Chapter Four

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Lennox entered his room and grabbed his suitcase from under the base. He threw it open and began tossing chothes inside. Sarah sighed and walked out from the connected bathroom.

"You could be a bit more cheery." She grumbled as she picked up her slightly larger suitcase. He rose an eyebrow.

"I am cheery. And by the way, that isn't a word." He said walking past her and into the bathroom. Picking up his pouch and putting in his toothbrush and such. Sarah rolled her eyes.

"Men," She muttered. She turned around and stalked back into the bathroom. His face hard as he packed. She approached him and gently reached for his arm. He only zipped up the pouch and walked out. Sarah crossed her arms. "William Lennox I suggest you change your attitude. You should be relaxed an-."

"Relaxed is gone Sarah. I can't be relaxed with a eight-year-old running at my feet and then a giant Decepticon chasing me down! And to make matters worse I got an annoying liason on my hand and you want me to take a vacation!! A vacation for God's sake! Do you know what lecture I'll receive when I get back!?" He shouted. Sarah frowned, taken back by his words. But, however, she stood firm and strong.

"I don't care about your liason. I care for your health and I will not tolerate you feeling stressed. You understand me? William Lennox you better say yes. You are going on this trip, like it or not! If I need to drag you there I will. You don't even need to enjoy my presence because you just need get away from work. You know why I do these things for you? BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, DAMMIT!!" She screamed as she walked to him, her finger jabbing his chest harshly. As she finished as sat on the edge of the bed, her hands covering her face as she began to cry. William sighed, feeling like a complete jerk. He walked carefully to her and sat down next to her, hearing her sob quietly. He wrapped an arm around her and held her to him as he placed his chin on her head. Sarahs hiccups slowing and deceasing. She pulled her hands away and laid her head against his chest.

"I've always enjoyed your company..." He whispered.


Annabelle bounced down the stairs, her backpack over her shoulders loosely. Sarah followed behind her as Will threw in the last bag into the back seat of Ironhide. Annabelles lip quivered.

"I'm gonna miss you..." she whimpered as she turned around and hugged her mother. Sarah smiled slightly and hugged her back tightly.

"I'm gonna miss you too, but we'll be back soon. Be good for Mommy, okay sweetheart?" She asked as she pulled away. Annabelle nodded.

"Okay Mommy." She grinned. Sarah gave her a loving kiss on the cheek and went up to the passenger side of Ironhide, getting in. Will made his way over, but almost getting knocked over. Annabelle ran up and jumped onto William, hugging him tightly.

"I love you Daddy." She said laying her cheek on his shoulder. He held her to him and smiled.

"I love you too Annabelle. Remember to call every night." He said then put her down after kissing her other cheek. Annabelle hugged the grill of Ironhide best she could.

"Bye Hidey. Love you." She said as Will patted her shoulder and got into the Drivers side.

"Goodbye Annabelle." She didn't expect a 'love you too' in return but she knew the big softie thought it. She got off the Autobot as the engine started. Annabelle began walking to the bus stop near her mail box. The truck reversing and following to make sure she got on. The bus lights flashed as the driver waited patiently. Annabelle scampered up the stairs and sat down in an empty seats. She pressed her face against the glass window and waved. Her parents didn't see her. She sighed, the fog appearing on the window. She began to turn away but Ironhide honked, headlights flashing. Annabelle smiled and sunk back in her seat.

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