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"Yes Vish..I never thought about this even in my dreams also",I said while talking to her in the phone.

"Miracles do happen baby..and I could see how smitten he was.I never thought The Mahir Sehgal will fall for my best friend like this",Vish said.

"Even I dint have any idea about it.And you know what?I and Mahir are going to stay in a new flat after our marriage and tomorrow we are going to see that flat",I said.

"OMG..that's fucking cool babe.Only you both...Mahir must be so happy about this",and she was teasing me.

Because I was blushing.The engagement ceremony was over,I was talking to Vish laying on my bed.

I told her about the incident I saw in Sehgal mansion too. She told not to think much about it.

"Vish..I will kill you and Vikrant if you both won't be here before a week",I warned her.

"Bela chill,we already booked the tickets too.Don't worry,how can I miss your marriage",she said.

"OK you must be tired,take rest.As you have to go to see your new house with Mahir",she was teasing.

"Vish..stop it",I was blushing.

"OK..OK..sorry.Now take some rest.Bye",she said hanging up.

I opened the social media and it's completely filled with mine and Mahir's pictures.The whole world was talking about us.They clicked many beautiful pictures of us.I should get used to this..this star world.

I smiled looking at the ring which was on my ring finger.It's so beautiful..I'm going to be his wife..I'm really not a expressing type girl but today anyone could make out that I was so in love with him.


So soon..I don't think so?

Maybe...yes..love is it?

I cleared my mind and closed my eyes to get some sleep.

I woke up at 10 today and my mom dint wake me up as I was tired.I tied my hair in a bun and came out of my room.My mom was in kitchen.I took the coffee which she gave,I went and sat beside my dad in the lobby.

"Bela..you woke up"?my dad asked when I sat beside him.

"Hmm",I hummed leaning on him.

He kissed my forehead and was selecting the designs of wedding cards.I blushed looking at them.

"Bela..go take a shower,Mahir must be on the way to pick you up",my mom said.

"OK mummy",I said and went to take a shower.

I dressed neatly in my denims and a crop top.

I came back to lobby and my dad was ready holding my breakfast plate.This bought tears in my eyes.Just a few days and this moment will be gone.

"Come beta,have you're breakfast now.Mahir is on his way",my dad said feeding me.

Mahir is coming to pick me up.We need to visit our new house today.

"Dad enough..I'm full",I said while chewing.

"What did you eat..come on eat now",my mom said.

"I'm full..enough",I whined like a child.

"OK..last two bites",my dad said feeding me.

We heard someone laughing and I saw Mahir standing near the entrance of our lobby and laughing.

"Mahir?Come inside beta",my mom called him.

Ahh..where should I hide now.I'm whining like a kid and he saw it.I was chewing fast to complete the food in my mouth.

"Easy there Bela..I can wait",he said and my parent's laughed at it.

I drank water and came back to lobby.

"Bela..after you both complete visiting your new house,come straight to Sehgal mansion",my mom said.

"Why mummy"?I asked.

"We all are going to gurudwar beta.Sumitra called and told me yesterday about it.We all will leave from there only",mom said.

Wow!!Gurudwar is my favorite place since childhood.We Punjabi's visit that place when we are having any occasions.

"OK beta..now you both go and come to Sehgal mansion",my dad said and I nodded.

"Bela..shall we"?Mahir asked.

I nodded and we both went out.I saw a range rover parked.Does he own a range rover too?

How many cars does he have?

Cause that range rover was such an eye sight to see.

"You own a range rover too?It's beautiful",I said.

He chuckled and said,
"Ya I'm a bit obsessed with cars",he said and I laughed along with him.

We both hopped into his car and the ride was absolutely silent.

After a 30 minutes of journey,he stopped in front of a big sky scraper.

Are we?

Are we going to stay in this building?

He showed a card to the guard and he allowed us into the parking lot.It was a private parking lot.The parking lot itself was looking so huge.

We both got down and moved towards the elevator.

The elevator pinged and we were in the 18 floor?Like really?

"Come",Mahir said and I held his hand which he forwarded for me.

O..M..G..I could see the whole city from this glass walls.It will really cost a fortune to get a flat here.

Mahir kept a key card and the doors of our 'new home' opened.

My mouth was agape when I took the view in front of my eyes.

"And this is our lobby",Mahir said and I was amazed at the interior work.It had big couches,a coffee table and a big television,along with some wood work.

"Wow..this is so beautiful Mahir",I said smiling.

"There is more to see..come",Mahir said grabbing my hand and we went to the kitchen.

Aww such a beautiful open kitchen it was,just like I wanted.

I guess the whole house has glass windows and it was so beautiful.Sunrays emitting from every window of this house,which was giving a beautiful look to this house.

He took me to the next room,which was a study room.

God..who designed this house? So beautiful!!

"And a gym for us",he said opening another door.

It was a gym.

Each and every room has big glass windows along with beautiful curtains.I was just looking like a crazy girl,roaming around the lobby and other rooms.

"Come on there is more to see",he said grabbing my hand and was leading me to the stairs.

"And this is a guest room",he said.

That was also so simple and beautiful.

"Wow..so simple and beautiful",I said.

"Come",he said moving to another room.

"And this is our master bedroom",he said.

And I looked at it...what the fish?

This is the best room in this whole house,my room back in my home is nothing in front of it.

It had a king sized bed, a couch,vanity table,walk in closet too,leading to the rest room.

"Wow..there's a walk in closet too",I said looking at it.

"Yeah..I love walk in closets",he said.

And how I forgot to see the beauty of this room.The balcony.It had a beautiful balcony.

"Wow..there's a balcony here",I said going to the balcony.

Oh my god..I could see the whole busy city from here.

"Mahir..this is so beautiful..I can see the whole city from here",I said behaving like a kid.

And he was just looking at me putting his hands in his denim pockets.I was grinning like a small kid who is enjoying eating chocolates.

"And this room's design was my selection.If you don't like it,we can redesign",Mahir said.

"What?Redesign?Are you mad?This is so beautiful..the best design I ever saw",I said walking in the balcony.

"You liked it"?he asked.

"What?I loved it Mahir..I fucking loved it",I said jumping in excitement.

God what did I say?

He was looking shocked...at the language I used.

"You curse too",he said smirking.

"I'm sorry for my language..I was just so excited",I said.

"It's OK..we can use..it's legal between wife and husband you know",he said coming close to me.

Our foreheads were touching,but his hands were still in his pockets.Just a touch of his skin..and I'm shaking.

"I..I..think we..we..should see other rooms too",I said moving back.

"Yeah sure..come",he said taking me out of 'our room'.

He took me to another room and this  room was so cute.

"This room is for our kids,we can change the theme according to them in future",he said and my face flushed.


Our kids..mine and Mahir's?

Wow..I feel so epic listening to this!!

"So did you like our new home"?he asked.

"I loved it Mahir..but I think it must have costed a fortune to buy this flat",I said.

"That's not a problem at all..I could buy more ten flats like this.Actually I had a penthouse,I selled it",he said.

He had a penthouse?

"Why did you sell it?To buy this flat"?I asked feeling guilty.

"No..that penthouse has some bad memories..so I thought to wipe it out from my life",he said.

"Oh..",was the only thing I could say.


She loved this house..and I loved it too.I know that dad has been on his word.

I was the one to choose this flat in this big sky scraper and my dad too loved it.So we bought it.

Thanks dad!!

And coming to the  penthouse,oh crap it had all bad memories.I used to fuck girls over there.Dint want that place to be in my life anymore,so I wiped it away!!

"But don't you think this house is big enough for the two of us"?Bela asked and I laughed at her statement.

"No problem..the population in this house will increase in future...you know",I said and her cheeks were turning red.

"I mean..it's a big house,I will die cleaning such a big house",she said and I laughed again.

"Why are you laughing for everything.Am I joking"?she narrowed her eyes at me.

"No Bela..there is no need for you to clean this house.We will have maids to do that work",I said and she blushed.

"So?How are you feeling"?I asked going close to her.

She was stepping back until her back hit the wall.Sweat was pooling on her forehead,her breathing was getting heavy.

I affect her so much?

But she affects me more dude!!

I tucked her baby hairs behind her ears and she looked at me.I held her fingers sensually and kissed back of her palm.I slowly leaned to her height and joined our foreheads.I could hear her heart thumping fastly.

I slowly kissed her forehead and she closed her eyes as reflex.Her skin is so soft.I slowly kissed her right cheek,left cheek and stopped in front of her lips.

She opened her eyes when I stopped kissing her.Our foreheads were still against each other and I was looking at her soft plumpy lips.

She sensed that and I could feel the heat radiating from her face!!

I rubbed her lower lip with my finger and damn...so soft.How will it be when I kiss them?

I was looking at her and then towards her lips,her grip on my fingers became tight.

She is nervous!!

I so want to kiss her badly but she isn't ready.I can't make her uncomfortable now.

She said she trusts me..and I need to live up to that.I was still leaning against her forehead and I closed my eyes to control.I need to control a lot when she is around.

"I think we should go...our families must be waiting for us",I said after few minutes and she looked at me.

Her face was cherry red..and she looks more beautiful with this blush on her face.

I never knew I could fall for a girl so hard!!!

"Shall we leave"?I asked.

"Hmm..",she nodded not speaking anything.

I made her speechless!!

I locked our house and we both were heading Sehgal mansion.

"Sorry if I made you uncomfortable back there",I said.

"No..no..I..I wasn't",she said and looked out of the window.

We reached our house and everyone were waiting for us.

"They are back..did you like you're new house Bela babhi"?Kuhu asked.

Bela nodded shyly and everyone laughed at it.

"OK our chatted plane is ready.Let's get going",my dad said.

We all reached the airport and flew straight to Amritsar.

As we both are Punjabi's,our parent's wanted us to come here.We come here every year and I feel so peaceful over here.And now being here with Bela...I'm feeling so blessed.

I wore a white kurta and tied a orange cloth around my head as it's a tradition over here.I saw Bela in a white suit,putting her duptta over her head.

She is a beauty!!

We completed our prayers and were decending down the steps.Bela and RJ held Kuhu's hand while walking.

She cares so much about my family.

By evening we returned to our home,and everyone were tired.We had engagement ceremony yesterday and today this journey..everyone were hella tired.

We all were sitting in our lobby,
"So Bela..get ready to choose your bridal outfit",my mom said.

"Yes aunty",she blushed.

"Mahir..did the material get imported from Poland"?my dad asked.

"Yeah dad,Vyom was looking after it.That's why he dint join us",I said looking into my phone.

"All the fabrics got imported on time right?Or else they have to pay a penalty",my dad huffed.

"Relax dad..all fabrics reached on time",Yuvi said.

"Mahir bhai..leave all this,Bela babhi is sitting here right in front of you and here you are talking about business and all"?Kuhu said massaging my head.

"OK tell me,what should I do now"?I asked closing my eyes.

Everyone laughed and I looked at Bela.She was also laughing along with everyone.

"Bela..how was your new home.Did you liked it"?my dad asked.

"Trust me uncle,that's a beautiful house..so beautiful",she said and I looked at her lovingly.

"But it's too big for us both,why can't we all stay together"?she asked.

I frowned! She doesn't want to be with me??

"It's nothing like that Bela..you both are having an arranged marriage,it will take time for you both to understand each other.You guys will be needing privacy and this house won't be better place for you both to open up.Their office clients will be visiting,the paparazzi will always be outside..intruding you're personal space.So it's better you both be out of it in peace",my mom said.

Wow...mom...I love you!

Bela nodded looking at me and I winked.

See..she blushed again!!

"OK Andy..we will leave now",Bela's dad said.

"Yeah even you people need to have some rest.Meet you soon",my dad said hugging Bela's dad.

We all bid bye to them and I went straight to my room.

It was a tiring day indeed.I dint have a proper sleep.I stood in my balcony and lit a cigarette.I was puffing my cigarette and felt a tap on my shoulder.

Vyom it was!!

"How was the trip buddy"?he asked sitting with me in my balcony.

"Oh it was so good..and I'm hella tired",I said giving him the cigarette I was puffing.

"Don't worry about the office work Mahir..I and Yuvi will take care of it",he said puffing my cigarette.

"How is Annu?She dint attend the engagement ceremony too.Where is she"?I asked.

"She is good.She said she had some work so she couldn't come",Vyom said giving my cigarette to me.

"What work she have? Is she alright"?I asked taking a puff.

"She is OK Mahir,chill.She is doing good.Don't worry about her",Vyom said.

Annu is an innocent girl,she is my responsibility,I can't let anything happen to her.

"What is the matter with Annu Mahir.You dint share even with me.Where did you find her and why do you take so much care of her..just like a father"?Vyom asked.

"That..she..she had a history.I can't say it right now.I will tell when the right time comes",I said tossing away my cigarette.

"You know..the media started cooking stories between you and Annu also.They will really think that you both have something going on",Vyom said.

"That's their job,ruining others life with their filthy news.Just see that Annu should not get affected with that news.And everyone got to know that I'm getting married..so that won't be a problem",I said.

"Ya that everyone knows.But remember..they dint forget your playboy character.So they may screw up.Just see that it should not affect your's and Bela's relationship Mahir",Vyom said.

I looked at him and narrowed my eyes,
"She is a simple girl Mahir,not used to all these.Never cheat on her",Vyom said.

"Asshole..I'm head over heals for her,how can I cheat on her",I said.

"You won't cheat..but the world writes plenty of articles on you and your profession.And especially after your rift with K.It's a hot topic now.There is scrolling everywhere that you ditched K and are getting married happily.Don't let this spoil your married life Mahir",Vyom said.

"See I really don't care what shit they write about me.And coming to K,I'm done with her.I won't let her enter our life's",I said and Vyom was calm now.

"Exactly Mahir..you are lucky to have Bela.She is really understanding",Vyom said.

"Ya that's true though..",I said chewing mint.

"Vyom,was dad in the study when you were coming upstairs"?I asked getting up.

"Yeah he was there.But where are you going"?Vyom asked me.

"Come along with me",I pulled him along with me.

"Dad"?I knocked on the door.

"Come in Mahir",my dad said while working on his laptop.

"Dad..I want to ask something",I said.

"What is it Mahir"?he asked.

"Dad..cancel all my couple shoots with every model from now",I said and he was taken aback.

"What?Cancel your photoshoots"?he asked.

"No..yes..I mean,give me only single photoshoots.I don't want to do modeling with the female models anymore..as you know..Bela..may get hurt by that",I said and my dad and Vyom started laughing.

"Really?But you love posing with girls right"?Vyom asked laughing.

"Not anymore..Bela will feel bad if I pose with some other girls..and I don't want to hurt her..so..",I said rubbing my nape.

Still they both were laughing.

"OK..OK..I will look into it,I will assign other models for couple photoshoots,you do all the solo photoshoots",my dad said laughing.

"Thanks dad..and stop laughing",I said.

"OK..sorry..sorry.I need to tell this to your mom",he said laughing.

"Dad...",I again pleaded him.

"OK sorry again",he said muffling his laugh.

"God Mahir..you took such a big step.You love modeling right.Then why like this"?Vyom asked while going to my room.

"I just don't want Bela to feel insecure",I said and he patted my shoulder.


We visited gurudwar and came back to our home.The wedding preparations will start from tomorrow.I'm feeling so excited and nervous too.

And the house which we are going to stay..god.Such a beautiful house it is.I and Mahir will be staying there..alone!!

Few days passed and Vish and Vikrant are coming today.Finally I'm meeting her after a year.

"Vish...",I went running to her and hugged her so tight.

"Aww..Bela..I missed you",she hugged me too.

"I missed you so badly",I said with a breaking voice.

"Come on..now I'm back..no tears",she wiped my tears.

"Hey the new bride shouldn't cry",I heard Vikrant and turned to see him.

"Vikrant..",I hugged him too.

"Thank you so much for coming..I would kill you both if you wouldn't come",I said and he patted my cheeks smiling.

"Come let's go",I said and I drived to my home in my car.

They met mom and dad,got freshed and now we were sitting and chatting.The wedding preparations are on full swing,even in his home.

"So..The Mahir Sehgal haa"?Vish teased.

"Um..ya..it's Mahir",I said blushing.

"I really can't believe it Bela..your crush turning into your whole future..I'm so happy for you",she said.

"Even I dint knew,something like this would happen..but ya it's happening",I said.

"And these pictures are so adorable Bela..the whole internet is in 'aww'",Vikrant said showing me our engagement photos which were in social media.

Mahir posted a picture of mine and his,which was taken on our engagement.He was sliding the ring onto my finger in that picture.And the caption read 'Sealed with you forever❤'.My eyes literally stung with tears after looking at that.

He made it official that day only.And since then I've been getting many messages in Instagram,congratulating me.

"You both really make a great pair Bela..just like made for each other",Vikrant said.

I smiled in response..I can't speak a word when it comes to him.I just blush like a teenager.

"Bela..we want to meet him.Call him and tell na",Vish said.

"Even I want you both to meet him..but I don't know he will be free or not.And I don't have his number",I said.

"What?You don't have his number?That sucks.Are you both even getting married for real"?Vish asked.

"Yes we are..but..I never messaged or called him.Even he dint..maybe to give me some space",I said.

"Offo..defending your hubby I see",Vikrant said.

"It's nothing like that..wait I will ask dad and get the number",I said going out.

I will blush more from today.Vish is here and she won't leave a chance for teasing me!!

"Dad..can I have Mahir's number.Vish and Vikrant want to meet him.So I should ask him"?I asked.

"Oh of course dear..I will forward it to you,talk to him",he said patting my head.

I was going back to my room and my phone pinged.Dad gave me Mahir's number.I went and sat with Vish and Vikrant.

"Got his number..so should I call now"?I asked.

"Yes call him bimbo..and put it on speaker",Vish said and I dailed his number hugging my teddy bear.

"Hello..Bela?"Mahir lifted the call within a second.

"Hi Mahir..it's me..Bela",I said.

"Yeah..what a surprise.You called me"?he asked.

"Yeah..actually..",I looked at Vish and Vikrant.

"Ask him..",Vish said.

"Um..Mahir..actually..you know my friend Vish right?She came today with her husband Vikrant.They wanted to meet you..do you mind"?I asked finally.

"Oh wow..she came?That's great.I will be very much happy to meet them.Just tell me where to come"?he said.


"Hi Mahir..this is Vish here..you remember me"?Vish spoke.

"Hey Vish..of course I remember.And thanks for coming.Waiting to meet you and Vikrant",Mahir replied.

So sweet of my hubby!!

"Yeah..come to my cafe Mahir..just tell me when you are free.We will come at that time",I said.

"Oh I'm free today..I will be there in an hour"?he asked.

"Ya that's OK..and thank you.Meet you there",I said.

"Can't wait to meet you beautiful",he said and Vish immediately snatched my phone from me.

"Vish..no give it to me..off the speaker",I whispered.

"No way...Mahir..even she is dying to meet you here",Vish shouted in the phone while I was trying to snatch it away from her.

"Wow..really"?Mahir asked.

"Vish..you bitch..give it to me",I was trying to snatch my phone and I finally succeeded.

"Sorry for this Mahir.I will meet you in my cafe",I said and hanged up.

"Bitch you are dead",I said throwing pillows and teddy's on her.

"OK..sorry..sorry..he seems so smitten",Vish said dodging them.

After our little banter,we got ready to leave to our cafe.Meeting him again.

"Rehaan how are you buddy"?Vish hugged him.

"Oh our bomb is back",Rehaan said hugging her.

We laughed at them,
"How are you Vikrant"?Rehaan asked hugging him too.

"We are fine..we missed you both a lot",he said slapping Rehaan's cheek sarcastically.

We all were chit chatting waiting for Mahir...and he finally made his entry.

We all stood up when we saw him.He waved at me and was coming to me in long steps.

"Oh my god..Mahir Sehgal..is it him for real"?Vish said dreamily.

"Yes Vish and I'm still here",Vikrant said putting his hand around her shoulder.

"I know you are here..but Mahir is here",Vish said removing his hand and we all laughed looking at that.

"Hi Bela..hi Rehaan",Mahir wished us.

"Hi..",I and Rehaan responded.

"Oh..so you are Vish?Got to meet you finally.Hi I'm Mahir Sehgal",Mahir said extending his hand to her.

She was looking at him dreamily and was smiling like an idiot.And Mahir was still waiting helding his hand for her.

"Vish..he is talking to you",Rehaan nudged her.

She looked at Mahir and touched his hand,
"Oh my god he is here for real",Vish said hugging Mahir.

OK she is having her fan moment!!

Can't help!!

Mahir was taken aback but still hugged her back,
"Omg..I can't believe it..I'm meeting The Mahir Sehgal..oh my god..Mahir",Vish said excitedly.

"Nice to meet you Vish",Mahir said.

"Me too",she said still grinning like an idiot.

We three were muffling our laughs looking at Vish.

"Mahir..he is Vikrant,Vish's husband",I introduced them.

"Nice to meet you brother",Mahir said hugging him.

Aww he is such a nice guy!!

"Nice to meet you too pal..finally got to meet the hero of our Bela's life",Vikrant said.

I blushed at this comment and Mahir looked at me.'Hi' he mouthed.

'Hi'I mouthed back.

We all were sitting and talking randomly.Mahir asked about Vish and Vikrant's love story which Vish was narrating now.He was so mesmarized by listening to their love story.

"That's an epic love story Vikrant..and that's why you guys ended up getting married",Mahir said.

"Yeah..we are so happy with our life's..it's going good and smooth",Vikrant said.

"That's really good right?.And tell me one thing,what did you like in our Bela"?Vish asked.

"Yeah that's good..and coming to Bela..I just love everything about her.She is special to me",Mahir said constantly staring at me.

And now these three started hooting,gaining everyone's attention.

"Sorry...excuse us",I said.

Many were asking for autographs and photographes with Mahir,but Mahir denied saying that he is busy here.But still they were snapping his pictures secretly.

I was a bit jealous when the girls were drooling over him.But he is a global crush..can't help!!

"And Rehaan..you don't have anyone in your life"?Mahir asked biting a cookie.

"No brother..I'm single and happy for now.This cafe is my world..my time just flews over here",he said.

"You and Bela are very talented Rehaan,maintaining a cafe,baking yourself..it's quite a task.You both are doing a great job in it",Mahir said.

"Ya thanks..we both look after this cafe.We never thought we would succeed in this business..but we did.Now we have many employees working for this cafe..this a huge success for me and Bela",Rehaan said.

"Following our passion will always lead us to success",Mahir said looking at me.

"Acha..leave all this business matters.Mahir how are the wedding preparations going on"?Vish asked.

"Oh..the whole house is in hushy-bushy mode.And my house looks colorful with all the wedding preparations",Mahir said.

"Ya same in Bela's house too.Bela why are you not talking anything"?Vish asked.

"She will talk when you will let her",Rehaan joked and we all laughed at it.

"How are everyone?Sumi aunty,Andy uncle,Yuvi..Kuhu?How is she doing"?I asked.

"All are good and occupied in wedding preparations and Kuhu is doing good,craving more and more for your desserts",he said and I laughed.

"I'm sure she will get diabetic one day",he said and we all laughed.

We all chatted for sometime and it was time to leave.

"Bye Mahir..it was nice spending time with you,never thought a star would open up with us like this",Vikrant said.

"Oh..I'm a human too,I too love making friends.And yeah it was really nice meeting you all",Mahir said.

"I still can't believe..I met Mahir Sehgal",Vish said touching his shoulder.

"Oh believe it..I'm here for real",Mahir said pulling her cheeks.

"Wow..and Mahir one more thing.You are a lucky guy to get Bela",Vish said.

"I know that..I never knew I would get this lucky",Mahir said looking at me.

"I think it's getting late..he should go now",I said and all three were wiggling their eye brows at me.

"OK bye Mahir,take care.Will meet you on the day of wedding",Rehaan said.

"Bye Mahir,take care",Vish and Vikrant also bid him bye and left us alone.

"Just a week..and we will be married",Mahir said coming close to me.

"And I can't wait for that big day",he said caressing my cheek and I blushed hard.

"Take care of yourself and don't drink much during the bacheloratte",I said out of concern.

"Ohk..as you say",he said and we both laughed.

"Bye..you too take care and have a proper sleep",he said hugging me.

I hugged him back,resting my head on his chest.I really felt like hugging him.

I was feeling so warm and safe in his arms!!

"Bye..meet you on our wedding day",he winked and left waving at me.

I waved back and went to my friends.

"Bela he is so smitten..you are so lucky and we are happy for you",Vish said hugging me.

I hugged her back feeling shy.

"Rehaan you also go and take rest now.We are closing the cafe for some weeks na.Come to our home daily and dare you miss it",I warned him.

"Come on I can't miss any of your wedding functions.We will have a nice break from the cafe too.Just bake a special cake for me tomorrow..one last time",he said.

"Of course..now let's go",I said and we closed the cafe.

A week..and I will be married!!

Hey guys!! This story will get more interesting in future chapters.I'm though loving it so far.Are you guys liking it or loving it?

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