Chapter 12: Increasing Affection I

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Pyrrha's POV

Me and Jaune are on the balcony, training him to get stronger and try to unlock his semblance.

Jaune falls on his knees, panting. I sheath my weapon and help him stand up.

"I think that's all for today." I said.

"Good idea." He said between his breath.

"Ive noticed that you've also improved."


"We should head back now." The two of then started walking back to our dorm.

In the halls, we then met up with Y/N. Who seems to be talking to himself.

"Y/N?" I stop him as he keeps talking to himself.

"No, no, no. Pancakes are good, but donuts are better! Didn't you see that it has many flavors? Pancakes taste the same and donuts can taste like anything! Except for poop and vomit of course." He said.

"Y/N!" I repeated.

He then snap out and looks around confused until he stops his gaze at me.

"Pyrrha?" He said.

"Jaune, you can go to the dorm now. I'll just talk to him." I said.

"Okay??" He then awkwardly walks out until he reached our dorm.

"What in the world of fanfictions happened to you?" I ask.

"Try being with a donut and pancake lover as you watch them arguing which took them 10 hours.... What's wrong with food lovers these days?!" He said.

I then sweat dropped as I pat him in the back.

"Don't worry Y/N, I'm sure you'll forget about that........ I hope." I said unsure.

"Can we hang out in Vale for a while? I think they're still arguing about it." He said.


"Donuts are completely the best food in every universe!! They are the most delicious food!" Nixium yelled as she throws a donut at Nora's pancake fort.

The both of them are inside Y/N and Nixium's dorm as a fort of donuts and pancakes are build on either side of the room.

"Liar! Pancakes are the best! And you can eat them every day! Unlike donuts, you will have diabetes if you ate too much!" Nora retorted then throws a pancake at Nixium's donut fort.

"Pancakes taste the same! So donuts are the best of the best! Also diabetes only occurs to the non worthy Donut Lord! That's why I am and will only be the chosen one!"

"Oh yeah? Then let's ask the readers! Hey readers!"

Nora then looks at you as she give you a determined smile.

"Comment down and vote which is better! We will see it in the next chapter! And if I lose, I'll make sure I'll break your skinny legs...." Nora said the last part in a distorted voice.

"Don't let me down, guys! Make sure me as the Donut Goddess stays on top! And if I lose, I won't be able to update for a week due to donut depression." Nixium said then took a bite on a donut.

By the door, Team RWBY, Ren and Jaune are watching them with a sweat drop.

"I wonder when will this end....." Weiss sighed.

"Probably until they die....." Blake said.

"What did you say about my precious pancakes?!" Nora yelled.

"I said it those are horrible!"

"You better take that back!"

"It might take an eternity to get it done....." Ren said.


"Sure, whatever makes you feel better." I said awkwardly like how I said the dialog in the cereal commercial.

"Thanks, this means alot to me." He said then he started walking and I follow.

We reach the courtyard and got inside the bullhead. It was
a normal ride with small talks then going back to being quiet until we reach in Vale.

The two of us got off the bullhead and started walking around.

"Do you want something to eat?" I ask.

"Yes, that would be great. Which food place do you want to eat at?" He ask.

"Maybe at that café?" I pointed at a nearby Cafe.

"Yeah sure, let's go." He then grabs my hand and pull me there.

I blushed lightly at his hand holding mine but it was a relief that Y/N didn't noticed my flustered face. We enter inside the Cafe and took a seat on a vacant table.

"So what do you want?" He ask.

"I'll have what you'll have." I said.


Minutes later, a waitress then approach us with a smile.

"Good afternoon sir, ma'am. What are your orders."

He then stated our orders and the waitress bowed before leaving us. I look out the window as Y/N started a conversation.

"How are things going with your team?"

"It's been good so far, I've been Jaune since the day he explained to me how he got here."

"That's nice, I'm glad he's getting stronger. I've heard that he has a crush on Nixium. Which she won't like since she doesn't want that kind of attention." He chuckles.

"Yep, I hope he doesn't become one of her victims though." I giggled.

"How about you? Have you been looking up at someone?"

"Oh, uh. I do, but I don't think they know." I said blushing lightly.

"Hm. I hope if he ever realize that. (I hope that's me.....) Who is it by the way?" Y/N ask.

"Uhmm, I'm kinda embarrassed telling you who he is." I said.

"It's all right, I can wait. Though make sure I'm the first one to know."

"Haha, of course."

Our food finally arrived and was placed down in front of us. I started drinking on the coffee and took a bite on a cookie.

"I remember that Team RWBY are planning something about the criminal they fought that night. Are they planning to take them down again?"

"Probably, knowing that the White Fang is involved in it, and after hearing Blake's past with them. I started to get worried, Nixium even wanted to join them so I have to join too just to keep an eye on them."

"You're like a big brother to Nixium, knowing her personality which is many I think you're the perfect one to guide her."

"Sometimes, I regret being with her. But of course, that's when I'm only mad at her."

"Can I ask you something about her?" I ask.


"Why does her eyes both have different colors?"

"Now that you have mentioned it, I don't know either. Her eyes are both blue back then. Maybe she's wearing contact lense on the other eye?" He said.

"Probably? Should we ask her later?" I ask.

"Nah. She doesn't want to talk about herself knowing someone is watching her. And even though I'm alone, they are always there." He said.

"What are you talking about?"

"You heard nothing, lets just finish our food."

I did what he said and minutes later, we're finally done eating. The two of us stand up and walk out of the Cafe.

"Now where to next?" I ask.

"Hmm, let's go to an arcade!" He said.


"Yeah! Didn't you ever went there before?"

"Sadly no. Because I was always busy fighting, but I'll give it a try."

"Cool, let's go! I'll make it quick so we can get there faster." He said confusing me.

"What do you mean by- oh, woah!" He then carried me bridal style making me blush.

"Hold on!" He started running at fast speed and jumping on houses and buildings.

I look at Y/N and see him with a smile, though I also see a tint of pink on his cheeks.

"Sorry I have to carry you just to go there faster. I just don't want to waste time." He said.

"It's fine, though it's better like this than walking. (It's only because of you carrying me like this.)" I said.

"All right then. From now on, whenever we hang out I'll always carry you. (What am I saying?! I hope she doesn't mind though....)"

My blush got redder and I look away, flustered.

"S-Sure, I don't mind." I said embarrassed.

"R-Really? I mean, you don't have to force yourself if you don't want to."

"No i-it's fine."



We finally arrive at the arcade and I place Pyrrha back on her feet. I blush a little from how I carried her a whole ago and look at her.

"Here's the arcade, come on." I said.

The two of us walk inside the arcade and I look at Pyrrha to see her amazed by the surroundings making me smile.

"Come on." I said pulling her.

We started playing on some games while laughing at how fun we were having.

Timeskip because Nixium is being lazy again..... Slender man appears beside her with multiple eyeballs on his once blank face......

"How do I look?" He ask Nixium.

She pause for a second and look at the floor before looking back at him with her calm face.


"That was a blast." Pyrrha said as she took a sip on her apple juice.

"Glad that you had fun." I said smiling.

"Never thought that I'd get to experience this." She said.

"Well you do now, we can also do this again someday. How's that sound?"

"That would be lovely. Hey Y/N?"


"What would you do if the person that you treat as a friend confessed to you?"

I started thinking about it. I'm not sure what will I really do.

"Well. If I have feelings for that person too, I would confess too. And if I don't have feelings for her, then.............. I don't know what to do but reject her." I said.

"I see." She said looking away.

"Let's get back now, it's almost getting dark." I said removing the awkwardness.


We got back to the bullhead and flew towards Beacon. I walk with Pyrrha until we reached out dorms. We wave at each other first before getting inside. I close the door behind and lean my back on it, sighing afterwards.

"So how's the daaaate??" The awfully familiar voice said.

"It is not a date Nix, I told you like 239 times now." I said frowning.

"Deny all you want, it's still a date."

"It's only a hang out."

"Yeah, yeah, anyways how was it?" She ask as she lay her stomach on her bed looking at me.

"It went well. We had a good time."

"Good to know! Now that's uhmm 2 waifus' affection increased! Geez, it's already been 12 chapters yet you still don't have a girlfriend. But don't worry! This story will be dumb and boring if you already have a harem from the start. So let's take it slow, yes?"

"I hate you for this......."

"Hate ya too, cous!" She said cheerfully.

"(The fuq? What's wrong with this girl?! I think she accidentally put drugs on her donuts......) You only act like that to me because I keep giving you free donuts."

"That's a lie!" She scoffed.

"Never mind. I'll just go to sleep. Wake me up when it's time for our training again." I walk to my bed and flopped myself on it, drifting off to sleep afterwards.

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