Aftershow Roadtrip

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Gorilla, SmackDown

The twins walk back through the curtain to a nice reception. Anne goes to sit next to Shawn while Caleb sits right back down where he was before he left: right next to Skye.

Skye: Need me to hold that for you?

She asks smirking. Caleb smirks back and shrugs the title off of his shoulder before handing it to Skye. She reaches up and takes it from his hand, then puts it in her lap.

Shawn: How long have they known each other?

Anne: As far as I know, two days.

Shawn, chuckling: You serious?

Anne: As a heart attack. She was at the table next to us at that convention in Atlanta. They started talking and now they're here.

Shawn: And what are you doing?

Anne: Taking pictures. He claims she's the one. If that's true, they're gonna need pictures to show to my nieces and nephews. Besides, tell me they don't look adorable.

On the other side of the room, Skye and Caleb are relaxing while they wait on the rest of the competitors to get back from the match.

Skye: It's heavier than I thought.

Caleb: Strap's bigger. That adds to the weight a good bit.

Skye: Did you really hit him?

Caleb: I protected the business. Normally, I'll hit you hard in safe places, but he said he wasn't gonna be professional about it.

Skye: That last hit looked painful.

Caleb: Yeah, his jaw hurt my knuckles.

She stares at Caleb bewildered by his comment. Feeling her stare and realizing what he said, he turns and looks over to her.

Caleb: Oh, you meant for him. Yeah, it definitely hurt him.

She laughs a little and shakes her head, her feet casually swinging back and forth, her heels occasionally bumping the front of the crate she's sitting on.

Caleb: What's with the dress?

Skye: I wanted to make a good impression.

Caleb: Impression made.

Skye: Really? I can't get a read on them. What do you think they're talking to Anne about?

Caleb: Us.

The Chicago native looks at him with a raised eyebrow while the Deadman's son leans back against the wall. The big man looks over at her out of the corner of his eye and smirks.

Caleb: You see Anne's phone?

Skye: Yeah, what about it?

Caleb: I can guarantee there is a picture of us every time she's seen us looking at each other or sitting down together.

Skye, laughing: Really?

Caleb: Yeah. She's a romantic.

Skye: Are you?

Caleb: No, nah. Not like her. She's crazy about that stuff.

Skye: You're making this up, aren't you?

Caleb cracks a smile. The Chicago native laughs lightly, then looks back down at the title in her lap.

Skye: Are you always this-

Duncan: Full of shit? Yes, he is.

The Uncaged Monster says as he walks through the curtain. From his seat, TJ throws his friend a water bottle. Duncan catches it with one hand and starts drinking.

Caleb: Skye, this is Duncan. Duncan, this is Skye.

Duncan: The infamous Skye I've heard all about?

Caleb: You're a dick.

Duncan: Yep. A big one. Now, Skye, is this guy being a gentleman?

Skye, nodding: Yep.

Duncan: Good. Ah shit, Demi's coming. I'll see you tomorrow.

He says before running off, his white towel draped over one shoulder. Anne, Caleb, and Skye all look at each other. Fortunately, Logan comes in with Rhodes and the Pack. Caleb fist bumps the champion and the members of the Pack, then gets answers from Kenway.

Caleb: What's he runnin' from Dem for?

Logan: She's trying to jump his bones every chance she gets.

Anne: So? That never bothered him before.

Logan: Well, Demi's ovulating and Duncan doesn't have his...gear. He doesn't want kids right now and she doesn't care.

Caleb: Great. That'll be fun to hear.

He says rolling his eyes. Kenway agrees, then excuses himself. As the show wraps up, Anne, Skye, and Caleb all leave the gorilla and go towards the locker rooms.

Anne: What'd you think of tonight, Skye?

Skye: It was fun. I'd rather be part of it than watching it, but it was fun.

TJ breaks away from the group, running to help a couple of the rigging guys take something down. As he runs off, Skye stops looking where she's going. Her eyes fall onto the twin brother of Anne as he helps the backstage crew move. She can see just about every muscle from where she's standing, especially with him wearing his ring gear still. His muscles bulge, sweat giving his skin a glow. Skye can't break away from the scene that's captivating her. That is until she hears Anne laughing.

Anne: You're almost as bad as he is.

Skye: Huh?

Anne, laughing: Exactly.

Skye: Sorry...

Anne: No, it's cool. I'm not gonna stop you from getting with TJ. You seem like you're one of the good ones.

Alpha Locker Room

TJ, Logan, Keltner, Duncan, and Alex are all getting their bags packed and ready to go. While in there, the son of Batista decides to poke fun at the returning Badass.

Duncan: So, you and Skye, huh?

Caleb: Ain't nothin' yet.

Duncan: That's not how it sounded when you told me about her after Anne left.

Caleb: I said she's cool.

Logan: You don't think anyone's "cool".

Caleb: I think Cody and Alex are cool.

Cody: What'd we do to get that honor?

Caleb: You don't bother me with questions about my feelings.

Duncan: Oooh, look at me, I'm Mr. Tough Guy, I don't talk about my feelings.

He says mockingly. TJ shoots a sharp look his way, but Duncan keeps smiling goofily. Cody and Alex watch on quietly as the Englishman and the Animal's son try to pry information out of the spawn of the Deadman, who is unwrapping the tape from his hands.

Logan: We've never heard you say a girl was "cool".

Caleb: Why do you keep copyin' the way I say cool?

Duncan: 'Cause it's funny. When was the last time you told us a girl was cool?

Caleb: I said Demi was cool.

Duncan: Yeah, when you were getting us together. Not because you were hitting on her!

Caleb: Let it go, man.

Logan: We soon as you share with the class what you shared with Anne.

Caleb: A crib?

Logan: Nice try, smartass.

Caleb: It was just a dream, man. That's all.

Duncan: A...y'know...kinda dream?

Caleb: No. I'm trying to make sure it was Skye in the dream. The face was blurry, but the silhouette looked like her. Happy?

Cody: You don't normally have dreams. Don't your dreams normally wind up happening?

Caleb: Who's side are you on!?

The guys all get changed and head to the parking garage. Because they're old school, Duncan, Caleb, and Cody all take one car while Logan and Alex take a different one.

Meanwhile, across the parking deck, Skye gets in a car with old friend Carla Gonzalez aka Roxanne Perez, Anne, fellow Chicago native Brianna Coda aka Cora Jade, and Lexi Kenway aka Alexa Bliss. The judge of the women's wrestlers' court gets in the driver seat with Lexi joining her up front. Coda sits behind Anne, Skye sits in the middle, and to her right is Carla.

Lexi: Hi, Skye. I'm Lexi.

She says, reaching behind her to shake Skye's hand. The brunette shakes Bliss' hand and smiles, feeling a little awkward and excited at the same time.

Carla: Heard you've got eyes on a southerner.

Lexi: I thought you were kidding when you said TJ was talking to her.

Anne: I know, I'm shocked too. Did he get the title back from you?

Skye: He took it with him when we left gorilla.

Anne: Okay, just making sure.

Brianna: In case you can't tell, Anne's the mom around here. If you anything, she's got your back.

Carla: Yep. We were lost without her until Bliss stepped in. How'd you meet TJ anyway?

Skye: Convention. Him and Anne were working the booth next to mine, he bought me lunch and made sure I had water. If I had to run to do something, he'd cover for me.

The girls "ooooooh" teasingly at various points, making Skye laugh and feel a little more comfortable despite not really knowing them all too well.

Carla: Be careful with Big Brother.

Skye: Big brother?

Brianna: That's how we all see him. Guys are hitting on you at a bar? Call Big Brother.

Carla: Need a guy's opinion or a shoulder to cry on? Call Big Brother.

Anne: If me or Bliss aren't around to fix the problems, call TJ.

Skye: Gotcha. Why do you call him "Big Brother" though?

Carla: Because he's Anne's big brother.

Anne: When we got here, a few of the girls were getting harassed so I told them "call my big brother". They all adopted him as their big brother too.

Skye: He's older than you? I thought you were twins.

Anne: We are. He's older by two minutes.

Skye: I thought you were older.

Anne: I get that a lot. Our mom did the best she could, but when she got sick, I stepped up. Calaway and I didn't exactly have it easy growing up.

Skye: How come?

Anne: Being the kids of a wrestler then wasn't as good as it is now. Nowadays, wrestling families are healthier and able to provide more. Most of the time, they're both wrestlers. But when they're not, things can get...rough.

Skye: I'm sorry you had to go through that.

Anne: Oh, it's fine. I'm who I am because of it. Caleb had the harder time. It was awful for him. Now, what I want to know, is why Skye Blue wants anything to do with him? I mean you could have pretty much anyone you wanted, you're a total catch, but you've got eyes for TJ. How come?

Skye: I don't know, he seems nice. He didn't hit on me, he didn't ask for my number, he was just...nice.

Carla: Who talked first?

Skye: He did. He accidentally bumped into me while he was fixing the table.

Anne: I'm surprised he did. He's been a fan of yours for a good bit now.

Skye: Really?

Anne: You and Julia were his favorites in AEW. Does Tony know you're doing this?

Skye: My contract with Ring of Honor is a preexisting contract to the AEW one. They get the real say in where I go and they chose to send me to WWE for a while.

Anne: Gotcha.

Brianna: Completely random, but do you think the guys talk about us like this when we're not around?

Lexi: No clue.

Carla: Cody says that they have the most in-depth conversations when they're left alone.

Alpha's Car

Alex: Hungry?

Logan: Yep.

Alex: There's diner down there. We should go.

Logan: Sounds good to me.

Deadman's Car

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


Duncan: You should use this song man!

He shouts over the radio.

Caleb: That'd be badass!

Siren's Car

Anne: There's no way! Logan is either tired or hungry, Alex goes with the flow, and the other three are probably bursting their eardrums!

Lexi: Now that sounds more like them. So Skye, what got you into wrestling?

Skye: My parents did.

Anne: They're wrestling fans?

Skye: They're huge Undertaker fans. There's Taker stuff all over the house.

Carla: Oh good. Now when you tell them you've got your eye on someone and they ask "what's he look like", you can tell them to look at their Taker stuff.

Skye, laughing: They do look alike.

Anne: Alike? There's a reason his nickname's TJ.

She says with a smile. Lexi gets a good chuckle out of it while Carla and Brianna laugh.

Lexi: Just got a text from Lo'. He stopped at a diner and will be late to the hotel.

Anne: Anyone hear from TJ's car?

Deadman's Car

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]




Siren's Car

Anne: Who knows what they could be up to? They could be pranking people, saving someone, stopping in a convenience store for fun. Anything.

Lexi: They really are full of surprises.

Anne: Especially when you leave them alone together. I just hope they don't do anything illegal...again.

Skye: Again!?

Anne: I'd ask TJ if you want answers on that one.

Lexi: Which one? The border one or the pimp?

Brianna: I'm sorry what?

Lexi: Ask Big Brother.

Anne: Don't worry, he didn't do anything wrong, Skye. He did the right thing both times.

Carla: If you tell her any more stories, you might scare her off.

Skye: No, she won't. I'm not sure how he got in trouble at the border or what he was doing that involved a pimp, but I've heard some pretty crazy stories from Billy Gunn and Dustin.

Anne: Trust me, you'll want to know all about the guys' adventures.

Lexi: It's never a dull moment with them.

Carla: Nope. Never is.

Skye smirks as she tries to make sense of what could happen on the border or involving a pimp that isn't super illegal and a major red flag. Why jump to conclusions when she's going to see him again and ask him then? Especially when his sister and their friends are assuring her that he didn't do anything wrong. Instead, she looks forward to asking him to tell those stories.

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