Chapter 7: Normal Call

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Many students including me are in Oobleck's class as he speeds around in front while my eyes started to hurt because of him moving around.

"(Maybe someone put drugs on his coffee. Hmm I wonder who that is?)"

My eyes travel around and saw the students feeling dizzy and their eyes also hurting because of the speed. Then it landed on Nixium who is beside me with an evil smirk while she eats a donut.

"Hey Nixium. I'm gonna ask this little question. Why?"

"Because it's fun to watch these guys' eyes to burn." She is simply chuckling evil right now.

"You know you will be brought to detention right?"

"Yeah I know, you don't have to tell me. Jeez." She said rolling her eyes.

"Guess you didn't changed at all."

"So as you."

"I know, you don't have to-"

"Ehem! Mr. and Ms. L/N. Why are you two talking in the middle my class?"

"Because we have mouths?" I said sarcastically.

"Can you repeat what you said again?"

"You already heard it, so I don't have to say it again. What's with those cliche teachers anyway."

"That's it. After school, 2 hours detention."

"Kikikikih, seems you're the one who's gonna be in detention."

"Hey Professor Oobleck! Nixium said you speed caused many people to die and some apply to be a stripper!"

When the students heard this they started snickering making Oobleck and Nixium's glare at me. He grabs his scroll and contacted someone the placed his scroll beside his ear.

After a few seconds of talking, he ended the call and for about three minutes later, Goodwitch enters the classroom and used her semblance to drag us mid-air out of the class.

"No! Don't take my fiance away!" Yang dramatically said as she pose in a dramatic way.

"We're not even in a relationship...."

"Save me! No!! I don't want to be in detention! I still have more Donut stores to raid!!" Nixium shouted throughout the halls until we reached the detention room.

"Well...... At least they might learn their lesson to not interrupt the class." Pyrrha said with a sweat drop.

Before we got out of the classroom, I hold onto the door as I look at Pyrrha.

"Actually Pyrrha, we will never learn a lesson. Because we kinda been through detention most of our time."

I let go of the door and we're dragged to the detention room and just sit there for 2 hours.


I sit beside the window tapping my fingers on the desk and Nixium just inspects at her weapon while Goodwitch is in front of the room sitting on her desk while she works on the paperwork.

It's only been 1 hour and it feels like a million years. My eyes directed at my cousin who is starting to fall asleep. I shrugged it off and look at Glynda who is still on the paperworks.

An hour had passed and Glynda tell us that we are now good to go. I stretch my limbs when I stand up and walk towards the door with Nixium. I look at my watch and saw that class has already ended for the day.

I then started thinking of what to do while we still have time, I then remembered that me and Nixium didn't even saw mom when we left for Beacon.

"(She had probably roasted dad like a week ago.... Maybe I should give them a call.)"

I then told Nixium that we me and her should go to the CCT tower to call the both of them and she agreed.

We walk out of the academy and went towards the tower. We walk towards the receptionist and told them that we will contact my parents.

We look around for a place to find while many people are here to also call their loved ones.

Then we finally spotted one and both of us sat in front of the hologram computer and put the contact. It took seconds before my dad's secretary, Zoe answered the call and saw her familiar face.

"Hello. Welcome to the L/N Weapon Industry, how can I help you? Oh! Mr. L/N, Ms. L/N didn't see you there, how are you two at Beacon?"

"Hey Zoe, is auntie and uncle around? We just wanna talk to them."

"They are free right now, would you like for me to call them?"

"Yes please." Me and Nixium said in sync making us look at each other and glare on one another.

"Alright then, I'll just inform them." She started typing and then Zoe was replaced by mom and dad.

"Hey mom, dad!"

"Y/N! My baby! Why didn't you said that you will be going to that school?!"

"Sorry auntie, uncle said that we shouldn't tell you before we arrive here." Nixium said innocently.

Mom just glared at dad while he backs away with a sweat drop.

"I d-didn't do anything honey! Trust me!"

"You know what, sweetheart? I think I should've roasted you a week ago!"

"Please don't do it!"

"Oh I'll do it! But maybe later, for now." Mom pauses for a second and looks back at us as dad approaches.

She takes a deep breath while we already know what's gonna happen. Dad covered his ears while Nixium covers her cat ears.

"How was your initiation?! Did you make any friends?!! Are you disrespecting those authority people?! Do you have a girlfriend yet?!?!"

"Chill mom, geez! One, I did great in my initiation. Two, yes me and Nixium have made decent amount of friends unlike anything before. Three, umm maybe? And four, oh hell naw!"

"You don't have a girlfriend yet after for 3 weeks? Gee, me and your mother are already in a relationship after 5 days in Haven." Dad said.

"Because you've known mom for 3 years before you both went to Haven, dad." I said in a deadpan expression.

He started sweating while also laughing nervously.

"Enough of that stuff. Anyways, how are you both doing with your semblance?"

"We've been practicing every 6am but still not able to use it."

"I see, just keep trying and you'll be able to master it!"


"You know, you two kinda remind me of myself your father Nixium. I used to be like you son while him you Nixium."

"Oh honey! Do you even remember how the both of you almost fellon that building because of being drunk?"

"We just got carried away when we finished our first mission. Though me and him di fell but luckily we coincidentally landed on a truck of pillows?"

"Really?" Nixium ask with curiosity.

"Yes, really. I wish I can tell you more about him but we still have some business to do. Take care you two."

"Bye mom, dad." The call then ended and I look at Nixium who seems to be spacing out.

"Hey you okay there?" I wave my hand in front of her making her snap back.

"What? Yeah I'm fine. Let's go back to our dorm now. I had enough today." She said and stand up and so as me and we walk out of the place and back to our dorm.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Nixium: Hello! My fellow Donut lovers! I am only here to ask you a question about the harem.

Should I add Emerald into it or no?

I've been thinking about this and I decided you choose when either yes or no has a total of 5 and above I'll add or not add her.

If you're asking why some other girls aren't included in the harem is because 1. I don't want a massive harem.... Or it is already and 2. Some of them are older that 17.......

Anyways that's all for now.


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