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A/N: Hey guys, sorry for the wait but (Confetti) I'M BACK. Ok, so on a more serious note, I wanted to let everyone know that I'm alright. I am going to tell you guys a little of what happened. So basically, last Friday was the end of my freshman year of college and I had to move out on Saturday. Well I was moving into an apartment the same day. The apartment decides to tell me last minute that I can't move in until Monday. So, after a night in a hotel and driving to another city to stay at my parent's house after getting off work at 10:00 P.M. I am moved in and all is good. (Thumbs up)

Ochako's POV

Ok Ochako, no one knows so don't worry about it. If no one finds out then I'm fine, I don't want them to know so I just have to make it through today.

I was the first one up today, so I started getting ready while I let them sleep. I looked down at Eri who was snuggled up to Izu's chest as they both softly snored. I went ahead and got Eri's clothes out for the day and then went downstairs to make us breakfast.

Once downstairs I noticed a few others were awake and were looking at a piece of paper on the wall, "What's going on guys."

"There's a note from Aizawa saying that everyone should be in the common at noon to meet him." Sero said as he walked away from the group.

"I wonder what he wants us for, Ribbit."

"Who knows." I said walking to the kitchen to make breakfast.

I looked down at my hand to see the Gold band with the pink and green gems, "He's gunna kill me when he finds out, I just can't be that selfish right now."

I started working on breakfast and a few minutes later Eri came down stairs pulling Izu behind her who was still over half asleep, "Good morning Mama." She rubbed her eye with her free hand which still held her Deku plush.

"Morning sweet pea, morning Izu." I walked over to them and kissed them both on the forehead. "I hope you're hungry."

"Did you say food?" Izu started opening his eyes more as his mouth watered.

"Yes, now come and eat before it gets cold." We walked over to the table and sat down to our breakfast.

Tsuyu's POV

I stopped as I noticed Ochako, Midorya, and Eri sitting at the table. I must admit they would make a cute family, and they already have a plan to make that happen. I just don't know if this is the right path for them, I mean they are good at this and Eri really loves them.

"What are you staring at?" I let out a barely audible 'eep' as I jumped. When I turned, I saw Tokoyami standing way to close to me. I blushed and stepped away a bit. "They do make a cute family, don't they?"

I nodded as we watched them, they really do.

Midorya's POV

After breakfast I went upstairs to shower and change, it was getting close to noon so we would have to meet Aizawa soon.

After my shower I entered my room to see Ochako changing Eri, I noticed something else too. Ochako had a nervous Aura around her, like she was worried about something. "Ochako, are yo- "before I could finish the sentence there was a knock on the door.

It opened to reveal Iida, "Mr. Aizawa is here, he wants us all downstairs."

"Ok, were coming." Ochako answered and we made our way downstairs. As we entered, I saw Aizawa surrounded by the rest of the class.

"Alright class, since you all live on campus fulltime, we have decided to have surprise exercises and training. So today we will be going to the indoor pool and having timed races. The winner will get to either skip the next surprise activity or choose someone else who gets to skip it."

The group erupted into cheers and challenging glances were passed around the room, "Now everyone get to the pool and get changed, we are starting in 30 minutes."

The whole group scattered, everyone went to get their swim stuff and rushed to get to the pool. I had Eri on my shoulders as we walked to the pools, it was kind of weird thinking about swimming when we were all wrapped in coats and scarfs.

Once we made it to the pool Eri went with Aizawa so Ochako and I could change. I can't really explain it, but I've had this feeling all day like I was missing something important and now it was turning into a feeling of dread, as if something were about to happen.

As we entered the pool area Aizawa had us gather around him, "Alright class, I already have the pairings done so will do this tournament style. First up is Bakugo and Mina." They both got to their marks and knelt ready for the go signal. Kachaan started up small explosions on his hands, but they stopped abruptly. He looked at his hands confused then looked at Aizawa, "Oh, I forgot. No quirks."

After a minute of swears from Kachaan they got set again, "GO!"

Obviously Kachaan won, he's amazing even without his quirk. After a while everyone had gone, and we were already on the second round. Kachaan and I won ours in the second round and obviously Tsuyu was still in.

Next was Ochako against Todoroki, at this point my dread was at its climax and I couldn't figure out why. They got set and in a readied position.

That's when it happened, as soon as Aizawa said 'go' and they pushed off, I saw it. Ochako's toes on her left foot crinkled upwards, I knew what this meant, and it terrified me.


"OW OW OW OW OW!!!" I shot awake to the sound of someone in pain and looked at Ochako who was next to me. she was gripping her left leg for dear life and her toes were crinkled upwards.

"What's wrong?!? How can I help?!?"

"I-It's.... Cra-Cramp."

Flashback end

As soon as they hit the water I jumped in, "Midorya, what are you doing?" I hit the water and pumped my arms while activating one for all to get there faster. I could see her, pain etched into her face while fear leaked from her eyes. She clawed at the water trying to bring herself higher and to the surface, I could see her life draining in bubbles, escaping her as she only fell further into the water and her face became grey. When I finally reached her I saw her consciousness break and her body become limp.

I grabbed her and planted my feet on the bottom, activating one for all I shot out of the water and landed next to the pool. I laid her down and started checking her, "SOMEONE GET RECOVERY GIRL!!! SHE ISNT BREATHING!!!"

Everyone swarmed me as I tried to get her to wake up, "Everybody move. I know CPR!" Ojiro pushed us aside and started compressions. I felt fear wash over me and tried to keep my composure, but I broke, tears and cries escaped me like a flood.

I watched her as he continued compressions, I watched her lifeless body move and bounce with every compression and with each one that didn't save her I felt my fear increase.

It felt like we had been there for hours before Recovery girl finally rushed in with Iida pulling an Emergency cart behind him, "How long have you been preforming CPR?"

"Just under a minute."

Has it only been a minute?

"Good, continue compressions." Recovery Girl reached into her bag and pulled out a device and put it over Ochako's mouth.

"Get clear!" Ojiro stepped back and Recovery Girl turned on the device. It whirred and then there was a puff and water shot into the sky as Ochako's chest rose and she inhaled. As soon as Recovery Girl removed the device, I shot to her and held her in my arms, tears landing in her hair.

"S-She's breathing." I said as I sighed a breath of relief.

"Mama!" Eri ran over to us and hugged Ochako as she let out small sobs.

"Alright, she's going to be fine but we will need to take her to my office so she can rest. She might not wake up until tomorrow." I stood up with Ochako in my arms and laid her on the gurney.

Recovery Girl began to roll her away and I went to the locker room to change so I could go too. Once I changed, I went back and got Eri and we started on our way to see Ochako.

I got to the door and felt Eri's grip tighten on my shirt, "Its gunna be ok Snowball." I opened the door and saw her lying there with an I.V. in her arms and her face even paler then before. I walked in with Eri and we stood next to her bed. "See, she's fine Snowball."

I put Eri down and sat in the chair next to the bed, "At least your ok."

After a while Eri climbed up next to Ochako and fell asleep, then my phone rang. I looked at it to see that it was Mrs. Uraraka.

"Hello Mrs. Uraraka."

"Hello dear, we heard what happened, how is she." I could hear panic in her voice.

"She's doing better, she's stable and just resting now. She's gunna be ok." There was a sigh of relief from the other side of the phone.

"Thank goodness.... oh, what is it. Yes, here you go honey. Izuku dear, my husband would like to speak to you."

"Yes ma'am."

"Hello, You still there boy?"

"Yes sir, I'm here."

"Good, Aizawa told me what you did, and I can't thank you enough. I just can't believe this happened today of all days." I was confused by his words, so I decided to ask.

"What do you mean 'Today of all days'?"

"Wait, you mean you don't know what today is?"

"No sir."

"Izuku, today is her birthday." I froze, today is her birthday. Why wouldn't she tell me? "By your lack of reaction, I'm assuming she didn't tell you. That's just like her, well I'll let you get back to her, I have a feeling you two have a lot to talk about. Goodbye, and make sure you keep an eye on her."

"I will, have a good day sir."

I hung up the phone and looked over at Ochako, "I can't believe she didn't tell me; I mean today was her birthday and she didn't tell any of us." Just then the door opened to reveal class 1-A.

"How is she, ribbit?" Tsuyu asked leading the pack of students.

"She's better, just resting." I tried not to let the fact that I was upset show, but my shaky voice gave it away.

"What is it Midorya?" Iida asked as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"T-Today was...." I stopped for a sec to catch my shaky breath. "Today was her birthday."

There was a collective gasp across the room as everyone realized that they had not only missed her birthday but that she was spending most of the day unconscious and in the hospital.

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