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It was a bright sunny day and here me and Mahir are competiting against each other playing tennis.This guy is really a tennis champion.

"See I told you that I'm a champion",Mahir winked tossing the ball in his hand.

"I lost my practice...or else even I'm a good...player",I said hitting a shot which he defended very well.

"Come on Bela,just agree that I'm a better...player than you",Mahir said hitting another shot which I missed,leading him with another point.

I huffed in exhaustence,can't compete with him.He is leading in the points table with 20-11,he has 20 points and I'm still stuck at 11.

"Mahir...how can you play so well",I jumped hitting the ball.

"In college everyone used to play football...I used to play...football and tennis both",he said hitting the ball back.

See even I'm a good tennis player,but the reason I'm loosing this game is him.How can I concentrate on the game when he is in front of me.And he is looking so sexy in his vest and those specticals.

Now tell me how to concentrate on the game?The kiss which we had yesterday left a bit awkwardness no doubt,I couldn't look into his eyes while he was staring at me all the time.

"Bela you lost",Mahir said hitting the ball.

It was the game point and I lost.I looked at him and he started laughing.I shaked my head and went to have water,he also came behind me,wiping his face.

"It's OK Bela..practice with this champion,then you will also play like me",he joked.

"Hmm..very funny",I said drinking water.

He laughed and started drinking water,I looked at his adam apple which was distracting me.He looked at me and said,
"Like what you see"?he smirked.

I turned my face away blushing and said,
"No..I was..I was..just you know..looking at the score board",I said.

"It's OK,I'm all your's.You can do whatever you want with me",he winked and I smiled looking the other side.

There's a saying that three apples changed the dynamics of the world.Newton's apple,Steve Job's apple and Adam's apple.And his Adam's apple distracted me,making me loose my control.

"Let's go"?he asked.

I nodded and we both went out hand in hand.The media spotted us and were asking for pictures.

"Bela one snap"?Mahir asked.

"Oh..OK...",I said and Mahir wrapped his hand around my waist posing for the camera.

He gave a side kiss on my forehead sensing my nervousness and I smiled back.

He makes my heart flutter with no effort,my man!!

We reached home and Mahir was looking all happy today.Why?

Because he won the game?

"Looking all happy because you won the game"?I asked.

"Yes it's one of the reason and other is...",he said coming close to me.

"Other is"?I asked.

"Other one is..I'm feeling lucky.I'm lucky to get you.Today when media was snapping our pictures,your hold on my hand..I felt so blessed",he said joining our forehead.

I smiled and closed my eyes when he was tucking my baby hairs.I opened my eyes and looked at him.He was looking so in love.I held his hand which was on my face and kissed his hand.

He was shocked...his face was filled with shock and blush.I smiled still looking at him.

"I don't know what good deed I do to get you",he said joining our lips.

Now it was my turn to get shocked,his lips were on mine,moving slowly.I held his nape for support.

I read novels,they describe kiss very eloberatly,but my man's kiss is another feeling.

He was smooching my lips slowly and was seeking permission to enter my mouth.I gave up.I couldn't resist his kiss.

He shoved his tounge in mine and I gasped helding him more close.


She gasped and held me tight when I shoved my tounge inside her.She tasted so good.I tasted each and every corner of her mouth.

She doesn't know how to kiss,she was trying to copy my actions which made me smile in between the kiss.

I left her lips after savoring them for good time,we both were breathing heavily.Her face was all red,lips looking plumpy,and a constant smile on her face.

"You like our kiss right"?I asked.

She looked embarrassed,
"No..I..yes..that...I...",she was suttering and I pecked her lips one last time.

She smiled and ran blushing leaving me also blushing.I looked at her retreating figure,she looks so sexy when she wears shorts.

She is sexy!!

She went to take shower,I decided to take an off from office today.I want to spend time with Bela.I called dad and informed that I won't be coming to office for two or three days.He agreed happily.

I want to take her out for dinner today,what say?

She came all freshed wiping her hair,god this scene..this particular scene makes me loose my control.

"I'll make sandwich,is it OK"?she asked.

"Ya..OK",I said and winked at her.

She blushed running towards kitchen,I too blushed going to my room.I took a nice cold shower relaxing my heart and muscles.

We both had breakfast in silence and were now sitting in our lobby watching television.

"Um..Bela..let's go out for dinner today"?I asked.

"Dinner..dinner as in..."?she asked.

"Yes,a dinner date",I said.

She blushed and nodded.
I was getting ready for the date,never felt so excited for a date.Because never took some meetings as date.I wore my black tux,and tightened the cuffs of the crisp shirt.

I setted my hair applying hair gel,sprayed my favorite perfume Sauvage.I looked at myself for one last time and went out of my closet.

I saw Bela all ready in a black dress,matching with me.She was applying red lipstick on her kissable lips and I'm already loosing it.She looked at me and turned towards me.

"Shall we"?I asked.

She nodded shyly.Bela how will it work if you be this shy??

In ten minutes we were at our destination.Dates as in I don't like going to fancy restaurant,I love beachs.Beaches are always there for me.

I opened the door and helped her to come out.She was shocked looking at the view.

"It's...it's a beach",she said excitedly.

"Yes..come",I said helding her car.

"Sir all the arrangments are ready.Enjoy your evening sir",the manager of the resort told leaving us alone.

"Oh my god...it's a beach,I love beaches",she said so excitedly.

And I love you....I wanted to say.But just few more minutes.

"I too love beaches,that's why I choosed a beach for our date",I said.

"I love it,thank you so much",she said coming close to me.

I blushed and held her hand,
"Come let's go".

There was a candle light dinner set up,along the beauty of beach waves.It was looking so romantic.

"Mahir..this is beautiful",she said looking at the arrangements.


He pulled out the chair for me like a gentleman.Yes he is my gentleman.

I've never been on dates,a beach date that too.I'm feeling like a queen.

Chinese food,which I love was waiting for us to savour.He knows my favorite food too.Why so adorable Mahir?

"How do you know that Chinese is my favorite"?I asked.

"Hmm..I got to know,you know if you are going to marry a person we should know about them",he said and I laughed.

We had our food while talking about our life before we meet each other.He said that he has never been on a perfect date.I feel so special that I'm his perfect first date.

"So I'm your first date"?I asked.

"Yes..you are",he said giving his heart throbe smile.

I blushed,blushed because I was his first date.Though I'm not his first kiss and first...I mean you know.But this feeling is making me warm.

Being his first at least in a date!

"Thank you so much Mahir,I never had a date like this",I said.

"Me too,never had such a lovely date",he said getting up.

"Come let's walk along the beach",he said and I held his hand happily.

"Bela..I want to know about you.Tell me about you",he asked.

"I'm a simple girl Mahir,never expected anything.I got everything without asking,even you also...",I bit my tounge.

"What?Me"?he asked.

"Um..I mean..marriage",I covered up.

"Bela tell me one thing,you know me before marriage right?Because everyone knew me.You too know me right"?he asked.

"I..I told na..I..I don't know who you were.I just knew your company and dad...I never saw you before..just heard your name",I lied like a fool.

"Is it"?he looked at me suspiciously.I'm a bad lier.

"Yes..ya,I only knew your name",I said.

"Oh really,I will find it out from Vish and Rehaan.No worries",he said.

"Mahir..no",I said.

"What no?Anything wrong"?he smirked.

"Nothing.You tell about yourself",I asked.

"You already know everything about me Bela.I told you everything,even about my flings.What's more to know"?he asked.

That's true though!!

"By the way Vish told me that you love reading novels.Is it"?he asked.

"Ya I'm a book nerd.I love reading novels.I always wanted a love story just like those love stories in the books.But..",I stopped in mid.

He came close to me,cupping my face and said,
"Don't compare your love story to those you watch in movies and read in novels.They are written by script writers.Our's is written by God,and will be further written by us",he said and I felt my eyes watering.

I felt so touched,I never felt like this!

"Bela what happened?Why these tears"?he asked wiping my cheek.

"I..I never felt like this,this loved.I was a simple girl,introvert.Boy's never approached me or tried to woo me.At that age even I dreamt of a beautiful love story,but never got one.No one made me feel this special..like..like I'm their everything.You are the one..you are the only one who...who made me feel like this",I said and he smiled wiping my lone tear.

"And you are the one who made me realize what love is.You will have a beautiful love story with me Bela,you dint see my romantic side completely.You will blush everyday like a teenager,drown in my thoughts and will have secure feeling being beside me",Mahir said and I surrendered.

Never felt this feeling before and it's all new now.My man understanding me and becoming the hero for me.

"You don't know about my love Bela,there will be unlimited hugs,kisses,lazy night conversations,and the love you want",he said putting his hands around my waist,pulling me more close.

"I never felt this special Mahir",I smiled while he joined our foreheads.

"You will feel special everyday from now onwards",he said kissing my forehead.

I smiled and hugged him.I dint knew this Mahir.I only knew the Mahir Sehgal who was a model,who was always surrounded by girls.

"Bela..I want to show you something",he said.

I nodded and he made a quick call.I was waiting enjoying the beach essence along with the waves touching my legs.

"Bela..see there",Mahir said and I looked at the sky.

My heart stopped looking at the view,
'I LOVE YOU BELA'........

All the fire works were bursting around it in each and every color.

Now no can stop my tears,not even Mahir.

He loves me?He loves me!!

Mahir loves me!!

I looked at him,he was looking at me with a nervous smile,
"I love you Bela,I wanted to tell this since the day I saw you.I will always love you..like your parents and I promise I will never hurt you.I love you",he said helding my hands and I hugged him hard.

I was crushing him in my hug and he lifted me off the ground.I muffled my sobs,dint want to spoil the moment.

I came out of the hug and smiled at him with happy tears,he too was smiling.

He pulled me close and I crashed on his chisseld chest,he palmed my face and slowly kissed my lips looking at me.I closed my eyes after feeling his lips on mine.

He started it slow but got up his speed,smooching my lips.I gasped when he bit my lip and he smiled shoving his tounge inside mine.

I enjoyed this kiss as much as him and I loved this feeling.

"I know Bela it's all new for you and will take time.I will wait for your answer,I will wait for you to love me.Like all other couples even I wanted to take you on dates before our marriage,but I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable.That's why I never called or messaged,and took you out for dates.But once we are married,you entered my world of love Bela.You will enjoy every moment of your life from now",Mahir said cupping my face.

I blushed at his statements,he confessed his love for me today.He understood me way better than I expected.I'm the one still like a snail hiding in it's shell.I too don't want to disappoint him,but I will go with the flow.

I also developed feelings for him,no doubt in that.But I'm not able to express them,not able to convey him.

It will come out at the right time.My life has been good to me,giving chances when I need.I hope it happens the same way this time too.

"Thank you for everything Mahir..I feel so special,no one has surprised me like this",I said smiling at him.

He kissed my forehead and said,
"Thank you for coming in my life Bela.I love you",he said and I hid my face in his chest.

It's been a week since Mahir confessed his love to me.We both became so comfortable with each other.When I said he is a gentleman,he is a gentleman.He respects my feelings and boundaries.

He never crossed his limit,though I love his hugs and kisses,they make me go all frenzy.

Rehaan was back and here we were piled up with two wedding cake orders and one birthday cake order.

Since this is summer,mangos are in demand.The birthday cake which we have to make is a mango flavored one.Rehaan was making the mango frosting and mix,while I was baking the cake.

We started decorating the cake and our cafe bell pinged,
"Sip and Snack",Rehaan shouted from inside icing the lower tyre of the cake.

"Rehaan go and see na,they must be waiting",I said.

"OK",he went.

He came back with a bunch of roses and a letter in his hand.Someone gave roses to Rehaan?

"Bells...guess what"?he said showing me them.

"What?Someone send you roses"?I laughed.

"Your husband",he said.

"What?My husband send roses to you"?I laughed.

"Idiot,it's for you.Not for me and there's a letter too",he winked giving those roses to me.

My heart was doing a marathon.No one ever gave me roses till now.My dad gave me a single rose on their anniversary,when I saw him giving a bunch of them to my mum.

Mahir send roses for me?For me?

I took those roses and smelled them,I never actually liked roses.I know it's weird but ya,I never liked them.Maybe because no one ever gave me a rose.

"Mhmm...there's a romantic letter too",Rehaan said waving it in front of me.

"Rehaan..it's personal,you should not read it like that",I tried to snatch it away from him.

"Dear Bela...these roses are..symbol of.....",Rehaan was reading it running around our kitchen and I was trying  to grab it from him.

"Rehaan no..give it to me",I jumped trying to snatch it away.

"Ahh..idiot,my husband wrote that for me.I will complain to him that you are troubling me",I huffed.

"Oh I'm so scared Bela Sehgal..here take your letter from your husband",Rehaan said waving it again.

I became all red and stood near the kitchen counter,huffing.He laughed looking at me and came near me.

"Oho Bela Mahir Sehgal,he is all yours.Here take it,I was just teasing you know"?he said and I punched in his stomach.

"Idiot..",I joked and he laughed leaving me alone.

I opened the letter and read it,
Dear Bela,
          These roses are the symbol of love,which are given to their loved ones.Beautiful roses to my rose❤❤.

I blushed after reading it.I feel like a teenager,getting roses,love letters and all blushing.

Mahir is really so romantic,he knows very well to impress a girl not just by his looks but with his heart too.And I'm the lucky girl to get his heart.

I folded that letter and hid it in my drawer,I kept those roses in a flower vase near the counter.My heart fluttered looking at those roses.

Today Mahir was in a hurry and he rushed to his office,he dint even have his breakfast.I came in my car to my cafe and was thinking about him.But lost my time while working on the cakes.

Should I call him once?

Yeah,it's better if I do!!

I was calling him and he lifted after three rings,
"Um..hello",I said.

"Hey Bela..",he said excited.I blushed looking at his excitement.

"That..did you eat anything"?I asked.

"Yes Bela..I ate.Did you eat and reached your cafe safely"?he asked.

"Yeah I did..I and Rehaan are piled up with three cake orders,we just completed making two",I said and he laughed.

"Oh that's so sad,need any help"?he asked and I laughed.

"You?You will help"?I asked.

"Of course why not"?he said and I blushed laughing.

"I may get a bit late coming home today,so I thought to inform you",I said.

"Oh OK,but be careful.I will be waiting for you",he said.

"Yes...",I said and we both were silent.

"Mahir..I..that..thank you,thank you for the roses",I said blushing,touching my cheeks again and again.

"Beautiful roses for my beautiful rose,you liked them"?he said.

"I loved them,thank you",I said.

"I love you Bela..I..OK,I will be waiting for you",he said.

"OK,bye.Take care",I said.

"Bye,take care",he said and hanged up.

He loves me so much,I could hear it in his voice.I'm drowning in his love!!

"Fuck it's finally done",Rehaan said removing his hair mask.

We finally completed baking and designing three cakes in a day.We were tired.

"Yeah it's finally done.Our leave left a great compensation for us both",I huffed sipping on my milkshake.

"True,people just love our food",Rehaan said and I winked.

"It's 7 Bela,we need to close.You need to get home",Rehaan said getting up.

"Yeah let's put them in freezer room and close.I'm hungry too",I said getting up.

We quickly wrapped up everything and Rehaan closed the cafe.

"OK Bells go carefully,don't forget to call me after you reach",he said and I hugged him.

"You will never stop worrying about me right"?I asked.

"Never",he said kissing my forehead.He is always protective over me.He asks me to call him daily after reaching my home.

But from today onwards I will be going to 'my home'.Mine and Mahir's.

We bid bye to each other and I was in front of our flat within thirty minutes.I ringed the bell and was waiting for him to open.He must be home by now,it's 7:30.

The door opened and I saw Mahir standing,wearing an apron and with a spatula in his hand.I smiled looking at him like this.

Is he cooking?For me?

"Welcome home",he said and I entered.

"Thanks..but you're cooking"?I asked.

"Yup I am..rice and mutton curry OK"?he asked.

"Yummy..I love it",I licked my lips.His eyes softened looking at my lips.


God...only I know how I'm controlling myself looking at her lips.

"Yeah came early today so thought to cook for us",I said.

"You know cooking"?she asked.

"Yes of course why not?In fact I love cooking,learned it when I was in abroad",I said and she looked impressed.

"Get freshed and come Bela,you must be tired today.Dinner's almost ready",I said going back to kitchen.

"OK..I will be down in 10",she said going up.

The rice was cooked and I garnished the mutton curry with some coriander leaves.We are Punjabi's,we eat a lot of meat and I love non-veg.Bela too loves it since she is also a Punjabi.

I was setting the table thinking about her.She is a one beautiful girl who deserves everything.

I've send her roses today,she needs to feel special daily.And rose is a best symbol of expressing our love!!

Trust me..I've never gave roses to any women except my mom and Kuhu.I slept with plenty of girls..but this one girl Bela..is making me a lover boy and I'm totally loving it.

I saw her entering the dining hall,she was looking all fresh wearing her night gown which reached till her knees.I wonder how she looks in a sexy lingerie?

Pervert...going all wild just looking at her!!

"Hmm..it's smells so good",she said and I smiled.

She took her seat and I sat beside her,putting some rice and curry in the plate.

"Mahir..I...can..",she said when I forwarded my hand to feed her.

"Please..let me"?I asked.

She nodded blushing!!

I made her eat the first bite,her lips touched my fingers when she ate.I was feeling so loved.

"God...it's really tasty",she hummed chewing.

"Thank you,come on go for it",I said forwarding another morsel with my hand.

Her lips were eventually touching my fingers and fuck I was turning on.She was enjoying eating,she must be really hungry after a tiring day.

"You also eat Mahir",she said taking another plate.

"No need of another plate,I will have in this only",I said licking my lips,looking straight into her eyes.

She blushed swallowing the food while I was licking my fingers slowly.

"The food is very tasty,never knew you could cook",she said drinking water.

"Thank you wifey,I'm glad you liked it",I said eating myself.

We both completed eating,I cleaned the kitchen and Bela helped me in that.We both were sitting in our balcony enjoying the view.

I was sitting on the couch and she was leaning against my chest,I was caressing her hairs slowly.

"Mahir"?she called me.

"Hmm...",I hummed putting her hairs to one side.

"You know daily when I get back to home,my mom used to set the table and they would be waiting for me to come.My dad used to be ready with the food to feed me.I thought I will miss those moments forever.But today..I felt the same affection..the same feeling when you were feeding me with your hands",she said turning towards me.

I smiled and kissed her forehead,
"You are my everything Bela,it's my responsibility to make you feel home and love you like your dad.Because I know what a father means to her daughter..and I will love you like that,you will not feel any void in my love",I said caressing her cheek.

She smiled after hearing this,she scooted a bit close to me and damn...I can't control.She was sitting in between my legs indeed,and I felt the pain when she moved.


I kept my hands around her waist and made her sit comfortablly joining our foreheads.

"I won't just speak to you about how much I love you,I will show you in every possible way",I said and she smiled.

She hugged me and I scooted her close to my like a baby,our bodies teasing each other and God...I need to control.I lifted her in my arms and she gasped.

"Mahir..put me down",she gasped holding onto my neck.

In return I just pecked her lips and started moving to our room,with her in my arms.She wrapped her legs around me.

We entered our room and I closed the door with my leg moving towards the bed,while Bela was all red hiding her face in my neck.

I made her lay on the bed and hovered on her,her chest was heaving up and down,and that caught my attention.She was looking at me all shy and tensed too.

I tucked her baby hairs and she held my biceps,I leaned down and pecked her lips,resting my lips on her more than needed.I could hear her heartbeat.

Her hands went around my neck and I started moving my lips slowly.I kissed her so slowly and sensually,I love feeling her lips against mine.

The kiss was getting hot,I tilted my head and deepend the kiss.She held my vest in her fist and was enjoying my kiss.

I slowly got up from her,still kissing her and removed my vest in one swift motion.I threw it somewhere and hovered on her again.

Her hands rested on my chest and I stopped kissing her,she was looking all hoody after my kiss,her lips plumpy,breathing heavily and her heaving chest was teasing me.

I gave her one last peck and settled beside her,scooting her close to me.
"Mahir...I...I'm sorry..I'm still not ready for it",she said coming close to me.

"It's OK Bela..I would wait forever just to feel your touch",I said pulling her close to me,keeping my one hand around her waist.

I kissed her forehead,
"Sleep Bela,you are tired today",I said.

She kept her hand around me and slept on my hand,leaning on my chest.

"Good night Mahir",she said and closed her eyes.

These little gestures from her matters to me more than our intimacy.

What people think about is sex.It's not always about sex.It's the intimacy we want.To be touched,looked at,smiled at,admired,laugh with someone.

Feel safe,feel like someone's really got you.

That's what we crave for!!!

Hey guys!!

It's getting🔥🔥🔥🙈🙈. Their dark romance phase will start from here,people who are uncomfortable can skip(I know no one would be😆😆).So comment your thoughts on this chapter😉😉.But please don't do one word comments yaar,I don't understand it🙄🙄.

Since the update was ready I updated,but please don't be a silent reader and please vote.

Vote,comment and share.

Thank you.

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