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Four months later!


"Mahir,everything is ready at the venue right?"dad asked.

"Yes dad,everything is ready",I said fixing my Sherwani's button.

Yes,it's Annu's marriage today!

She is entering her new life with a new year,new family and all the happiness!

Our house was in a hustle bustle today,Annu is our family and a family does look like this when there is a marriage going on.

"Yuvi,the parking is clear right?"I asked looking at the brochure.

"Yes Mahir bhai,it's a vallet parking,so no problem",Yuvi said.

"OK,I will see Annu and come",I said walking upstairs.

She is the bride,they are making her ready.Mom and dad gave her the most beautiful bridal outfit.I went towards the guest room and knocked,
"Please come in",I heard a voice.

I opened the door and saw the beauticians making Annu ready along with Kuhu,
"Hello Annu",I said and she looked at me.

"Mahir sir..",she smiled looking at me.

"You look beautiful Annu,so beautiful",I said patting her cheek and she smiled.

"Thank you sir,thank you for everything",she sniffed.

"Annu,you want to spoil your makeup now?"Kuhu asked and we smiled.

"Everything will be alright,don't worry",I said wiping her tears and she nodded.

"She is ready?"I asked the beauticians.

"Yes sir,it's done",they said and I smiled.

"We will be leaving for the venue in an hour,be ready",I smiled and her cheeks tinged red.

"She is already ready Mahir bhai,waiting for Shaan",Kuhu teased.

I smiled looking at her flushed face,
"Yeah where is Bela?Is she with mom?"I asked Kuhu.

"No bhai,I guess she is getting ready in your room",Kuhu said.

"Oh OK,I will check up on her and come",I said and went out.

I saw mom ordering our butlers about gifts and all,
"Yeah,put them all according to this list",mom said giving them a list.

"Mom..",I called her and she looked at me.

"You are looking beautiful",I said kissing her cheek and she ruffled my hair.

"Mom..it took time to make my hair",I said setting my hair and she laughed.

"Everything is ready?"I asked.

"Yes beta,everything is ready.You don't worry and just enjoy this marriage",mom said and I smiled.

"Where is Bela?I have not seen her since an hour",mom said.

"I will check upon her and come,don't worry",I said kissing her cheek.

I walked towards my room and knocked on the door,it was open.I went inside and saw the room empty.Bela's clothes and jewelry were kept on the bed,but where is she?

I heard sound from the washroom and went near the door,
"Bela?"I knocked on the door.

"Baby..are you OK?"I asked.

"Mahir..I'm coming,just a minute",she said and I waited for her.

She came out wiping her face with the towel,
"Baby..what happened?You OK?"I asked caressing her face.

"Yeah I'm fine,I'm fine baby",she smiled.

"You didn't get ready?We should leave in an hour",I said and she looked at her clothes.

"Yeah,I was..I was in wash..no,I mean..I was helping everyone..so got late",she said.

"OK,now get ready..shall I help?"I asked taking her clothes in my hand.

"Yes please,I need your help",she said giving a sheepish smile.

I smiled and locked our door.I made her turn and unzipped her suit and slid it down,
"Hmm..such a baby soft skin",I murmured kissing her back and she giggled.

"Mahir..stop",she giggled when I was moving my hands on her spine.

"OK..OK..we will get late",I said.

She wore her lehenga and was fixing her blouse,
"Here..",I said tying the strings of her blouse.

"This lehenga is fitting well to me,I think I gained some weight",Bela said looking at herself in the mirror.

I smiled and tied the strings of her blouse,
"What?Am I not looking good?"she frowned.

"Ofcourse you look fab baby,sexy as always",I said kissing her shoulder and she smiled.

"But baby..there is a problem",I said looking at her from the mirror.

"What happened?"she asked tying the lehenga's knot.

"Umm..just..see by yourself",I said making her turn towards the mirror.

Her back was showing and her eye's went wide,
"Huuhhhhh....what the?"she frowned and I stepped back.

Her back had red marks,love bites,turning into light purple.My cheeks warmed up looking at her like this.

"Mahir..what the hell is this now?"she whined looking at her back.

She looked at me and I gave a sheepish smile,rubbing my nape,
"Idiot..I told you to be gentle yesterday",she said punching her fist on my shoulder and I laughed stopping her.

"Arey..baby..I will fix it..I will",I laughed helding her hands.

"How will you fix this?This is a backless..I loved this dress and now see..how will I go out?Everyone will laugh at me",she whined looking at herself in the mirror.

"What should I do baby?I can't be gentle when I see you..can't help",I said making her sit on the vanity chair.

"I told you yesterday,it's marriage tomorrow and I want to wear this beautiful dress,you said OK..and now left my back and neck with number of love bites",she said and I smiled putting on some foundation on it.

"I will break your teeth if you smile",she said and I pressed my lips to suppress my laugh.

"OK..I'm silent",I said brushing the foundation.

"See..now it's looking perfect",I said and she looked at her back.

"Mahir..how can you do it so perfectly?"she asked looking at her back.

"I already said,I come from a world of fashion..so it's easy for me",I said hugging her from back and she smiled.

"You look gorgeous..beyond words",I said kissing her cheek.

"Uummaahhh....",she gave a long and loud kiss on my cheek.

"You already made your hair and went into the washroom?"I asked putting the waist chain around her waist.

"No..I was just..hey..women emergency",she shrugged and I laughed.

"OK fine,now wear this",I said making her wear her jewelry.

I made her wear her jewelry and she wore her earrings,
"Now you look more beautiful",I said kissing her forehead and she hugged me.

"Annu is ready?I was with her only but I came back to get ready",Bela said applying her mascara.

"Yeah she is all ready,looking so good",I said and she smiled.

"Baby..your face is glowing..what's the matter?"I asked resting my chin on her shoulder.

"Really?Maybe because it's Annu and Shaan's wedding..that's why",she smiled and I kissed the corner of her lips.

"OK..now I'm all ready..I never got ready this soon Mahir",Bela laughed and I smiled.

"I will make you ready every time,it'll be quick",I laughed and she smiled nodding her head.

We both got ready and looked at ourself in the mirror,
"You look so..what should I say?"Bela said taking me in a side hug.

"You can say that I'm looking sexy",I smirked and she smiled.

"OK..you look sexy..sexiest CEO,sexiest model..sexiest husband",she said and I smiled cupping her face.

She slowly brushed her lips against mine and I moved my lips on hers.I held her jaw and kissed her deep,tilting my head.

This one kiss from her makes me more energetic!

"Hmm..we will get late",she said resting her forehead against mine.

"Hmm..yeah,I'm saving it for tonight",I said and she smacked my chest.

"Shameless..now come on",she said and we both walked out of our room.

We went to Annu and saw her eating a chocolate,
"Wow..Annu..you look so beautiful",Bela said and Annu hugged her.

"Thank you Bela mam..today..I'm not missing my parent's..I feel like..I have them beside me..you and Mahir sir..family..I'm just so blessed",she sobbed.

"Annu..no tears today",Bela said hugging her.

"We are always there for you Annu",I said kissing her head.

"OK now..let's go,your Shaan must be waiting",Bela said and Annu bluhsed.

We all reached the venue and we all danced to our heart content.Annu was all smiles looking at us.


We all were dancing to our heart content and I enjoyed dancing with everyone.We all went inside and saw Shaan and his family waiting for us.

The rituals were going on and I was waiting for Vish,Vikrant and her one month old daughter.

Yes,she had a beautiful baby girl and their prediction turned out correct.The rituals were going on,Annu and Shaan looked so happy.

"Bela..",I saw Vish and Vikrant coming towards us with their daughter.

"Hey.."I said and went towards her.

"Hello..",I said giving a hug to her.

"Here..take her,I know you came for her",Vish said and I laughed.

I took her in my arms slowly and looked at her sleeping,
"Aww..Vish..she is so cute..",I said.

"I know..come on",Vish said and we all walked inside.

"Mahir..",I called him showing Vish's baby.

"Hey..",he said coming towards us.

"Hello Varsha baby..",Mahir said caressing her cheek and I smiled.

"Bela..I want to held her",Mahir said and we laughed.

He slowly took her in his arms and cooed her.A big smile etched my face when I looked at him,I just can't stop my happiness.

"Bela..we will keep her with us,you both go",Mahir said.

"OK then,put this with you",Vish said giving a honey nipple to Vikrant.

"Get her to me if she cries",Vish said kissing her forehead.

"OK Vish..you go,we are with her",Rehaan said.

We both smiled and went inside,
"Hello Vish beta..where is Varsha?"Sumi maa asked.

"Those men stole her",Vish said pointing towards them and we laughed.

"OK,you both enjoy the wedding.I need to greet everyone",Sumi maa said and I nodded.

"Happy New Year Vish",I said hugging her.

"Oh yeah..it's new year",Vish laughed hugging me.

We both were looking at the wedding and smiled,
"Finally Annu is getting what she deserves",Vish said and I nodded.

"She is such a strong girl",Vish said.

"Yeah,stronger than me..anyone",I said and Vish looked at me.

"Bela..I know how it feels.Just be strong",Vish said giving me a side hug.

I gave a sad smile and looked at her,
"Vish..can I tell you one thing?"I asked and she nodded.

"You know..our favorite show..F.R.I.E.N.D.S right?"I asked and she nodded.

"You remember that scene?Where Rachel gives birth to Emma and all her friends were with her",I said.

"Yeah,the cutest episode",Vish smiled.

"In that,Monica..I mean Courtney,she filmed that episode right after the day of her miscarriage.Very few people know about this,and everyone knows how cool and full of energy she looked",I said and Vish smiled.

"I am that strong Vish,I am.I am happy to take your child in my arms.I don't feel like missing my baby again,it's like I'm feeling my baby only.And I'm no more in any trauma.I'm all good and strong,along with Mahir",I said looking at Mahir.

He was patting Varsha's back and smiling!

"And this is so true,you are my Monica,my strongest girl",Vish said and I smiled.

Soon the wedding got completed and it was time to say good bye to Annu.

"Wishing you all the happiness Annu,be happy",I said hugging her and she nodded.

"Mr.Switzerland returns,take care of her.Or else we will haunt you down to Switzerland",I said and Shaan laughed.

I hugged them both and smiled!

"All the very best Annu,just..be happy",Mahir said and Annu hugged him.

Mahir was blinking back his tears,
"Thank you Mahir sir,thank you is a small word..I will miss you",she sobbed.

"I will miss you too Annu and I'm always there for you",Mahir said kissing her forehead.

"Congratulations Shaan,take care of her.You very well know what she means to me and our family",Mahir said hugging Shaan.

"Don't worry Mahir,I will take care of her.She is my life..she means a lot to me,I love her",Shaan said and we smiled.

Soon the wedding was done and Annu left with happy tears.They will leave to Switzerland tomorrow.

We all enjoyed the wedding and Annu also left happily.This is the moment our family looked all happy after months.

"Oh..fuck..",Mahir moaned entwining our fingers.

I was on top of him,my back against his chest and his face buried in my neck,sitting on the corner of our bed,making love.

"God..yes..oohh..",I moaned moving on him and he gripped my hands tightly.

"Bela..I'm so fucking close..fuck..I love you..",he moaned and he started thrusting from down.

"Ahh..ohh..ohh..Mahir..yes yes..fuck..",I moaned and rested my head on his shoulder,closing my eye's.

We both were close!

"Yes..yes..God..Belaa...",Mahir moaned and finished inside me.

"Mahirr...",I moaned and rested my head on his shoulder,finishing myself.

He lyed back on the bed with me on top of him,our bodies glistening with sheer sweat,fast heartbeats and a musky smell filled in our room.

We both were panting very heavily.Mahir rubbed my forehead with his palm and my hair was sticking on his body,
"Baby..that was amazing",he breathed.

"Yes..God..",I breathed,still shaking from our orgasm.

He wrapped his hands on my stomach and I smiled,
"We are getting dirty day by day",I said.

"I love being..dirty with you",he said and I smiled.

"Shh..",I slowly got up from him and faced him,hovering on him.

He moved back properly and wrapped his hands around me,
"I love it when you are dominating",he said tucking my hair behind and I blushed.

"I was dominating?"I asked.

"Yes you were.First you were eye raping me when I was changing,then kissed the hell out of me,stripped me,pushed me on the bed,pleasured me,and rode me..making love to me",Mahir said and my face flushed.

"Mahir..",I blushed and hugged him.

He laughed and kissed my head,
"I just love it when you are dominating..and Happy New Year",Mahir said.

"Happy New Year baby",I said kissing his lips.

"You look so tired today..hmm?"he asked caressing my lower lip.

I rested my head on his chest and drawed patterns,
"Yeah..today I am tired..I was feeling restless..and tired",I said.

"What's the matter?You are not feeling well?"he asked and I looked at him.

"No baby..I'm fine,just tired with wedding and all",I said sitting straight.

"And now..did I take all your stress?You feeling better?"he asked nuzzling my neck and I giggled.

"Of course,you are my peace",I said kissing his nose tip and he smiled.

"See..it's already three in the morning,and you look tired as fuck.You should get some sleep",Mahir said making me wear my tank top.

"Yeah..I am tired and I'm feeling so hot",I said fanning my face and tying my hair in a pony.

He decreased the temperature and I wore my shorts,
"Mahir..I'll just use washroom and come,you sleep",I said pecking his lips.

Mahir was wearing his pants and I went to washroom.I washed myself and washed my face.I looked at my face in the mirror and caressed my cheek,I smiled looking at myself.

I'm so scared right now!

I have been having the same morning sickness,body ache's,lite dizziness and a large appetite.

And I'm doubting..I'm..pregnant,again!

I need to test myself tomorrow morning.

I went back to our room and saw Mahir scrolling at his phone,
"You were tired,you didn't sleep?"I asked.

"You think I will sleep without you?"he asked putting his phone on the night stand.

I smiled and joined him on the bed,I snuggled into him and rested my head on his chest,
"Hmm..I love you",I said.

"I love you more baby",he said kissing my forehead.

If I am really pregnant again..Mahir will be so happy!

A smile crawled up my face thinking about it.I hope the results are positive tomorrow.

We both called it a night and slept.Mahir slept peacefully while I was tossing and turning,not able to sleep.

I slept around early morning.

"Bela..baby",Mahir patted my cheek,waking me up.

"Good morning",he said when I opened my eye's.

"Good morning",I smiled and hugged him.

"You are still sleepy?"he asked.

"Hmm..yeah..I couldn't sleep yesterday night",I said yawning.

"Sleep for some more time,I will go to gym and come",he said pecking my lips.

"OK..bye",I said and left kissing me once again.

I got up and locked the door as Mahir left.I went to my closet and removed the pregnancy kits with a shivering hands.

I'm so scared..I don't know..I just don't know!

I took four pregnancy kits and went inside the washroom.My whole body was shivering,because I will be disappointed if the results are negative.

I and Mahir didn't plan about our child yet,after what happened to us.But I don't know,I feel the same symptoms and I can't neglect it this time like I did last time.

I gave my test and I was waiting for the results sitting in the slab.My whole body was trembling just thinking about it.

Three minutes were over and I looked at those kits kept on the slab.

My heart pounded in my ribcage when I saw the results.

All four kit's had two pink lines!

I'm..I'm pregnant?

I am..really?

"Oh my God",I sobbed covering my mouth.

"I am pregnant?I am..my baby..oh God",I sobbed looking at them.

I kept pacing around in the washroom,wiping my tears.I am pregnant,I should tell Mahir.

We are pregnant!

Me carrying his baby,his blood and flesh inside me,our baby!

It's almost been 45 minutes since I was crying in the washroom looking at those test kits.

"Bela..",I heard Mahir's voice.

He came back,knocking on the door.

I should tell him..I should tell him that we are pregnant!

I wiped my tears and made myself look presentable.I opened the door and saw Mahir waiting for me,
"Mahir..",I called him peeping out.

"Bela..what happened?"he asked.

"You..come with me",I said pulling him inside.

"What baby?Morning love haa",he said and I want to punch him.

"No..that..OK..OK..just listen to me..",I said and he looked confused.

I removed the curtain from the slab and Mahir looked in that direction.His eye's went wide looking at those pregnancy kit's.

He went near them and took one in his hand and looked at it carefully,
"Be..Bela?"he looked at me and I wiped my tears.

"You..you are pregnant?"he asked and I nodded.

"Yes Mahir..I..I am pregnant",I sobbed and Mahir kept the kit on the slab.

Tears were glistening in his eye's and he looked at all four kit's again.He wiped his tears and left the washroom,
"Mahir..",I went behind him.

He was sitting in the bed covering his face with his palm.I smiled and walked towards him and sat in front of him,
"Mahir..what happened?"I asked.

He removed his hands,he was crying!

"Bela..you are pregnant..our child..our baby..you are pregnant",he asked,his voice breaking.

"Yes..yes..I am pregnant..we are pregnant Mahir..we are pregnant",I sobbed helding his hands and he hugged me.

We both cried hugging each other,because only we know how much this means to us.

"Bela..our baby..our baby came back for us..we are pregnant",Mahir sobbed hugging me tight and I cried.

"Yes Mahir..I can't believe it..God..I'm not able to believe it",I cried hugging him.

He cupped my face and sobbed resting his forehead against mine,
"Bela..our child..our baby..thank you so much..I love you",he said.

"I..I love you Mahir..our baby..I'm pregnant..again..we are pregnant",I smiled and he laughed with happy tears.

"Calm down..calm down",I said wiping his tears.

"I cannot",he said slamming his lips on mine and I kissed him back happily.

"Thank you so much Bela..this..means a lot to me..I just can't tell you..how happy I am",he said and I smiled wiping his tears.

"I was..feeling nauseating,I throwed up,had the morning sickness again..and I doubted.I checked today and..all four..all are positive..I am pregnant..our baby",I sobbed hugging him.

"I love you so much Bela..I love you",Mahir hugged me.


I was on top of the world today!

My Bela is pregnant again,my child,our child is..our child is back!

I never felt this happy all my life,new feelings,new experience..I don't know!

"Bela..baby,I will book an appointment today.Let's go and conform it with the doctor?"I asked cupping her face.

"Yes Mahir,let's go.Book now only..let's go",she sobbed pecking my lips.

"Baby don't cry..we are pregnant..and I'm sure four tests won't be wrong,I believe you are pregnant,we are pregnant",I said wiping her tears.

"Yeah..me too..these are just happy tears",she smiled wiping her tears.

"You get ready,I will book an appointment now",I said and she nodded.

I wiped my happy tears and called the hospital for an appointment.I saw Bela putting one of the test kit in a plastic cover safely.I smiled looking at her.

And now we both were sitting in the hospital,helding each others hand,waiting for our turn,
"Mr and Mrs Mahir Sehgal",the nurse called out and we both went inside.

Bela gave her tests and now we both were waiting for the results,
"Baby don't worry,everything will be positive",I said kissing her hand and she nodded.

She is looking more worried than me,of course she will be.We lost our child last year and we can't go through this pain again.

"Mr and Mrs Sehgal,doctor is calling you both",the nurse said and we both went inside his cabin.

"So..how are you feeling these days?Nausea?Hunger,dizziness..and you could figure out pregnancy symptoms?"the doctor asked and I looked at Bela.

"Yes,I mean..I've been throwing up since one week and weird cravings.Dizziness for sure and I felt..I was pregnant..I tested today morning also",Bela said and I looked at the doctor.

"Did they show positive?"he asked and Bela nodded.

"Yes..all four of them showed positive",Bela said and doctor smiled.

"Then this time you are correct Bela,you are expecting",the doctor said and I smiled.

"Really?I am pregnant?"Bela asked.

"Yes Bela,congratulations.Congrats Mahir",he said giving the reports to Bela.

Bela looked at them and smiled looking at me,
"Thank you so much doctor..thank you",I said wiping my lone tear.

"And don't worry,her pregnancy reports are positive including all tests.She is healthy,along with the baby",he said and I looked at Bela.

"Thank you doctor..thank you",Bela said and he nodded.

"Come to me next week for a regular check up",the doctor said and I nodded.

We both walked out of his cabin.We reached our home and Bela sobbed helding my hand,
"Baby..",I hugged her.

"Mahir..we are pregnant..we both are going to become parents..you are going to become a father",Bela sobbed kissing my hands.

"Yes baby..you are going to become a mother,we are going to become parents..I'm so happy..so happy",I said hugging her.

"I never thought..we will feel this happy..our baby..our baby",Bela smiled helding her stomach.

"Yes..my baby is in here",I said hugging her stomach and she smiled kissing on top of my head.

"Hello baby..hi..this is your dadda..me and mumma are waiting to meet you",I said kissing her stomach and Bela laughed with happiness.

"Mahir...even I want to say hi to our baby",Bela said and I nodded smiling.

I made her stand in front of the mirror and she removed her top,standing in her denims and bra.I hugged her from behind and caressed her stomach,
"Bela..this is our baby,resting inside you,say hello",I said and Bela smiled wiping her tears.

She caressed her stomach slowly looking at the mirror and smiled,
"Hello baby..this is mumma,me and dadda..we will be waiting for you.You are..you are safe here..both mumma and dadda are with you..we love you baby",Bela smiled.

I came in front of her and kneeled to her stomach level,
"Yes baby..you are safe with mumma inside.Come soon..we will be waiting for you",I said kissing her stomach and she giggled.

I hugged her kneeling and she kissed my head.I stood up and cupped her face,
"Thank you so much Bela..I cannot tell you how happy I am.I just..we..we are becoming parents..mumma and dadda",I said and she nodded smiling.

"Yes Mahir,our love..our love is growing inside me..our baby",she smiled.

"Thank you so much Mahir..I love you",she said.

"I love you more..you complete me in every aspect",I said and joined our lips together.

I moved my lips against her in a slow and passionate kiss,she tilted her head deepening the kiss.

I moved my hands on her bra claded breasts and gave a good squeeze,she gasped and I shoved my tongue inside her.I kept sucking her tongue and she did the same,fighting for dominance.

She bit my lip and pulled back,panting heavily for breath,
"I feel like..I'm kissing my baby while kissing you",I said and she blushed.

"Me and our baby,we both love you",Bela said kissing my forehead.

"We should..we should inform our family.They all will be happy,maa,papa,dad and my mummy.They all will be so happy Mahir",she said and I nodded with happiness.

"They will be becoming grandparents,I can't wait to see that happiness on their faces..it's all because of you..thank you",I said pecking her lips.

"Don't thank me,I think we both share equal credit",Bela said and I laughed.

"My baby will definitely go on me,the way you are talking",I said caressing her stomach and she laughed.

"I'm sure,because our baby started craving for apples again.Your DNA is filled with apples",Bela said and I laughed.

"Yeah,I know.My baby will go on me only.My daughter,my mini version of Bela",I kissed her navel and she smiled.

"Maybe it's even a boy,our son.A mini naughty Mahir",Bela said ruffling my hair and I laughed.

"Maybe",I said and rested my forehead against her.

"This is the happiest day I ever saw and I'm sure I will be seeing more happy days ahead",Bela said.

"Yes,it's all way happiness for us baby.Only happiness,my babies",I said pecking her lips.

"Mahir..shall we go to our home and inform our family today?"Bela asked while I was still caressing her stomach.

"Tomorrow,let's go tomorrow and inform them.Today,it's just us.I want to spend the whole day with you and my baby",I said kissing her stomach.

"Bela..from the first day..I want memories of our pregnancy",I said.

"Means?"she asked.

"I will take our baby's picture everyday till she meets us",I said and Bela smiled.

"And..how is that possible?"she asked caressing her stomach.

"Like this",I said kissing her stomach and clicked a mirror selfie.

"Aww..my baby",she said hugging me.

"And I should be taking care of two babies from now onwards.One is you,and another one is..our baby",I said and Bela nodded pecking my lips.

We both are experiencing this for the first time.

We experienced the pain of miscarriage,but we didn't experience the happiness of our pregnancy,arrival of our baby!

And now,our baby is back to us!

Sure we didn't plan,but babies come like a miracle to us.And our baby also came like that,with lot's of love.

And my Bela,she is carrying my baby in her womb.Our love is breathing inside her and how happy I can be more?

This is enough for me.

This love of my life has given everything to me,my Bela!

"I am telling it the for the n'th time Bela,I am lucky to have you and I am nothing without you",I said cupping her face.

"Even I am lucky to have you baby,I got to know about myself..and I...I love you more,now..we are one more step closer",she said pointing at her stomach and I nodded smiling.

"I love you so much",I said sealing our lips.

We are pregnant!

Hey guys!

Celebration time🤗🤗🤗

Congratulate them guys😛😛😛

I love you all❤❤

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Thank you!

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