Chapter 30: Special Night II

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After our show was done it was finally time for team CFVY to perform. They placed a drum set on the stage and the whole team got on, everyone began to cheer for them. Fox and Coco were both holding electric guitars while as for Velvet, I guess she is about to sing. I look at Y/N and grabbed his attention by pulling his sleeve.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I'm going to the balcony if you need me." I said.

"Aren't you gonna watch Velvet and her team play?" He said.

"Nah, the noise is too much for me to handle. So I'll sit this one out, I also need to eat my donuts in peace." I said.

"Okay, sure." He said.

I started to walk out of the crowded area and got in the large balcony, I ate the one donut that I have left and sigh. Footsteps can be heard from behind making my faunus ears twitch. Turning around, it was Blake.

"What are you doing out here, Nixium?" She asked me.

"I could ask the same thing to you. I'm just here 'cause I can't handle the noise well." I said.

"Where's Y/N?" She asked.

"Back inside, I think he's with Aster and Monika." I said.

"Who's Monika?"

"Aster's girlfriend, she's from Haven." I cough after almost choking on the donut.

"I see. Since you're here, can I ask something to you? I don't know if it's personal for you." Blake comes closer to me.

"Sure, ask away." I said in a calm tone.

"It's about your eyes.... Why are they mismatched?" She asked.

"(Uhhh.... How should I answer this? Well Neo's eyes are mismatch as well but her semblance helps her to be in disguise. Meh, I'll just tell her. Nothing bad will happen, right?)"

I cleared my throat and look at her.

"They were both originally blue when I was young, I don't know why this happened though. Maybe Y/N knows why but he won't tell me."

"I understand, sorry if I asked. It's just bothering me for quiet a while. Hey...." She looks away.

"Hm?" I raised a brow.

"Is it okay if, I can be your cousin's girlfriend?" She asked with a blush.

"Why are you asking me that? Besides, my dear old cousin is meant to have a harem. Plus, the other girls don't mind. You should confess to him later!" I said.

"R-right. Thank you, Nixium!" She was motivated.

She began to walk back inside while I wave my hand. I look at Midnight Killer and opened it, there are a lot of donuts hidden inside making me smirk.

"Hehehe, more for me then!"

I grab one and began to happily eat it. But I stopped once I saw someone in black walking parkouring on the roofs of another building from here. My eyes narrowed and I decided to check and see where is that person going.


My jaw dropped when I heard Velvet sing and Coco play. I didn't know they have such talent.

"Monika can play the piano better than anybody else." Aster said with his arms crossed.

"What you is just off topic." I said.

"Where's Nixium by the way?" He asked looking around.

"She's in the balcony, she told me that she can't handle the noise so she went there." I answered.


"Hey Y/N." Blake appeared beside me.

"Yes?" I gaze at her.

"Can I have a moment to talk to you?" She asked.

"Uh, sure." She suddenly grabs me by the wrist and began dragging me.

Me and her are alone in the balcony, everyone else are busy watching the performance. I look at Blake to see her looking down.

"So what is it that you want to talk about with me?" I asked.

"I've been meaning to ask you something..." She has a faint blush on her face when she looks at me.

Just by looking at her cute blushing face made me blush as well. I suddenly have a feeling like I know where this is going.

"Would you.... Like to go out with me?" She asked shyly.

My eyes widen when those words escaped her mouth. She was blushing madly and so was I, I was so nervous to speak so I was just staring at her. Both of us didn't utter a word but after about a few seconds, I pull her closer and planted my lips against hers. Five seconds later, I pulled away and I took a few steps back.

"I-I'm sorry I did that to you! I didn't know what I was doing!" I said waving my hands rapidly in front of me.

"N-no! You don't have to apologize, I'm completely fine with it..." She was her blush was far darker.

"About your confession... I guess the kiss answers it?" I look at her.

"I guess so..." She said.

"Hehe, just got here in time!" Aster suddenly appeared along with Monika.

"Wait! You saw the whole thing?!" I asked.

"Yep! Not only did we saw the whole thing but we captured it!" Monika does a pose while holding a scroll.

"You mean..." I stopped.

"We captured that." Aster smirked.

Both me and Blake were silent, then in an instant we began to chase after the two.

"Erase that photo already!" Blake yelled.

"No can do!" Monika smiles.

"Give it to me now!" I said.

"Hahaha! Monika send it to me, quick!" Aster said.

"Sending... Sending.... Sent! Hehe, it's now in his scroll now." Monika said.

"Don't you dare show it to the others!" I grab Aster by the collar.

"No promises!" Aster began to laugh.

"If you did show it to the others, don't expect something nice from me the next time I see you." Blake gave him a dark gaze.

"Okay.... I won't." He said.

Yang and Weiss suddenly appeared with worried expressions.

"Guys, have you seen Ruby?" Weiss asked.

"No, why? What happened?" Blake asked.

"We haven't seen her for about a few minutes." Yang said.

"Wait isn't Nixium should be in the balcony? How come she isn't there?" Aster questioned.

"Now that you mentioned it, they might be somewhere around here." I said.

"We've searched the whole room and called out for her but she isn't here." Weiss said.

"Then the two of them might be outside the room to go to a restroom. I'm sure they'll be back here." I said.


Nixium stands in front of the tower after following the mysterious person. She noticed a gaurd unconscious and then began to hear faint footsteps and turn to the right to see it is Ruby.

"Ruby? What are you doing here?" She asked holding midnight killer.

"I'm because I'm following a suspicious person." She answered.

"You too? I guess I could need your help then. You got your weapon?" She said.

"Wait a second." She grabs her scroll and pressed something.

Her locker later landed in front of them and it opened to see her weapon. She grabs it and the two of them got inside the tower. They later noticed some gaurds were lying on the ground. The two of them entered the elevator and pressed a button, the door closes and it started to lift up. After a few minutes, the door opens again and the two of them stepped out.

"You go left, I go right." Ruby said.

Ruby went to the right area and Nixium went to the left, they constantly look around for any one suspicious.

"Anyone there? Hello?" Ruby called out.

The person then stands up from their hiding spot and looks at Ruby.

"Excuse me, it's not a masquerade party so why don't you take of that-" Ruby was cut off when the person spreads dust in the air and it suddenly turned into crystals.

The crystals were then about to hit her but Nixium arrived just in time and blocked the attack with her weapon.

"You okay?" Nixium looks at her.

"Yeah." She said.

Ruby began to shoot the person but all the bullets were dodged, the part of the person's legs were glowing making Nixium confused. An orange color began to glow in her hand and a black bow appeared. Ruby goes to strike her scythe at her but she simply dodged it and fired three arrows that exploded in the floor when they dodged.

Ruby lost her balance because of her heels but she stabbed her scythe to the ground keeping her from falling. The elevator door was heard opening and both Ruby and Nixium looks back to see General Ironwood. But when they looked back, the person was gone.

"Wait where did she go?" Nixium asked.

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