Chapter 6

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"How do you like the uniform?" Kokichi giggled.

You looked at yourself in the mirror. You weren't gonna lie... you looked super cute. It was a white, long sleeve outfit complete with a checkered scarf. Kokichi and the other members of this DICE group (which was just a prank group) all wore the same thing, though since Kokichi was the leader he got a black cape and a black hat that made him look lowkey super hot.

"I love the uniform!" You grinned.

"Now I wish I was the uniform! ...Just kidding~!" Kokichi chuckled, though there was the slightest tink of pink on his cheeks. And that's when you realized... you had a crush on the boy you'd become fast friends with.

"Now then, let's start the training! It's simple, really! Just go through the obstacle course!" Kokichi motioned to a bouncy castle obstacle course, "Oh, but take off your shoes first!"

You laughed a bit, taking off your shoes and starting to go through the course when Kokichi said 'go.' the first area was just some pegs you had to dodge, and then you had to crawl through some narrow openings. After that it was just up a rope and then down a slide!

"Yaaaay! (L/N)-chan passed the training! That also means you instantly rank up to first name status~! Hey (Y/N), call me Kokichi!"

"W-wait, isn't that way too sudden?!" You gasped.

"Nuh-uh, it's not cuz you're like, my bestie!" Kokichi grinned.

"Well, whatever you say Om- I mean Kokichi."

"Would you two just kiss already?!" one of the other DICE members shouted, making you blush.

"Ohhh, you want romance? Too bad, the first kiss is supposed to be somewhere private!" Kokichi laughed. Wow... this was definitely one interesting group.

After that, DICE set out to do a simple prank of putting fake puke on people's cars at the park. You were tasked with a few of the cars, and you actually found it rather funny how people reacted when they saw the fake puke. They'd usually freak out before trying desperately to get it off with a napkin or something before realizing it was fake and getting angry. It was so funny for some reason...

But eventually, you had to go home. You went back to the DICE headquarters (which was just Kokichi's house) and changed back into your normal clothes, putting your new uniform in a bag so you could take it home. Kokichi's family was rich, so it was no wonder he could afford these custom-made uniforms.

You walked out of the bathroom and found Kokichi waiting for you.

"Ah, did you need something?" You asked.

"Yep yep yep! Close your eyes!" Kokichi demanded.

"Um, okay...?" You closed your eyes, a little suspicious.

You then felt a pair of lips upon yours, and you opened your eyes in shock. Kokichi... was holding up a pair of fake lips to yours.

"Nishishi~! You look pretty surprised!" Kokichi laughed.

"Wh-what the hell was that for?!" You pouted, just making Kokichi laugh even more before he suddenly kissed you for real!! You made a noise in surprise before kissing back, your arms seeming to instinctually wrap around his neck. The kiss was soon broken for air, and Kokichi smirked at you.

"I'm in loooove, (Y/N)~!" Kokichi giggled.

"I-I'm... in love too," You smiled shyly, and Kokichi hugged you close.

"Hey hey, can you spend the night? Pleaaaaase~? We can do all sorts of fun stuff~" Kokichi whispered the last part seductively.

"K-Kokichi!!!" You squealed, blushing.

"Whaaaat? I'm talking about Go Fish, sheesh! Were you thinking about something else, ya perv?" Kokichi teased.

"D-damn it... why are you like this?" You pouted.

"Cuz I am, and you like it!" Kokichi grinned.

Well, he wasn't wrong.

Word count: 640

*Breaks down*
Yes this book is short >:)

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