Chapter 14//: The Report

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[E D I T E D]

♕✿~♕✿~Chapter 14//: The Report♕✿~♕✿~

I feel nervous as I wait for my maids to come to my room with the new dress they had made for me. It was Friday night, and the first Report that I would be on. My family would see me on national television. It made me feel nauseous.

It was also the night that I would have to go on my "date" with Ahren. I felt nervous, especially after my conflicting emotions after the race. I still had questions about what happened that day: What would have happened between Ahren and I if we hadn't been interrupted? Why did Alexis have to butt in at that exact moment?

I jump as I hear a knock at my door. "Come in," I tell the person. My maids immediately enter my room with my dress, but I can't see it since it's covered in white plastic.

"We have your dress miss," Sam tells me breathlessly, looking really excited. It makes me happy.

"Thank you guys. You didn't have to do this, you know," I tell them as they take off the plastic. I almost scream in frustration when I see the dress.

The dress is very beautiful and exquisite. I really liked the style: sleeveless, tight at the top but flowing out at the skirt part. What made me frustrated were the colors. It was red and black, the colors of House Calore.

After trying so hard to not wear the Calore training suit for the race, I felt disappointed that my efforts to show that I would not submit to House Calore would be going down the drain.

But I couldn't decline the dress; it was too beautiful and my maids had spent so long making it just for me.

"Thank you. It's....beautiful." My maids beam at this. "But I thought the Reds in the competition weren't allowed to wear House colors?"

"Oh! Well about that, His Highness wanted the Reds in the contest to wear something less plain for the Reports. His family was all right with the Reds wearing their House colors," Tiffany explains to me.

I nod my head. "Oh," is all I can think to say.

"Come on, miss, let's get you ready. We only have two hours!" Lacy exclaims as she and Sam pull at my clothes to put me in the new dress.

Two hours later, I am in the beautiful gown, and Tiffany has done wonders to my messy blonde hair, pulling it up so that it gives the illusion that a tiara is on my head.

They apply some striking red lipstick and hand me some red high heels which make me shudder at the thought of having to walk in something so high. How did anyone walk in these death-traps?

My palms are sweaty as I exit my room. I see other girls walking out of their rooms and heading downstairs towards the news room, where they record everything. As I walk to the room, I see Alexis in a dress with silky white sleeves and a flowing navy blue skirt. Emily is walking next to her, wearing a dress with a swirly pattern of green and blue. Other colors are everywhere, from black to orange to purple. I see Addaline dressed in a simple evening gown that is red and black just like mine. I want to say hi to her but before I can, I see her disappear around the corner.

"Boo." The word does what it's supposed to do and I turn around and my fists involuntarily fly forward with force. Nick yelps as my fist meets his right cheek. I gasp as I pull my hands away.

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry! I didn't mean to, it's just that you scared me and-"

"Remind me to never scare you again," Nick groans as he rubs his cheek. It was already turning a bluish-purple.

I feel mortified. I just punched the poor guy, and he was always nice to me.

"Sorry! Is there another Skonos healer around here who can heal you?" I ask worriedly as I look around.

"This is the time that I wish I was a Blonos so I could just heal myself." Nick comments, also looking around. "I don't see anyone around here, but I'll just get this checked out after the Report." Nick gives me a lop-sided grin at me. "You can punch really well."

I smile at the comment. "Thanks." He scoffs. "That wasn't a compliment. You just gave me a bruise on my face," he says dryly. I laugh.

"Well, you should have never scare me. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go sit." I point to the news room and Nick nods, smiling as he looks at me. "Good luck, Madi!" I freeze at the nickname. Only Macy really called me that. Nick looks awkward as he asks: "Can I call you that?" I pause. Nick is a nice person and I can see him as someone who could possibly be a close friend in the future, so I don't really mind. I smile at him. "Sure." I quickly walk away, but not before seeing him smile softly.

My nerves are gone, replaced by a light cheeriness, as I enter the news room and go to sit with all of the girls who are sitting in chairs. I spot Rose waving to me and I rush over to her, sitting in the chair next to her.

Rose is wearing a red dress with black lace and red jewels dividing the top from the skirt. Her dress has frilly cap sleeves and the fiery red color matches her hair.

"Hey! Glad you're here! I was stuck having to listen to these Silvers talk about their problems in life. Which basically included not being able to buy a necklace! How ridiculous!" Rose throws her arms in the air and I laugh.

"I agree with you there, Rose. These Silvers need to fix their priorities." Rose nods her head vigorously. She opens her mouth to speak again, but gapes at something behind me. Or someone.

I look behind me to see that Ahren has entered the room with his family, who are all dressed in the red and black of their House. Ahren is chatting with his sister when he looks up, glancing at the girls. His eyes land on me, and his mouth drops open. He looks...surprised to see me. Or...awed? Why would he be awed by me?

I blush as I look away from his stare. I feel relieved when I hear the camera man say we're going live in 2 minutes. I breathe in and out. Ok. I could do this.

"5.....4.......3....2....1!" The camera man yells and a red light above the camera goes on, indicating that we're now live. Josh Ritter jumps onto stage and I see he's still charming as ever, flashing a bright smile at the camera.

"Heeeello ladies and gentlemen! I'm Josh Ritter, your host. Tonight is going to be exciting, since we'll get to talk to the girls one on one." Josh flashes a smile at us, and I hear some of the girls sigh just like Sydney does at home whenever we watch a Report.

"But first, let's hear from the man of honor himself, His Highness, Ahren Calore!"

We all clap politely as Ahren shakes hands with Josh and claps him on the back. I feel shocked that they act so informal with each other. Then again, Josh is barely older than Ahren himself.

"So, Your Highness, anything exciting that has happened between you and the girls?" Josh asks, going straight to the juicy gossip.

Ahren is seated so that he faces the girls. He catches my eye and smirks. "Yes, there has been some interesting things that have happened between me and the girls."

Josh misinterprets his smirk because he looks at the girls, appalled.

"Are one of you girls getting naughty with His Highness?" We all giggle politely, but I do wonder if anyone here has done something with Ahren. Thinking of the other girls doing something with Ahren makes me feel an emotion that I can't place.

"I don't mean in that way, Josh!" Ahren exclaims as his cheeks go silver. Josh snickers.

"Oh? Then in what way?" He asks innocently. Ahren smiles.

"Well, I had a race with a lovely girl, and she lost so now she has to go on a walk around the gardens with me."

I feel myself heat up as all the girls turn to stare at me, which lets Josh know that I'm the girl Ahren is talking about.

His eyes brighten. "Ah! Lady Madison. Please, come here!"

I wipe my palms on my dress as I get up from my seat and walk down to where Josh and Ahren are. Ahren stands up, since there is only one chair, and moves to help me down the small set of steps leading to where Josh is, grabbing my hand gently. Josh awes, while the girls are silent behind me.

I sit in the seat hurriedly, worried that I might fall since my legs were now akin to jell-o.

"So! You're the lucky girl, Lady Madison. Tell me about the race."

I smile in relief. Ok, this wasn't too hard of a question.

"Well, His Highness proposed to have a running contest with me. If I won, I would get to wear pants to my Lessons." Josh and the camera crew laugh at this. "And if I lost, I had to go on a walk with His Highness. I'm just saying, I would've totally won if His Highness hadn't cheated," I mock-glare at Ahren as he smirks. "Since he didn't tell me about Sir Provos moving obstacles onto the track." Josh chuckles.

"Well, that's unfair. How could you do this, Your Highness?" Josh asks sarcastically. Ahren yells back: "It was for her own good! I need to have that walk with her!"

The girls and Josh laugh at this. "Well, have you had that walk yet?" Josh asks me. I shake my head. "No. I'm actually going after this Report." Josh smiles at me.

"Well, now I have another question for you, Lady Madison. You're one of the few lucky Reds in this competition, and you're a Five. Do you think this lowers your chance at winning?"

"No!" I exclaim too quickly. Josh looks a bit startled at my quick response.

"Oh! Someone's excited! So, you think you can win this whole thing?"

I calm myself before answering. "No, no. I just meant that being a Red or a Five won't affect my chance in this competition. Ahren is not that type of person; he judges a person based on how they are, not by their status."

The girls gasp and I frown a bit. What was it? Did I have something on my face? But then I realize my mistake; I had called Ahren by his first name on live television.

I was so dead tonight.

"Well, would you look at that? It looks like you've been getting to know him. Tell me, what do you think of Ahren?" Josh asks with a wiggle of his eyebrows.

I purse my lips, thinking of my answer carefully. I could feel Ahren's gaze on me.  Should I joke? Tell the truth?

"Ahren Calore is a sarcastic, funny guy who can be so carefree and amazing at the same time. He doesn't judge people based on their titles, and he saves girls from drowning, and makes bets with them. Sometimes, it's funny since he cares so much about people that he starts to get on your nerves. But he has good intentions, and isn't afraid to work towards those intentions. He's going to be the king this country needs."

The girls clap politely at my words, and Josh shakes my hand. "Thank you very much for talking with us this evening. You are a special girl, Lady Madison."

I nod in thanks as I head back to my seat. Rose squeezes my shoulder reassuringly. I look up and see Ahren, smiling at me with warmth. I smile back.

Although I was trying my best to stop any thoughts of the Prince of Fire from invading my mind, I knew it was going to be difficult. Even if I didn't want him in my thoughts, it seemed that he always ended up there anyways.


Hope you enjoyed this extra long chapter! Sorry I didn't update this sooner; I was really busy with schoolwork! Please vote/comment and thank you amazing readers!


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