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"Mark,this brooch?"I asked.

"Yeah just a second",Mark brought another brooch and fixed it on my coat.

We were getting ready to attend the award ceremony.We came back today early morning from our vacation and headed to mom's home.Bela was also getting ready,my stylists and mom are helping her.

"Mahir bhai,you look fab",Yuvi said spraying some cologne on me.

"Thanks Yuvi,thank you for managing work for a week",I said.

"Don't be formal Mahir bhai"Yuvi said.

"I just can't believe it Yuvi,our company,my modeling",I was still in a shock.

"All this success will come finding for you Mahir bhai,it knows how much hardwork you do",Yuvi said.

"This is the thing I like in this bastard,he puts his whole ass and work",Vyom came in with my shoes.

"Asshole,shut up",I laughed.

They both laughed and I was looking at my shoes collection,
"What to wear now?"I was confused.

"Actually Mahir,many companies are ready to style you're shoes today.So you prefer any new one's?"Vyom asked.

"There here?"I asked.

"Yeah,we received them in the morning.Just try out few",Vyom said opening new boxes of shoes.

"OK this looks cool",I said trying on a pair.

"Yeah this looks perfect",Yuvi said.

"Just mention them when you give credits,I will send them a message",Vyom said.

"Done",I said wearing them.

"Where is Bela?"he asked.

"She is getting ready,mom and others are helping her",Yuvi said setting his bow tie.

"I'm so happy about our company today Mahir,and now you are the top model",Vyom said.

"Yeah I am",I laughed.

"And ya,by the way who is being awarded as the best model female?"I asked.

"A model from Russia,I don't know her.But guess what?"Yuvi said.

"What?"I asked.

"Even K is being awarded today",he said.

"What?She is no more in our company,how did she get awarded?"I asked shocked.

"She was in our company,this is our credit and our award too",Vyom said.

"So should I share my stage with her?"I asked.

"Unfortunately yes,we don't have a choice",Yuvi said.

"Fuck this",I cursed.

"Mahir..all ready my son?"Dad came in.

"Dad",I hugged him.

"I'm so proud of you Mahir,I started this business and you made it a global company today.I'm so proud of you",dad patted my head.

I'm so lucky to be the reason for his happiness!

"Mahir bhai...",Kuhu and RJ came in with Ruhi baby.

"Heyyy...",I hugged her.

"And now brace yourself Mahir bhai,your wife is coming",Kuhu said helding my hand.

"He will pass out looking at her tonight,who will receive his award?"RJ said and we all laughed.

I was waiting for Bela!

Mom walks in after some time and I know,Bela is going to come now.

"Mom...",I hugged her.

"My baby",she said kissing my forehead.

I'm still a baby for her,forever!

I smiled looking at everyone happy,I turned and saw Bela standing nervously.

I became more confident after looking at her.She was looking like an angel in that white,pearl etched gown,which is a strapless.The air from my lungs knocked out.

Breathe Mahir...breath!

"Wow....just look at her",Kuhu said.

"Bela you are so beautiful",my mom kissed her forehead.

"Bela babhi..you look so cute and hot",Yuvi said making everyone laugh.

She looked at me and blinked,
"Mahir..I think there's a drool near your lips",Vyom joked making everyone laugh.

Drool my ass!

My mouth went dry after looking at her!

I walked to her and now everyone were looking at us anticipatingly,
"You..you look gorgeous",I said caressing her cheek.

"Woahooo...",they all started hooting.

And they are my family!

"Just breathtaking",I said and kissed her forehead.

She smiled and placed her hands on my chest,
"Thank you",she said looking at me.

Mom walked to us and made us stand beside each other.She took a pinch of khol from her eye and kept it behind mine and Bela's ear,
"No evil eye's should fall on you both",she said.

I smiled looking at Bela,she smiled back.

We all reached the event place and gave some snaps near the red carpet.I dint leave Bela's hand for a second.She is not used to wholesome paparazzi and today it's their night.

My team has reached before me and they were waiting,
"Mahir..I'm so excited looking at this",Bela said looking around when we were walking into the hall.

"Yeah and our company is going to get an award here today baby,keep that excitement up",I said and she smiled.

We were walking ahead and our family was behind us.I saw Mark,Riley and Annu waiting for us.All three were looking so presentable and tensed too,but their happiness was showing on their faces.

Bela's hand was around my arm and she dint leave me even for a second,
"Hey guy's",I called them.

"Mahir sir",Annu squealed and ran towards me.

She hugged me and Bela removed her hand from my arm.I hugged Annu back,
"Congratulations Mahir sir",Annu said hugging me.

"Thank you Annu",I said patting her head.

She backed off from the hug and I looked at Bela,she looked pissed,
"I'm..I'm..sorry for this",Annu said eyeing Bela.

But Bela just looked away!

"It's OK Annu,thank you",I smiled.

"MS baby..see you did it",Riley came and gave a bone crushing hug.

"Ugh..Riley..easy dick",I said stumbling back and people watching us laughed.

"See you did just as I said and today you did it MS",Riley squealed.

"Yes yes..I did just like you said",I said and our family laughed.

"And still this MS should learn a lot from you,right Riley?"mom asked and we laughed.

"Yes mam,alot.MS should learn a lot more",he said making everyone laugh.

"Heartily congrats once more sir",Mark said giving me a hug.

"Thank you so much man,it couldn't be possible without you three.So thank you",I said looking at them.

"Mahir,the event has already started.Let's go",dad said and we all walked in.

I held Bela's hand and walked in,
"Bela..I'm sorry for Annu",I said.

"That's fine Mahir,she was just congratulating you",Bela said giving a smile.

More of a plastic smile!

Soon we all were seated and the awards ceremony started.Many other companies,models,CEO's were receiving their awards and we were applauding for everyone.

I saw K in the front line,applauding like everyone.I need to share my stage with her for fuck sake today.And Bela don't know about this,
"What happened Mahir?"Bela asked.

"Um..nothing baby",I said kissing her hand.

"And this year..we have a new company joining the list.And put your hands together for THE WHITE",the host said.

Everyone were applauding and I could hear their appreciations,
"We request the CEO of THE WHITE to come and accept the much deserving award",the host said.

"Mahir...congrats",Bela said hugging me and I hugged her tightly.

"Thank you baby",I said kissing her forehead.

"My son..",dad hugged me.

Everyone were hugging me and I walked to the dias,I took the award and the crowd applauded,
"Here we go,the youngest and hottest CEO",the host said making everyone laugh.

"Congratulations young man,many more to come",an elderly businessman greeted me while giving the award.

"Thank you sir",I thanked him.

"Mr.Mahir Sehgal,you can't leave with out your speech",the host joked making everyone laugh.

"OK..well,I'm really short of words right now.But thank you so much for this",I said raising my award.

"Me,my employees,my dad..we all have put a lot of effort for making it till here..and we made it.Thank you so much",I said and saw my family standing and applauding for me.

"Any words for the future entrepreneurs who take you as their inspiration?"the host asked.

"Well there is,but dad,mom don't kill me for my language now",I said breaking the crowd in laughter.

"OK so..these are not my words,but I can relate to them.Not only me but every hardworking person could relate it.So as a great man said,
'Everyone congratulates you for getting pregnant but nobody knows how many times you got fucked'I said.

The crowd was giving a standing ovation for my words,making me also laugh.My mom was showing her hand to beat me and I raised my hands,
"Sorry for the language but it's true",I said.

"Wow..that was a very big and valid inspiration for everyone",the host said.

"Thank you once again",I said and handed over the mic.

"Mr.Mahir Sehgal,we request you to stay back on the dias please",the host said.

"OK",I stood there showing my award to Bela.

Her eye's were glistening with tears.She pressed her first two fingers on her lips and kissed them,showing me.My heart swelled,I did the same,giving her a flying kiss.

"OK..up next award is for the best model 2021 female",the host said.

"It's Ariana White",the presenter announced.

I applauded like everyone.She is currently not available and her team accepted her award on behalf of her.

"Congratulations Ariana",the host said.

"And the next award is for the best model 2021 male",she said.

"It's Mahir Sehgal again",she shouted and applauded like others.

"Congratulations",the presenter said giving my award.

This was my passion!

I kissed the award and looked at my dad.He gave a flying kiss and my mom did the same.Bela was already wiping her tears.

"Best model 2021 female jury goes to Karishma,in the name of company THE WHITE",the host announced.

I applauded as it was our companies award,given to K.

She walked onto the dias and received her award,everyone were cheering and applauding for her.

They all don't know her real face!

"Oh well...Mahir and K was known to be one of the best pair ever.Congratulations to you both,please say few words",the host said.

"I..am thankful for this appreciation award,The White has made me what I am today.And thank you Mahir for being a wonderful colleague to me.Our pair rocks",she shouted.

She is doing it on purpose!

I smiled and took the mic,
"Well thank you for this.Modeling is my passion and I worked hard for my place in number one position.I want to dedicate this award to my wife Bela",I said and everyone hooted.

The spotlight was on Bela and she held my mom's hand,
"Bela..please come",I said and she nodded her head as no.

Yuvi and Vyom held her hands and made her walk towards the dias.I smiled and walked towards the stairs,
"Mahir..",Bela blushed looking around.

"Come on Bela,I'm with you",I said helding her hand.

Everyone hooted when we both walked hand in hand,Bela was so shy.We were standing in front of thousands of people this night.

K looked at us and gave stonic expression.Bela looked at her and ignored her completely as if she dint exist on this stage.

"The number one position as top model all over the world.This couldn't have been possible without my wife's support.She is my biggest support system and I work more efficiently and enthusiastically when she is with me",I said looking at her and she wiped her tears.

"Can I say it again?",I said and the crowd hooted.

"My wife,Bela Mahir Sehgal,congratulations",I said giving her my award.

"Mahir..no",she sniffed.

"It's yours baby",I said taking her in a side hug.

She took it and hugged me,
"Congratulations baby",she said.

"Thank you",I said kissing her forehead in front of everyone.

"Wow...this is cool",she said looking at my award.

"Aww...this made our night more beautiful.Such a sight to see",the host said when I kissed Bela's cheek.

"Thank you",I said and looked at Bela.

She was having a constant smile.But that smile faded away when K was approaching us on the dias,
"Congratulations Mahir,you too Bela",she said looking at us.

The nerve of her!

Bela held me tightly,I could feel the anger and pain Bela is feeling right now!

K forwarded her hand towards Bela,
"Let's go Mahir,my ankles are hurting",Bela said turning the other side.

I gave one last look to K and walked back with Bela,
"Ooohhhhh....",we heard the crowd when we ignored K,and she was standing like a fool forwarding her hand.

She needs it!


"Very well tackled",I said looking at Bela.

"I have to,I can't ruin your special day",Bela said wiping her tears.

We both came back and our family congratuled me,and Bela was a blushing mess,but that happiness on her face was my reason to live today.

"I love you so much Mahir,you will achieve more success",Bela said.

I so want to kiss her right now,but she is so shy.Can't make her uncomfortable.

"Thank you baby,this would have not been possible without you",I said kissing her forehead.

"Bela babhi,that was a thug life ignoration on the stage",Yuvi said and we laughed.

"Bela is the boss",Vyom said making her blush.

They know what K has done to us.Our family doesn't know it but Vyom and Yuvi know.Mom and dad were shocked when we ignored K like that on the stage but we covered it up somehow.


This made me so emotional today.I couldn't stop my tears when Mahir was talking about me.

We all returned back from the event and currently sitting in our home.Our parents left bidding us a bye and only we were here.

Me,Mahir,Yuvi,Vyom,Vish,Vikrant, Rehaan,Riley,RJ and Kuhu.A small night out.

"This night...in the name of Mahir",RJ raised a toast.

No on hell I'm going to drink again!

"For Mahir",everyone said.

We all were talking randomly about the event,our trip and etc.

"Do you guy's know why Riley like Vyom so much?"Mahir asked.

I was sitting hugging him,and his hand was around my shoulder.He was having his drink.

"We are very much intrested in knowing about it.Spill it out",Vish said.

Everyone were having their booze except me Vish and Kuhu.Vish haves drink sometimes but she is not having today.

"Mahir..you better shut up",Vyom said having his drink.

"It's OK Vyom baby,let them hear about our love story",Riley said making us laugh.

"Riley..I will kick you in your ass",Vyom said.

"I want something else in my ass",Riley said and we shrieked.

"God damn Riley..stop",Kuhu said hitting his hand.

"OK so,when we went to London for a business trip.We were having a party late night",Mahir said.

"I will continue from there",Yuvi said and Vyom was boring holes at these brothers.

"So we were at a late night party and we ran out of booze.And Mahir bhai was so adamt on having a drink and all the clubs were closed at the night",Yuvi laughed.

"So...you people shop lifted?"Vikrant laughed.

"No..all clubs were closed as it was Christmas eve.And there was only one club opened",Yuvi laughed.

"And it was a gay club",Mahir laughed making everyone burst out with laughter.

"What?A gay club?"I laughed.

"Yeah,and we were so thirsty for a drink.And guess what?"Yuvi laughed.

"What?"Vish asked curiously.

"We thought to enter the club and since Riley is gay and he could go in.But he needed a partner to go in",Mahir said.

"So..Riley and Vyom went in together?"Rehaan asked laughing.

"Yeah..and they...they..omg I can't",Yuvi laughed.

"I will tell this",Mahir said and Vyom threw a pillow towards him.

"Bastard,stop",Vyom said.

"No way,Riley I should tell your love story right?"Mahir asked.

"Yes MS you have to tell,calm down Vyom baby",Riley said making us all laugh.

"Vyom and Riley went in together and did a pole dance",Mahir said.

We all bursted out laughing.

Pole dance!

"Vyom..you never told me about this",RJ asked laughing.

"That was just for this drunkard bastard.He was already high but still wanted drinks.Mahir is an asshole,he has sent me in that day",Vyom shouted.

"God..Mahir",we all laughed.

"And since that day,our love story started.Am I right Vyom baby",Riley said and Vyom groaned.

"For fuck sake Riley,shut up",Vyom hissed.

"Mahir you are a jerk",I said.

"Then?You thought I would go in like a gay?No way,Vyom and Riley look cool together",he said and I laughed hard.

"You people enjoyed a lot man",Rehaan said.

"Yeah we did",Yuvi said.

"Hey guys..",Vikrant said gaining everyone's attention.

"I..ughmm..we have to tell you something",Vish said looking at me.

"Vish...is everything OK?"I asked.

Vikrant kept his hand around her shoulder and kissed her forehead,
"We are expecting",they said together.


"What?Your pregnant Vish?"Rehaan asked.

"Yes I am..we are pregnant",Vish said and my eye's watered.

"Oh God...",I sniffed hugging Mahir and everyone laughed.

Mahir was rubbing my back and Vish was looking at me excitedly,
"Bela..I'm pregnant",Vish said.

I sniffed and walked to her,
"Congratulations Vish,you don't know the amount of happiness I'm having right now",I said hugging her.

"Thanks babe,we were so happy when we found out",she sniffed.

"Congrats man",Mahir said hugging Vikrant.

Everyone were congratulating them and I was standing wiping mine and Vish's tears,
"Vishi..I'm so happy",Rehaan said kissing her forehead.

"Congrats daddy",I said hugging Vikrant.

"Thanks kid",he said and we laughed.

"Vish..come on,now don't cry",Mahir said putting his hand around her.

"I..I lost my parents at an early age..and now..being a parent soon...",she sobbed and Mahir rubbed her back.

"Vish,we all are here for you.You are not alone",Kuhu said hugging her.

Even Vikrant was in tears!

Vish lost her parents at a young age.Then she met Vikrant and got married to him.And now,they will be parents soon.

"OK..cheers to newbie parent's in the town",Vyom said.

It was late night and everyone left.I decided to meet Vish tomorrow and talk.

"I'm so happy for her Mahir,she is going to become a mother",I said hugging him.

"I'm so happy for her Bela,I'm waiting to see her with a baby bump",he said and I laughed.

"Yeah me too",I sniffed.

"Now be happy,it's a good news.You gotta be happy",Mahir said.

"Yeah...your right",I said sleeping properly.

"But baby,we went for a honeymoon and Vish and Vikrant gave a good news",Mahir laughed.

"Yeah...that's funny",I giggled doodling on his chest.

"And one day,even we will be parents",Mahir said caressing my head.

"Yeah one day",I smiled pecking his lips.

"I'm so overwhelmed with this happiness Bela",Mahir said rubbing my back.

"Me too,I'm more happy than you are.I'm going to be an aunt",I smiled and he smiled back.

"Yeah,this is going good",Mahir said.

"Yup,much better",I laughed.

"Good night baby,it was a long night",Mahir said kissing my forehead.

"Hmm..good night",I said snuggling into his chest and closed my eye's.

I was in my cafe.I missed my cafe.

"Vish was looking so happy Bela,I'm so happy for her",Rehaan said.

"Yeah,it's been a week since she broke this news to us.And now she is going to clinics for regular checkups and all..she has grown",I smiled.

"Yeah,our childhood buddy is going to be a mommy",Rehaan said mixing the batter.

We were preparing batter for cakes.Rehaan was beating up the egg's,
"Bells I'm getting a call,just take this",Rehaan said.

"Yup",I said beating the eggs.

I added some salt and started beating the eggs humming to a song.I was pouring the egg mix into the flour and Rehaan came back.

I saw the beaten eggs settling in the flour and I suddenly gagged,
"Oh no...",I ran to the washroom.

I felt nauseated and puked.

"God..why did I feel like this?"I washed my mouth.

Maybe because I had eggs last night!

"Bells?You OK?What's wrong?"Rehaan asked.

"I..just puked",I said.

"Geez,anything wrong?"he asked.

"No..probably a stomach bug maybe",I said fanning my face.

"Shall I get a pill?"he asked.

"No I'm fine",I said mixing the batter.

We completed baking some cakes and cookies.We were talking with Vish in my cabin.

"So what did the doctor say?"I asked giving her a juice.

"Well he said I'm healthy,so is my baby",she said.

"Vish I want to hold your baby",I whined.

"Wait for nine more months",she laughed.

"So Maldives.How was it?"Rehaan asked.

"It's been a week since we came back and you are asking now?"I narrowed my eye's.

"Yeah,probably I was busy,taking care of the cafe",he huffed and I laughed.

"OK,it was so fun.I will be uploading our vacations pictures from today on social media",I said.

"Did you wear your bikini?"Vish asked.

"Bitch I will kill you for that",I huffed and she laughed.

"I excused you now because you are pregnant.But just wait and see what I'm going to do after these nine months",I said.

"It was not totally my choice,your husband Mahir.He was the one picking up all sexy negligees",Vish said sipping her juice.

"OK now shut up",I smiled.

It was evening time when I was in my home,uploading our vacation pictures.He has uploaded before me only,but I have very good pictures to upload.

I smiled kissing his picture on my wallpaper.I heard the door bell ringing.I opened the door and saw Mahir,he was early today.

"Mahirr....",I jumped on him like a koala.

"Woah...we are early home today",he said dropping his bag and hugging me.

"Aww..I missed you",I said kissing his neck.

"Haww...missing me already?"he asked sitting on the couch.

"Of course I did,you dint miss me?"I asked straddling him.

"Oh I did,I missed the way you moan my name",he murmured taking my lower lip in his.

I giggled and bit his lip.We kissed wildly,rubbing and smooching each others lips,sucking on tongue's,
"Ohh...you taste like heaven",he breathed near my lips.

"Ummaahhh....",I gave a long peck on his lips and he laughed.

"We are in a good mood today.Are we?"he asked.

"Yes because you came home early and you are coming home early since a week",I said and he laughed.

"I told you right baby,I won't be busy anymore",he said and I smiled.

"I feel so tired and need a shower very badly.Want to join?"he asked squeezing my hips.

"Not interested",I said and got down from him.

"I've kept your clothes,go and take a shower",I said.

"You're so boring,why can't you take a shower with me?"he said walking upstairs grumpily.

I laughed and gave food to my baby fishes.I don't know,I'm feeling happy all of a sudden today.

I was cutting veggies for dinner and Mahir came back looking at his phone,shirtless.Of course it's summer.

"Building a home together",Mahir said smirking at me.

I have uploaded our sand castle pictures and kept that caption.He just saw it,
"And this home looks so beautiful",Mahir said and I smiled.

"This internet is going to burn with our vacation pictures baby",Mahir said uploading our floating breakfast picture.

"Baby,don't put our extremely private pictures on social media",I said and he hugged me from behind.

"Mhmm...don't worry,I won't",he said nibbling my ear lobe and I giggled.

"Baby..stop,I'm cooking",I giggled.

"OK then,I will cook today",he said making me sit on the counter.

I was cutting apple for him while he was adding salt in the curry,
"Baby say aaa....",I said forwarding the apple slice to him.

"Aaa..",he opened his mouth and I laughed making him eat his apple.

He was sauting the veggies and I was grinning looking at him.His taught chest with my claw marks,my name.

"What are you grinning at?"he smirked.

"Your chest,all my clawings",I giggled.

"If you are feeling proud about it then there are more at the back",he said showing his back.

"Oh goodness",I said tracing my palms on his back.

I rested my cheek on his back and kissed his back,he kissed my hands which were on his chest,
"We both equally share our pain too",I giggled.

He turned back and stood between my legs,circkling his arms around me,
"Pain and pleasure",he smiled and I hid my face in his neck blushing.

"Oh I don't want this to get burnt",Mahir said stirring the curry and I laughed.

"So how was your day?"I asked putting an apple in his mouth.

"Good..that awards and our position gained new..clients and..more profits",he said.

"Wow..that's cool.Mahir I don't know about you,but I daily kiss your award",I said and laughed.

"Even I kiss my award daily",he said kissing my nose and I giggled.

"I'm not an award to you",I frowned.

"You are,only mine",he said and I blushed.

"How was your day?"he asked putting a lid on the bowl,veggies were boiling.

"Good as usual,Vish went to clinic today and doctor said that she and baby,both are fine",I said folding my legs.

"That's great.Tell her to have a apple daily",Mahir said and I groaned.

"Mahir please...",I groaned and he was laughing.

"Baby,just a minute.Dad's calling",he said looking at his phone.

"OK",I said and he went to lobby.

This is summer again,the temperature is worst this year.I'm sweating so much.I gulped some water as I felt my throat dry.I looked at the plate of apples which were beside me.

I took one in my hand and smelled it.I had cider drink many times but rarely ate an apple.I'm feeling like eating it.I took a bite of it and...it's not bad.

"Woah..Newton is having an apple which fell on his head",I heard Mahir,he was shocked looking at me.

"Bela?You are eating apple?"he asked.

"Um..yeah,don't know.I wanted to taste",I smiled sheepishly.

"Eat eat,eat like me daily",he said having another slice of apple.

"No I don't want it daily.I just felt like having a taste after looking at it",I shrugged.

"OK..as you wish.But it's a good fruit and healthy too",he said.

He and his apples!

"Baby tomorrow I'm not going to office.I have some work to discuss.Vyom and Yuvi will be coming home",Mahir said.

"Office work in home?"I asked.

"Yeah,can you stay back home tomorrow?"he asked.

"Hmm..OK,but I will be bored.You three will be busy in your talk and I will be bored",I whined.

"Hmm..Vish.She is on leave right?Tell her to come over in the morning",Mahir said.

"Yeah that's a good idea",I grinned.

We both had dinner and played some PlayStation to kill the time.It was time for our bed and we were brushing.

I puked today,maybe I had some food infection.

We both brushed and Mahir hopped onto the bed,getting under the covers.I took out medical box and searched for a food poisoning tablet.

"It's the pill?I mean the after pill?"Mahir asked when I was gulping it.

"Um..no,it's just a food poisoning tablet",I said.

"Food poisoning tablet?What happened?"he asked sitting straight and I got under the covers.

"Nothing,I just puked today in the morning.Maybe the food or stomach bug most probably",I said.

"Bela,we can see a doctor",Mahir said cupping my face.

"Chill Mahir,it was just a gastric problem maybe.I took the tablet right?I'll be fine",I said hugging him.

"Yeah,and if still you are feeling like this let's go to a doctor",Mahir said.

"Yeah,but now I'm good hubby",I said pinching his nose tip.

"Aren't you feeling hot?"he asked moving his hands under my top.

"Yes I am.It's summer,it's obvious that we feel hot.And we have a air conditioner,so hands off",I said removing his hands from my top.

"But still I'm feeling hot,see I'm shirtless.And you are wearing this top.Not fair",he said tracing my lower lip.

"I'm good like this,now sleep",I said snuggling into him.

He sighed and held me tightly,sneaking his hand under my top again.

We can't change some things you know!

I opened my eye's and looked at him,
"How about a quickie?"he asked sneaking his hands inside my shorts and I gasped.

"I know where this quickie will go.You have a meeting tomorrow for God sake",I giggled removing his hand.

"You are such a mood spoiler",he groaned and I laughed kissing his nose.

"Good night Mahir,we will make it up for tomorrow.Don't worry",I said kissing his chin.

"Hmm..you have to make it up baby.Good night",he murmured pulling me close.

"Good night love",I said hugging him.

We can never get enough of each other!

Hey guys!

I'm disappointed with the response.Some feelings never change,never mind.Hope you all are enjoying every chapter❤

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