Step 8: The Crush

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You need to make the crush as irresistible as possible.

That begins with his looks. The crush has to be as attractive as possible. Give him flawless hair, a perfectly chiseled face, eyes as deep as the ocean, juicy lips, and the physique of a Greek God.

And he must be tall. The MC should have to stand on her toes to kiss him. That's cute.

The crush needs to be smart and athletic. He must be confident and brave. He always knows what to do.

And he always takes charge in every situation.

His personality needs to have certain key elements to make him irresistible.

1. Manipulative

He will want to be in control at all times. He wants to be the "puppet master" in the lives of everyone around him. Someone doesn't listen to him? He always find a way to get what he wants.

2. Narcissism

He is gorgeous and knows it. He has incredibly high self-worth and knows he is God's gift to the MC. He knows he'll get what he wants because he knows he's the best.

3. Emotional Detachment

He is very good at "not having feelings." Simply put, he can detach himself from his feelings as easily as unbuttoning a shirt. And maybe he'll choose to not reattach himself to those feelings.

4. Liar

He will lie to get his way or "protect" the MC from things she doesn't need to know. He may even lie about small things that really wouldn't make a difference either way. Lying comes easy to him, and he does it often.

5. Reckless

He's a risk-taker. He has no concern for the consequences when he sets out to do something crazy. He'll even take the MC along with him because he doesn't give any thought to her getting hurt or in trouble.

6. Quick To Anger

He gets mad easily. No matter what it is, if something doesn't go his way, he gets mad. If anyone comes near the person he wants, he gets mad. It doesn't even need to be anything big. The smallest of things can make him mad.

These personality traits are important for the crush. They make him the most irresistible man. (Of course, they're also major signs of being a sociopath, but girls love that.)

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