Chapter 5: A So Called Legendary Tale

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The class continues until Professor Port ended his story by him being called the hero of his village. I mentally boo at him then an idea popped on my head. I raise my hand with a smile and the professor notice this.

"Yes, Mr. L/N?"

"Can I share my past to the others, sir?"

"Why is that young man?"

"'Cause I wanna let the others know how cool I am!"

"Okay then. Please stand in front of the class to tell your tale."

I smirk and suddenly Nixium jolt up from her seat as she looks at me with the donut still in her mouth. I then stand up and walk towards the front and sit on the table.

"So I'm gonna tell all of you a very badass past about me....."

6 years ago

I was walking around downtown with my gun that I called Bloody Aimer looking around for a place to buy some dust since mom and dad allowed me to even though I'm still young.

I got my gun from dad as a birthday present last month and I am happy about it. As I reach a dust shop, I smile to myself then enter inside. I walk towards the counter and I saw that I was about five centimeters shorter than it and ask the old man who is selling dust.

"Can I buy the fire, earth and ice dust and crystals? I wanna try those with my weapon." I then but an envelope filled with lien in the counter.

The old man gave me a raised brow but shrugged it off and just went to get the dust.

A minute later, he came back with the dust and crystals I ask and gave it to me in a suitcase.

I thank the man and walk out of the shop with the suitcase and Bloody Aimer on my hands and started walking back to the bullhead that I rode.

Suddenly when I passed an alleyway I could hear whimpering from there so I step back and I saw a girl with pink and white hair on the side and brown on the other and her eyes are the same as her hair color, pink on the right and brown on the left. Her eyes is filled with tears and her face seems to have a sad and scared expression.

In front of her are three ugly guys, I can't see their face because their backs are turned to me but I assume they are ugly. Then I heard their conversation.

"So what should we do with this little runt?" Said one of them.

"How about we teach this one a lesson and maybe we can play with her?" Said the other.

"I think that's a good idea. Well what are you guys waiting for?" The last one said.

They proceed to chuckle evilly and one of them was about to go near her until she bit his arm causing him to clutch said bitted arm making this the opportunity for her to run and so she did.

But as she was about to get away, the other man kicked her back sending her to fall on the ground. She was now I was front of me crying, until the thugs saw me standing there and gave me a smug look.

"What are you lookin' at, kid? Do you want to be like her too?"

I ignore them and just grab a fire dust vial from the suitcase, the men looks at me confused then I open the cap of the vial and put the dust inside of one of the rounds of my gun and closed it then closed the suitcase and helped the girl stand up.

"Why are you guys? Just standing there like a bunch of fools?" I ask them making them grit their teeth.

"Wait, is that the kid in the company?"

"He looks like him, so it is him. Say, do you boys know what I'm thinking?"

"Yeah I think I know. Let's get 'em!" They started running at us.

I immediately put Bloody Aimer in its holster and grabbed the girl's hand then started running. The three thugs continued to chase after us then I took a turn and look back and saw that those men aren't giving up.

I run faster as I keep holding the girl's hand and look at the girl.

"You go run and hide, I will take care of them!" I said with a determined smile.

She just nods and I let go of her as she took a turn and run as fast as she could. I stopped running and turn towards the thugs who have been chasing us. When they got near me, I spin around and hit them hard with my suitcase sending them at the glass wall of a shop also causing some scream from citizens.

"Oops maybe I went too far."

Then the three of them got out of the shop with a glare and then they draw pocket knives and I just stand there.

"Uh oh...." They started running towards me again and I run away from them.

They kept chasing me and I just open the suitcase still running and pick up a small ice crystal. Closing the suitcase, I turn around towards the guys still running and throw the crystal on the ground causing ice spikes to form and grow, stopping them from running.

"Hahaha! I win!" I grab Bloody Aimer and continue running.

I look at it and started thinking.

"(Hmm, I wonder when can I use this?)"

Then suddenly I look back at where I was going and saw that I was about to hit myself towards a small building.

"Holy mama! I'm born!"

Without thinking, I shoot at the building causing a large and loud explosion making me stop. Fire and smoke are spread around the area where the explosion started and many screams of panic can be heard.

I then sweat dropped and give myself an awkward smile.

"I guess I really went too far....."

Fire trucks immediately arrived and the fire fighters begin to put the fire out and some police cars have arrived as well and started investigating.

Not wanting to be involved, I started walking away and run away back to the bullhead as fast as I can.



"And that's how it ended."

I look around and saw everyone but Nixium have a look of disbelief as she just sweat dropped and face palmed.

"W-w-wait.... You? Were the one who caused that explosion?!" Weiss ask loudly in shock.

"Geez! No need to yell snowflake. And yeah I was the culprit of the explosion and nobody knows it! Except for you guys."

"Oh.... Did you just called me snowflake?" She ask.

"You heard nothing!" I said blushing a little though obvious by my blush Weiss blush as well.

"U-umm, what a great story that you have shared with us, Mr. L/N. Will you please return to your seat?"

I nodded and started walking to my seat but not before Nixium stopped me who is immediately in front of me with a twitching eye and dark aura visible surrounding her causing everyone else including Port to shiver in fear.

"Professor, would you mind if me and my cousin here have a moment outside of the classroom?" She ask with a deep voice.

"Y-yes! Ms. L/N, just make it quick." He said nervously not wanting to anger her.

"Thanks." She started dragging me out of the room.

"Help...." I said with my eyes turning white with the outline of black and tears started falling on my eyes.

The door closes leaving everyone else with a sweat drop until the school bell rang.

"Well uh class! You are dismissed now."

All the students left the room not saying a word at all.


Me and Nixium are in the cafeteria after she scold me from exploding the building. But everything is now back to normal, for now.

"So what are you gonna eat?" I ask.

"An apple...." She said calmly and took a bite on an apple she is holding.

"That's all you're gonna eat?"

"Well this is only good food in the cafeteria!"

"*sigh* You're hopeless right?"


"I'll just buy you a box of Donuts later."

She then put her fist in the air in victory and continue eating her apple.

I then chuckle at her and told her to look for a spare table for us. She walks away finding a table while I get my food.

I finally got my food and started to search for Nixium and saw her with teams RWBY and JNPR. I approach them and they soon noticed my presence.

"Got a room for one more?" I ask.

"Yeah sit here with me." Blake said as she patted the spare space of the long chair.

I place my tray on the table and sit beside Blake. The others are chatting about stuff and I just eat my food silently while thinking of something until Blake spoke to me.

"You've been quiet there for a while. What's inside your head?"

"Oh nothing just about stuff going around. It's kinda been fun in here so far except for the classes."

She smiled a little and took a bite on her food.

"Can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"What do you think of the faunus?"

"Hmm, nothing much just a bunch of normal people who have some extra features just like Nixium. Who is a cat faunus."

"I see....."

"Why did you ask?"

"Oh it's nothing."

I look at her suspiciously and lean towards her and started sniffing her. She blushed at this movement making the others look at us.

I then lean towards her ear and whispered her something.

"You're a faunus right?"

I lean back and finish eating my food while Blake just looks at me with wide eyes. My eyes are directly at the others giving us weird looks.

"What? I'm just eating my food here."

"Don't bother him guys, he's always like that." Nixium said in her usual calm voice.

"Right..." The others said then just got back to what they were doing.

Blake then leans forward and whispered something.

"How do you know?"

"Simple I can compare anyone if they are faunus or human because I have high sense of smell."

"Just don't tell anyone okay?"


She leans back and just nodded as she joins the others conversation and so as I.

Then suddenly we heard a yelp coming from somewhere here. We turn around and saw a bunny faunus having her bunny ears being pulled by Cardin.

"Let go, Cardin!"

"Nah I'm gonna stay like this. You're a freak after all."

"Ugh that Cardin." Said Blake in a quiet voice only I can hear.

"Don't worry, we'll handle this."

Me and Nixium look at each other and smirked then we all saw her throw her now eaten apple on Cardin causing him to let go of the faunus' rabbit ears and turn around.

"Who throw that to me?" He said as he stand up looking around.

No response for a few seconds until Nixium spoke.

"I did."

Cardin and his team mates proceed to approach her and started to surround her.

"Who do you think you are, being brave in front of me?"

"Are you dumb? Or it's just you don't have a brain 'cause I wasn't acting brave there." She said calmly.

"Heh, wait till you see if I do this." He then grabs on her cat ear and started pulling it causing the others but me to gasp.

I then stand up and walk towards the girl who picked on by Cardin before and started reaching my hands towards her rabbit ears.

She flinch at this and I smiled at her.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you." I then started to gently rub her rabbit ears causing her to ease a bit an blush.

"I'm Y/N by the way and the cat faunus over there is my cousin, Nixium."

After rubbing it I let go of her ears and look at her.

"I'm Velvet, thanks for that. And is your cousin okay with that."

"We kinda planned this but maybe she will snap if he went to far."

"I think Cardin are not gonna stop anytime soon."

"Well I gotta get back there now, I hope to see you later."

"Yeah bye." She wave at me and I wave back and I got back to my seat.

"Ow, ow, ow, that hurts." Nixium keep saying as Cardin continues to pull her cat ear.

"Why isn't she making a move?" Ren ask.

"She will in 3, 2......"

Suddenly Cardin pulled her cat ear hard enough for her to form a tick mark on the side of her forehead and proceed to grab Midnight Killer and stand up then side kicked Cardin's leg causing him to fall down.

The visible dark aura came back causing everyone including team CRDL to shiver in fear.

"You know I'm just holding my urge to clearly stab your balls out but you just went too far. But for now, I'm gonna do this."

She started poking Cardin's balls using the sharp pointy end of her weapon causing him to scream in a high pitched voice as he whimper.

"You like that huh?! That's how we feel when we are being looked down on!!" She literally screamed at him angrily making me sweat drop.

"Welp, many will learn the lesson not to mess with her anymore."

"Agreed." Team RWBY and JNPR said in sync.

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