed over to Magnus who was holding an awesome golden sword. I mean serious dude, this thing had these weird letter things on it and they were glowing all kinds of colors. The weird thing was that he was talking to his sword, just for a brief moment before he noticed that I was there, but he definitely did. Weird...

"Uh, welcome everyone!" Magnus said in a nervous voice. I mean that dude really needed a chill pill. He handed swords to all of us. They were (*gasp*) heavy. They had a lot of cloth wrapped around the blade, which only made it heavier. "So today we are learning," he paused and looked at his sword, "the fundamentals of sword wielding. We will start with stances and how to accommodate the momentum of swinging the sword so you don't fall over. Then we will move on to slashing and parrying." He gave us a forced grin and we tentatively smiled back.

I have to admit, the class wasn't that fun. I thought it was gonna be like a kendo place I stayed at once, where everyone did fancy attacks and were fighting. Instead we worked on the basics (which were boring as fu-). I think it helped me, slightly. Magnus was right, when you swing a heavy sword, you have to shift your center of gravity to make sure you don't topple over and break your head. Magnus kept looking at his sword funny, as if it was like talking to him. I know right, crazy.

It was quite odd. Magnus was so nervous that it was a surprise he could complete sentences, yet when he spoke it was like it was from a script, as it was already planned out. Man, I think I am just thinking too much into it. The only exciting part of the class was when Gabby (14 year old African) hit Magnus too hard in the leg and he spent the rest of the day limping.

Magnus' POV

These kids were quick learners. In just 6 weeks, most of them were able to hit a bullseye from 20 yards with both an axe and bow and arrow, make a decent bowl, able to flip people over their shoulders, and to hold their own against an average swordfighter. Every weekend we would have a battle. Just a bunch of kids in armor with weapons swinging at each other. Since they couldn't kill each other we played it to capture the flag style. We also had balloons tied to part of our armor. If all of your balloons got popped then you were out. Even though it was just a play battle, these kids came up with insane strategies. One involved the tossing of a comrade, a smoke grenade arrow, 3 gallons of paint, and a large metal tube.

I kneeled over after our 6th battle. We had won, but barely and with heavy losses. I was completely winded, my armor stained with mud and paint (seriously, where were they getting all this paint from?). Alex came up to me. She looked beautiful, even if she looked like she was about to pass out from exhaustion. Her face glimmered with sweat and her hair was splashed with a dollop of yellow paint. She punched my arm playfully. "Good game, but we were going easy on you," she said.

I smiled. "I doubt that. You don't have all the Bozos on your team." After 5 consecutive battle wins for Alex's team, mainly because of the controlled chaos of the Bozos, we decided to split them up.

We sat there for a bit, in silence, just appreciating each other's presence. Alex finally said, "I should head inside before they start another war about who showers first."

"Alright," I replied. "Be there in a second." I sat there, taking in the scene. Just an assortment of furniture and wood served as barriers and they were covered in grim. The sun was setting, but it was blocked by a wall of trees. I slowly got up and stretched. I started to walk back inside when I saw a blue flash in my peripheral vision. I quickly turned toward whatever it was, but I didn't see anything. I raised Jack up (he wasn't allowed to talk since it was freak out the kids) and slowly walked toward where that thing was.

Crunch. Crunch. I silently cursed the twigs I was stepping on. When I got around to where the thing was, I saw it. A tiny tuft of blue-gray hair. It looked... familiar. Too familiar. I rushed back into Chase Space. No no no. It couldn't be... could it?

It couldn't be... no, I refuse to believe that... you haven't voted or commented on this chapter yet :)

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