9. Will I Ever Know My Sister?

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We've been flying over the U.S. for two days. Kate has recovered completely and we were all currently sitting on deck playing a game of truth or dare.

Leo was up. "Jason, truth or dare?" He said with a devilish grin.


"Walk around the deck while clucking like a chicken."

Jason glared at him but got up and proceeded to do the dare. It made it even better when he spotted Piper laughing and started to blush.

He sat back down and took his turn. "Kate, truth or dare?" He asked.

Kate looked surprised but answered, "Dare..." she answered tentatively.

"I dare you to let Percy wear your bracelets for five minutes."

"Aw, that's a weak dare!" Leo objected.

"Shut up, Valdez." Jason responded.

Kate handed me her bracelets and i slipped them on.

"Very stylish Percy." Annabeth commented with a laugh.

"You think?" I said sarcastically showing them off. The widest one adjusted on my wrist moved and i saw an inscription on the inside. It said Hope.

"That's a nice sentiment." I said.

"What?" Kate replied.

"Your bracelet, it says Hope." I answered.

"Five minutes up." Was her answer. She snapped her fingers and the bracelets formed into silver smoke and reappeared on her wrist.

"Okay, my turn. Annabeth, truth or dare?" She said.

"Truth." Annabeth answered.

"Uh, was Percy your first crush?"

Her face grew red.

"Annabeth?" I asked, concerned.

"It was Luke." She blurted. But when I gave her a look she added, "but i was only seven."

I pulled her in and kissed her. "It's okay, Wise Girl." I always knew she had a crush on Luke. It didn't bother me.

"Okay. Kate, truth or dare?" She turned to my sister who turned slightly red.

"Again?" She asked. Annabeth nodded and she sighed and answered, "truth."

"Why is the word hope inscribed on you bracelet?"

Kate grew red. "It's the name of someone i lost." She responded.

Annabeth's eyes grew soft. "Who?" She asked.

"My sister." Kate answered.

"Wait, i had a second sister?" I asked.

"No, she was the result of my mother and a mortal. Not another god."

"Oh." I said and Annabeth slapped the back of my head. "Ow!"

"Shut up Seaweed Brain." She scolded me. "What happened to her?" She spoke softly.

"She was killed...protecting me." Kate responded. Tears were dripping down her face. "I have to go." She said and stood up. She ran below deck to her room.

"Wow. I didn't know she had a sister." Frank mumbled.

We all nodded. When she told us her story she never mentioned a sister. I started to wonder if there was anything else she hadn't told us.

"Maybe it's time for a different game." Leo said. Hazel glared at him.

"Its getting dark. We should find a place to anchor for the night." Annabeth said. Leo nodded and walked to the helm bringing the ship down out of the clouds. We settled in a field next to a pond. The only sign of people was a small farmhouse up on the crest of the hill.

"I'm gonna go find Kate." I told Annabeth. She nodded and i went below deck.

I found Kate's room pretty easy as it was right next to mine. Leo had enchanted the rooms, with the help of the Hecate campers, so that if we needed another room appears in the hall.

I knocked on the door and it opened. Kate stood in the doorway. Her cheeks were tear stained but she had a smile and her eyes shine with joy.

"Hey Percy. What ya need?"

"We anchored for the night next to a pond so i wondered if you wanted to go swimming."

"I'd love to." She laughed.

She walked out and closed the door behind her and walked back to the deck with me.

"If you don't mind me asking, why are you so happy? You were sad a few moments ago." I asked her.

"I got a message from an old friend." She said.

"Was that the envelope that Tyson gave you?"

"No, actually i had forgotten about that." She said. She dug into her pocket and pulled out a slightly crumpled envelope. She eyed it for a minute but the only writing it had on it was a word on the back written in a language i didn't recognize.

"What's that say?" I asked pointing to the word.

"It's my name." She answered. When i gave her a confused look she continued. "It's my name in the language that me and my old friends on Olympus made up, so no one else can read our letters but us." She said smiling at the memory.

"I should probably read it later." She said and shoved it back in her pocket.

We reached the lake and waded into the water until we were completely submerged.

"So Percy, I believe that you haven't been using the full extent of your abilities." She said with a smile.

"How so?" I grinned back.

"Well, did you know that you can...teleport?" Kate started speaking but she seemed to evaporate and form again behind me.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You can travel through water, like how Nico can shadow travel." She explained.

"Oh, how?"

"Well, let's start small. See that log over there?" She said pointing to a log at the bottom of the lake about three meters away.

I nodded. "Well picture yourself standing next to it. Imagine yourself just appearing there but don't actually move." She said. I closed my eyes and pictured myself walking over to the log. I felt a tug all over my body and a quick feeling of weightlessness.

"You did it Percy!" I opened my eyes when she said that. Sure enough, I was standing right next to the log. Kate appeared beside me.

"You can practice that later. And if you do, eventually you will get to a point where you can longer distances through the water in the air." She said.

"Whoa. What else can I do?" I must have looked like a little kid cause she rolled her eyes and smiled at me.

"Well you can turn water into ice, you can draw water out of the air, and..." she trailed off eyeing me like she was judging if she should tell me.

"What?" I asked.

"You can control the water in people and other living things, which can let you bend them to your will."

"Whoa, cool. Can I try it now?"

"Um...I think we should practice on the other new abilities first. And I don't want you to try it on me as if you do it wrong, it would kill whoever you are trying to manipulate. So we can start with plants later and when I think you are ready we can practice on Valdez." I laughed at the last part and she smiled.

"Maybe we should start with ice."

"Like Elsa?"

"Yes Percy, just like Elsa." She sighed. We ascended to the surface.

"Okay, Percy. Let's make a small ice skating rink. I'll do it first and explain how then you can try."

I nodded. She held her arms out to the space of water in front of us. "Now Percy, you already know how to shape the water, so making ice should come easy. You have to picture the water forming in the shape that you want, in this case a circle on the surface of the water. Now once you have the water in the shape you want, imagine the water hardening and compacting together." As she spoke, the water in front of her swirled into a flat circle and it turned to ice as she finished. Once the ice formed a circle, she gathered more water around the rink and it solidified into a short wall containing the circle.

"Okay, Percy. Your turn. You don't have to do the wall like I did, just try to get the circle." She said. I nodded and started to form the water like she told me. I pictured it turning to ice and looked up. The ice patch wasn't a perfect circle but it was close. "Good job, Percy." She grinned. "Don't worry, I didn't get it perfect until my tenth try." She said when she saw that I was a little disappointed. My disappointment deepened when my rink practically exploded and sprayed us with ice and water. We ducked under the surface to avoid being hit with ice chunks.

"Can you tell me something?" I asked her.

"Sure, what is it?" She asked concerned.

"What happened to Hope? And who was the friend that made you so happy?" I asked.

She grew quiet and retreated down below the surface of the lake, I followed her. She sunk down and sat on the log and I sat next to her. Even though we were under water, I could hear her speak clearly. "Hope died when I was seven. She was sixteen and she helped protect me and my mother, who helped too. As a descent of Hades and not a direct child, she would have been better on her own. But she stayed for me. Monsters constantly found us but it was usually in small numbers. But one day several hellhounds attacked us at once. Her and my mother were able to escape with me, but we didn't get far. We were running along the street when a hellhound leaped onto her. She threw me away from her but she wasn't able to draw her sword fast enough. It mauled her before my mother could get there. My mom killed it and we ran. Her bracelets appeared on my wrist right after and her name was inscribed on one. The one that formed into her sword." Kate finished and she pulled off the bracelet that said Hope. It formed into a silver sword with a black leather handle. "It was a gift from Hades for her birthday. It is silver tinted celestial bronze. She loved it."

The sword turned back into a bracelet on her wrist and she remained silent. "Who was the friend?" I asked the second question again.

She smiled wide and looked at me. "It was Apollo." She said.

"You mean the god Apollo? Why him?" I asked. If I knew one thing about Apollo is that he hit on every girl that breathed.

"Yes the god Apollo. When I came to Olympus, we became friends fast. Basically our relationship was that he let me practice my moves and skills on him. When I got older, he developed a crush on me. He even proposed when I was fourteen. But I refused. We remained friends and he is pretty much the only friend I have that can somehow feel when I'm sad, and make me laugh. But he still hasn't given up on flirting with me every chance he gets." She finished laughing and I couldn't help but start to, slightly, hate Apollo. If I had anything to say about it, Apollo would never be more than friends with my sister. At least until he proved himself.

"Maybe we should go back." Kate said after a few minutes.

"Yeah." I answered and we swam back to the surface. We both walked out of the pond and Kate grabbed my arm.

"I know this place. Ha ha! Why didn't I see it before? Oh, this is good news." She laughed. Still holding my arm she took of towards the Argo II, dragging me along with her.

"What's good news?"

"I have a plan, Percy. One that will insure that our quest is successful." She dragged me onboard and to Leo's room.

Without knocking she opened the door and Leo was at his desk tinkering with some pieces of metal. He jumped when Kate opened the door. "Wha- ever heard of knocking?" He retorted.

"Shut up, Valdez. I need you to take us to this location tomorrow." Kate said scribbling something on a piece of paper.

"But this will take us all day to get to." Leo objected, taking the paper.

"I know, but it's worth it. Trust me."

Leo nodded, but still looked unsure. Kate turned back to me and pushed me out the door, closing it behind her.

"Go to bed, Percy. You'll need your energy tomorrow." She said and pushed me into my room before I could ask another question.

I sighed and sat on my bed. I don't think I will ever understand my sister. But I was starting to piece bits together. I just hope that she opens up more in the future.

There was a clock on the nightstand and it read 11:37, wow. I didn't realize I had stayed up that long. I was about to try to sleep when there was a soft knock on the door. "Percy? Are you awake?" I heard Annabeth call softly.

I stood and opened to door. Annabeth stood there in a grey tank and black shorts to sleep in. Her cheeks were tear stained and as soon as the door was opened wide enough she wrapped me in a hug and started to softly cry. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her inside, closing the door. "What happened?" I asked softly. We sat on my bed and she buried her face n my chest.

"We were back in Tartarus...I thought you left me." She said between sobs.

"Oh, Annabeth. That will never happen. I'm here, and you couldn't get rid of me even if you tried." I comforted, tears started to well up in my eyes. I hated seeing Annabeth like this. But I silently thanked the gods that her dreams weren't like Kate's. I laid down on the bed, pulling her with me. I stroked her hair and kissed her head until her quiet sobs stopped and were replaced by even, soft breaths. I pulled her closer and she cuddled into my chest. I soon fell asleep, my arms still wrapped around her.


I woke to the feeling of the ship ascending. Looks like Leo had decided to start off to the place that Kate requested. Annabeth was still asleep so I didn't move. But soon our peace was disturbed, as Frank opened the door and started, "Percy, Annabeth is- oh, never mind." He said, his face turning red, and walked out once he saw Annabeth asleep in my arms.

I sighed and turned back to her and rested my chin on her head. I let her sleep for a while until it was eight. But then I had to wake her, as Leo would have breakfast by now. "Hey, Annabeth. It's morning, you sleepy head." I whispered, gently shaking her shoulders.

She sighed and slowly opened her eyes. "Percy? What time is it?" She asked.

"8:00. It's breakfast." I answered.

"Oh," she yawned and started to sit up. She rubbed her eyes and stood up, stretching. When she saw me staring she said, "What?"

"Nothing. It's just that you look so beautiful." I answered and she blushed. She walked over to the dresser in my room and got her clothes out of the bottom drawer. Since she spent so much time in here, she had moved some of her stuff in my room for occasions like this. She moved to the bathroom and closed the door. I heard her start the shower and I stood. I changed quickly out of my boxers and into fresh clothes. Annabeth was in the shower for a few minutes and I heard her turn it off. About three minutes later she opened the bathroom door but didn't come out. I walked in and she was dressed and brushing her teeth, her hair still wet but brushed. Just like every morning, I walked up to her and dryed her hair.

"Tank ya, Pershy." She said around her tooth brush. I picked up mine and we shared the sink. Once we were done, we put our brushes back and I caused the water to splash Annabeth. "Percy." She growled. She cupped her hands under the water and splashed me but I didn't get wet and she knew that. "Perseus Jackson, dry me off, NOW!" She said firmly. I laughed and pulled her in and planted a kiss on her lips. She was holding back laughter as I dried her off. We separated and walked out of the room, her hand wrapped in mine.

We walked like that all the way to the mess hall. Once there we sat next to each other and summoned food to our plates. Annabeth summoned eggs and toast with a blueberry muffin. I, on the other hand, had blue pancakes, blue syrup, and blueberries.

"Percy. You are gonna turn blue." Annabeth scolded putting her head in her hands. Kate, who was on the other side of me just laughed. She had normal pancakes with bacon.

We were both soaking our pancakes in syrup and Piper said, "You guys are drowning your pancakes."

Me and Kate looked at each other and looked back at Piper. "We can't drown, and neither can our pancakes." We said that the same time. The rest of them just sighed deeply and shook their heads.

"I swear, she's a female Percy." Leo said and Kate flicked a piece of syrupy pancake at his face. We fist bumped and the rest of the seven laughed at Leo's now sticky face.

"How long until we get there, Repair Boy?" Kate asked him.

"We will probably be there around 3:00 today. But I still don't know why you want to go there." He responded, pulling the piece of food off his face.

"I have a friend there that can help us." She said.

"How?" Annabeth asked.

"Well, he can supply us with weapons that can kill a giant with one hit."

"Well why do we have to meet him there?" Frank asked.

"Because he has more than one business." She answered. "Here's the plan. I asked Aphrodite to leave a suitable outfit for those of you who are going with me."

"And who is that?" Piper asked.

"You, me, Percy, Annabeth, and Jason." She responded. "See, he operates out of a destination that holds fancy parties every other day. We enter the party, I locate him, we get what we need and get out. That's it."

"Why do I feel like you lied about that being it?" I gulped.

"Because I did. This party is for the, um, less honourable of the upper class. It is frequented by jewel thieves, assassins, and many other criminals. I attended these parties when I was traveling and I made some friends. When we go in, many people there will know who I am. Some of them are thieves and criminals, but others are cops, trying to hit evidence against said criminals. And some people you have to watch out for. Bounty hunters. But not just any bounty hunters, these hunt demigods. I'll tell you more when we get there. But if you forget everything else, remember this, do not leave without me, follow my lead, and do not, ever, give yourself away as a demigod." She finished.

I gulped and exchanged a look with Annabeth, we were both worried. We couldn't exactly fly very low when the whole greek world knew our names.


3:45. We arrived at the party a little under an hour ago. We anchored the Argo II a block away and we were currently getting ready. My outfit was a normal tux with a gray bow tie. I was finished getting dressed and we were meeting on deck and I headed up. Kate and Jason were both already up there and Annabeth and Piper were helping each other get ready. Kate was dressed in a deep blue dress that stopped right above her knees and had a loose trim, with silver flats. Half of her bracelets formed into different pieces of jewelry as I watched. Five formed into a silver necklace with the word 'Hope' as the charm, three turned into silver rings, and two formed into a sea dragon hair clip which blended into her loose fishtail braid. Jason had on a tux like mine but he had a forest green tie.

I turned and saw Annabeth and Piper walk up onto the deck. Piper had a forest green dress, like Kate's that matched Jason's tie, with gold flats and jewelry and she had her hair up into a messy bun on her head. But Annabeth. Oh my gods. She was beautiful. She rivaled Aphrodite even more than usual. She had a grey dress that fell to her knees with silver cuffs on her wrists and she had left her hair down. "Stop staring, Seaweed Brain. I know I look strange." She said, her face turning slightly red.

"No, Annabeth. You look like a goddess." I told her and her face grew even brighter red.

Kate disrupted our thoughts. "Okay, here's a few rules. Girls, if a guy asks you to dance, then dance with him. Boys, you are not allowed to get jealous if this happens, you can cut in after a minute or if the guy seems to be trying to lead one of them off. None of you leave with anyone you meet at the party unless I tell you that he is our contact. Never draw a weapon. If anyone at the party asks, you have no idea what a demigod is and you think the idea is insane. And do not tell anyone your last name, if they insist make up one." She finished but said, "And don't question the rules." when she saw me and Jason about to object.

We walked off the ship, leaving Hazel, Nico, Will, Frank, and Leo on board. Hazel, Frank and Leo saw us off but I haven't seen Will or Nico since breakfast.

We walked the block to the party. Kate and Annabeth both took one of my arms and Piper was linked with Jason walking behind us. When we got there the building was nothing to marvel at. It was just an old apartment building on the outside that they had remodeled inside. But it was beautiful inside. A crystal chandelier hung from the high ceiling. The room was painted a cream color and it was full of people wearing dresses and tuxedos. There was a dance floor in the middle with classical musicians playing off to the side, and the floor surrounding the dance floor had tables and players set up with food and seating areas. But what appalled me was that they were serving seafood. SEAFOOD!

We all took an empty table off to the side and all of us sat down. Then a group of women dressed in bright colors approached us.

"Oh my god! Kate? Its been so long how are you?" The first girl squealed.

"Ashley! It has been a while. Ive been good, scored some knew jobs. If you know what i mean." She responded sweetly and stood to hug the women.

"Oh, i do. I also see you can still bring em in? Although these aren't your best work. Except this one." She responded and took to sitting on my lap. Much to the anger of Annabeth. But we listened to Kate's rules and she didn't say a thing.

"Yes, i do love a good challenge." Kate smiled and gave me a look that said don't speak. Kate walked off with the group and started to mingle with some other women in fancy dresses. Until a tall man took her hand and lead her to the dance floor. They waltzed gracefully and attracted the attention of others in the party.

"Wow, I never knew Kate would fit in with a crowd like this." Jason commented.

I nodded in agreement and offered my hand to Annabeth. "Care to dance?" I asked.

She nodded and we took the floor. We weren't as graceful as Kate and that other man, but we danced. I dipped her and twirled her. Annabeth's dress flowed and twirled like storm clouds. Her smile grew, and so did mine. For that moment I didn't care that we were on a quest or that this party could mean death for us. For that moment I was happy, and she was too. We returned to our seats exhausted and we grabbed some food, made sure to stay clear of the seafood, and spent the rest of the night talking about the little things.

By this time, Kate had danced with several different guys and had just finished with the llatest. She trotted back to us and sat down.

"I found him." She said and motioned to a brown haired guy in the corner. I nodded and we all got up. I walked with Annabeth and we were followed by Jason and Piper. Kate lead us to him and they exchanged a few words and he took her hand and lead her to the back hallway. We followed the out the back door and through a couple of alleys, enough that i got lost, until we came to one with a car parked at the end if it.

"Guys, meet Charlie Holt, son of Hermes. Do you have what i asked for?" Kate introduced him and he nodded in response to her question. He opened his trunk and pulled out two large duffle bags that were filled and another smaller bag with a shoulder strap. Kate handed the duffle bags off to me and Jason and opened the smaller bag herself.

"Don't you trust me?" Charlie gave her a grin. He spoke with a thick french accent.

"Charlie, you are a son of Hermes, i will never trust you." She answered sweetly.

Satisfied she closed the bag and turned back to Charlie. "Here. A little bit of information." She said handing him a camera memory card.

"No, we both know that if i take that, i will once again be in your debt."

"Yes but i saw detective Hess in there tonight. If you give him this, it will make you a pretty penny." She taunted. I was shocked at how she acted with him. She seemed like she was leading him on but it wouldn't end in anything and everyone here knew that.

"Fine. You drive a hard case Miss Kate." He grabbed her waist and pulled her in closer so their noses were almost touching. I pulled my pen out of my pocket ready to draw it if i needed to. I saw that Jason thought the same way as he drew his coin. We both pushed the other girls, who hadn't brought their weapons, behind us with the bags.

"Ah ah ah. Charlie are we gonna have this problem again?" Kate asked sweetly. She held her hand up when he leaned in to kiss her. "You are drunk, darling. Also remember, it is you who owe me, not the other way around." She scolded.

They separated and she turned to us. "Honestly you two, put the weapons away. Charlie is harmless." She said. And started walking towards us. She turned back to Charlie and said very sweetly, "Au revoir, Charlie Holt." She waved.

"Au revoir, my Deadly Princess. And do be careful." He called back and chuckled.

"I never am!" She called back.

We left the alley, following Kate back to the Agro II. By the time we got there it was well past midnight. We boarded and Kate took the duffel bags and headed below deck. "I'll show you these tomorrow but for now get some sleep." She called. We all looked at eachother and headed to our rooms. It had been a strange night.

Annabeth had come to my room with me to avoid nightmares. And truth be told, i wanted her there for the same reason. We dressed in our night clothes and cuddled next to each other in my bed. We were soon asleep.


And the next chapter! Like i said before i will be updating more often.

Shoutout to 221B_or_not_221B and Greenninjagal for voting for my story.

Hope you guys like it so far!!!

Until next time, don't go to the sea of monsters without Percy! :)

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