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Katsuki's POV

Ashia dragged me down the path for a few minutes before I regained my composure. I stopped causing her to stumble, "Why are you dragging me around like a fucking dog."

I noticed her still facing away from me, so I moved around her, I saw tears streaking her face. "H-he promised m-me."

The promise they had made all those years ago had clearly meant more to her than to him, I wrapped my arms around her as she quietly sobbed. We stayed there for a while as I tried to comfort her, "I'm sorry." Was all I could manage.

"Its not your fault." She said, starting to calm down, "I guess now that I think about it, it was foolish of me. a childish thought, of course that's not the only reason I came back. I'm starting U.A. after the holiday break." I pulled back a bit so I could look at her, I was kinda excited, I mean she was my friend to before she moved.

"Really? Oh, I never asked, what quirk do you have? I just realized none of us know the others quirk." I was trying to cheer her up and it worked, she was the same as she was back then. She loved talking about quirks and different kinds.

"It's called slime, I emit the stuff kinda like sweat from my body. I can sense were it is, and I can see it through objects, I can also sap energy from people when the slime touches them, and I can form them like balls and throw it. Although if I use to much then I start to dehydrate so my costume has water pouches so I can drink it from my face mask and stay hydrated." I was shocked at how good her quirk was.

"That's an amazing quirk, the use for reconnaissance is undeniable." She blushed a bit at my praise, we separated, and I told her about my quirk. She got excited talking about all the ways my quirk could be of use.

"Thank you, I feel better now." She started to shiver so I moved without thinking and wrapped my jacket around her. She froze at the action and blushed again.

"So where are you supposed to be staying, I'll walk you back." She started to fidget a bit.

"Well, since I was sure that Mido, would still want to marry me I didn't have anything planned because I was gunna stay with him. Of course, that's off the table, I mean look at him, he's in love. And he has a kid." She gave a weak smile while thinking about it.

"You know that Eri isn't theirs biologically, they helped rescue her from the Yakuza and were put in charge of her on a temporary bases, however I'm pretty sure that they are going to adopt her in the end." She kept looking down at the ground. "Well if your starting U.A. after the break then I'm sure Aizawa wouldn't mind you moving in a bit early since you're here, but until we talk to him you could stay with me."

The words came out before I could stop them and when I realized what I said I froze. She turned and looked up at me, our cheeks both the same shade of red. "You would do that for me?"

"W-well, I mean its not like you have anywhere to go, and besides Eri would not let you anywhere near Deku." She gave me a confused look.


"Right, you left before that huh," I started scratching the back of my head as I continued, knowing she wouldn't like what I was about to say, "when I got my quirk, I let it go to my head. Then Midorya found out that he was supposedly quirk less, and I started bullying him. Then we got to U.A. and just before that was when his quirk manifested."

I looked away as I spoke knowing she would hate me, "Well the past is the past. Don't get me wrong, I'm not happy about the fact that you bullied Mido. You are obviously better now." I looked back at her just in time to catch her yawn, that was the worst possible thing that I could have seen because I immediately thought, "Cute" however I didn't think it I accidently said it out loud.

We both froze and blushed profusely, "I-I-I-I-I-I-I didntmeantosaythatpleasedontgetthewrongidea."

"Wow Katsu, I didn't know you could get flustered like Mido?" she giggled a bit at my embarrassment. "So, did you mean it?"

She looked up at me and blushed even more, "W-Well, I didn't not mean it." I said looking away.

She stepped forward and hugged me, "Well I think your cute to." She stepped back and we started walking back to the dorms.

Meanwhile in Midorya's POV

"YOU GAVE HER A RING, AND ITS SO PRETTY" Mina was by far the most excited about everything. Everyone was surrounding us and asking questions, I explained about what happened.

All the girls were fawning over the gold band with a pink gem in it with two tiny green emeralds set on either side while the guys congratulated me, "How the hell did you afford that, Midorya?"

Kaminari questioned how I got it so I decided to answer, "Well, I was looking around at one of the jewelry stores nearby when I found it, I asked the guy about the price and it was far more than I could afford. Then a robber came in and started trying to rob the place, since I have my hero license I stepped in and took him down. The owner was so grateful he gave me the ring as a thank you."

"SO MANLY!" Kirishima exclaims. Then the question I knew was coming hits.

"So why aren't you wearing it?" Tsuyu asked Ochako confused.

"Well since we were hiding it for now, he gave it to me like this so that it wasn't obvious." She said holding the ring in her hand and staring at it.

"Yes, and you all are the only ones who know, so we would appreciate it if you didn't say anything to the teachers, or our parents." Before another word could be said there was static.

"If you were trying to hide it then you shouldn't have shown it and talked about It in front of the cameras." we all froze as we heard the ever-emotionless voice of Mr. Aizawa.

"And I must say Young Midorya, congratulations." I felt like I could pass out hearing All Might's voice.

Ochako and I were frozen as we heard chuckling coming from the intercom. After a moment Aizawa said that we would discuss it in the morning before shutting the intercom off. We started to calm a bit and a few minutes later the door opened. Revealing Kachaan and Ashia, as if on cue, Eri shot between me and her in a defensive position. "What are you doing back?" Iida asked.

"I have something to say, I'm sorry about my behavior Mido. It was childish, and I hope nothing but the best for you three." We all looked at her in aw as she said it.

"Well I'm happy to have an old friend back." I said smiling at her.

"Quick question though," Toru started, "why are you two holding hands?"

The pair looked down at there hands and blushed as they increased the distance between them, however they forgot to let go of each other's hands and fell into each other and onto the ground. The class started to laugh as the flustered teens scrambled to their feet and began walking to the rooms, "15, that's her room number, her father sent her things here already."

Everyone stopped, and tried to piece together what Aizawa was saying, "That's right everyone, say hello to your knew classmate."

The next morning, I woke up with Eri on my chest and Ochako on my right, both sleeping soundly. I tried to get up without waking them, but they had me in a death grip, I sank back into my position and watched as the girls slept peacefully. I noticed a glint coming from Ochako, when I looked down, I noticed the ring on her finger. I smiled at the sight.

After a while they started to wake up and we got ready for the day. Tomorrow was Eri's birthday and Ochako and I still hadn't gotten her present yet. After we got ready and ate breakfast, for which Kaminari had to make breakfast since Kachaan wasn't up yet which was odd, we left Eri in the capable hands of Momo while Ochako and I went on the hunt for her present.

As we walked out of U.A. we were stopped by Aizawa, "Just so you two know, I am not going to tell your parents, and neither is All Might. Also, just because you two are engaged does not mean it is ok for you to engage in, physical acts." He walked of leaving us in a blushing mess.

After a few shops and looking we made our way to the same shop that I had gotten the ring. When we walked in the owner was behind the counter and immediately recognized me, "Well if it isn't the shops own savior, come to take a gander at our fine selection?"

"Yep, were actually looking for a charm bracelet and a charm for our dau..." I stopped before looking at Ochako nervously.

"Its for our daughter." she said with a smile. The owner of the shop looked at us with a confused glance, of course because a sixteen and fifteen-year-old just said they had a daughter, however he shrugged it off and gestured for us to follow. As we made it to the counter that he was going to show us he noticed Ochako's hand that had the ring on it and winked at me.

"So, this is the assortment of bracelets we carry. How old is the lucky little girl?"

"Six, turning seven tomorrow." I said, which caused the owner to look at us in shock, "She's not biological."

He calms down after hearing that and continued to show us the selection, "I personally would recommend this option, it will fit a smaller wrist and you can get attachments later that will extend the length for a growing wrist." He took out the bracelet and showed it to us.

"Looks good, what do you think Ochako?" I asked her as she was examining the piece of jewelry.

"I agree, lets go with this one." She says holding it up in triumph, "Now all we need is to find her first charm."

"Actually, I think I have just the one for you." He reached into the counter and pulled out a small charm and showed it to us.

It was a Yin-Yang that was green and pink, "Wow, your right, this is perfect."

"Alright, I'll ring you up!" He walked over to the register and put in our purchase. After we paid, he handed me the receipt and when I looked at it, I noticed something.

"You forgot the charm." I looked up at him and showed him the receipt.

"Yes, I know. Tell your daughter that I said happy birthday." He said with a smile.

We both thanked him and bowed before leaving the store. As we walked, I interlocked my fingers with Ochako's, and she leaned her head against my shoulder.

Time skip in Uraraka's POV

December 21st, Eri's birthday is today and everybody has already been showering her in happy birthday's and hugs. it was now four in the afternoon and the party was scheduled for five. Mina and Tsuyu were in charge of distracting Eri while we put up a few decoration's and Bakugo made Eri's favorite meal, cinnamon apple pancakes. He had the help of his now girlfriend Ashia, who was also making candy apples for Eri.

Five O'clock came and Eri came down stairs to see some simple decorations as well as a spread of breakfast foods for dinner, her eyes locked on the pancakes and her mouth started to water. A few minutes later and the guests who didn't live here started to show up, first was Inko and then a little girl named Toga came in with a small boy named Haruki followed shortly by Satsuki. Not long after my parents arrived followed by All Might.

Everyone came in with a present of some kind and sat it on the table we put up for them. After everyone was there and socializing, we sat down to eat, and everyone dug into the food.

We all talked, and I noticed something, my mother was glancing toward my hands with a small smirk. I was confused until I looked down, my eyes widened in shock as I noticed I was still wearing the ring. I put my hands under the table with my fork still hanging out of my mouth, I slid the ring of and placed it in my pocket. I heard a slight snicker from my mother that caught the attention of my father, "What's so funny dear?"

As my mother turned to answer I felt myself start to shake and sweat drip from my brow. She opened her mouth and said, "Nothing dear, just a joke I heard the other day." She smiled at him then gave me a knowing glance.

As dinner came to an end Izu and I got up and headed to the kitchen, "Ok, here are the candles." Izu said placing seven candles on the cake, it was a red velvet cake with white cream cheese frosting. I peaked my head around the corner and signaled Mina who cut out the lights. Izu lit the candles and picked up the cake, we walked into the room and everyone started singing.

Eri's eyes lit up as she saw the cake, Izu sat it down and she blew out the candles. As we cut the cake and served it my mother came up to me, "Ochako dear, may I have a word with you outside?" I nodded.

"Eri, I'll be right back, ok." I kissed her forehead and followed my mother outside, once we were outside, she said, "So, a ring?" she gave me a smile.

"Um, well..." I pulled the ring from my pocket and handed it to her, "He gave it to me after he changed back from an infant."

She looked at the ring in aw, "How on earth did he afford this?"

"It's a long story." I explained what happened and she only smiled.

"Ok, lets get back inside so we don't miss present time." We walked inside as people were finishing their food.

"Alright, Eri, you ready to open some presents?" Izu asked and the little girl jumped out of her chair and darted for the present table.

"YES!" she exclaimed as she sat down on the floor.

We all gathered around, and I handed Eri her first present, it was from Inko and it was a Deku and an Uravity onesie. We went through the rest of the presents until we made it to the last present, which was from me and Izu.

"Here you go Eri." I say handing the small box to her. She opened it to reveal the small charm bracelet with the single charm on it. She touched the pink and green colors with her small hands, "And you can add charms to it over the years."

Eri caressed the small charm and I noticed she was starting to tear up, "What's wrong snowball?" Izu asked kneeling next to her to comfort her, I joined him right after and she jumped up and wrapped her small arms around us, "Thank you." She said burying her face in our shoulders.

We hugged back and said in unison, "Your welcome."

After presents we all just kind of hung out, Eri played with her friends and at one point I noticed Haruki kiss Eri's cheek which caused Izu to spark green for a split second.

We all continued to hang out until about nine when people started to leave, Tsuyu took her sister home and Toga and Haruki's parents showed up shortly after to pick them up. The class started to head upstairs until all that was left were the parents and All Might, "So, Ochako, I think there is something that needs to be said."

"What do you mean mom?" I ask confused, that is until she gives me a smile just like when she noticed the ring.

"You know what I mean darling, that little piece of jewelry in your pocket." My father and Inko looked confused and curious as they stared at me.

"How does she know?" Izu whispers in my ear.

"I'll tell you later, it looks like were doing this now." He sighed and I reached into my pocket and pulled out the ring. I held it up for the adults to see and both my father and Inko stared at us in disbelief.

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