Canterella and a new friend

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Sonic was now in a different kingdom filled with thousands of people. The gate entrance had a sign that said CANTERELLA. 5 years after the war and Sonic was still in his travels. " Hey! Stop! " cried a voice somewhere by the outskirts of town. Sonic, now 9, ran towards the voice to see who it was. He saw who it was and hid in the tree. " Come on 2 tailed freak. As if we believe you have a hero that can help you." You would probably know after the whole ' 2 tailed freak' situation', it was Tails that was screaming. " You know you really should get a grip Kevin." Sonic said actually trying to get Kevin's attention. " How do you follow me anyways?" " Why you little. Hey where's two tails? Ah! Sonic's gone too!?" Kevin was so confused after that experience. Sonic and Tails were by the huge water fountain in the middle of the kingdom. "How do you go so fast? It's so cool to have at least someone to help me here." Tails said. "I was actually born with the speed. What did you mean at least someone to help you?" Sonic said, relaxing by the water fountain. " Long story short. I was born with 2 tails so people call me a hybrid even though both tails belong to a fox. People also call me Tails." Tails said slightly confused what other people think. " Huh. I'm Sonic and during my travels, people see me and call me ' The Blue Blur'. Since I'm so fast people can't tell who I am." Sonic told his short story. Then Tails remembers an event that'll happen the next day. "Oh. You came just in time for our Canterella festival tomorrow." " A festival? It's been a long time since I've been to one of those." Sonic replied. " It'll be so fun. There'll be food tents, a whole bunch of games, and sword fighting tournaments. The best part is at the end of the day Princess Cantaralla will chose a prince this year." Tails said with a whole bunch of excitement. " Wow! You sound totally psyched Tails. Back in Matryoshka it was just the same, only instead of sword fighting there were singing competitions and one group of singers would win. Matyona would always win so their thanks was a song for Matryoshka. But that ended 5 years ago when a war was going on. I was the only one who survived." I didn't mean for him to feel bad Tails thought. I know. " Hey Sonic. If your not leaving any time soon you can stay at my place." Tails suggested trying to make Sonic feel better. "I'm not in any hurry to get anywhere. Why not." Sonic replied. "Glad you can stay."

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