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Ochako's POV

I leaned my head against Izu's shoulder as the Limo pulled away, "Are you tired already Mrs. Midorya." He said with a slight chuckle.

"NO, I've just missed cuddling with you." As I spoke, he wrapped his arms around me.

"Me too." We stayed cuddled up together as the chauffeur drove us to the dorms. I looked out the window as we drove to watch the snowfall down around us, this was easily one of the best days of my life.

"Were here Mr. and Mrs. Midorya." The chauffeur said as he got up to open the door for us.

"I could get used to people calling me Mrs. Midorya." I said with a smile as we exited the Limo.

"Me too." Izu said as he wrapped his arms around me again and we walked into the dorms. I yawned as we entered and Izu chuckled as he looked over to me, "You really are tired, huh? Well, so am I, lets go get ready for bed?"

As we walked through the common room my eyes started to get droopy and Izu took notice, he swept me up into his arms and carried me bridal style. He carried me up the stairs and when we got to his room, we noticed the name plate had been changed, this was now our room. "You ready for the most cliché moment in history?" I asked as I reached for the doorknob.

"Absolutely." He said as he carried me through the door.

We both started to laugh a little at what we just did and then he sat me down, we looked around the room and saw that it was a good deal larger than before. The bed was also larger and so was the dresser, there were now two desks and Eri now had her own little dresser. "Wow, Nezu went all out." I said as I admired the room.

"No kidding, at least now it'll be harder for you to fall off the bed." He said with a chuckle, I made a pouty face and turned away from him. "Hey, come on. You know I was just kidding right?" He said as he wrapped me in a hug from behind.

"I know." I said as I rolled my eyes and turned around to face him. I wrapped my arms around him and leaned into a passionate kiss.

When we parted, we started to change and get ready for bed, once we had changed, we climbed into bed and held each other as close as we could. "I wont ever let you go." He said as we drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up to see Izu's already unruly hair in an even bigger bed head mess. I giggled softly to myself as I simply snuggled up closer to him, "I know it was only one night, but I missed this yesterday."

"Me too." He said as I noticed his eyes open slightly. "What time is it?" he yawned.

"Hold on and let me check." I turned over a bit and saw the alarm clock. "It's six."

"You know we have to get up and ready to go or we'll be late."

"Yeah, I know." I pouted as we separated, "I'm gunna hop in the shower."

"Ok, Ocha." He said as I got up and walked to the shower. After my shower I got dressed and walked out of the bathroom to see Izu with mine and his suitcase already by the door.

"Your up." I said and Izu went into the bathroom to shower. I pulled out my phone and scrolled the contacts until I found the one, I wanted, I pressed the call button and waited until I heard the other persons voice.

"Hello Ochako."

"Hello Inko, I was just calling to let you know that Izu and I are about to leave, I was also hoping Eri was up so I could speak to her too." I said into the phone.

"Absolutely dear she just got up for breakfast. Eri dear, there's someone on the phone for you." I heard her hand the phone to the little girl.

"Hello?" I heard her little voice sound through the phone.

"Hey sweet pea, are you being good for Grandma Inko?" I said with a smile.

"MAMA! Yes, I've been really good for her." She said as she got excited. "I even got to wear Papa's old All Might onesie to sleep last night."

I giggled as I pictured her wearing the onesie, "Ok, just make sure you stay being good for her until me and Papa get back."

"Yes, Mama. I will."

"Good, now I need to speak to your grandmother really quick."

"OK, Love you Mama."

"I love you too sweet pea." I heard the phone changing hands once again.

"Hello dear, I heard her tell you about the onesie. Don't worry, I have plenty of pictures for you two." Inko said.

"Great and thank you again for watching Eri for us." I said as I finished packing my purse.

"Not at all dear, you two deserve some time to just focus on you. Just enjoy yourselves."

"We will, we'll call you when we get there."

"Bye dear, tell Izuku I said bye."

"I will, bye Inko." I hung up the phone just as Izu came out of the bathroom.

"Who was that?" He asked as he rubbed a towel through his hair.

"Your mother, I called to check on Eri. Apparently, she got to sleep in your old All Might onesie." He chuckled as he came over to me.

"Mom took pictures, right?" He asked and I nodded. "Ok, well its time to go or were gunna miss our flight."

I grabbed my purse and he picked up both of our suitcases, "Lets go." We made our way downstairs and saw some of our classmates up and about for the day.

"Hey guys, heading to the airport?" Kirishima asked.

"Yeah, we'll see you in a few days." We passed by the rest of the class and made our way to the front gate were a taxi was waiting for us.

The ride to the Airport was relatively uneventful and once we got there, we unloaded our things and made our way inside. We made our way to the desk and picked up our tickets, we were surprised by the fact that they gave us a free upgrade to first class. We made our way over to baggage and dropped off our now marked luggage. Once we were done, we walked over to the security checkpoint to go to our gate.

"Excuse me, are you Izuku Midorya." A young boy came over to us while we were in line and looked up at Izu, he was maybe a year or two younger than Eri.

"Yes, I am, what can I do for you?" Izu asked confused.

"I was hoping I could get your autograph." The boy looked up with the sun shinning from his enormous smile and Izu was shocked.

"You want my autograph?" He asked the boy.

"Yeah, your so cool, I was one of the people who was there when you defeated that guy. What was his name, I think it was Overmaul or Overtall or something? Anyway, you were so awesome." Izu looked down at the little boy, slightly taken aback by what he said. Then he smiled and leaned over to the boy.

"I would be happy to." The boy beamed even more and pulled a notebook out of his backpack and opened it up revealing a few other Heroes signatures.

"Thank you so much." He said as Izu took the notebook and pen and signed it 'Deku'

The little boy looked at it as it was handed back to him, "Akito, lets go." I looked over to see a woman standing next to what I assume is her husband.

"Coming mom!" the little boy who had now been identified as Akito said, "Thanks so much Deku."

"No problem." Izu said and the little boy ran off to his parents.

"Your quite popular aren't you Izu." I said as I teased him a little.

"I guess so." he said as he scratched the back of his neck shyly. "Akito is a nice name though, don't you think."

"Yeah, it is isn't it." As I finished it was our turn at the security check. We both put our things in a bin, and I walked through the metal detector. When Izu went through though, the light turned red and the scanner started beeping.

"Please step to the side sir." The officer said as he pulled out a wand to personally check him. "So, do you know what set off the alarm?"

"Yes, I have a metal pin in my forearm." The officer scanned over Izu's body with the wand, when he made it to his forearm on his right the wand started beeping. The officer felt his arm and checked to make sure he wasn't hiding anything.

"Your free to go." We gathered our things from the bins and made our way over to the gate.

We still had about an hour before our flight was set to leave so we got some food at the food court nearby. Once we ordered we sat down at a table, "I can't wait to get there." I said and looked over at Izu with excitement plastered on my face.

"Me too, I've always wanted to go to Disney World. I've heard stories of it but now I get to go, and with the love of my life at that." I blushed a bit as he said that.

"Well I can't wait, this is gunna be so much fun." We sat there for a few minutes before the food came and we talked a little as we ate. As we finished, we heard the call for our flight to board and walked over to the gate, we got in line and had our boarding passes in hand. We made our way onto the jetway and then onto the plane, the flight attendant showed us to our new first-class seats.

"This is so nice." Izu said as he saw our two seats. It looked more like a couch than airplane seats and as we sat down, I melted into them because of how comfy they are.

"I could fall asleep so easily on these." I said as Izu sat next to me.

"Feel free to once we take off, it is a long flight after all." The attendant said as she walked up to us, "Now is there anything I can get you two, we have complementary snacks and drinks for all of our first-class passengers."

We both ordered a drink then settled into the seat. Our drinks soon arrived and then it was time for take off.

Midorya's POV

After taking off we leveled out and we were told we could take off our seatbelts, once we did Ochako leaned her head onto my shoulder and a few minutes later she was asleep. The flight attendant walked by and I grabbed her attention, "Excuse me, do you have a blanket. She tends to get cold when she's asleep."

"Absolutely, I'll be right back." She left and a few minutes later she was back with a nice thick blanket.

"Thank you." I said as I wrapped Ochako in the blanket.

The rest of the flight was not very interesting, Ochako was asleep for a little while before she woke up. At about noon our time we had lunch and talked for the rest of the flight. We both ended up falling asleep a few hours before we were supposed to land, the flight attendant woke us up as we approached the airport. I looked at my watch which I left on our time and it said it was midnight back home. I looked out the window to see the sunup high in the sky.

Once we landed and got off the plane, we made our way to baggage claim and got our luggage. I carried our bags as we walked to the exit of the airport, before we made it out, I saw a man with a sign that read 'Midorya' and we made our way over.

"You must be Mr. and Mrs. Midorya, my name is James Alfred. I will be your driver and guide for the next few days." He gave us a small smile as he did a small bow, he was in his older years and seemed rather skinny, but he had a clear 'Butlery' vibe to him, and it wasn't just because he was clearly British.

"Wow, All Might went all out on this trip for us." I said as I looked at the man.

"Yes, he did, I still can't believe he is paying for this." Ochako said as we followed Mr. Alfred outside.

"Well he was the number one hero for a long time, I'm sure he's got plenty of money." I said.

"Here we are." Mr. Alfred said as he popped the trunk of a black luxury car. We loaded up our stuff and climbed in.

"So, were to first, would you like to get food first or go ahead to your hotel?" Mr. Alfred said as he buckled himself in the front seat.

"What do you think Ochako?" I asked as we buckled ourselves up in the back.

"I think that my stomach has been yelling at me since before we landed, its time to feed the beast." She said as she rubbed her stomach.

"Then food you shall get, I know just the place." Mr. Alfred said as he pulled away from the airport.

"Nothing too fancy please." Ochako said as we drove.

"Your wish is my command."

We drove for a while before we stopped for food, Mr. Alfred took us to a place called Sonic. We pulled in and when Ochako and I started to get out he stopped us. He explained how this specific place worked and we scanned the menu. We ordered burgers and milkshakes and ate them while we drove to our hotel.

"So, what hotel did he get for us to stay at?" I asked as I finished my food.

"You will be staying in the Disney beach resort." He said with a small smirk which confused me, but I shrugged it off.

Ochako and I talked for a bit as we drove and eventually, we started seeing signs for Disney. We turned into a gate that looked like it was built for an ocean palace. We drove down a beautiful road lined with palm trees and as we drove a large building came into view, it looked like a seaside palace. I looked over at Ochako who had her face pressed against the window and stars shining in her eyes. "Its so pretty."

"It is." I responded to her.

We drove until we made it to the building, Mr. Alfred pulled into a circular drive and stopped in front of the door. As we got out a man came over to the car and opened the trunk to grab our bags, "I can get those, there's no need for you to worry about it." I said as I walked toward him.

"Nonsense, our staff is here to make sure you have the most relaxed and fun stay possible." I nodded and felt myself start to fidget.

"Izu, its ok to let others help. I know you prefer to be the one helping but where here to relax and celebrate." Ochako said as she wrapped herself around my arm.

"You're right, lets go check in." I said as we walked inside. As we entered, I was in awe by how magnificent it was. "This is insane."

"Ah, you two must be the young Midorya's that All Might told me about. We have your room ready for you." We looked over toward a young woman, maybe 24, who was wearing an employee uniform.

"Well then, lead the way." Ochako said as she bounced in her spot, clearly excited. Of course, I was too but she loved everything to do with Disney.

We followed her to the elevator where she handed each of us a key, an actual key, and a bracelet. "These are for your room, and these give you access to the entirety of each park and an unlimited number of fast passes."

"Wait, we were only supposed to be able to go to the magic kingdom. Why are we getting so much more." I asked as we rode the elevator up.

"I think all of your questions will be answered in a moment." She said with a small smile. We hit the fourteenth floor which was the top and stepped out into the hallway. We looked down the hall and noticed that there were only four doors on the entire floor.

Then my eyes locked on something, "ALL MIGHT!!" I practically screamed as I saw him standing in front of one of the doors.

"Ah, the Young Midorya's. How was your flight?" I stood there flabbergasted as he walked toward us.

"All Might, what are you doing here." Ochako asked as he got closer.

"Well I changed your plans last minute, so I thought I would come over and update you." He said with as wicked a smile as the symbol of piece can.

"What do you mean?" I asked as he got closer.

"Well, I decided that instead of the limited number of things you were gunna get to do, I would literally give you access to the whole park and one of the best suites they have to offer. Oh, and I also got you this." As he said that he pulled out an envelope.

"Why did you do all this, I can't even imagine how much this is costing you." Ochako said as I opened the envelope and pulled out a card.

"What is this?" I ask, stopping him before he could answer Ochako.

"Well, to answer your questions. I know how hard you two work and how hard you work to care for Eri, and of course the coming issue of the adoption. This is your time to unwind, have fun, and celebrate your marriage. And that card doesn't have a limit, so go wild." Ochako and I looked at each other wide eyed, I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Are you serious All Might? This is insane." I said as we stared at him in awe.

"Of course, my boy, you both deserve to have a worry-free week. Oh, that's right, your trip will last until Thursday now, your plain leaves Friday morning." We were both still in shock as he spoke, then a thought crossed my mind.

"What about Eri, my mother was only planning on watching her for a few days not this long?" I said starting to panic.

"No need to worry my boy, I have handled everything. Everyone was in on it, I just wanted to surprise you two."

After All Might dropped that bomb on us he said goodbye and left the resort. We finally made it to are room and it could easily fit two of my mother's apartments in there.

The trip was amazing, after dropping our things in the room we went to Disney springs to do some shopping. We got souvenirs for our parents and Eri, Ochako even bought Eri a few princess dresses. We got a set of Mickeys and Minnie ears each and wore them for the rest of the trip, I even got some Mickey gloves and got them signed when we saw him. Ochako got even more excited when we saw her favorite princess Arial.

Everything was going great until the last day of being in the parks. We had gotten in line for the Everest ride.

Ochako's POV

"I can't believe this is about to be over, I'm having to much fun for this to end." I said as I leaned on Izu to rest while I waited for our turn on Everest.

"Yeah, me to, this has been an amazing week." As he said that he kissed my forehead which got an 'awe' from someone behind me which made us both blush a bit. After a while of waiting, we made it to the ride, and it was our turn.

"You ready?" I asked as I sat next to Izu on the ride.

"You bet!" he said. The worker secured the harnesses and the ride started.

Everything went normally until we were about to hit the peak of the ride, there was a snap. The top tracks of the ride had broken off and we were speeding toward the broken section. I looked at Izu and saw green lightning ark around him as he broke off the restraints and jumped to the back of the cars and grabbed them and the tracks to stop us, "OCHAKO!!"

As he yelled, I got the hint and used my quirk on the ride. It immediately stopped and floated in the air as he held it in place, "Is everyone ok?" I asked to which I got some shaky nods and yeses. "Izu, how you holding up?"

"Fine now that its weightless, but I should be asking you that." He said with a small chuckle as he started putting the car's back on the rails.

"I'm fine, I took some motion sickness stuff earlier, so I'll be fine for a while." As we talked back and forth, I didn't notice that everyone was looking at us shocked at how calm we were.

"Ok, I'm gunna start bringing the cars to the bottom." He said and the cars slowly started moving toward the start of the ride. Once we made it to the bottom there were already people there to help us, but we were all ok.

After everyone was off and Izu quadruple checked to make sure I was ok, the head of the parks was so grateful he said that if we ever want to come back to call him and we would be treated to a complementary vacation.

After that excitement we had dinner and went to the resort to sleep and prepare for the long flight ahead of us.

The next morning, we ate the breakfast that was delivered to the room and then left for the airport. We went through the same process as last time and after a fifteen-hour flight, we were back home. However, it was now about midday and once we made it to the dorms, we passed out to sleep.

???? in ????'s POV

"Ok, now that you've had a successful run at close range, let's try a longer range." I said as my daughter was getting excited.

"How far should I go Mama?" she asked.

"Let's try the beach that your father trains at, somewhere that you've been a bunch before." She got back into position and started to emit the green energy that flows like water around her hand. As she opened her hands the energy started to change from green to light blue, and it started to sound like it was sparking.

"What's going on mom?" my son asked through his mouth guard.

"I'm not sure, keep going though. We'll see how this turns out."

A/N: Hey guys, sorry for the slight absence. I had to go home for two days and couldn't work. However, here you go, number 24. Also, I have never been to the beach resort at Disney so the description of it is complete conjecture.

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