Chapter 36: Think

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"Y/N! There you guys are!" I heard Ruby's voice from another direction.

I look to my side as got tackled by Ruby, the two of us fell on the ground with her on top of me. With that, my arm began to ache.

"O-ow, please get off of me. My arm hurts!" I said to her.

"Huh? Oh! Sorry." She then stood up and helped me get back on my feet.

"I just saw what you guys did, so does that mean you two are able to use your semblance now?" Weiss asked us.

"Practically. We weren't able to control it for a period of time, and with ended up being injured." I responded while holding my right arm.

"That was worth it! I can't believe I get to punch a Nevermore like that! I wanna do it again! A-ahh..." Nixium winced afterwards as she hold her bandaged head.

"Woah, you both got injured like that while we're here completely fine." Aster said.

"At least you came out in one piece!" I said.

"No I didn't why would I be in that anime?!" Aster shouted.

"What?" Jaune chimed in.

"Speaking of that, I think I haven't watched that show yet. Maybe I'll go and watch it soon." Nixium stated.

"I'm not even gonna question what you are saying." I said.

"Y/N, Nixium. There you two are." We heard a familiar voice.

All of us looked behind and saw General Ironwood approaching us. Once he is finally in standing in front of us we curiously look at him.

"Hi General, what seems to be the problem?" Nixium asked.

"I would like to speak with the two of you privately in my ship. Would you kids mind if I borrow the two of then for a short moment?" He asked.

"Not at all, sir." Aster stated.

"I see, come with me you two." He turns around and started walking.

"Y/N, did you two got in trouble again?" Nora asked.

"No we didn't, we don't even know what's the reason on why he has called for us." I answered.

"Well you better go to him and tell us what he said later." Yang said.

"Right." I said and we followed the general.

The three of us arrived in front of the general's ship. We entered inside and stood in front of Ironwood, neither of us had a clue on why he wanted to talk to us.

"All right then. The first we should start with is that the both of you are finally able to perform the transformation of your semblance, am I right?" He said.

The two of nodded at him and let him continue to speak. He took a deep breath and sighed.

"As you may know, the Vytal Festival is near and in the Vytal Tournament all of you students will participate." He said.

We both only remained silent and continue listening to him.

"This is sad to say, but because of your father's request, the two of you won't be able to participate the tournament." He finished.

A look of shock was plastered on my face.

"What? That's unfair!" Nixium objected while showing grimace.

"She's right, how come everyone else get to participate while we don't? Dad can't just do that." I said.

"I'm sorry but, that's what he said. You both should focus on mastering your semblance more." He said.

"That's absurd. But we are able to practice using it by joining the fight, come on." I said.

"I am doing this because it is my priority to protect the two of you from the enemies. You may not know this but, they are out around here watching." He said.

"We can just protect ourselves, we don't have to rely on you or your army. Uncle may have given you a task on watching over us but we won't let you stop us from doing what we want." Nixium said.

"Then talk to your guardians yourself and let them hear what you said to me. You may not understand because the two of you are still young." He said.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"My discussion with the two of you is finished, you both may leave now." He said.

"Tch, let's go, Y/N." He then grabbed me by my good arm and dragged me outside.

The two of us were making our way to the others, I began to think on why would dad make that kind of decision for us. Did something bad happened? My eyes gaze at my cousin who was showing a frown while her arm is wrapped around mine. I let out a sigh and we later got to where the others are.

"You two got back a bit quickly, so what did the general said to you?" Pyrrha asked.

"It was nothing important. He only talked about semblance and stuff like that." I said while putting away my face of discomfort.

"Is something wrong with Nixium? She seems to be in a bad mood." Aster pointed at my cousin who was still hugging my arm.

"Well she just got mad at something while in the middle of the conversation. We should get inside the bullhead and head back now." I said entering the airship with everyone else.

All of us were chatting on our way back to the school, mostly Yang just being clingy on me. Which made it kind of awkward for me since we're in front if the others. About less than twenty minutes later, we've finally landed. The ramp went down and all of us got out of the bullhead. We entered inside the large structure and made our way back to our own dorm. Each of us said farewell to the others and got inside, I lay down on my bed and let out a sigh of relief.

"Finally I get to lay down on my bed." I said.

"I should change the bandage later." Nixium said while currently touching her bandage which the blood is now visible on it.

"Can I ask you two what really happened back in the general's ship?" Aster asked.

"I already said to you a while ago. It was only about our semblance." I said to him.

"Then what did he said about your semblance?" He asked.

"I rather not answer, too complicated for me to explain." I said.

"So you are hiding something from me." He said.

"I'll be honest, yes." I blandly answered.

"Why? Is the topic you've talked about is so important that you can't tell your own teammate?" He said crossing his arms and looked at me with a slight glare.

"Not really, you'll know it soon. But I do hope it changes, wouldn't for us to only watch them fight." I said closing my eyes.

"Fine then. I'll wait for it." He said.

"I'm gonna go to Neo and might as well change the bandage, I'll see you guys later." Nixium stood up and grabbed a bandage in the drawer before exiting the room.

It was only the two of us left in our dorm again. A knock can be heard from the door, I told them that they can enter inside and they did, the person was Blake.

"Is there something up Blake?" I asked.

"Not much, I just want to know how you're doing, seeing as you have an injured arm. I saw Nixium just now, where is she going?" She asked.

"She'll only replace her bandage and hang out with her best friend." I said.

"I see, oh, I also came here because Ruby wants to talk to you." Blake stated.

"Is it something important?" I asked.


The two of us arrived in her dorm, there the rest of her teammates are there. Ruby once again tackled me causing us to fall down.

"Ruby, my arm!" I yelled.

"Ah, I forgot! Sorry!" She immediately got off.

"Can you at least be a little more careful before doing that?" Weiss said to her.

"I'm fine now, so what's the reason you called me here?" I asked standing up.

"A while ago, before we got inside of our dorm, I found this laying on the floor. Is this you in the picture?" Ruby then showed me a photo.

I scanned what was in the picture and immediately took it from her hands.

"How was this on the floor?" I ask.

"We don't know, perhaps you or Nixium unknowingly dropped it. That's you right? You look so cute! And who are the other people that you are with?" Ruby pointed at the rest of the people that I'm with in the picture.

"Uh, this is just an incomplete family picture. The two seniors here are my grandparents and the other two adults are my parents. And then those two children are me and Nixium." I said.

"Why aren't Nixium's parents there?" Weiss asked.

"That's why I said incomplete family picture, the reason is that they haven't came back from a mission. No one knows if they're still alive or not, but we presumed that they are." I said.

"Oh... I'm sorry to hear that." Yang said.

"It's fine, now that's done, how about we play a game, just the five of us eight now?"

"Sure! I'd like that." Ruby said.

"Great!" I smiled.

I hope dad has a change of heart from what he said to Ironwood.

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