2. A Ride Home

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I gasp when we hit the water. It is freezing. Percy soon wrapped us in an air bubble under the water and we started floating to the surface. Looking up i could see the train had stopped in the center of a bridge that was at least a mile long but i couldn't see the end of it.

Our bubble was about to breach the surface when a hand wrapped around my ankle causing Percy to lose concentration which caused our bubble to pop and both of us were pulled down to the floor of the lake. I couldn't breath. Just as i was about to grasp for Percy, a set of hands pulled me to them. At first i fought but i still couldn't breathe and i was losing air fast. Spots started to play on my vision but i could see a new bubble of air forming around me and the person holding my waist. As soon as the bubble formed, I gasped in air hungrily as the spots came faster.

As the spots faded, I realized that Kate was holding me up. I pushed away from her and Percy pulled me to him protectively. Kate rolled her eyes at us then motioned for us to follow as she walked along the lake bottom, moving the air bubble with her, almost forcing us to follow.

After about five minutes of walking a small cave could be made out of the sheer walls of the cliff that bordered the lake. Without hesitation Kate walked in. I exchanged a look with Percy and we followed her.

About ten feet into the tunnel, the ceiling rose and a staircase rose into it. We followed Kate up. Soon the stairs breached the surface of the water and branched ended on a landing with three tunnels branching off. Kate waited for us at the top then headed down the middle tunnel, with the two of us following.

"Stay close, this maze can confuse even the most experienced navigators." She spoke.

We went down twisting turns and many tunnels that i didn't know how she kept up with them. After the fourth left, i got lost, I'll admit. At this point i wished we had Hazel with us.

We soon came to a tunnel that ended in a dead end. Kate walked up to it and drew a knife from one of her bracelets. She drove the knife into the stone and it seemed to melt through it. She ripped it out and the stone grinded against the wall as it opened revealing a large room inside.

We walked in and it took my breath away. The ceiling was high and domed. The walls were dark gray marble with swirls of deep blue, that were painted with murals of whales, fish, and a city which reminded me of the legends of Atlantis. One side of the room had a small pond of water with schools of fish darting in it with a small waterfall feeding it. The other side had shelves carved into the wall where jars of water and packages of food sat. The rest of the room had a kitchen, dining area, living area, and even a bed. The source of light in the room came from luminescent stones embedded into the walls that blended with the paintings. It was beautiful.

"How did you find this place?" I asked.

"I helped out an old man who showed it to me. He made me promise to keep this place hidden and safe. He said it was built by children of Poseidon, meant to be a safe place for demigods who remained loyal to Olympus. I spent some time here a few years ago." She said. Kate walked over to the side of the bed. She reached under and pulled out an old box. She opened it and pulled out a leather pouch then emptied the contents into her hand and slipped it into her pocket. "We'll stay here for a few hours until it's dark. Then we'll leave and arrive at camp by morning."

"Is there a bathroom here?" I asked feeling a little uneasy, and maybe a little sick. After that strange train ride, and almost drowning, i kept feeling like my stomach was full of sea water. Kate nodded and walked over to wall under a picture of a seahorse. She pushed a stone and the wall slid open to reveal a white wooden door. "Through there. The door locks if you turn the lock on the knob." I thanked her and walked in, locking the door.

I walked to the fountain sink and splashed water on my face. Feeling better i felt my pocket and pulled out a drachma that somehow stayed in my pocket. The sink created a constant rainbow, almost like it was set up for IM's.

I through the coin into the rainbow and called, "Oh, goddess, accept my offering. Chiron, Camp Half-Blood."

The rainbow shimmered and Chiron appeared in the mist.

"Annabeth, how did the quest go?" He asked.

"As planned. But on the way back we meet another demigod."

"Do you know anything about her?"

"Not much yet. I just know that her name is Kate. At first i thought she was a child of Aphrodite, cause she could use Charmspeak, but it seems that she can also control the water like Percy." After i said this Chiron looked concerned. His eyes widened. It seemed like he mumbled something about returning but i didn't hear clearly.

"Annabeth, this is very important. Did she tell you her last name?" He asked, his voice shaking.

"No, why."

"Alright. If she is who I believe she may be, you must listen to her. It could be vital to your survival. I have to go Annabeth. Be safe, child." He finished.

"Chiron, wait-" i tried but the image already disappeared.


"Percy," Kate called, "we have to leave first thing in the morning so we need to pack bags. Come with me." She walked to the center of the room and took something out of her pocket. At first glance i thought it was a silver box but then I realized it was a cell phone.

"You have a phone?" I was surprised. I figured that someone like her would know not to carry one.

"Of course not you moron. It's only disguised as a phone incase i need a quick cover from monsters. They won't suspect i'm a demigod if i have a phone." She laughed at me setting the object on the floor. It started to rattle and then it started to expand. Growing taller and wider until it became a door that pulsed with silver and gold light.
I must of had a dumb look on my face because Kate turned to me and nearly doubled over laughing. She opened the door and stepped through. For some reason i couldn't see through the door even though it was still open, it was almost like there was a wall blocking my view. Kate disappeared inside and reappeared ten seconds later holding three small drawstring bags.
"What are these for?" I asked.

"Im calling in a favor from an old friend. So these are thanks." She responded. I was about to ask what that meant when Annabeth came out of the bathroom.


When Annabeth came out of the bathroom, she looked a little overwhelmed. I guess that's what happens when you jump off a train, almost drown, all after a quest. I'd be overwhelmed too.

She walked over to Percy and he wrapped her in his arms. They started talking to eachother, sometimes stealing nervous glances at me. I decided to leave them alone. Annabeth looked tired and beaten, i figured that if anyone could help her it would be Percy.

My hand drifted to my pocket where the object from under the bed resided. I missed the weight of it in my pocket. I missed the feel of this place. I haven't been here since...no. I refuse to think of that time.

The more i thought of the object, the more i wanted to use it. To call who i haven seen in years. But not yet. I will, but not today.

"We should sleep while we can." I told them. In response, Percy looked at me unsure if he could trust me. I'll admit, i was a little offended by that, but they had no reason to trust me. They didn't even know my full name. "Don't worry." I assured them. "There's only one way in and it's rigged with alarms. If anyone comes in, we'll know." That seemed to calm him a little and he directed an almost asleep Annabeth over to one of the lounge chairs. She relaxed but he stayed awake and seemed to guard her as she slept. While watching them i smiled to myself. They were so trusting of each other i could tell they would even die for the other. I remembered the connection to my family that was just as strong. Then I remembered, they  might not know i'm alive. But they will soon.


An hour passed before Percy fell asleep, one arm still around Annabeth.

Another hour passed and the light stones in the walls dimmed telling me that it was dark outside. Time to leave. I walked over to Percy and shook his arm. He woke up quickly and i told him that it was time to leave and that he should wake up Annabeth. There was no way i was gonna wake her.

Soon they were both up and i pushed in one of the stones on the wall causing a staircase to descend from the ceiling.

"What-" Percy started but I already started up the steps and Annabeth followed, giving Percy no choice but to follow.

"So what's the plan?" Annabeth asked. She seemed better and more awake than she did before she slept. However, there were still dark circles under her eyes.

"I called a ride, they should be here by the time we get to the top." I answered.

Once we reached the top of the stairs, the stone grinded over them, closing them off, and dirt and grass covered over the stone making it look like the staircase never existed.

So it was you. Looks like the rumors are true, you have returned. A voice spoke in my head. The voice belonged to an old being, one that was almost as old as the gods themselves. Percy and Annabeth were looking around, alarmed. I giggled to myself. For some reason, it was amusing to me that they were not used to how he prefered to speak to his friends.

"Yes the rumors are true, old friend. I have returned, and i need your help." I responded.

As i expected, dear Kate. The voice answered. The foliage, at the edge of the clearing where we stood, separated to reveal a large pegasus with feathered wings that shimmered gold.

"Pegasus, it's been a long time." I welcomed.

Enough with the formalities. I practically raised you. What do you need? He asked.

"A ride. We need to get to Camp Half-Blood."

So you are taking you father's advice? That place changed you.

"It did, and so i think it's time i start living like a normal demigod."

Well i think you deserve a normal life after all this time. However temporary it may be. We'd be happy to take you. Pegasus said as two other pegasi stepped out.

"Blackjack?" Percy asked, stepping towards a jet black pegasus. I guess it was Blackjack as Percy looked happy with the horse's response and he hopped on.

Annabeth mounted the other pegasus and i mounted Pegasus.

We were flying in no time.


Well there's the second chapter. I was gonna wait to finish it but i had nothing better to do so here it is. Hope you like it! :)

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