42.Glad to have you back

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Dedicated to SherryGold

I hadn't seen Amsey since the stunt he pulled off about kissing me a week ago and today was his final hearing in the case between him and his father.

Rita had suggested we went to show our support for him but I had bluntly refused.

I didn't want to go to where I wasn't invited and I didn't want him to think I was desperate to be close to him, I didn't want to be sending him the wrong signals.

Besides, I had something important to discuss with Pastor James as he finally summoned the courage to tell me he wants to have a conversation with me.

When he had shown up in my house a week ago, I had been flabbergasted and had asked myself what he could possibly be wanting after so many years.

I had figured a very long time ago that I was gonna come across him one way or another probably by bumping into him at the mall or any other way, just by chance though.

What I hadn't imagined was that he'd show up suddenly at my front door with so much boldness, but I was glad he had come, he had done a lot for me and seeing him again didn't make me angry; rather, it made me feel relieved and happy seeing he was fine and healthy.

He had bonded so well with my son and he had visited three different times without me saying anything. I was happy my son could get to see his grandfather, something I had been deprived of.

Cameron had two aunties, Mary and Rita and Wale and Michael were like uncles to him; I had made sure to give my son everything I couldn't have... except for a father.

"Welcome sir," I heard Mary say as I jolted from my thoughts after hearing what seemed like a knock on the door.

I was in the living room cleaning my nails while watching the news at 9am on Channels.

I looked to see who I had heard Mary greeting and I saw it was none other than Pastor James.

I stood up, "Good morning, why are you here so early?" I asked.

"I came to see you concerning the discussion we had," He said.

"This early?" I asked.

Pastor James nodded, "Yes, I didn't want to miss you in case you went out."

"Okay then, come on in," I told him.

He walked towards me and sat on the couch adjacent to mine and I sat back down clearing up my nail tools and keeping them in their tool box.

"How have you been?" Pastor James asked.

I looked up and saw he was rubbing his palms against each other, an act which portrayed he was nervous.

"I've been well, and you?"

"Me too."

"Where did you go?" I asked.

He shrugged, "Port Harcourt, I have a branch over there for my ministry. I knew you'd never leave with me and I trusted that Amsterdam was going to take you and keep you safe," He said.

I shook my head, "He didn't, he betrayed me," I told him.

Pastor James nodded, "I'm aware."

"Why are you here now?" I asked him.

He sighed, "It's been six years, Cassandra, and you've been doing well so I've been glad watching you from a distance but I've seen the news. The word is on everyone's lips about you finding out the father of Cameron and I know it's not easy for you. Not only have some people tagged you as a loose woman, some have also called you selfish and a liar," Pastor James said.

I cleared my throat, "So what's your point?"

"My point is.... Cassandra, I'm your father, I felt the need to be here with you during this trying time and I know that Cameron's real dad is going to fight for custody. But I'm your father and I want to prove that I'm still agile to take care of your son thus providing a father figure to your child which will be a plus for you in court," Pastor James said.

I looked at him and heaved a sigh, he was making sense and I couldn't deny that fact.

He went on, "Give me a chance, Cassandra. Let me be the father I couldn't be to you, please."

My eyes were teary and I was filled with intense emotions, "I swore that my own child will never go through the same ordeal as I and I'm well aware of my son wanting to have a father so desperately and I could never deny him of that. I'm grateful that you want to help me out but I could never think of you as my father. Yes, you're my sperm donor but you'll always be Pastor James to me," I said in all honesty.

Pastor James sighed, bowing his head then he spoke up, "In essence, you're saying that you wouldn't mind me going to court as Cameron's grandfather who is strong enough to be a father to him till he's come of age, isn't it?"

I nodded, "It is."

He continued, "But you're also saying you could never acknowledge that I'm your biological father, right?"

"You're correct," I said.

He rested his back on the sofa as he closed his eyes rubbing his head with his left hand, deeply thoughtful.

He opened his eyes and stared at me, "Have you forgiven me?"

"You didn't do anything wrong, the only mistake you made was having sexual intercourse outside of your marriage and I'm sure you tried to look for my mum. You're a good man. Even without being aware of my identity, you didn't take advantage of me and you helped me out, so I can't possibly hate you. Thanks for not being that much of a disappointment," I said.

He laughed, "I'm not that bad for a father, right?"

"You're not. And yes, I've forgiven you."

He stood up all of a sudden and bent before me then held my hands, a gesture I was highly surprised at.

"Thank you, Cassandra, for forgiving me. I hope that with time, you can see me as your father."

I smiled as a drop of tear slid down my face, he wiped the tear off my face and sighed.

I felt fully at peace, there was actually no point in holding a grudge after all, the peace when you've forgiven and held no more grudge was priceless.

"It's good to have you back, I'm glad," I said.

Pastor James sat on the couch beside me and smiled, "I'm glad too."

"Do you ever miss my mother?" I asked him.

"I think of her once in a while, it hurt to know she had died without me asking for her forgiveness," Pastor James said.

"She forgave you," I told him.

"How can you be so sure?" He asked.

"You're not going to believe me," I said.

"Try me," Pastor James said with a smile.

"Okay, I saw her when I was struggling to deliver my child on the hospital bed. I was weak and weary but then, I saw her standing and smiling at me," I said.

"Really?" He asked, trying hard to suppress his laughter.

"You can laugh if you want to," I said, with a sneer.

"I'm sorry, go on," He urged.

"Go on how? You'll just make a mockery of the whole thing," I said.

He cleared his throat, "I'm no longer laughing, please, just go on," He said.

"Fine then. She said if she hadn't died, I won't have come to Lagos and found my roots nor find love. At the time, I didn't understand what she meant by me finding my roots but I later understood and that's how I'm convinced that she doesn't hate you. My mum's a great woman and she avoided trouble with everyone," I said.

Pastor James looked thoughtful, "Do you know where she was buried?" He asked.

"Of course. After I rose to fame , I paid a visit to Jos. There, I saw my old landlord and paid him more than the damages I had ensued on his property, I was grateful to hear that the fire hadn't even escalated nor extended to the other houses, thanks to the fire alarm I had rung.

"I then paid a visit to the hospital in which my mother had died. The doctor who had attended to me was no longer working there but my mum's records were still intact and through the CCTV footage of that day, it was obvious I was her daughter. I had been informed that they went to my house to look for me and searched around but couldn't get through to me and my number wasn't reachable so they had just buried her in the hospital's cemetery as planned.

"I ended up going to her graveside and I paid people to grow flowers around it and decorate it specially, just for her," I explained.

"Wow, that's nice. Do you ever go there?" Pastor James asked.

"Yes, to celebrate her posthumous birthday but...."

"You haven't gone this year," He completed.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"Your mum's birthday is March 4th and today is the 2nd of March," Pastor James said.

I smiled, "You still know her birthday?" I asked.

"Yes, why not?" He asked.

"You must've really loved her," I said.

"I really did," He said.

"Let's forget about that. I've been meaning to ask you why your dressing sense changed," I said, smiling.

He laughed out loud, "I told you I want people to know I'm strong enough to take care of Cameron and not some old weakling," He said.

"Is that why you changed?" I asked in disbelief.

"Partly. It was also because I got a pair of jean trousers from a church member in Port Harcourt as a gift and it felt so good and comfortable unlike putting on suit or agbada or danshiki. Those things are unbearable," He said.

I laughed, "Men who put on those sort of things end up sweating so badly and they move slowly."

"Exactly, my dear. With jeans and polo paired with sneakers, I feel free and alive," Pastor James said.

I chuckled, "Okay, one more question."


"What sort of hair cream did you use? You used to be bald!" I exclaimed.

"I can't tell you that," He said.

"Please," I pleaded, holding his hands.

"No!" He refused.

"Please now," I begged, pulling his hands.

He was just laughing and the atmosphere felt friendly and it was such a happy feeling conversing with my father and laughing with him.

"Cas, what are you doing?" I heard Amsey ask, ruining the moment.

I turned around and saw Amsey in my house.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, standing up.

"I came to see you, but you're with someone else. Seriously, Cas, I didn't expect this from you," Amsey said.

"What in the world are you talking about?" I questioned, raising my hands.

"Don't even pretend, I caught you red-handed just now," Amsey accused.

"Caught me red-handed doing what?" I retorted.

"With another man. I didn't knock and just came in and saw you laughing with another man. Why? Is he funnier than I am?" Amsey asked.

I snickered, "You're not even funny, you're pathetic," I said.

"Ohh.. So now, I'm pathetic because you found someone new, isn't it? Gosh! Cas, we only didn't speak for a week and you're with someone else. If you could wait for six years, what's just one week that you couldn't wait?" He yelled.

"And who told you I waited for you? You met me single not because I was waiting for you, get that into your thick skull," I yelled back at him.

"You didn't even leave me for someone younger. I can see his grey hair, he doesn't even have the courage to face me, Coward!!" Amsey yelled.

"Be mindful of what you say," Pastor James said from his seat.

"Or else what?" Amsey retorted. "Wait a minute, that voice sounds familiar," He said in a calmer tone.

"Does it?" I asked, feigning innocence.

"Who's there, Cas?" Amsey asked.

Pastor James rose from the couch and turned around.

I saw Amsey open his mouth in amazement then he recoiled, blinking his eyes rapidly like he had just seen a ghost.

"What's he doing here?" He whispered to me.

"Amsterdam, you still care for my daughter, don't you?" Pastor James asked as he smiled broadly.

Amsey strode to where Pastor James was and gave him a big tight hug which was quite an emotional sight to behold.

Pastor James patted his back and hugged him back.

"I'm sorry, Pastor, I didn't mean to leave Cas all by herself," Amsey apologised.

Pastor James let go of him and smiled, "She's fine and that's the only thing that matters right now. Besides, if God forgives our sins, who are we not to forgive others?" He asked, rhetorically.

Amsey gave a broad smile, "Thank you so much for everything. With your presence, nothing can go wrong."

"What do you mean?" Amsey asked.

"Oh, he's talking about his court case. Today's the final hearing and Amsey is going to get back everything from his father," Rita said, coming into the living room.

"Really? I've seen it on the news, I was thinking it was next week Friday," Pastor James said.

"No, it's this week's Friday and that's today," Rita explained.

"Oh... So am I invited?" Pastor James asked.

"Of course, why not?" Amsey retorted, beaming.

"By the way, Cas, how do I look in this outfit?" Rita asked, turning around slowly.

That was weird as she never did that.

She was dressed in a pair of denim jeans and a white shirt with black knee-length boots. She let down her long black braided hair and she looked really decent and attractive.

"Thought you were gonna put on something skimpy," I said.

"Why will you think such about me? When have I ever worn something skimpy?" She asked, winking at me.

"What's wrong with your eyes?" I asked.

Amsey squeezed my palms and motioned at Pastor James and after several seconds, I finally came to a realisation.

"I thought it was just a crush back then. Do you still like my dad?" I asked in our local dialect.

"Well, I still like him, mind your business and don't mess things up for me," Rita retorted, still in our dialect.

I threw my hands up in surrender.

"Pastor James, how are you this morning?" Rita asked, beaming like a little kid who got her favourite candy.

"I'm well, Rita, and you?" Pastor James asked.

"I'm well as well. Oh, look at that, two "well's" in a sentence," She said and laughed hysterically.

Pastor James also laughed, "You're quite the comedienne, aren't you?" He asked.

She sat on the couch and pulled him to sit as well.

"You think I'm funny? I've always wanted to go into comedy but I'm scared," Rita said.

"Scared of what?" Pastor James asked.

"I've been diagnosed with stage fright, but guess what?"

"What?" Pastor James asked eagerly.

"There's someone I'd love to have by my side. If I have that special someone, I won't be scared or frightened by the crowd. Won't you ask who that person is?" Rita asked.


"You," She said squeezing his palms.

"Me?" Pastor James was obviously dumbfounded.

Rita nodded in the affirmative, "Yes, you. I'd even be able to walk on water with you by my side."

I rolled my eyes and hissed.

"Are you jealous?" Amsey asked in a low tone.

"She's practically flirting with my dad in my presence, how do you expect me to feel?" I asked, in a whisper.

"If you're in a relationship, you won't even be concerned about what's happening in other people's lives," Amsey said.

"So what's your point exactly?" I retorted.

"Get yourself a man and leave them alone, they're adults after all," Amsey said.

"He's over two decades older than she is," I argued, still in a low tone.

I couldn't shout as they were sitting right in front of us and we were just standing close to the door.

"How's that your problem? Age is just a number. As long as they love each other, they're good to go," Amsey said.

"Whatever, you should go. Don't you have a case to win?" I asked.

"I need you to be there by my side when my dad is humiliated," Amsey said.


"I don't know."

"I'm not coming, you and Rita can go without me."

"Stop being tough. If it's about what happened last week, I'm sorry. I didn't want you hating me again," Amsey apologised.

"You didn't talk to me for a whole week," I said.

"I'm sorry about that. Now, could you put on something nice? I have a case to win," He said.

I pouted then he gave me a bop on my arm.

"Ow! What was that for?" I yelled.

"What are you doing to my daughter?" Pastor James asked.

"Nothing, she's just making a scene," He said, eyeing me.

"You should apologise," I said.

"But that wasn't painful, you're just overreacting," He said.

"Am I? Or are you just being inconsiderate?" I retorted.

"I'll buy you ice-cream, please, get changed," He said.

"Fine then! It has to be strawberry flavour though," I warned.

"Anything you want," He responded.

"You can't even give Cassie one of your new houses, it's ice-cream you're giving her," Rita joked.

"I've not even gotten the houses yet, how can I be making promises with what isn't mine?" Amsey retorted.

"You're to speak in faith, right, Pastor?" She asked, rubbing my dad's back.

I rolled my eyes, "I have to go, I'll be right back," I told him.

"Let me go and put on something as well," Amsey said.

"Okay then," I said.

Amsey opened the door and left the house, Pastor James sat on the other couch obviously tired of Rita's drama and I just went upstairs.

[Amsey's POV]

I was in Cassandra's house dressed in a royal blue coloured suit with a sky blue shirt and sky blue pocket square. I wore a deep brown coloured tie and wore the same colour of shoes making my outfit as splendid as always.

I couldn't wait to get a hold of my properties and money from my father, I missed all my designer stuff. Now, I just had to wear most stuff that weren't top notch designers cause I was low on money.

At least, I found a way to still make the low budget designer clothes look good on me. It was like a gift though, the way everything looked amazing on my body.

I heard footsteps and I looked up to see Cas gliding down the stairs with so much grace and poise.

She wore a sleeveless gray three-quarter length dress that had a slit from her left thigh down to the length of the dress. She had on silver strapped heels and wore a bone straight wig that touched her waist. She carried a silver purse and she looked astonishing and beautiful.

"You can close your mouth now," Cas said as she came to my side.

I hadn't even realised my mouth was agape and I shook my head slightly in embarrassment.

"How do I look?" She asked me.

"Perfect," I said then regretted why I said so.

"I know," She said with a grin.

We later got downstairs and got into Cas' car. Pastor James sat in the passenger seat beside the driver.

He had insisted on seating there, probably because he was tired of Rita's antics.

I sat at the left side, Rita was at the right-hand side while Cas sat right in our middle.

"Thanks for letting me ride in your car," I told Cas.

"You're welcome," She said.

"What kind of car do you want from me after I win?" I asked.

"Umm... A Lamborghini," I responded.

I chuckled, "Cas, you're expensive."

"You'll soon have all the money to buy me a Lamborghini," She said.

"You want me to waste all the money?" He asked.

"Of course not. We're talking about billions here. Buying me a Lamborghini won't change your money from being eleven figures," She said.

"Women will always be women," Pastor James said.

"I'm being honest, you should be on my side," Cas said.

The discussion went on and soon, the car pulled over at the court.

"Where are the documents? You're not carrying a briefcase," Cas noticed.

"Don't tell me we have to go back, the hearing will soon begin," Rita said.

"Relax, I've got everything under control. The evidence is with my lawyer," I said.

"Can you trust him?" Cas asked.

"Certainly," I responded.

We alighted from the car and went inside the courtroom and sadly, most eyes were on Cas than myself.

"Why's everyone looking at you like that?" Pastor James asked.

"They're wondering why her fashion sense is so absurd," I chipped in.

"Don't mind him, I'm a celebrity and that's why they have to stare," She said, smiling.

"Why are you a celebrity again? Is it because of your legendary ugliness?" I asked, trying to provocate her by all means.

"Hi, Cassie P, your voice is amazing," A short fair skinned girl said, coming out of nowhere.

Cas smirked, "Well, you know why I'm a celebrity now," She said.

"Can we take a selfie?" The girl asked.

"Sure," Cas said.

Cas took a selfie with the girl who was giggling and irrationally excited like a child.

Soon, the whole place was crowded with Cas' fans who were clamouring for pictures with her and professing their undying love for her.

"Stop being jealous," Pastor James said.

"I'm not," I said.

He smiled, "How have you been?"

"I've been very well," I told him.

"And how's your relationship with her?" Pastor James asked, looking at Cas.

"We'll be fine, I guess. At first, she hated me and didn't want to talk to me but we soon started talking and I feel like she's starting to let it go," I told him.

"Order in the court!!" We heard the usher say and we all rushed to our seats.

I went to sit in the Plaintiff's seat and saw Barrister Chidi was already there.

"Are you just coming in?" He asked.

"No, I was at the back. Good morning," I said.

"Good morning, Amsterdam. You're going to get all what's rightfully yours today and I finally found the trump card," Barrister Chidi said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

The judge stepped into the room and we all rose.

When the judge sat and adjusted his glasses, we sat down and then, he read the summary of the case and asked the Defendant's council to speak.

Barrister Hakeem Lawal adjusted his tie and stood, "My Lord, everyone knows Governor Folorunsho Holland Ibitoye and all the good things he's done. Why exactly would he deny his own son from his rights? I say that because my client considers Mr Amsterdam as his own biological son even though he's just adopted."

"Objection, my Lord, I'm with the DNA report of Governor Folorunsho and Amsterdam which shows they're in fact related by blood and the governor's marriage certificate with Mr Amsterdam's late mother to show he isn't illegitimate," Barrister Chidi said, holding the necessary documents.

The clerk collected them and handed it over to the judge who looked at them carefully.

"Objection sustained! Defendant's council, you'd have to stop referring to Mr Amsterdam as an adopted child, that's an underlying element of defamation of character," The judge said.

The courtroom was filled with oohs and ahhs, coming to the realisation that I was in fact the biological son of Mr Folorunsho and all I did was smile.

"My Lord, there is still no evidence that Mr Amsterdam has against Governor Folorunsho for allegedly withholding his properties from him which is our major concern today," Barrister Hakeem Lawal said.

"Plaintiff council, have you gathered your evidence? The court will no longer drag this issue," The judge said.

Barrister Chidi stood with the property papers, "My Lord, we found all the documents that show Mr Folorunsho's signature transferring all the properties to him," He said.

The clerk collected the documents and gave them to the judge.

The judge took his time to examine each and every one of the documents.

My Father's face was beaded with sweat and he was trying so hard to maintain his composure. He kept on drinking water from his bottle and looking around.

"These documents prove that all Governor Folorunsho's property belong to his son, Amsterdam Holland Ibitoye," The judge said.

The audience in the court were murmuring and the judge banged his gavel on the desk, causing the courtroom to go silent.

"My Lord, my client was drunk when he signed those documents," Barrister Hakeem said.

"Was he also drunk when he collected money from Mr Amsterdam's late mother?" Barrister Chidi retorted and that provoked laughter from the audience.

"Objection, my Lord!" Barrister Hakeem cried out.

"Objection sustained! Mind your language," The judge said to Barrister Chidi.

"My Lord, Late Mrs Ibitoye, Amsterdam's mother who was a heiress to a multi-million company sold the company and gave the money to Governor Folorunsho in exchange that he'd marry her and any child or children they have will inherit all the money and assets he had..."

"That's a lie," Barrister Hakeem yelled, interrupting Barrister Chidi.

The judge raised his hand and motioned for Barrister Chidi to go on. Even I wanted Barrister Chidi to continue as I had never heard that part of the story before.

"I was Late Mrs Ibitoye's lawyer and when she wanted to sell the company, I advised her to have her offspring's interests at heart by doing such. She didn't understand the need to at that time because she loved Governor Folorunsho and she felt the love was mutual but she heeded to my advice anyway. Governor Folorunsho signed those documents and I have them with me," Barrister Chidi said.

"Can I have a look at them?" The judge asked.

"Definitely, my Lord," Barrister Chidi said, handing the document to the clerk.

The judge looked at the document and wrote down something in his big notebook.

"Is there anything you'd like to say before I give my judgement, Defendant's council?" The judge asked, looking in their direction.

"My Lord, before judging this matter, remember all the good deeds Governor Folorunsho has done for the people of this country, I'm sure you'd give out a fair judgement because you are just and fair," Barrister Hakeem Lawal said, resignedly.

The judge nodded and looked in our direction, "And you? Is there something else you'd love to say before I proceed with my judgement?" He asked.

Barrister Chidi stood up, "Yes, My Lord. Mr Amsterdam here, has never had the love of a father and he was treated like an outcast in his own father's house. He left home at the young age of 16 and has been alone since, fending for himself pending the day he'll take what's rightfully his, please, do not deny him of this opportunity. I rest my case," Barrister Chidi said and sat back on his chair.

For the first time, I saw the judge smile as he read out his judgement: "After taking a critical look at all the evidence on ground, it is crystal clear that Mr Amsterdam Holland Ibitoye is of notable character and is indeed the legitimate son of Governor Folorunsho Ibitoye. Adding to that, from the document signed with his late mother, it is certified that all the money and properties in Governor Folorunsho's possession is an infringement of property rights.

Hence, the court has given Governor Folorunsho Ibitoye a month to renounce his hold on everything within his possession and hand them over to the rightful owner, Mr Amsterdam Ibitoye. Failure to do so will result in the court taking care of the matter through force and there'll be a price attached to it, this is my judgement," The judge said and banged his gavel.


We all rose as the judge proceeded to leave his seat. I smiled and said a "thank you" to Barrister Chidi as we watched the judge exit the courtroom.

"No way, I suffered for it. The witch tricked me, I didn't sign them in my right senses!! I was desperate to get money from her and that's why I signed that godforsaken document in the first place!!!" My father raved on and on like a mad man.

The paparazzi took photos of him and news reporters were all live on several news channels.

"What will happen to my children? Where will they go from here? No! No!!" My father said as he collapsed to the floor heavily with a thud.

The crowd went wild as they rushed forward, wanting to get a glimpse of the scene.

I was about taking to my heels to see if he was fine but a hand pulled me back and stopped me.

I turned around and saw it was Cas who was preventing me from going to see him.

"I think he's hurt, I should go," I told her.

She shook her head, "He'll never understand, he doesn't want you. Even if he wakes up and sees you at his bedside, he'd still push you away," Cas said.

"But he's my father," I said.

"And you know I'm being truthful," She said softly.

I paced around, scratching my hair as I watched my father being carried out of the courtroom, the reporters following him closely.

"He has a lot of people around him, he'll be fine," Cas said.

I turned to look at her, "But why does he hate me?" I asked.

"Because he's a foolish old maggot," She said.

I chuckled, "No, seriously."

"He never loved your mother and he wanted to prove to her that she was barren so she could blame herself forever and accept defeat and let him go while his lover and kids enjoy her wealth but you came and ruined his wicked plans and now, you've gotten what your mother wanted," Cas said with a smile.

"But it's still not my fault," I said.

"He's just being unreasonable but forget about him, we should celebrate you. I mean, you just became a billionaire," Cas said.

I shrugged, "What does that even mean?"

"Expensive wines, chic parties, vacations abroad, designer outfits, lots of women......"

I cut her off, "Lots of women?"

"Yeah," She said, swallowing hard.

"You're right though. Any woman and every woman from all over the world at my beck and call with different skin colours and of different shapes and sizes," I joked.

She didn't find it funny because her face had tightened to a frown and a grouchy one.

"What?" I demanded, like I didn't like the jealousy I was seeing so obvious on her face.

"Let me be. Go and see your women of all shapes and sizes," She said.

"Oh, I see. Are you jealous?" I asked.

"Jealous of who? Please, I'm too blessed to be stressed," She said, flicking her hair.

"I was just joking though," I said.

"Please, leave me alone, I don't want you disturbing my life as usual," She said.

"Fine then!" I said resignedly and turned my back to walk out on her.

"You're really going?" She demanded, slightly raising her voice.

"Why do you care? Thought you didn't want me disturbing your life," I accused.

"So? Even if I had said that, you should have still come to talk to me. Don't you know that's how all women act? Even when they tell you to leave, it's an invitation for you to stay," Cas shouted.

"You're telling me all women have a mental problem?" I retorted.

"If you can't be a gentleman and understand the point I'm trying to make, that's your headache and you should even leave, not just my life but my compound as well," She said.

"I don't freaking understand you, Cas. One minute, you're all smiles then you're scary the next," I said.

"Oh, so now, I'm Maleficent?" She retorted.

I rolled my eyes, "You're taking this too far!!"

"You're the one being unbearable," She accused.

"What do you want from me, Cas?" I asked, acting like I was frustrated and unaware of what she meant.

"Just stay away from me" She said, folding her arms underneath her breasts.


"Yes, really."

"Fine then," I said and turned my back, walking out.

"I knew you'd leave. For crying out loud, I just explained to you that women...."

I stopped right in my tracks and turned around, emitting fury in my eyes and that left her shuddering and utterly made her keep her mouth shut.

I walked back to her as I felt her heart thump so loudly. I bet she had never seen me look that angry and was probably scared of what I may do to her in my frustration and anger.

I could see fear in her eyes and I'm almost certain she expected me to give her a tight slap or send her a strong warning but instead of the absurd things that may have been playing in her head, I grabbed her shoulders, tilted my head and crushed my lips upon hers, stopping her breath for a moment or two.

I was stunned as she responded and slid her tongue into my mouth, teasing me with it and I'd have grabbed her behind assuming I hadn't seen a camera light flicker, reminding me of where we were and the number of people present.

I let her go and for a moment, she looked lost and it was as if she was wondering what the matter was till she she looked around, hanging her head low, feeling ashamed and embarrassed.

The paparazzi came to us and I held Cas closely as we made our way out of the courtroom with the reporters at our tail and the paparazzi taking pictures of us.

Luckily, her bodyguards came in at the right time and pushed them away and granted us a safe pass to the car where Rita and Pastor James sat waiting for us.

"Hey, look up, we're in front of your car," I said.

She looked up slowly, "What did you get me into?" She asked.

"You liked it, don't deny it," I said.

"Whatever," She said.

"I've gotta go," I told her.

"To where?"

"To discuss some issues. Barrister Chidi's waiting for me," I disclosed, pointing at Barrister Chidi who stood in front of his car, neatly parked.

"When are you coming back?" She asked.

"Do not despair, I'll be back before you know it. Don't miss me too much, okay? And tell your dad to stop giving me that look, you're old enough to be kissing guys and stuff," I said.

She glanced at her dad who was sitting with his fists clenched, eyeing me furiously.

She chuckled, "I'm his daughter, he has every right to look at you that way."

I planted a small butterfly kiss on her lips without notice and smiled, "I don't care if he's your grandfather, you're mine," I said.

"You didn't ask if I've even forgiven you yet," She said.

"It's obvious you've forgiven me with your actions of late, glad to have you back," I told her.

"Me too," She said.

She smiled and I smiled back at her.

"Can we just go?" Pastor James yelled.

"Bye, sunshine," I said.

"Bye, cupcake," She responded and I watched her as she entered the car, blowing her a kiss as the car drove off and Pastor James flashed me a distasteful glance.

I couldn't wait to have a daughter someday, I'll surely treat her boyfriend in the same manner, I thought as I walked to Barrister Chidi's car, feeling a surge of happiness at the victory against my father and getting my Cas back.

Everything was finally beginning to settle.

Nothing could possibly go wrong again and for our sakes, I hoped that fate didn't play a stupid game with our lives ever again.

Never again....

There you have it, lovelies, Chapter 42 given to you on a platter of gold. Cassandra and Amsey are finally together again, what could possibly go wrong? Do you think their happiness will last or is something coming again?
Watch out for updates on this book.
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Much love ❤️❤️.

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