The Plan - Hunter's Pov

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Hunter's Pov

I walk into the living room and see my sister Suri sitting on the couch with a bowl of popcorn watching the news. "What's happening on the news?"

She turns towards me. "Melody Stryker broke down in the middle of her concert in Los Angeles and now she's been admitted to the hospital." She turns back towards the TV. "I hope she's alright. Did you know I was supposed to see her perform in March, but her manager cancelled the show and promised everyone that they will get their seats when the concert is rescheduled?"

I sit next to her and grab a handful of popcorn. "Why are you at my house and not with Mom and Dad?"

She throws her head back against the couch. "Mom wants me to go to pubs and clubs to meet guys. That woman wants to marry all her kids off in one go. I am a successful businesswoman and you're a successful businessman, but that doesn't seem to be enough for our mother." She looks at me. "How about we spend the winter break at The Chateau? Away from our parents and have the best three months of our lives?"

A smile spreads across my face. "That's the best thing you've come up. We can work from The Chateau part time and still enjoy ourselves. I'll have to work on a flyer advertising that we need cleaners and cooks for The Chateau. That way the meals and cleaning are taken care of. Can you call our siblings and tell them what we're doing? I'm sure they would love to get away too."

Suri pulls her phone out of her pocket and she texts our siblings.

Suri: Hunter and I are planning a trip to The Chateau for three months. Are you in? Or are you out?

She hits send and we wait for them to reply.

There's a knock on the door and I stand up. "I ordered pizza for dinner, Suri. I had a feeling you might want to sleep on the couch again tonight." Walking over to the door I open and see the pizza delivery girl.

She has long blonde hair, blue eyes. Her boobs are outlined nicely in the polo shirt she's wearing with the company logo on it. She has the pizza in a bag and she pulls it. "That's $24.95, sir."

Pulling out $30.00, I give it to her. "Keep the change, beautiful." I take the pizza, garlic bread, Pepsi Max and two chocolate puddings from her. "Thank you." I close the door and walk back over to the couch. Opening the box I pull a slice of pepperoni pizza out and start to eat. I place my feet on table next to pizza. Grabbing the remote I change the channel to Netflix and watch Jessica Jones."

Suri grabs a slice and she looks at me. "Why are we watching this garbage? I thought you'd at least put on The Flash or Arrow?"

I shake my head. "You had time to watch those when I was making my way home from the office, but instead you watched the news to find out what's going on with Melody Stryker." Turning back to the TV I watch Jessica do her spy stuff.

Suri's phone goes off and she grabs it. "I just got a message from Ayden. He said that Luna and I are in. Now, all we have to do is convince Mom to hand us the keys for three months."

"I'll do that." I pick up my phone and put it on loudspeaker as I call Mom. The phone rings a couple of times before she picks up.

Mom: Hello, Hunter. What do you need?

Me: Mom, do I have to need something to call you now-a-days?

Mom: Yes, because that's the only time I hear from you. So, I'll ask again. What do you need, Hunter?

Me: Can I have the keys to The Chateau for three months. I really need a break from everything and going there always seems to calm me down.

Mom: Is there anyone else going with you for that entire time?

Me: Yes, Luna, Ayden and Suri.

Mom: Is Suri with you?

Me: Yes, she is.

Suri: Hello, Mom.

Mom: I was wondering if you were going to come home or spend the night elsewhere. I'm glad that you're with your brother and not a complete stranger's bed.

Suri: Mom, do you have to say that in front of Hunter?

Mom: Yes, you're big brother should know what his sister gets up to from time to time.

I laugh.

Suri sends me a glare before punching my shoulder.

"Ouch," I groan. "That hurt you, little witch."

She sticks her tongue out at me. "That's what you get for laughing at me.

Mom: Kids, she yells.

Me: What, Mom?

Mom: Now, that I have your attention. You can have The Chateau for three months, but your father and I would like to spend Christmas and New Years with you?

Suri shakes her head and mouths. "No,"

Looking at her I whisper. "We have to or we won't get The Chateau."

Suri: Okay, Mom. We have a deal.

Mom: Great, you can get the keys when you come home, Suri. You're father and I won't be here when you leave for The Chateau in the French Alps.

Me: Where are you going, Mom?

Mom: Your father is taking me on a trip to Australia. He said our first stop will be Sydney because he loves the place and it will be the last place we stay at as we do a two month holiday around the country.

Me: I hope you have fun with Dad. I have to go now. I'll give you a call another day.

Mom: Okay, Hunter. Have a great night.

Me: Goodnight, Mom.

I hit the end button and place the phone on the couch. "Who's going to tell Ayden and Luna that our parents are going to stay with us for Christmas and New Year's?"

Suri points at me. "I think it's best you do it. Or we could pretend to be oblivious and wait for Mom and Dad to show up at The Chateau and act surprised like our siblings."

I laugh. "Luna and Ayden are going to hate us for keeping them in the dark. She's been asking them when they're going to get married and start a family."

She doesn't bother me with that stuff.

I give Suri the remote control. "I have an important call to make. Can you keep yourself distracted until I get back from my office?"

"Sure," she changes the TV show over to Stranger Things.

Walking to my office I pull off my shoes and dump them next to the door. I take my trousers off and place them on the floor.

The best thing about using Skype is that they don't need to see what I'm wearing or barely wearing beneath the waist.

I log onto Skype and look through the contacts until I reach the name I'm after. I press the call button and I wait for the person to answer on the other side.

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