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Today Mahir is so worried about his event.It's not for the first time that they are launching another collection.But Mahir is being hyper about it.

"Mahir..don't worry,everything will go well",I said making him wear his blazer.

"I'm..I'm not worried Bela..I'm not",he said.

"Mahir..this is not the first time you are launching a new collection.So why are you so tensed?"I asked.

"You remember?Last time K had a wardrobe malfunction?"Mahir asked.

"Yeah,I do remember.What about that?"I asked.

"Just because the show was paused in between..we faced a loss of nearly ten crores.And that's why I worked so hard to compensate that loss",he said.

"My God.Ten crores?"I asked feeling shocked.

"Yes Bela,we saw a hesitancy from the buyers to buy that material and that collection too.But dad and I made it look better and explained them that it was just a small measurements cliche",he said.

"Dad must be so worried about it.Now I understand why you were working day and night",I said cupping his face.

"Yeah..Mark was not at the fault but",Mahir whispered slowly.

"What?"I asked.

"No..I mean..Mark had worked very hard for this show.I just hope nothing goes wrong",Mahir said.

"Trust me Mahir,all your hardwork will pay off today.I'm sure this collection will be more successful than the last one.And our company THE WHITE will shine bright as usual",I assured kissing his nose.

"Yes,even I'm confident about it",he said wrapping his hands around my waist and pulled me closer.

"And why are you not walking for the show today Mr.CEO?"I asked.

"Hmm..because I have to be the CEO today",he said rubbing our noses and I smiled.

"Oh..then you will be the best CEO today",I said and he pecked my lips.

"Are you sure you don't want to attend the show today?"he asked.

"No baby,Rehaan was taking care of the cafe for a whole week alone.He will murder me if I won't go today",I said and he laughed.

"Hmm...shall I talk to Rehaan then?"he asked.

"No...no,I have to go to cafe today.We have two big cake and snack orders for party.And even for our after party also,so I'm packed up",I said.

"You sure?Because even mom is going to attend the event today",he said.

"Even I want to come Mahir,but work first",I said.

"Hmm...ya work first",Mahir said nuzzling my neck.

"OK Bela listen,the event will complete by afternoon and there's an after party at the evening.Try to come to the party at least",Mahir asked.

"Hmm..I don't think so I can baby.I told you na,I need to bake two cakes and we have to prepare snacks.So I can't",I said feeling bad.

Because even I want to attend our company's event.But I dint go to my cafe last week and I can't leave everything on Rehaan.I have to get back to work.

"OK..I understand.But one last request",he said.

"And what is it?"I asked pulling his cheeks.

"Today I want to show you something.There's a surprise for my dear wife",he said kissing my cheek.

"Oh..surprise?And what is that?"I asked.

"It won't be a surprise if I tell you what it is.Come on baby",he said and I laughed.

"OK..so you have a surprise for me.So?"I asked.

"So..I want you to be home early today",he said.

"What will I do getting home early?You will be in the party Mahir",I said.

"No I will not.I will be in the party only for some time.Then I will get back to home to spend my special day with my love",he said rubbing his stubble and I giggled.

"Haww...you are going to ditch the party?"I asked.

"Yeah I'm going to ditch the party for my love.I want to celebrate my success with you,only you",he said tucking my hairs back.

"OK then,I will come back home soon and will be waiting for you",I said tracing his lips with my finger tips.

"Hmm..and by the way you are glowing so much Bela..are you planning to make me late?"he asked moving his hands inside my top.

"No way Mr.Mahir..I'm not",I said removing his hands.

"Your lips are looking so plumpy",he said tracing his fingers on my lips.

"Yeah..only because of you",I said and he smiled joining our lips.

I moved close to him and started moving my lips against his.Our lips are just made for each other,they fit into each other so perfectly like a puzzle pieces.

I sucked his lower lip and he did the same with mine.I shoved my tongue inside him and he started sucking it.

We kissed with full love and passion until we were breathless,
"You..you will get late",I panted resting my forehead against his.

"It's worth it",he breathed smiling.

"Mahir..now go",I smiled.

"Hmm..OK.I will miss you in today's event.But I will be back in the evening baby",he winked.

"OK,by what time will you come back?"I asked buttoning his blazer.

"I will be back by dinner time,let's go out for dinner today",Mahir said smiling.

"OK then,that's good",I said.

"And Bela..your neck,breasts and belly are filled with my marks.I'm sorry if I've hurt you",he said caressing my cheek.

"Baby..you never hurt me.I just love your marks on me.Maybe they are painful,but it just shows you're love.And I always want your marks on me,I belong only to you and you belong only to me",I said helding his hands.

"Only to you",Mahir said cupping my face.

"I love you Bela and I don't know what would I've been without you",he said and tears brimmed in my eye's.

"I love you too Mahir,I never express my feelings to anyone except you.And I don't want anyone except you",I said and he hugged me.

I hugged him and sighed feeling him.This man changed me a lot,not in a bad way but in a good way.He showed me who I am.

"OK..now go and all the very best,I will be waiting for you",I said pecking his lips.

"Thank you Bela,I will meet you at night",he said and left for office.

I smiled to myself and got ready for going to my cafe.We need to make two cakes today god damn it.

"Bela..I missed working with you",Rehaan said putting another tyre of cake.

"Me too Rehaan,I missed working",I said spreading the cream on it.

"I want to see today's show Bela,I want to see Mahir walking again",Rehaan said.

"No Rehaan,today Mahir is not walking.He gotta take care of the event",I said spinning the cake while pouring some blueberry extract.

"Oh..but that day,what a show it was.He and Andy uncle are really so hardworking.No wonder why their company is on top",Rehaan said and I smiled.

"Yeah,Mahir has been working very hard to come over all losses they faced.Hope this show go on well",I said.

"Yeah and are you not going to the party today?"Rehaan asked.

"No.I can't leave you with a pile of work and go.We have to prepare some crackers for today's party",I said.

"Hmm..owner's wife is not attending the party,instead baking and cooking cracker's for the party",Rehaan said and I laughed.

"The CEO himself will not attend the party today",I said with a proud smile.

"You mean Mahir will not attend the party?How is that possible?"Rehaan asked.

"Means..Mahir will attend the party only for sometime.And then we both are going to celebrate his success",I said.

"Offo...so both are going to spend some quality time I see",Rehaan said whistling and I blushed.

"Hmm..yeah..and he said he planned some surprise for me",I said remembering his words.

"Offoo...Bela..look at your red cheeks",Rehaan said.

"OK..OK..now it's enough,we have lot of work to do.Call these customers and tell them their order is ready",I said and Rehaan laughed nodding his head.

"OK..Madam..so that means you will leave soon today?"he asked.

"Yeah..I will leave by seven in the evening.We have to deliver these snacks to the party,or else I would leave by five.I could take some rest",I said huffing.

"Yeah yeah you should take rest..you won't be getting any rest at the night",Rehaan said.

"Rehaan you jerk...",I said throwing a cloth towards him.

"Idiot...",I huffed and he laughed walking out.


"Mahir..you checked upon them all?"dad asked.

"Yes dad..I just spoke to them and all are ready",I said.

"Once go and check up on K also..I guess she is still nervous about last time's incident",dad said and I nodded.

"Vyom..come with me",I said and we both went to check upon K.

"K..is everything fine?"Vyom asked as hairstyler was styling her hair.

"Yes Vyom..everything is fine.I'm excited about the show",she said looking so calm.

"That's good.This time there is no problem with the measurements right?"I asked setting her shoulder straps and she blushed.

"Yes Mahir..everything is good.Once can you tie this properly?"she asked blushing.

I sighed and tied her waist bands of the gown properly,my finger's were brushing against her skin,but can't help.I can't take any chances this time.I don't want another wardrobe malfunction.

"It's done,you are ready",I said and she nodded blushing.

Vyom was looking at me angrily!

"OK..all the best.This has to be another success for all of us",I said looking at K.

"Sure Mahir,we all are in this together",K said helding my hand.

I pulled my hand back and she glared at me angrily.

"Where is your wife?Bela is not coming today?"K asked.

"No she is not coming.She is busy",I said.

"OK Mahir..let's go and take care of other's.Even Annu is not here today,she has to take leave on this important day only",Vyom said rolling his eye's.

"She said she is not well.I told her to take leave,so don't go on her Vyom.I'm here and many are there working on this event today.So don't worry",I said.

"Let's go",I said giving one last look to K and her eye's beemed with some blush and happiness.

We were going to back stage to meet other models,
"Mahir..what was that?"Vyom asked me.

"What?"I asked shrugging my shoulders.

"Why were you being so touchy with K?"Vyom asked.

"I was not being touchy OK?I was just setting her dress,I don't want another wardrobe malfunction in my show.We have invested a lot on this show and I don't want to step into losses again",I said.

"You are right.But I observed K's expressions when you were setting her dress today.She is still in love with you Mahir",Vyom said.

"So what?I don't care.It's her problem,not mine.I don't care weather she is still in love with me or not.I love my wife and my wife loves me back.That's all I care about",I said angrily.

"Yeah I know..come on",Vyom said and we went to meet to dad.

"Dad we checked on everyone,all are ready",I said.

"OK that's good.Vyom once go and check on the security systems and Mahir you come with me to meet Riley",dad said.

"No..no..dad.I will go and check the security system,Vyom you go with dad",I said.

"OK..uncle let's go",Vyom said and they both went to meet Riley.

I got into the elevator and reached the minus floors.I knocked on the security door's but on one opened them.


I pushed my ID inside the door from down and waited.And finally the door opened,
"Please come in sir",the security head said and I stepped in.

"Good job guy's,don't open the doors until and unless it's me.I will inform you all when I'm leaving the party.That time you all can work normally.But until then,I want you all to observe everything carefully",I said.

"Yes sir,as you say",he said leading me inside.

"Did Annu come?"I asked.

"Yes sir,Annu mam arrived and she is already on work",he said.

I looked at Annu typing something on the keyboard fastly.Well she is a hacker and is fast in system work.

"Annu",I called her and she looked at me.

"Mahir sir..I've been searching for some old data.It could help us",Annu said.

"Yes Annu,do whatever you want.But I want all the proofs neat and clean.And today..any problem so far?"I asked.

"No sir,so far I don't think there's any problem",Annu said coming towards me.

She tripped and I held her.She rested her hands on my chest but she slipped because of her stilettos and fell down,making me also fall on her.

"Oh God",Annu hissed circling her hands around my nape.

"Annu..Annu are you OK?"I asked getting up.

"Yes..I'm..I'm..sorry sir,I just tripped",she said and I helped her getting up.

"I'm so sorry sir...I dint mean to..I'm sorry",Annu apologized dusting my blazer.

"It's OK Annu,are you OK?"I asked.

"I'm good sir",she said.

"OK Mahir sir,it's time for the event.You should go.Just inform us before you leave from the party",Annu said.

"Sure Annu.You all take care and work carefully.There won't be any problem or disturbance for you all",I said.

"Yes sir,but please don't forget to inform us when you are leaving.Just leave me a small message",Annu said.

"OK Annu.Take care",I said and walked out of that room.

I reached our event hall and saw my mom and dad looking at the show.The show has already started.

"Mom..you came",I said hugging her.

"Of course Mahir,I want to see your show today.It's your hardwork",mom said hugging me.

""Yes mom..I and your husband worked very hard for this show",I said and dad smacked my shoulder.

"This old man still works hard and throws orders at my son.Not fair you old man",mom said side hugging me and we laughed.

"You are calling me old man?Oh Sumi..still there are some people who fall for my charm's",dad smirked.

"Really?I don't think so",mom said making me laugh.

"OK mom..stop teasing your husband now..come on,enjoy the show.Yuvi is going to walk",I said and she looked excited.

"Yeah..my Yuvi is going to walk.And Mahir..Bela will not come?"mom asked.

"No mom,she is busy with many orders today and even our party treats also.I will leave the party soon today and spend some time with her",I said.

"You both are my love's Mahir.Spend some quality time with my daughter and celebrate your success with her",Mom said kissing my cheek.

"Of course mom..come,let's watch the show",I said and we all sat looking at the show.

The show was going on so well.This new collection has been launched and everyone are already into it.The models walking for our company did a great job in flaunting the clothes.

"Mahir..this is rocking",my dad said.

"Yes dad..just look at the audience",I said.

The crowd is going gaga over the show.We are the top company and people always rush to get the ticket's for our show.And this collection will be the most successful one.

"Mahir..I'm so proud of you.You and you're team worked so hard for this..and it paid off today",mom said helding my hands.

"Yes mom..all this credit goes to my team...they faced my wrath and worked so hard.I'm proud of them",I said.

"So guys..how was the walk show?"Vyom asked and the crowd cheered.

"OK..now your favorite CEO come your favorite model Mahir Sehgal wants to talk a few words for you all",and the crowd cheered more.

"Vyom?"I laughed looking from down.

"Go Mahir..just go",dad said smiling.

"Go beta,the crowd is missing you",mom encouraged me.

I sighed and walked up to the dias,
"This bastard...",I cursed Vyom which was audible in the mic,making the whole crowd breaking into laughter.

"OK..so hello everyone.How are you all?"I asked speaking in the mic.

"OK..so first of all..I'm sorry that I couldn't walk today.I'm more of a CEO today,I apologize for that",I laughed and they all cheered.

"Thank you everyone for making this a huge success guys.As a company and a brand..we ensure that safety and comfort are the first priority.Good clothes means comfort.So...thank you for always trusting and loving our brand",I said and everyone applauded for me.

"A whole team works to make me a successful man and my company number one.I would like to thank all my team members....Mark..come on",I shouted calling him up.

"No..Mahir..no",Mark said.

Yuvi laughed and dragged Mark upstairs,
"This is Mark,the soul of our show and company.You all already know him,but this time this guy has worked his ass off for this collection.Cheers to Mark",I shouted and everyone were cheering non stop.

"And next..Riley..",I called him and he was coming up.

"And this guy makes us all look good for your sight.Thank you man",I hugged Riley.

"Oh MS..don't make me emotional",Riley said.

I called up some models,our make up team and all the employees who worked along with me in this project.

"So this is my team..Oh wait..where's K?"I asked Yuvi.

"She is standing there and watching",Yuvi said.

I walked towards her and called her,
"K come on",I said helding her hand.

"No Mahir..it's OK..I'm fine",she said not wanting to come on the dias.

"K..just come",I said dragging her towards the stage.

"And last but not least...K.Who has always played a huge part in our success.Thank you so much K",I said side hugging her.

"Thank you Mahir",she hugged me back and the crowd cheered loudly.

I backed off and gave her the mic to speak.Maybe I don't like her,but she has been working hard for the show.So giving her some credit won't hurt.Anyways I have some unfinished business left with her!

"Finally a very big thanks to you all,I love you",I said joining my hands in front of everyone.

"There's an after party followed by this event,enjoy everyone",I said and walked down the stage.

Of course only people who have passes can enter that party,along with our shareholders,fellow companies and all.

It's a success party of THE WHITE!

I messaged Annu that the event is over and the party is about to start.It was already five in the evening.

"Mahir beta..at least call Bela to attend this party",mom asked.

"No mom it's OK..I will be taking her out for dinner today",I blushed.

"Oh..separate celebrations",my dad hooted.

"OK..as you people wish.By the way where is Annu?I haven't seen her today?"mom asked.

"She has caught up flu mom,she is on leave.I told her to take rest",I said.

"Oh..she is doing good right?It's been many days meeting her",mom said.

"Yes mom..she is good.Her health improved a lot and she is...all well",I replied.

"Yeah,she has to be happy always.Don't know what happened to that poor girl,she never smiles whole heartdly",mom said.

Now she is more happy mom.She has found the love of her life!

"Don't worry about her mom.She is all good.Enjoy the party..see you again",I said kissing her cheek.

"Dad..attend everyone.I will attend other's",I said and walked towards Vyom and Yuvi.

"Hey buddies",I said putting my hands on their shoulder.

"Enjoying the party?"I asked.

"Yeah..very well",Vyom said lifting his glass.

"Mahir bhai..why are you all dry today?Where's your drink?"Yuvi asked.

"No..no drinks today",I said.

"Come on,we are celebrating our company's success.We need a toast.Grab a drink MS",Riley said making everyone laugh.

"No guys..I have plans with my wife today.So I need to be sober",I said and they all hooted.

"Oh..that's why you were saying from morning that you need to leave early?Ohoo...someone is going to have pleasure all night",Mark said and they all were hooting.

"Guys..shut the fuck up,lower your voice",I laughed looking around.

"Yeah,I have plans with Bela.So I will be leaving after sometime",I said.

"But you can make it up for one drink,that won't hurt",Vyom said getting a whisky glass near my lips.

"No..bastard",I laughed moving away.

"Guys come on,he is having plans with his wife.Why to spoil their day?But a coke will do good right?"K asked looking at me.

Well..a carbonated drink doesn't hurt!

"OK...that's fine",I said.

I got a message from Annu that so far everything was going good.I sighed in relief.

"Here Mahir..your coke",K said giving me a glass of coke.

"And cheers to our company WHITE",everyone raised a toast and we all shared the drinks together.

"OK guys,you people enjoy and take care.I will leave now.Inform mom and dad Yuvi.Tell them I left to home",I said.

"Sure Mahir bhai,enjoy and have a good day..oops..I mean good night",Yuvi said and I smiled.

"Idiot..get lost",I said and started moving towards my car.

"Driver..let's go",I said and hopped into my car.

I traced my fingers on my left chest and smiled to myself.I'm coming Bela!


We delivered both the cakes and snacks to our company's party.We called it a day and closed our cafe.It was already seven in the evening when I reached home.

Mahir said he will be coming by eight,he must be on his way.I smiled to myself and took a hot shower.I was thinking to wear a saree as Mahir loves watching me in them.

I was a selecting a saree for myself and looked at my reflection in the mirror.I opened my bathrobe and traced the reddish colored marks on my belly.

Mahir is careful with my feelings and rough with my desire!

I blushed and started getting ready,draping the saree around me.I wore few bangles and did a light make up.

I saw today's event on the television.Mahir was looking so happy while giving his speech.His hard work finally paid off today.

They are on high success.And hope this will continue further,showering him with more success and happiness.

I got ready and was waiting for Mahir in our lobby.It's half past eight.He said he will be here by eight.

Maybe he must have caught up in the party.It may take time sometimes,we never know.And him being the CEO,people will be keeping him busy.

I was reading a Forbes magazine..actually I was reading Mahir's interview in it.It was an old interview,maybe two years back.I was reading all his interviews to kill some time till he comes.

It's half past nine now.Where is he?

"Where is daddy?Mommy is waiting for him",I talked with my fishes while giving food to them.

"OK..let's wait for some more time,dad must be busy",I said ticking the bowl.

I don't know when I dozed off sitting in the lobby.But when I woke up,it was half past eleven and Mahir is yet to come.

Oh God...is something wrong?

I searched for my phone and dialed his number.It was switched off.I tried again but I was getting the same response.

Fear crawled inside me.What if something happened to him?

No..no..nothing will happen to him!

I buckled myself up and dialed Yuvi,
"Yuvi it's me",I spoke.

"Yes Bela babhi,you at this time?Is everything OK?"Yuvi asked.

"Yeah..everything is fine.Are you still at the party?"I asked.

"Yes babhi",he answered.

"Oh..Yuvi..is Mahir still in the party?"I asked hoping for a positive answer.

"Um..no babhi.Mahir bhai left long back.He was coming to home.Is he not with you?"Yuvi asked.

My heart dropped into my stomach!

"Oh..no..nothing like that,I just called casually..thank..thank you Yuvi",I said and hanged up even before he could answer.

Mahir is not present even in the party.And Yuvi is telling that he left the party long back.Where is he?

What should I do now?

Should I inform dad,Yuvi and all?

No..no..they all will get worried.

I wiped my tears and dialed Mahir again.His phone is ringing now,
"Pick up Mahir...pick up,I'm worried about you",I spoke to myself.

I don't know how many times I called him,but there was no response from him.I sighed and sat on the couch.

I will wait for him.He said he will come and surprise me.I will wait for him however long it takes.

I leaned on the couch and closed my eye's.He will come back,Mahir will come.Nothing will happen to him.

He must be in some work..or some emergency with Annu.That's it,nothing more than that.He will come..he will come to me.

I drifted to sleep waiting for him.I jolted suddenly when I heard clouds howling and growling.I patted my cheeks and went to close the slider of our balcony.It was two in the night and there is no clue of him.My heart is beating so fast.

I heard our door bell ringing,
"Mahir...Mahir has come",I spoke to myself and hurriedly walked towards our door.

I calmed my breaths,wiped my tears and opened the door.The sight in front of me made my heart stop.

I saw our driver helding Mahir and supporting him to stand.Mahir was not in conscious.He is not looking good.

"Wha...what happened to him?"I asked looking at Mahir's attire.

"Mam that..sir..first please let us in mam",our driver said and I moved aside.

He walked towards our room and placed Mahir carefully on our bed.Mahir's face was looking worn out,his cheeks having prominent red lipstick marks.I could smell a ladies perfume from him.

Tear's were flowing from eye's looking at him in this condition,breaking my heart into million pieces.

"Whe..where was he all this time?"I asked the driver who was staring at me.

"Mam that..sir..he was...",he was stuttering.

"Tell me properly...where was Mahir all this time?"I asked sternly.

"Mam sir left the party soon and we were heading here only.But..but sir told me to drop him somewhere else",he said not looking at me.

"And...and what is that place?"I asked muttering up some courage.

"Mam..I dropped sir at K mam's penthouse",he said.

I can't process this...did I hear it correct?

"What....K's place?"I asked in a weak tone.

"Yes mam..I dropped sir at her place at eight.I just got a call from K mam to pick sir up and drop him here.I guess sir is drunk mam..I'm..I'm..sorry",he looked at me with a pity face.

"OK..thank you..thanks for dropping him home.You can go now",I said wiping my tears.

He left our home and I locked the door.I can't believe it..I just can't believe it.

Mahir was with K all this time?

Mahir is sleeping,his cheeks had lipstick marks and he was smelling like a women's fragrance.His hair was all messy..and he smelled the same way.

The same way he smells after...after we make love.

I covered my mouth and broke into fistful of sobs,
"No..no..this can't happen..",I collapsed on the floor.

"Noo....",I shouted looking at Mahir who was sleeping peacefully.

"Why Mahir..why?"I shouted banging my hands on the wooden floor.

"Why Mahir..why did you do this to me..why?",I cried sitting near the foot of our bed.

Mahir and K!

They both..made love?

"Agh..why Mahir?Why?",I cried all my guts out.

I sniffed and sat against the glass wall,hugging my knees to myself.

"What did I do Mahir...why...why have you done this...you don't love me?Why?"I cried hitting my head against the cold glass wall.

It started pouring heavily outside.My heart is also crying like those clouds.

I'm shattered today!

I'm broken!

It's all over...Mahir with K..it's all over!

I kept crying the whole night looking at him.It was almost six in the morning,I wiped my eye's and slowly walked towards him.His lips were looking..I don't want to talk about it.

I saw few nail scratches on his neck and wrists also.I dint lay my finger on him.I sobbed looking at him.

"Why did you do this to me Mahir...answer me?"I shouted laying my head on the bed,sitting on the floor.

And just like that his phone pinged.I dared and took his phone.It was a message from her..K.

She sent a picture of her in a bathrobe,showing off some part of her cleavage filled with red marks and I cringed looking at it.And the message read,
'Thank you so much for making our night beautiful Mahir.It just reminded me of our old days.I love you'.

I threw his phone on the bed as if it burned my hand.I'm feeling so dirty right now.

He touched another women and touched me!

I ran into the washroom crying my heart out and started taking a shower.I was rubbing my body so hard that it's stinging when hot water was touching my skin,
"I don't want your touch on me",I cried rubbing my hands and body roughly.

I don't know for how long I kept assaulting my body in the shower.I came back dressed and looked at his sleeping figure.

The heartbreaking moment when you realize that you gave your all and it wasn't enough.

I wiped my tears and stepped out of this home.I got into my car and started towards my parents home.

It's over!

Hey guys!

Umm...nothing..just have a good day and be safe.And don't try to plot any murder plans for me after this😅😅.I love you all❤

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