28.Double labour

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Dedicated to Glory_Ogieva

P.S: The picture above shows Cassandra in labour❤️❤️

The doctor had advised me to keep calm and stop worrying over the fact that it had passed my delivery date.

I was supposed to have given birth to my baby two days earlier, that would have been January 20th but here I was, still with my big tummy.

I kept checking to see if my water had broken but all it was futile. Amsey had missed lectures just because of the baby, he wanted to be there when I went into labour and yesterday, due to my fear that something was probably wrong considering the fact that I had passed my due date, Amsey and I had gone to the hospital where I was supposed to give birth. I had done my antenatal there and I had done all my pregnancy tests and registration there, it was still there I had stayed in after having a Placental abruption.

The doctor understood we were amateurs with the whole pregnancy issue and had smiled and calmed our nerves down, stating that it was a normal situation and there was nothing to be scared of. He had said that my water would break at the right time and we should go home.

Since the baby wasn't forthcoming, I had told Amsey to go to school but he had blatantly refused. What if I went into labour? How would I see myself through? Who would assist me? He shoved off the matter immediately and warned me not to bring it up again.

I had been restless and terribly worried but I didn't let it show because I didn't want Amsey to get worked up.

Was something wrong with me or the baby? I remembered when I had that Placental abruption issue, could that be the problem? The doctor had said I was stable now so why wasn't the baby coming?

I had heard of strange cases where a woman was pregnant for years.... What if that was my situation? How in God's name would I carry a protruded tummy around for years? I was already uncomfortable with the whole pregnancy thing, I missed lying on my back and walking swiftly. I missed going to church, I missed eating what I wanted to eat.

And my old self.... Jeez... I missed it. I missed having a smooth face void of spots and pimples. I missed my slim pretty self and I had been looking forward to just having my child and getting this whole thing done and over with.

But as usual, the universe hated me and was against me because even going into labour was a problem again.

I calmed my nerves down by singing, it made me feel a whole lot better. Music healed my soul and made me forget my problems.

Amsey was in the parlour watching football. I knew he was worried too, he just didn't want me to be worried and so, he acted like everything was fine and perfectly normal. I appreciated that though, it made me feel less worried about the situation of things.

I sat in front of the mirror in the bedroom and combed my long hair while singing Taylor Swift's 'cardigan.' It was a song I really loved singing and I enjoyed playing it on repeat. The chorus completely reminded me of Amsey and I could sing it over and over again, without getting tired:

"And when I felt like I was an old cardigan under someone's bed, you picked me up and said I was your favourite," I sang.

I heard a round of applause.

I turned to see Victoria, with her protruded tummy and Amsey clapping.

"Why are you guys clapping?" I asked, surprised.

"I never knew you could sing so well," Amsey praised.

I rolled my eyes. "Like it's the first time you're hearing me sing."

"I've never really paid attention to you when you're singing but today was different. You have a really good talent," Amsey said.

"I'm scared. You never say anything good about me, are you sure you're feeling good?" I asked, still in shock that Amsey could say something good about me.

I mean, I know he likes me and all and he really thinks I'm great but his pride never lets him tell me good stuff.

"No one even believes it when you're seriously giving a compliment. That's a good sign that you need to work on your character," Victoria said, laughing.

"Don't mind him." I said.

After talking to Amsey severally that he should just accept his baby with Victoria even though he may not necessarily accept her, he agreed unwillingly.

Funny enough, they had bonded well and she had changed and become a sweet person. Victoria was actually a nice person, I feel loneliness and being belittled by her parents had just turned her into something else but she had us now. Right from January, she had been coming to see us almost everyday and she was really good at teasing Amsey. I ended up liking Victoria a lot and I didn't really feel jealous that she and Amsey had a thing together anymore.

You finally admitted that you were jealous, the voice in my head said.

Oh, please, I responded in my mind.

I knew Victoria had just arrived and that's why Amsey had brought her to my room to see me and let us talk.

"So Victoria, this one you came to see us. What's happening?" I asked, in a friendly tone.

"Today's my delivery date. I just really wanted to see both of you," Victoria said and sat on the bed.

"Really? I had forgotten," Amsey said.

"It's okay. I mean, you're worried about Sandra so I understand you wouldn't remember." She said with disappointment laced in her tone.

"Victoria, we're sorry." I said, trying to make her feel better.

I knew she always felt left out when we were together and I understood the kind of pain she must have been going through. After all, she was carrying his child. Why couldn't he give her a special treatment like the one he gave to me?

"No, I'm not upset. Life's too short to be upset about minimal things like this," She said, smiling.

"Umm....I'll be back in a jiffy." Amsey said.

"Where are you off to?" I asked.

"I want to get you guys some biscuits and coconut milk," He said and left in a haste.

I knew he just wanted to excuse himself and didn't want to be a part of our discussion. He hadn't fully forgiven Victoria for spiking his drink and having her way with him even though they now talked without arguing.

"Sandra," Victoria called.


"Well, I'm scared." She said.

"Scared of what?" I inquired.

She cleared her throat, "You know, giving birth. I feel really at peace now, I don't know why. I've made up with all the people I've hurt and I'm a changed person now."

"But that's a good thing," I told her, kind of confused.

She shook her head sadly, "I know, but Sandra, I have a bad feeling."

"It's okay to be worried but I know you'd do just fine," I said.

"How could you be so sure?" She asked.

"I don't know, Victoria, but just relax and take a deep breath and let your problems just roll off your back, okay?"

"Okay," She said, but her worried expression didn't falter.

Everywhere went quiet and I was thinking of how to lighten things up.

"Cassandra," I heard Victoria call.


"I want to ask you for something."

"What is it?"

She heaved a deep sigh. "In case...In case something happens to me, will you take care of my baby? I don't want my parents to turn my child into a monster like me, they are bad parents and I don't want my child to end up like me," She said, with teary eyes.

"What are you saying? Nothing will happen to you, okay?" Amsey said.

I looked up and saw Amsey standing by the doorway with a tray of biscuits and a pack of coconut milk.

He had been eavesdropping on our conversation apparently.

He walked into the room and placed the tray on the dressing table.

"What are you going on about now?" He asked Victoria.

She bowed her head and picked her fingernails nervously, "It's a good thing you're here, Amsey."

"Why?" He asked.

She cleared her throat, "If anything were to happen to me, please, you and Cassandra have to keep my baby safe and away from those monsters that call themselves my parents. I won't ask you for anything ever again," Victoria said.

He sighed, "I get that you're probably scared, Victoria, but nothing will happen to you, okay?" He assured her.

"He's right, dear. Nothing bad will happen to you," I added.

She opened her mouth to speak but her face froze in shock and her mouth let out a gasp.

"What's wrong?" Amsey and I chorused.

"My... I think.... I think my water broke." She said.

"What? You think or you know??" Amsey asked.

"I know," She said, nodding her head repeatedly.

"Jesus!" Amsey exclaimed.

"What are we going to do?" Victoria asked.

"Take you to the hospital, of course. I'll go get my phone and call an Uber," Amsey said hurriedly and dashed out to the living room.

I watched him as he disappeared behind the door. He hadn't even said so much as a word to me. He just ignored me and left, Victoria and her baby were more important to him now.

Victoria held her tummy, breathing really hard and muttering, "My baby, my baby's coming. I'd be a mother. My baby....."

When I couldn't take it anymore, I blocked my ears with my earphones, not wanting to hear anything she had to say anymore. I didn't say much, I only looked away.

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't jealous. I just felt bad for myself. I was happy that she was going to have her baby at her due date but the problem was mine had exceeded the due date. I was worried, of course. I felt terrible and questioned myself on when exactly my child would come and if there wasn't a problem with me.

"Ahh!" I heard Victoria groan in pain and I quickly turned to look at her to see if she was fine.

She looked at me with a smile, "Yours will come, okay?"

It was like she had read my mind or she probably just understood that I had every right to be worried since she was going to have her baby before me. I didn't say anything though, I just smiled back at her.

[Amsey's POV]

I couldn't find a designated Uber driver that was close to my area on the Uber app and that made me more tensed.

I was worried about Victoria not making it in time to the hospital and I was scared that something was wrong with Cassandra and the baby since she was yet to give birth even though her delivery date had elapsed.

"God, what do I do now?" I mumbled to myself.

I dashed out of the house and tried to flag down a random taxi.

After much suffering, I succeeded in getting a taxi and the driver agreed to take us to the hospital but at an obscenely high price to which I reluctantly agreed to seeing that I really didn't have a choice.

I went back inside to fetch Victoria whom I could now hear screaming. Had I taken too long? I wondered.

I went into the bedroom and I saw Cas trying to comfort her.

"Take it easy, okay?" She told her.

"I got a cab. Let's go to the hospital," I said to Victoria.

"That's great news. Please, help me up," Victoria said, breathing really heavily.

I went over to her and helped her up and I assisted her till we got to the taxi. The taxi driver assisted me in putting her in the backseat of the taxi.

I looked around and to my surprise, I didn't see Cas. Why didn't she even come out with us? That girl was extremely troublesome and always found a way to frustrate my efforts. I knew she was expecting me to go back inside and bring her out too like she were the one about to give birth, she really enjoyed me treating her like an egg.

Hissing, I headed back inside and found Cas sitting dejectedly and moping, she didn't seem fine at all.

I went over to her side, "Cas," I called.

She lifted her head and looked shocked on seeing me there.

"Why are you here? Didn't you take Victoria to the hospital yet?" She asked.

"How will I take her there and leave you here all alone?" I fired back at her.

"But she's having your baby and....."

I placed my forefinger on her lips cutting her short, "I couldn't possibly leave you here all alone."

"I thought you had gone and forgotten all about me." She said, looking downcast.

"I didn't go, okay? Victoria must be waiting for us," I said.

"Let's go then," She said, with the warmest smile ever.

"Yeah, Let's go," I said too.

I helped her in getting up but as soon as we started walking, she stopped abruptly.

"What is it?" I asked.

She swallowed hard and tears rolled down her cheeks, "Unbelievable," She whispered.

"What are you talking about?" I asked her, wondering why she was crying.

She smiled broadly and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, "My water just broke, I'm having my baby too."

"You're lying," I accused, really surprised at the turn of events.

"No, babe, I'm serious."

It was then I realized she had been shedding tears of joy, we were finally having our baby.

"You called me babe," I said, not sure about how to react to the news.

She looked really shy, "I don't know how that came out but it came out wrongly," She said.

I knew she was lying but she looked really cute when she denied an obvious fact. I don't know why the urge of kissing her came but it did and I took her lips with mine and we kissed passionately not until Cas broke the kiss.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Victoria needs us and I also need to be in the hospital," She said.

"Right. Let's go have our babies," I said, with a smile.

It had been four long hours since Cas and Victoria had been taken into their separate delivery wards.

I paced around the hospital's lobby. I had been trying to get in touch with Pastor James but it was all to no avail. I wondered where he must have kept his phone and I had no one to call except for him, of course.

My heart pounded with fear and I couldn't even pray, I was just worried. I couldn't sit, I couldn't talk; I was just terribly scared and worried. My mind was only preoccupied with negative thoughts and even though I tried to be optimistic about the whole situation, it wasn't possible. I was scared; terribly scared.

I had this bad feeling that something terrible would happen but I didn't know what, I could only hope for the best.

The doctor that had attended to Cas when she had the Placental abruption issue wasn't present at the hospital today and so, the doctors on duty were unfamiliar. I had seen them around the hospital when Cas had been confined to the hospital walls for a month but we hadn't had a one-on-one conversation.

No nurse seemed to pay any attention to my questions, they'd just smile and walk away and that increased the tension I felt.

I saw the two doctors that were attending to Cas and Victoria come out of their wards almost at the same time.

I needed to know what was happening. I saw them talk in hushed tones and I wondered if everything was okay.

The two doctors walked up to me and one of them spoke up, "Good day. I'm Doctor Bassey Effiong, you're Mr Amsterdam Ibitoye, right?"

"It's Amsey but yes, that's me," I said.

I had no time to waste in correcting him about my name so I just let him call me whatever he wanted to. I was dying to hear of the news and my mispronounced name could wait for the meantime.

Doctor Bassey gave me a broad smile, "Congratulations, you are now the father of a bouncing baby boy." He said.

"Yes!" I exclaimed in joy. "I was right, Cas was wrong!" I said.

Doctor Bassey's mood soon changed to that of worry and pity.

"Is anything wrong, doctor? Is Cas, I mean, Cassandra, is she fine?" I asked.

"I don't know which one of them is Cassandra but one of them is alive."

"What do you mean by one of them is alive?" I asked, frightened.

"One died along with the baby but the other and her baby survived," The doctor blurted out after what seemed like ages.

It wasn't... it wasn't possible. I grabbed him by the collar. "Who died? Who?" I demanded.

"Let go of me, it wasn't my fault." Doctor Bassey said, shaking his head sadly.

I let go of his collar, remembering my fighting experience with Ken and how I had narrowly escaped going to prison. I turned to the other, "Can't you speak? Are you dumb? Who died?" I yelled at him.

The other doctor shook his head sadly, "I understand your pain, mister but it wasn't....."

"I don't care whose fault it was, just pray Cassandra is the one alive," I screamed at the top of my voice as tears slid down my eyes for the first time in years.

"You'd have to identify the body," Doctor Bassey said.

I nodded my head. I was reacting badly at the news because I was scared. I couldn't bear to lose Cas. I loved teasing her, I loved the way she got upset immediately, I loved how she smiled, I loved practically everything about her and I had only recently found out she had a melodious voice. I needed Cas by my side, I wouldn't be able to stand it if I ever lost her.

Cas was all I had and I'd die too if I ever lost her.

God, please, save my Cas.

Feeling teary? I am feeling teary as well, dearies.
Who do you think died with her child? Victoria or Cassandra??
Thanks for reading.
Much love ❤️❤️.

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